Archive | April, 2021

Emboldened 22 Apr 21

27 Apr

Working Dates: Thursday, April 22, 2021 to Monday, April 26, 2021

[25 pages of reflective dialogue anchored in the lectionary readings from 1 John 3:16-24 and John 10:11-18 for 4 Easter 25 Apr 21]

Deborah Perkins (18 Apr 21): You are so loved and cherished by the Lord. I know because I’ve seen His heart for you! Your transactions with God in prayer are holy; even angels wonder at the intimate relationship you cultivate with your Father! [1] 

Brat prayer journal (21 Apr 21): Lord, I don’t really know what You want me to do.  I don’t have peace about what You really want me to say.  I have peace about trying to contact CAC (Richard Rohr), but I have no confidence that they’ll do anything.  I don’t know what to say.  I feel like no matter what I try, I’ll get ambushed again anyway. 

Lana Vawser (25 Apr 21): In the vision, I saw people who were in deep anguish before the Lord; they were crying out for deliverance from the weight of confusion and despair that was surrounding them. I continued to hear the words, “I just don’t know anymore.” Many of them were feeling so weighed down and taking on this confusion as their own. [2]

Brat: Grrrrrrrr…. This feels like gaslighting! Do you not know how much it hurts to see one’s own prayers in print by someone else when there is no contact to make friendship?

When Light Came In (23 Apr 21): Arguing with a narcissist is like getting arrested.  Everything you say can and will be used against you.

Elizabeth Baker (14 Jan 2021): As every biblical principle is being disregarded by many other Christians, I often feel like I’m losing my sanity.

Steve Shultz: We all have been in such an intense attack, but right now, for many of you, that attack has actually increased even though you have continued to pray that it would break off.

Pastor Kate LePard (23 Apr 21): Ruling Savior, we depend on your will to power us through this difficult time of pandemic. Infuse us with the energy to accomplish the tasks set before us. Help us stay connected with others in your flock by creative ways. Amen.

Fr. Richard Rohr (18 Apr 21): The core message of the incarnation of God in Jesus is that the Divine Presence is here, in us and in all of creation, and not only “over there” in some far-off realm. 

1 John 3:16 We know love by this, that he laid down his life for us–and we ought to lay down our lives for one another.

Emily Claire Schmitt (19 Apr 21): Hello, Religious Privilege is Good and Here’s Why[3]

John-Paul and Annie Deddens (22 Apr 21): Keep me, guide me, protect me, o safe refuge!

When Light Came In (21 Apr 21): “The next time setting a boundary feels terrifying, remember what it felt like the last time you didn’t.”

Helen Calder (23 Apr 21): Without the perspective of the lighthouse ministry, someone with a beacon ministry could lean towards being permissive—lenient towards sin[4]

Anna Blake (16 Apr 21): Maybe your horse is getting into something he shouldn’t. You don’t need to rush to scold. Give him an amiable cluck to move along. Use your voice to help him be safe. Hold to the hard-won tendency of kindness even as you assert boundaries. Learning finesse isn’t a quick fix for either of you. [5]

Lana Vawser (25 Apr 21): I then heard the Lord speak to them, “This confusion is not your own. This is a spirit of witchcraft coming against you to steal the vision, to hinder the birthing, to hinder the movement and to cause such despair to come upon you that you will not move forth into the Promised Land that I have for you by taking hold of that which I have spoken.”

Fr. Richard Rohr (26 Apr 21): There is a giveaway in all of the apocalyptic sections of the three Synoptic Gospels. In Matthew 24:8, hidden there in the middle of the wars and earthquakes it says, “All this is only the beginning of the birth pangs.” Apocalypse is for the sake of birth not death. Yet most of us have heard this reading as a threat. Apparently, it’s not. Anything that upsets our normalcy is a threat to the ego but in the Big Picture, it really isn’t. In Luke 21, Jesus says right in the middle of the catastrophic description: “Your endurance will win you your souls.” Falling apart is for the sake of renewal, not punishment. Again, such a telling line. In Mark 13, Jesus says “Stay awake” four times in the last paragraph (Mark 13:32–37). In other words, “Learn the lesson that this has to teach you.” It points to everything that we take for granted and says, “Don’t take anything for granted.” An apocalyptic event reframes reality in a radical way by flipping our imagination.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Apr 21): Mitzvah (mits-va): An instruction in life from the Giver of Life.

Rick Joyner (20 Apr 21): There is another aspect to gentleness that is often a magnificent demonstration of noble character—good manners. This is why those who have good manners are called “gentlemen” or “gentle ladies.” Good manners are basically a way that we honor and show respect for others. They have become so rare in these times that when they are seen they can stand out even more as those who are of a different spirit. Since the Lord said that as we treat even the least of His people He will regard it as the way that we treat Him; we should be treating everyone with the highest respect and good manners.[6]

Pastor Kate LePard (19 Apr 21): Hope is possible because wild Easter power creates new life in unexpected places. The world’s ways are upended to make room for the Lord’s dream of all people dancing and leaping and praising God.

Nate Johnston (22 Apr 21): In a time that the pure and clear prophetic has never been needed more there has been an obvious assignment to shut down voices rising up. Often disguised as wisdom, safe-guarding, and protecting purity (which are all necessary) this imposter spirit wants to shut down the prophetic by causing division, fault-finding/critical spirit, and instead of broadcasting hope – broadcasting opinions and agendas. This causes true voices of hope to shut down and hide. [7]

Me to Faith Marie Baczko (20 Apr 21): I wanted to take a moment to expound on my subscription request, so that you’d better understand my intentions.  There is a critical spirit that goads periodically to the flock telling the sheep not to just go stalking bloggers to devour their latest words, so as not to spend real time with God to get His own words.  It’s the same pedantic spirit that told us not to go church shopping pre-pandemic.  But this spirit doesn’t look at the heart.  Its only intention is to scold and try to play the upper hand.  This spirit doesn’t consider those of us that are SENT.

Bill Yount (12 Sept 2020): I hear the Father saying, “I am breaking the age barrier! Quit saying, “I am getting older.” Christ in you is ageless. Allow His Spirit to quicken your mortal body and soar with the Eagles. And don’t tell Me where I can’t send you this year. Get over yourself and buy some new luggage.” [8]

Rabbi Curt Landry (24 Apr 21): Knowing we need to spend time with God is one thing, but as Believers, do we really understand our need to ABIDE with God?[9]

Elizabeth Baker (14 Jan 2021): The church that raised me is gaslighting me.

Brat: Me, too.

1 John 3:15 Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.

Quinn Caldwell (24 Apr 21): Jacob, now renamed Israel, meets his grandsons. There’s been so much crossing and double-crossing in this family, so much bad blood, murder and enslavement and cruelty, multiple generations of inherited trauma. Plenty of sin within each lifetime, as well: no doubt when Joseph approached with his sons, Israel was remembering the cruel trick he once played on his own aged father. No doubt that’s why he had to try to play the player, to avoid getting played himself. I wouldn’t have thought he’d be in a very good position to act as a blesser, but he doesn’t even hesitate.

Nate Johnston (22 Apr 21): Very much the same as what God is building in you but specifically the opposition that comes as a direct result of the noticeable increase you have stepped on and the office/appointment you have before you. The enemy sees the new mantle, your sudden fire and rising authority and has been warring against the appointment with weariness and disappointment. This is where you need wisdom and discernment to know that you aren’t taking on yokes, wrong armor, or people’s stuff, but only what God anoints and mantles you with.

John Edgerton (26 Apr 21): The apostle Peter knew it too. Real authority in the church can belong to anyone. Even you.

Pastor Will Coleman (19 Apr 21): It is as certain as death and taxes that when you say yes to the Lord, you will face opposition.

Elizabeth Baker (14 Jan 2021): I wish the evangelical church would wake up and realize how many of us there are out there feeling manipulated and abused. This community of wanderers is dealing with grief both privately and collectively. Together we weep, we rage and we try to rebuild what’s left of our shattered spiritual lives. Healing is slow and it’s painful. I’m working hard to separate the true, worthy parts of Christianity from the bullshit. I do hope to return to church someday, but I will never again be gaslighted by an institution that sells out Jesus for political power. [10]

Me to Pastor Jessica Solórzano Owens (in “Benefit of the Doubt” 06 Apr 21): I am touched that you asked for prayer requests.  To respond to that, I first offer this context as a cradle for understanding:

I look to see where the Holy Spirit is leading through our collective voice.  Basically, I track the Arc Speak.

‘Arc Speak’ is a political tool used by those in power (from family members to salesmen to Pharisees to governments) to address issues without having to touch the individuals affected by those issues.

Andrew Towe (23 Apr 21): “I say to you, Arise, and take up your bed, and go your way into your house. And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.” (Mark 2:11-12, emphasis mine) [11]

Helen Calder (23 Apr 21): I’ve been reminded of a time I picked up binoculars, to look at a distant object I’d noticed for three days.
And when I saw it close up, I discovered it was not what I expected!

1 John 3:11 For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. 

Casey Cross: The writing found in 1 John serves as a testimony, a witness, to the truth found in Jesus and inexorably bound to the ways we live out our love for one another. Truth, the writer of 1 John posits, is not an idea to consider, but a response to be lived. We know how to live because we know Jesus. As we follow the way of Jesus, believing Jesus, not just a comfortable proof, we respond with our very lives. The purpose of this truth is not about being right or confirming our biases. The purpose of this truth made manifest in Jesus stirs us to action with and for each other. As we live this love for others, we are emboldened by the truth of Christ. The two go together. We must love one another to know the truth. We must know the truth as expressed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus to actively love one another.[12]

Elizabeth Baker (14 Jan 2021): My evangelical church is gaslighting me, but I refuse to fall for it anymore

Kaji Douša (19 Apr 21): On the cross, Jesus couldn’t take it anymore, either! He couldn’t take it, but he did. But, early Sunday morning. He. Got. Up. Somebody almost thought they were gonna get away with walking off with our Jesus.

Rev. Phil Hooper (18 Apr 21): A risen body. An offering of peace. Somehow, it seems, these are connected—two notes of the same song. 

Maren Morris: “The Bones” []

Brat (24 Apr 21): My friend Sophia Buller went through serious narcissistic abuse from the Church, too, and shared some resources for healing on her blog: Some amazing resources Abba Led me to –

Nate Johnston (22 Apr 21): You have been commissioned by God in the wilderness and now you are coming out of that season with a weighty governmental mantle and call to the nations to see them come to Jesus!

Church of England (21 Apr 21): It also recommends that the new Commission should examine broad questions of how parish life itself could become more inclusive.

1 John 3:17 How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help?

Elizabeth Baker (14 Jan 2021): Caring for the poor, but with conditions

Kaji Douša (19 Apr 21): The lady in green begins her monologue with words that hit in the Year of our Lord 2021: “Somebody almost walked off wid alla my stuff.” Something was stolen from her.

Brat: Same here.

Matthew 24:43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into.

Elizabeth Baker (14 Jan 2021): The boldness of the church’s hypocrisy is causing me to question the very foundation of my spiritual beliefs. It’s disorienting. Every biblical principle I hold sacred has been disregarded by many other Christians, and I often feel like I’m losing my sanity while the entire house of cards that is my evangelical upbringing collapses around me.

Maren Morris: When the bones are good, the rest don’t matter

Yeah, the paint could peel, the glass could shatter

Let it rain ’cause you and I remain the same

When there ain’t a crack in the foundation

Baby, I know any storm we’re facing

Will blow right over while we stay put

The house don’t fall when the bones are good

1 Thessalonians 5:For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.

Fr. Richard Rohr (in “You People ♥” 14 Apr 21): God is not bound by our commonly held presumption that humans are the center of everything. Creation did not actually demand or need Jesus (or us, for that matter) to confer additional sacredness upon it. From the first moment of the Big Bang, nature was revealing the glory and goodness of the Divine Presence; it must be seen as a gratuitous gift. Jesus came to live in its midst, and enjoy life in all its natural variations, and thus be our model and exemplar. Jesus is the gift that honored the gift, we might say.

Pope Francis: Evangelize by Example, Not Pushing Your Faith on Others

Jerame Nelson (18 Apr 21): Jesus came to the earth for a purpose: to seek and save that which was lost (see Luke 19:10). So many of us get confused because we’ve got a lot of evangelists running around saying that Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost. That’s not what the Word says. It says Jesus came to seek and save “that which was lost.” In this verse, Jesus was talking about the authority [!] that Adam lost in the Garden when he sinned.

Revelation 12: 10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

“Now have come the salvation and the power
    and the kingdom of our God,
    and the authority [!] of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
    who accuses them before our God day and night,
    has been hurled down.

Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch: To fool the world is one thing,
but to fool yourself is no big deal.

You’re a fool for wanting to fool yourself
—and anyone can fool a fool.

Revelation 16:15 (“Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!”)

Deborah Perkins (18 Apr 21): It takes one to know one.

​Jesus knows. 

Brat: “It takes one to know one” made me think of Jesus the Thief, and how the rabbis had talked about the fool.

Pastor Kate LePard (21 Apr 21): The saying “walk the talk” demands action, not just words. It’s easier to discuss than to do something about challenges. The writer of this sermon insists God’s love compels us to respond to our neighbor’s needs.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (22 Apr 21): It may seem to some an ordinary light, just another flame. But in truth, you have ignited the darkness of our world and extracted its secret: That it too is light.

Deborah Perkins (18 Apr 21): I believe you are a very special breed of people whose lives are deeper, richer, and more powerful than the world will ever know.

Steve Porter (08 April 21): The wheel within a wheel is a perfect illustration of the relationship we can have with our Lord and Savior. Even though we’ve been given dominion, it shouldn’t be lost on us that we belong to God. The reason the Holy Spirit was sent is so that He can inspire and guide us in everything we do. This is why Paul admonishes us to always walk in step with the Spirit (Gal. 5:25). Just like the wheel in Ezekiel’s vision [Ezek. 1:16], we should ensure that we are actively seeking His will and staying in step with His Spirit. 

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Apr 21): A stroke of brilliance arising from the innermost will of the Creator of all things, left for you to perform on the stage of His world.

Helen Calder (23 Apr 21): Without the insights of the beacon ministry, someone with a lighthouse ministry could become focused on performance—being primarily about “do’s and don’ts”

Ryan LeStrange (19 April 21): My Monday Word for You…The Treasure of the Scribe Anointing!

Me to Fr. Richard Rohr (22 Apr 21): Dear Readers for Fr. Richard Rohr,

Wanda Alger (22 Apr 21): For you have been commissioned and appointed for this very hour of deliverance!
The nations are looking to you. Do not be silent or hold back.
Today is the day to SPEAK, to ACT, to RISE UP and DISPLAY the sovereign power and authority of the Most High God through your witness and testimony![13]

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Apr 21): An instance, left in your hands, for the true reality to be exposed as what would otherwise be a trivial object—a dollar bill, a candle, a braided loaf of bread, a black leather strap—is suddenly revealed as a divine revelation.

Brat: Or a letter?

Revelation 1:John,

To the seven churches in the province of Asia:

Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.

To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.

Rev. Phil Hooper (18 Apr 21): What is the significance of this resurrected body of his, which has conquered death and yet still bears the marks of torture? This body challenges us, for how can any of us look upon the violence and the degradation imprinted upon his flesh—upon all flesh—and yet proclaim, with hope and without irony, “peace be with you?”

Fr. Richard Rohr (26 Apr 21): We would have done history a great favor if we would have understood apocalyptic literature. It’s not meant to strike fear in us as much as a radical rearrangement. It’s not the end of the world. It’s the end of worlds—our worlds that we have created. In the book of Revelation (also called the Apocalypse, or Revelation to John), John is trying to describe what it feels like when everything falls apart. It’s not a threat. It’s an invitation to depth. It’s what it takes to wake people up to the real, to the lasting, to what matters. It presents the serious reader with a great “What if?”

Pastor Kate LePard (21 Apr 21): The ultimate demonstration of love was Jesus giving up his power and laying down his life for us. Self-sacrificing love is rare. The way of the world is a self-serving life. Followers of Jesus are soaked with the Spirit. We are given hearts of love that thrive on caring for one another.

When Light Came In (21 Apr 21): I’ve been away for a while, caring for a loved one after surgery. It’s amazing how loving someone can be both healing and a challenge to growth.

1 John 3:18 Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

Fr. Richard Rohr (19 Apr 21): Everything in creation is the infinite self-emptying of God, and as such has inherent dignity and deserves respect and appreciation.

Deborah Perkins (18 Apr 21): HONORING THE INTERCESSORS

Me to Fr. Richard Rohr (22 Apr 21): We prayed (21 Apr 21): “… And clear the field to be ready for new seed.”

Lillian Daniel (21 Apr 21): What is dead is gone because it has been transformed into something entirely new. So much so that after the resurrection, when Jesus ran into his closest friends, they did not recognize him. They were looking for the living among the dead. They were massaging their memories, clutching to sacred scrapbooks from a pretend past, the kind that grows more perfect the further we are from it. When Jesus actually showed up on the street where they lived, they almost missed him.

Church of England (21 Apr 21): Rather than attempting to erase the past or rewrite history, the report calls for a “healthy revision of memory and history in a way that will provide scope for education and formation”.

Rev. Phil Hooper (18 Apr 21): The disciples’ bodies trembled, though, when he appeared to them and gave them this greeting; they were “startled and terrified” and “disbelieving.” I can’t say I blame them, for how can our limited imaginations possibly begin to picture deathless life? And what do we know of true, embodied peace? How could we begin to recognize it or comprehend it if it appeared in front of us?

Kaji Douša (19 Apr 21): If God can animate the sinews of death?

Maren Morris: We’re in the homestretch of the hard times

We took a hard left, but we’re alright

Yeah, life sure can try to put love through it, but

We built this right, so nothing’s ever gonna move it

1 John 3:19 And by this we will know that we are from the truth and will reassure our hearts before him

Casey Cross: So, “What is truth?” Perhaps the answer my dog would give is, in fact, the answer we find in 1 John. Truth is as we live. Let us live as believers in Jesus and let us love one another in truth and action. As we live in these ways, we abide in the truth that surpasses all understanding. We are freed to love with every fiber of our being, with bold action, and compassionate care.

When Light Came In (21 Apr 21): In this particular situation, I’ve been intensively involved in helping them recover. It’s stretched me as I’ve taken on roles I’ve never had: helping an adult with activities of daily living like toiletting, walking, dressing, eating.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (21 Apr 21): Because this is the essence of every mitzvah: To bind your heart, your mind and your action together into a single wholeness, wrapped up inextricably with the One who spoke and the world came into being.

Christine Valters Paintner (21 Apr 21): One of the fruits of contemplative practice is the remembrance of our wholeness; we are able to see past the divisions we create with our egos and minds and to rediscover the truth that we are all one creation.

Pastor Will Coleman (19 Apr 21): “Why would anyone listen to me?” 

Deborah Perkins (18 Apr 21): Moment by moment, day by day, in every situation and sometimes at great cost yourselves, you honor the Lord by holding up the arms of those He’s called you to support.

Steve Porter (08 April 21): May we always remember that we have an inner wheel that actually steers our lives without which we would be able to achieve nothing. Becoming a wheel within a wheel requires unusual obedience and costly submission, but produces a life that flows in such sweet harmony that others will pause to reflect how that’s even possible. And though you may appear mysterious or unique, when your life is hidden in His, you will become a sign and a wonder… a fiery wheel manifesting His glory, and fulfilling His end-time purposes as kings, queens and priests. May your Father guide us as overcomers deeper into the very manifest presence of the Lord, where we will live out His plan for our lives and our very destiny. Roll on precious friends… Roll on!  

Faith Marie Baczko (25 March 21): There was a time when I was to share a word from the Lord at a church, but lost my voice. I fervently prayed for God to heal my voice, but he didn’t. Instead, He said to give the word in the voice that I had—that my whisper was to be a sign and a wonder. He said that those who had ears to hear would hear. As it turned out they did hear, and God moved powerfully. How important it is to hear what the Spirit is saying—to understand His movements and hear His warnings. God gives the humble ears to hear, and He gives much time to repent. However, the day does come when He says, I will not pass by any longer!

Lana Vawser (25 Apr 21): Recently, the Lord showed me that there are many people within the Body of Christ who have been assaulted by a very intense spirit of confusion as of late. It has caused them to feel like they have been thrown into a haze, and the clarity which the Lord has given now suddenly feels overshadowed by a strong feeling of, “Did God really say that?”

Rev. Phil Hooper (18 Apr 21): The peace of the wounded, resurrected Jesus be with you.

Lovesick Scribe (22 Apr 21): Personally, I do not want to spend my life chasing spirits that are nonexistent and trying to defeat Jezebel or any other fallacious spirit when the devil and every demon has already been defeated by Christ on the cross. We are to follow Christ. We will face trial and tribulation, but as believers we have great peace in knowing that Jesus has overcome the world, including the ruler of this world. (John 16:33) We need not fear or look for the spirits of men and women that are dead and long gone to their eternal destination. What we need to be doing is repenting of sin and having our minds renewed by the Word of God daily.

1 John 3:20 whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.

When Light Came In (21 Apr 21): Then I reminded myself what happened the last time I tucked away a boundary in an important relationship. I lost myself, began to withdraw from the relationship, became depressed. None of those feel better than the discomfort of the boundary I just set.

Elizabeth Baker (14 Jan 2021): I don’t sleep through the night anymore. I suffer from near daily panic attacks and almost constant anxiety. The source of my joy, my security and my identity has vanished, leaving me with an angry grief that almost no one in my immediate circle understands. I have relationships that were once life-giving but have turned toxic. I feel manipulated, deceived and abused. And why?

Sanjna Mahtab (21 Apr 21): Be Intentional

Steve Porter (08 April 21): Becoming a wheel within a wheel means letting go of all our aspirations, goals, and desires, and allowing the Holy Spirit to be our guide. This is the true essence of what it means to make Christ our Lord. The word ‘lord’ means owner. So, if He is our owner, then we must stop acting like we’re in charge and allow Him to take charge. 

Brat: Are you listening to what Elizabeth even said?

Rev. Phil Hooper (18 Apr 21): The peace of love’s tender and deathless power be with you.

Steve Shultz: Don’t give up! Help is on the way and the battle will end soon!

Me to Fr. Richard Rohr (22 Apr 21): The Daily Meditations solicits our stories and I’d like to share ours.  You asked for personal stories and not someone else’s.  My ministry is taking my story and seeing how it interweaves into the greater collective voice to see where God is leading us.  It is the greater conversation that I share, but this doesn’t fit into the guidelines and boxes.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (21 Apr 21): All of Torah is wrapped up in these leather straps and boxes with their finely written parchment scrolls.

Lana Vawser (25 Apr 21): “These encounters with Me in the library of Heaven are going to prepare you to host My glory and a move of My Spirit that is like nothing you have ever seen.

Sanjna Mahtab (21 Apr 21): So, be intentional about it and don’t allow any distractions to hinder you. Be intentional with your time. There is no time to waste time. This time is an opportunity and opportune time to prepare well. During the time of this shaking, God is recalibrating you in every way and realigning you and your heart to His pure frequency. [14]

Pastor Kate LePard (19 Apr 21): Risen One, your power shatters our rigid categories. Open us to be channels of your life-surging possibilities, for ourselves and for others. Amen.

1 John 3:21 Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have boldness before God;

When Light Came In (21 Apr 21): Even in relationship with this person I trust, I’ve had to remember the importance of boundaries. Yesterday, they crossed a boundary. Regardless of my compassion, love and dedication to care for them, my healing requires I honor my own boundaries. If they get punctured, I weaken and begin to slip away from myself. That’s the last thing they — or I — need right now.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Apr 21): An opportunity to become eternal in a moment, you, your body, and the artifacts of your world.

Pastor Will Coleman (19 Apr 21): Don’t sit back and allow those lies of fear, doubt and comparison suck the anointing out of you. Remember Paul’s teaching:

 “We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.” — 2 Cor. 10:4-5 (NLT)


Brat journal (21 Apr 21): Now this afternoon, I think about my assignment to share the journey and I feel tinged with a spiritual slime.  Something tagged me besides discouragement.  I lay it at Your feet, Jesus.  Whatever this is, it is not mine.  It has no legal right to be here.  It is only sent to trip me up and delay me from my next step of sharing.  But I won’t share if something I’ve written doesn’t have Your glow on it.  I ask for fresh words and a clean heart.  How can I ask for justice (the theme of the day) if I don’t know how to proceed?

1 John 3:22 and we receive from him whatever we ask, because we obey his commandments and do what pleases him.

Nate Johnston (22 Apr 21): This is where the enemy very directly hits you in the very area God is really adding favor, anointing, conviction, and vision in. He wants to sabotage it by making you second guess yourself, bring in controlling people and measures to taint it, or cause delays and setbacks/closed doors in the places God has promised.

Elizabeth Baker (14 Jan 2021): The church told me that God is a God of justice. He says the poor and the persecuted are blessed and will have a great reward in heaven. However, the term “social justice warrior” is a reviled label in conservative Christian circles.

Deborah Perkins (18 Apr 21): You are the indispensable warriors on the front lines who pay a price daily to cultivate the Presence of the Lord in your homes, churches, and nations. Some of you have taken huge “hits” from the enemy and have not been released to explain why; your assignments are often top secret and cannot be shared.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (22 Apr 21): Every mitzvah shines its particular light into our world. And there will come a time when we will see that light with our eyes.

Steve Porter (08 April 21): As Jesus yielded to the Father’s perfect will, He became willing to roll as an outer wheel being directed by the power of the inner wheel. The inner wheel was the Father who was the divine engine steering Christ’s life. Together they flowed in such perfect harmony that it displayed to all mankind the most beautiful coordination men had ever seen. Prefect unity. Perfect movement. Perfect agreement. [15]

1 John 3:23 And this is his commandment, that we should believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us.

Deborah Perkins (18 Apr 21): As darkness increases on the earth, it sometimes seems to you that you’re on a “night watch” in the Spirit. You know the enemy’s strategy is both to outnumber and surround you in the dark, striking multiple blows. But you are filled with light

Me to Fr. Richard Rohr (22 Apr 21): My latest piece was about Messiah Watch in: You People ♥ 14 Apr 21 | truthinus (

Fr. Richard Rohr (19 Apr 21): The Whole Is in the Parts

Deborah Perkins (18 Apr 21): The parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts we consider less honorable, we treat with greater honor. 
1 Corinthians 12:23

Rev. Kellan Day: Being a sheep also means being a part of a community, a herd. They are safest and happiest as part of a big community of sheep. When one does wander off, it knows it is alone, scared, and in a precarious position. It knows that – out here on this hillside all by itself – it will be an easy and quick dinner for that wolf or other roaming predator. Sometimes, a sheep gets lost, it’s true. But most sheep know to stick together, that their body depends on other bodies forming into one large protective pile. Sheep do not think they should live all alone, independent, and never – ever – reliant upon any other sheep. A life alone would be a sad and crazy life for a sheep. Sheep know that they need other sheep, desperately – because their very lives depend on it. [16]

John Edgerton (26 Apr 21): Whenever the flock would go busting out of the sheepfold to wander into the neighbor’s apple orchard, invariably it was Lucy who was leading the charge. Whenever the guard dogs would sound an alarm over the appearance of coyotes, the flock would look to Lucy for how to find safety. Whatever kind of sway my wife and her shepherd’s crook had over the flock, it paled in comparison to the power of Lucy. As Lucy went, so went the flock.

Elizabeth Baker (14 Jan 2021): No wonder I live with crippling anxiety and spiritual trauma. The church that warned me against moral relativism now calls me a heretic when I apply the very principles they taught me to real situations, with real stakes for real people. I don’t know where to turn or whom to trust. Is any of it true? Have I wasted my life on a religion that hurts more than it helps?

Brat: OMG!  Thank you!!  Thank you for your courage in coming forth and saying this!  I have felt the same way and asked the same questions!  Your honesty makes room for me to feel less alone.  I am most grateful!

Church of England (21 Apr 21): Without these changes the Church risks denying and disregarding the gifts of a significant part of the nation, the Taskforce makes clear.

Andrew Towe (23 Apr 21): Will You Welcome Him in the House?

Rev. Kellan Day: We are sheep, in this metaphorical world, because we can’t be anything but sheep. We are not the ruler of our lives, our herds, nor the masters of our destiny. To be a sheep – and at this point it is glaringly obvious – is remarkably similar to being a human. Creatures who need community and who can’t help but follow – since we often have no idea where we are going in the first place.

When Light Came In (21 Apr 21): So today I clarified my boundary with them. Yes, I felt a little bad about it, like “what kind of person must I be, asking them for anything right now?? (A healthier person than I’ve ever been, that’s what.)

1 John 3:24 All who obey his commandments abide in him, and he abides in them. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit that he has given us.

Me to Fr. Richard Rohr (22 Apr 21): I was rather amazed at how “You People ♥” evolved.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Apr 21): A connection point in time, at which Heaven meets earth and the two embrace.

Deborah Perkins (18 Apr 21): Perhaps it is more my heart than the Lord’s that I write this, but I feel compelled to write a thank you to the “hidden ones;” the parts of Christ’s Body that are often forgotten. 

Rev. Kellan Day: But, instead, we shall inhabit our metaphor in a simpler manner. We shall imagine where we might find ourselves in this world. And since there are not too many animate options and it seems rather obvious who we’d be, let us imagine ourselves taking on the furry wool of a sheep, nuzzling our noses into the supple earth, and meandering around with our sheep buddies, listening for that one voice who calls us by name.

Me to Faith Marie Baczko (20 Apr 21): You’d also talked about how you’d prayed for God to heal your voice, but he didn’t.  Instead, your whisper was to be a sign and a wonder, and that those who had ears would hear.  Steve Porter also talked about unusual obedience and the costly submission it takes when we listen to the Holy Spirit and BECOME Ezekiel’s wheel within the wheel. I know I am part of that wheel, too.

Anna Blake (16 Apr 21): Yes, you say, but…

When Light Came In (21 Apr 21): How did they react? Poorly. Did I want to poo-poo my boundary, tuck it in, apologize for needing this when they are in pain? Yeah, I wanted to.

Brat: I received SILENCE

Pastor Will Coleman (19 Apr 21): “There are so many better pastors.”

Andrew Towe (23 Apr 21): God is coming back to His house! The answer for the world is still found in His presence and God’s Word. Notice that “He preached the Word unto them.” He was not sugarcoating His message or filtering His teaching. No, He was preaching the Word of God to them, and there was no room because of the number of people that had gathered. The people came because He was in the house. I am believing for every Church leader to throw out their agenda and welcome Him in the house.

John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

Rev. Kellan Day: What does this mean, then, to be a sheep?

John Edgerton (26 Apr 21): Shepherding has not changed much since the early church. And the church hasn’t changed that much, either, come to mention it. Churches still look to trusted members to decide which way the church should go and how to navigate danger. Any pastor worth their salt knows that whatever authority they might have in a church, it pales in comparison to the power of example set by a well-respected member.

Pastor Kate LePard (22 Apr 21): The Good Shepherd claims that kind of intimacy with his sheep. The Lord knows us completely and loves us enough to lay down his life for us. Those who are only doing their job don’t have the connection that’s crucial for a deep commitment. A teacher who only loves his paycheck and not the children; a surgeon who only loves her reputation and not her patient; a mayor who only loves his position and not his community. All of them are like a hired hand who won’t protect the sheep from the wolves.

John 10:12 The hired hand, who is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away–and the wolf snatches them and scatters them.

Anita Alexander (22 Apr 21): Amidst all of the violent, intimidating pursuits of the enemy, I felt the Lord say, “My people and the cause of the righteous appear to be cornered. It appears that we are hemmed in at the Red Sea and the evil agenda of the antichrist on this earth will wipe out the voice of the righteous. It appears that because unrighteousness is seemingly prevailing, the show is over…But,” God says, “the more they pursue—the further they go—it will be to their utter destruction.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (26 Apr 21): Pesach Sheini פסח שני

pay-sakh shay-nee

lit.: A second Passover.

A holiday on the Jewish calendar, one month after Passover, when those who failed to bring a Passover offering the first time around could come and do it now.[17]

Nancy Taylor Tate (24 Apr 21): Our ministry is more than words; it is a life from which others can glean. How wonderful it is when we can abide in Him, the Prince of Peace, then minister Him to others so that they may experience His peace through our lives! May someone else want to know Jesus because of the way we live. May those who already know Christ as their Savior become hungry for more of the Lord.[18]

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (25 Apr 21): DAILY DOSE: Eating Kosher

Pastor Kate LePard (23 Apr 21): Yet Shepherd was a political role in the world of the Bible. God expected the kings of Israel to shepherd their people but most of them ignored that. What would our world be like if leaders and rulers considered themselves care-taking shepherds? Imagine a campaign with candidates who tried to “out-shepherd” each other.

Me to Fr. Richard Rohr (22 Apr 21): This is my process: As the Holy Spirit prompts, I look to see where God is leading the collective conversation amongst His word(s).  I read various sources to harvest and glean and put that into conversations anchored in scriptures that the greater Church follows each week in the lectionary.  This is an unusual ministry that is unique (and seems to be ignored.) I use footnotes and references, so a legalistic spirit cannot shut me down. 

Pastor Will Coleman (19 Apr 21): I began to cower and listen to these voices, but our faithful God intervened and silenced those voices with one word: “Fight!”

Nate Johnston (22 Apr 21): Take higher ground. PURSUE the secret place. FIGHT for it. It says in Hebrews 4:11 “Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest” It can be difficult in pressure but it’s the only place you can get free/clear.

Lovesick Scribe (22 Apr 21): Jezebel is one of many spirits mentioned by ministers in the Charismatic church. Others include Leviathan, python, Ahab, Absalom, Delilah, Judas, Saul, religious and orphan spirits. You can typically find the religious spirit assigned to those who would ask questions of senior leadership and test things against Scripture. It is also interesting to note that the orphan spirit is assigned to those who are viewed in a negative light in questioning authority. What is interesting to me is that as believers in Christ, we should have a response to the accusation of an orphan spirit. Jesus Christ told His disciples that He would not leave them as orphans (John 14:18). This applies to us as well because we have been adopted as coheirs with Christ. I would propose that this is problematic for the claim of the orphan spirit. This is extrabiblical teaching and is refutable. Furthermore, why are we assigning demonic spirits to dead people such as Ahab and Absalom? Other than Judas, there is no mention of their actions being driven by demonic possession. Flesh and sin are being taken out of the equation here.[19]

Lillian Daniel (21 Apr 21): The women get the news when they are looking for Jesus’ body in the empty tomb. “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” Why do you look backwards for God’s future?

Tony Robinson (23 Apr 21): With this God, there’s more. Hope for the discouraged; challenge to the smug.

Demontae Edmonds (26 Apr 21): Oftentimes, people will say they are waiting on God for their breakthrough or promise to manifest in their lives. However, 2 Chronicles 16:9 reveals the reverse side of this spiritual coin. We are not only waiting on God, but His Spirit is looking for us. God is desirous of those for whom He can “show Himself strong”! There are some interesting points to notice about this Scripture.[20]

Anna Blake (16 Apr 21): Looking for the middle path between extremes?

Rabbi Curt Landry (24 Apr 21): Spending time with God is great, however, that does not necessarily mean it is a lifestyle. Two friends can visit and spend time with one another over a cup of coffee, but even if they set that time aside every month, things slip through the cracks. God does not desire us to merely go on coffee dates with Him, He desires us to abide with Him—to live with Him in the same room—to see His face the first moment we get up, to encounter Him throughout the day, and for His smile to be the last thing we see each night! In many ways, to abide with God is to enter into a marriage with Him…but few marriages on Earth are as deep, personal, and intimate as this is meant to be.

Nancy Taylor Tate (24 Apr 21): Notice it is through our union with Christ that peace dwells in our lives! Christ IN you, the hope of glory! May we make time to receive from the Lord, so that there will be substance within us to share with others.

Me to Fr. Richard Rohr (22 Apr 21): …And even though I am in spiritual direction, I have no pastor or priest.  The hired hand runs away and does not care for the sheep. (John 10:13) Please allow me to share with you anyway.

John 10:13 The hired hand runs away because a hired hand does not care for the sheep.

Anna Blake (16 Apr 21): Sometimes something someone says sticks with you because it’s brilliant. Sometimes it sticks because it’s plain wrong. I was working for a horse rescue a few years ago and a bodyworker came to visit the horses. The bodyworker did noticeably light and sensitive work on banged-up sway back elders and the herd melted in acknowledgment. Shy horses came near. Calming signals were shared and the herd grew silent in that eloquent way that humans never quite manage.

Pastor Will Coleman (19 Apr 21): Let’s use the weapons of God to destroy our own pride and deceit, to achieve His perfect peace, and to reach others with His Holy Spirit. 

John-Paul and Annie Deddens (22 Apr 21): Virgin Mary, Mother of fair love, Mother who never refuses to come to the aid of a child in need, Mother whose hands never cease to serve your beloved children because they are moved by the divine love and immense mercy that exist in your heart, cast your compassionate eyes upon me and see the snarl of knots that exists in my life. You know very well how desperate I am, my pain, and how I am bound by these knots. Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing of the knots in the lives of his children, I entrust into your hands the ribbon of my life. No one, not even the evil one himself, can take it away from your precious care. In your hands there is no knot that cannot be undone. Powerful Mother, by your grace and intercessory power with Your Son and My Liberator, Jesus, take into your hands today this knot.

Lovesick Scribe (22 Apr 21): Again, I do not deny the demonic realm. I am merely calling into question our understanding of it and whether we are seeing great liberties taken to exploit this area of ministry with conjecture and speculation unfounded in the Word of God. People are falsely accused of having these spirits for invalid reasons, and this should not be so. When people do not cooperate with leadership, they are assigned a spirit or label rather than addressing flesh, sin, or the unwillingness to disregard the Word of God due to corrupt leadership and false teaching. We need to not only read the Word but believe it and obey it, and if we are taught something and it does not line up with Scripture, we can reject it without concern of hurting feelings or offending others. An improper understanding brings spiritual sickness to where we do not even understand Christ as our Redeemer.

Fr. Richard Rohr (25 Apr 21): Meditation: A Time of Unveiling

Quinn Caldwell (24 Apr 21): Rivalry, lying, trickery, jockeying for parental affection: the families in the Bible make for the soapiest of operas.

John 10:14 I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me,

Rev. Kellan Day: And this shepherd is a particularly good shepherd. One who will lay his life down for you. For me? A mere sheep? Yes, for you. This good shepherd will take you on a long and winding journey. And as you follow this shepherd, there may be days where you wonder to yourself: does this shepherd know what she is doing? She seems to be taking us to a far and strange land. Those pastures back there seemed good enough for us – why, oh why, are we traveling again? It is scary out here.

Pastor Kate LePard (23 Apr 21): As a campaign slogan, “Let me be your Shepherd” would not project the image needed to win an election. These days such subtleties are lost in the news and on social media. Strength and power aren’t evoked by that label.

Brat: A few years ago (in 2011) the 405 Freeway in Southern California was closed and the media called it “Carmageddon”.

Fr. Richard Rohr (25 Apr 21): A quick etymology of the word will help: kaluptein is the Greek word for “to cover” and apo means “un,” so apokaluptein means to uncover or unveil. While we primarily use the word “apocalypse” to mean to destroy or threaten, in its original context, apocalypse simply meant to reveal something new. The key is that in order to reveal something new, we have to get the old out of the way.

John 10:15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. And I lay down my life for the sheep.

Nancy Taylor Tate (24 Apr 21): My own life was impacted because I felt the presence of God in the life of an elderly lady I knew. I sensed a special relationship she had with the Lord, and it caused me to desire that same kind of relationship. I learned it was available – if I chose to cultivate it!

Bill Yount (12 Sept 2020): I sense the Lord saying, “The older Stars in My Kingdom are going to shine brighter and do greater exploits than ever before!” I sense there is a special anointing coming upon older men and women in the Body of Christ. God is not through using you. Your age is not against you, it is for you. Job 12:12 says, “With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding.” You have more wisdom now than ever. With years comes understanding.

Demontae Edmonds (26 Apr 21): Dogs are often described as loyal to their owners. A loyal dog stays by his master’s side, is excited at the sight or sound of the master’s voice, and carefully watches the master’s movements. When we are loyal to God we learn to walk closely with the Lord, hand in hand. We learn to not only obey His voice and leadings but to be excited about them. Obedience no longer becomes burdensome but rather a prized privilege. A loyal dog won’t obey someone else’s voice over its own master. Jesus said, “My sheep know My voice, and the voice of another they will not follow!” (See John 10:27, John 10:5.)

[From “Babe” 1995]:

Old Ewe: We’ve got something here that might be of use to our pig.

SheepSheepSheep: Password! Password!

Old Ewe: Before we gives you anything, wolf, you’ll be making us a solemn promise.

Rex: Yes?

Sheep: Treat us civil!

Old Ewe: Yes, you gotta treat us nice-like.

Rex: I’ll try.

Sheep: No biting!

Old Ewe: That’s right, wolf must avoid biting us sheep at all costs.

Rex: All right. I’ll try that too. I’ll try.

Old Ewe: But the most important of all, you must promise never ever to let this password we be about to give to be used against any sheep anywhere.

Rex: I promise you that; I’ll make sure that the pig knows it too.

Old Ewe: We have the promise!

Sheep: ‘Tis for Babe!

Sheep: It’s for his sake!

Sheep: Maa would’ve wanted it.

Old EweSheepSheepSheep: Baa-ram-ewe. Baa-ram-ewe. To your breed, your fleece, your clan be true. Sheep be true. Baa-ram-ewe.[21]

Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.

Steve Porter (08 April 21): The reason why many Christians struggle with the lordship of Christ is that they have yet to die to self. If we die to the self, we will approach God much differently. We will come to Him, realizing that as dead people, we know nothing (Eccl. 9:5), and as such, we will allow Him to be our teacher and instructor. When we do this, the Holy Spirit will gladly lead us into all truth so that by that truth, we shall be set free. Scripture teaches that if Christ is in us then we must become dead to ourselves:

And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. (Rom. 8:10)

Church of England (21 Apr 21): They add: “Decades of inaction carry consequences and this inaction must be owned by the whole Church. 

John-Paul and Annie Deddens (22 Apr 21): I beg you to undo it for the glory of God, once for all. You are my hope.

Fr. Richard Rohr (19 Apr 21): Being fully present to the soul of all things allows us to say, “This is good. This is enough. In fact, this is all I need.” We are now situated in the One Loving Gaze that unites all things in universal attraction and appreciation. This is enlightenment and we do not have to sit on a cushion for forty years to recognize and enjoy it. In fact, I can almost guarantee that we will recognize and enjoy it more as we spend more time in the natural world with slow and quiet realization. And then a leap of deep contentment!

Me to Fr. Richard Rohr (22 Apr 21): Since this is not just my opinion or voice, I wonder what elephant is sitting in our collective living room.  My work has been unilaterally dismissed over the course of thirteen years.  That in itself is a testimony of God’s love sending in His prophets by His dogged devotion.  The Good Shepherd has other sheep that do not belong to this fold, but they will listen to His voice. (John 10:16)

Neale Donald Walsch: Yearning for a new way will not produce it. Only ending the old way can do that. You cannot hold onto the old all the while declaring that you want something new. The old will defy the new; the old will deny the new; the old will decry the new. There is only one way to bring in the new. You must make room for it. [1][22]

John 10:16 I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (26 Apr 21): Opportunities to do even better. To have two Passovers instead of just one.

Faith Marie Baczko (25 March 21): The Lord is calling for a heart change in His people and not an outward show of piety—a true move of brokenness over sin. Rather than attempting to justify our sin nature, its time to get real with God. For many days I have been hearing the words, rend your hearts and not your garments, and later found it in scripture:[23]

“So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the LORD your God, For He is gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, and of great kindness; And He relents from doing harm.  Who knows if He will turn and relent, And leave a blessing behind Him.”  Joel 2:13-14

Anna Blake (16 Apr 21): One day your horse will ask (tense poll, jittery hooves) for more steady support when he’s frightened. Reward his vulnerability with a firmer-focused kindness. The elusive middle path, the place of genuine trust, cannot be demanded, only discovered. You’re welcome, (neck stretch, soft eye) says your horse.

Pastor Kate LePard (22 Apr 21): It is good to be known and still loved. There aren’t many people to whom you can reveal your flaws and failures comfortably. It is a gift to have a relationship that is strong enough to bear such honesty.

Helen Calder (23 Apr 21): It takes security in our gifts, along with a Kingdom mindset, to celebrate and embrace those whose ministries are different to ours.

Rabbi Curt Landry (24 Apr 21): Abiding with God is not beyond us, for our God is prepared to help us every step of the way! We can abide with Him DAILY, making it a lifestyle instead of a “coffee date” to catch up. And once abiding with Him becomes that lifestyle, we begin to change—for the better! We begin to take on the characteristics of God. We begin to hear people say, “You are so much like Him!” This is a place of miracles, power, and of course, intimacy…and it is the place God wants us all to be.

Andrew Towe (23 Apr 21): I prophesy, “Delay is broken, and you are moving into your kairos (set time). God’s outpouring will be seen by everyone. Those gathered together said, “We never saw it in this fashion.” Get ready for God to move you out of the confines and limitations of what you have experienced in the past.

Maren Morris: Call it dumb luck, but baby, you and I

Can’t even mess it up, though we both try

No, it don’t always go the way we planned it

But the wolves came and went and we’re still standing

Rev. Phil Hooper (18 Apr 21): The peace that is the inheritance and the destiny of every beloved, broken body be with you. 

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (20 Apr 21): Because as the world is created and recreated each moment, its details are not yet in place. That is left to us.

Demontae Edmonds (26 Apr 21): When God’s strength shows up in our lives, what was once a struggle becomes a testimony of “overcoming” in our lives. Allow purity to reign in your heart and faith to dominate your life, and watch as the Spirit of God handpicks you to show Himself strong in your life.

Church of England (21 Apr 21): “This is the culture change that is required if the Church is to live up to its mandate of being a body where all the gifts of all its people flourish to the full, for the benefit of the church as a whole, the nation of England and the greater glory of God,” they say.

Rick Joyner (20 Apr 21): It seems like the world was a far gentler and friendlier place when good manners were considered essential behavior. The degrading of manners in America has been in parallel to the way we have allowed God to be removed from our culture, only to be replaced by increasing disrespect and intolerance for others, and has increased into rage and violence.    

Dutch Sheets (20 Apr 21): We decree that the Ekklesia is arising in unity, with shields locked and a sound of victory in our mouths. The gates of Hell will not prevail against us and America shall be saved! We will hold the line and advance the Kingdom.[24]

Fr. Richard Rohr (25 Apr 21): That’s what apocalyptic literature does. It helps us make room for something new by clearing out the old—old ideas, old stories, old ways of thinking—especially if we’ve become overly attached to them. The goal of apocalyptic language, as used in the Jewish and Christian Scriptures, is to shake people out of their reliance on conventional wisdom and undercut where we all operate on cruise control.

John 10:17 For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again.

Me to Fr. Richard Rohr (22 Apr 21): I see God’s “Day of Reckoning!” in terms of Him reaching out to His children and them listening and responding.  The Lord has given much time for repentance and divine intervention is impending, but to no avail if there is no one to hear.  In my orbit, the men of Nineveh never rose up. (Mt 12:41) They didn’t care.  I lay down my life to take it up yet again. (John 10:17)

Fr. Richard Rohr (23 Apr 21): Through her Work That Reconnects, teacher Joanna Macy invites us to find a wider sense of identity as unique and integral parts of the living body of Earth and to join with others in service to life.

Brat: So, why didn’t your people write me back?

Rick Joyner (20 Apr 21): Our human tendency is toward dualistic thinking that tends to perceive in extremes. So we can consider one type of behavior to always be kindness or severity that can only be rightly discerned when we consider the setting and the timing. As great a prophet as Elijah was, he was not the Son of God, and Jesus was incredibly gracious to those who attacked and insulted Him in comparison. 

Nate Johnston (22 Apr 21): Your story is changing. Your track history is changing.

Brat: I received still more SILENCE!!

Anita Alexander (22 Apr 21): We are seeing the wicked pursue the cause of the righteous in this hour. We are witnessing the plans of Hell being unleashed upon the earth in this hour, and they continue to pursue those who stand for righteousness with the sole purpose of wiping them out and silencing their voices. But I was thinking, as I meditated upon this passage of Scripture here in Hebrews 29:11, that the Egyptians could have saved their lives if they would have just stopped their pursuit at the Red Sea. Even after witnessing the miracles performed by the Israelite God, they, full of conceit and pride, continued to pursue them anyway.[25]

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (26 Apr 21): Because it is G-d’s universe, not ours. And for G-d, there is no failure.

John-Paul and Annie Deddens (22 Apr 21): Dearest Holy Mother, Most Holy Mary, you undo the knots that suffocate your children. Extend your merciful hands to me. I entrust to You today this knot and all the negative consequences that it provokes in my life.

Helen Calder (23 Apr 21): So, if you have been struggling with weariness, insecurity, or with the style of others’ ministries, receive fresh insight to your heart today.

Casey Cross: We seek after truth, but shy away when its double-edge points toward us. And so, truth also means knowing when we have missed the mark. It means admitting when we have relied on our understanding more than the truth lived by Jesus. It means repenting and changing our ways. Loving one another in truth and action means we may need to sit through uncomfortable conversations. We may also need to speak up and create new boundaries with people who have abused our empathy and time. Loving one another does not mean we must serve as someone’s whipping boy. Loving one another also does not mean liking everyone or being everyone’s friend. Loving one another liberates us for autonomy and freedom. We are reborn in the empty tomb and revolutionized by the resurrection of Christ.

Nate Johnston (22 Apr 21): Look at what GOD is doing! We must keep our eyes on Jesus more than the storm, or than any pandemic. What is God doing and saying over you right now?

Tony Robinson (23 Apr 21): There’s more. God gets the last word. Thanks be to God.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (26 Apr 21): Which means, as the Rebbe Rayatz explained, that in truth there is no such thing as failure. No matter how bad you messed up, no matter how far you’ve fallen, you’ve never lost.

Margaret Bullitt-Jonas (20 Apr 21): Our prayer may be noisy and expressive, or it may be very quiet. It may be the kind of prayer that depends on listening in stillness and silence with complete attention: listening to the crickets as they pulse at night, listening to the rain as it falls, listening to our breath as we breathe God in and breathe God out, listening to the inner voice of love that is always sounding in our heart. 

Lillian Daniel (21 Apr 21): If all you want is a sentimental sign of spring, I’m sure you can find a crocus growing in a graveyard somewhere, but the promise of new life is more than that.

Deborah Perkins (in “Benefit of the Doubt” 06 Apr 21): Elijah approached all the people and said, “How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people of Israel did not answer him so much as a word.~1 Kings 18:21

[Crickets chirping…]

Steve Shultz: Do you want to walk in this type of faith, where God leads you into the unknown, where your only choice is to believe Him?

Lillian Daniel (21 Apr 21): New life does not mean more of the same. So why settle for some pre-pandemic nostalgic normalcy for your church, your children, your institutions, your society, your schools, or your street? Why do you look for the living among the dead?

Rev. Phil Hooper (18 Apr 21): I’ve been thinking a lot about bodies this week—about how inseparable our bodies are from our own particular identity and story. I’ve been thinking about bodies that grow and move through the world, gathering experience and wisdom, and other bodies that are broken, bruised and scarred. Bodies that connect, and bodies that retreat from companionship. Bodies that stand tall and hopeful, and bodies that lie low upon the earth, down where the blood cries out from the ground. Bodies that live. And bodies that die and are laid to rest.

Maren Morris: When the bones are good, the rest don’t matter

Yeah, the paint could peel, the glass could shatter

Let it rain ’cause you and I remain the same

When there ain’t a crack in the foundation

Baby, I know any storm we’re facing

Will blow right over while we stay put

The house don’t fall when the bones are good

When the bones are good

Pastor Kate LePard (22 Apr 21): The Lord is clear that he has the power to take his life up again. That Easter power reveals God’s triumph over death.

Rev. Phil Hooper (18 Apr 21): His risen body shows us that the life he offers is about entering into the fray, into the heaving heart of the world and saying: Peace be with you. [26]

Expert Wanderlust (24 Apr 21): [New post] Desolation of a wonderful place, Casa Do Professor in Oliveira de Azemeis / Portugal []

Brat (in “Benefit of the Doubt” 06 Apr 21): …My sharing then becomes more fodder for your sharing to your platform, while my desolation deepens in the abomination.  I never doubted his prophetic clarity and truth.  My cry along with the anchorites of old is for courtesy.

Fr. Richard Rohr (26 Apr 21): Meditation: This Is an Apocalypse

John 10:18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again. I have received this command from my Father.”

When Light Came In (23 Apr 21): Remember when I posted that one about the court-ordered communication platform? Guess which of the messages he looked at?

Church of England (21 Apr 21): The taskforce’s work is rooted in Christian theology, they emphasise, flowing “not from identity politics but from our identity in Christ”.

Pastor Will Coleman (19 Apr 21): “I’m not ready for this!”

Pastor Kate LePard (19 Apr 21): The high priest and other religious leaders feel the stirring of a power they don’t control. Stories about resurrection. Rumors of healing. Their crippling hold on the Jewish people is being threatened. They demand to know by what authority these fishermen, Peter and John, work. The Holy Spirit flows from Peter’s mouth as he claims the power named Jesus Christ.

Rick Joyner (20 Apr 21): To be truly gentle does not mean that we become timid mealy-mouthed pushovers. Jesus was not, but boldly stood up to His accusers, calling them hypocrites, until it was time to go to the cross. Then He stood mute before them. Since His exhortation was to learn from Him we, too, must keep in mind that there is a time for peace and a time for war (see Ecclesiastes 3), there is a time to respond to accusations and opposers, and a time not to. Even when it is time to challenge our opposers we must keep in mind that we are sons and daughters of the King, and must conduct ourselves with the dignity of those of His household. 

Nate Johnston (22 Apr 21): Rebuke the wind and waves. This is your offensive stance. Get out the word and bind up what is coming at you. Clear the atmosphere. Tell the opposition to STOP in Jesus name.

Brat prayer journal (21 Apr 21): Holy Spirit, I need Your help and direction.  I keep following Your directions and contacting those You tell me to reach out to, and I STILL receive SILENCE, even though You are the One telling me to reach out.  I am terribly discouraged.  This BS has got to stop!  You know my heart and my intentions.  You said You would hold the brutes accountable.  It’s not about forgiveness at this point.  It’s about courtesy!  More sermons on gentleness and kindness just grind into gaslighting wounds (Rick Joyner).  I can’t take anymore!  There is no one real out there!  And I feel like if I write Richard Rohr, it’ll just be more of the same. 

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (26 Apr 21): And for us? For us, there are only opportunities.

Pastor Kate LePard (23 Apr 21): The Lord had said Godself would take over as Good Shepherd. Jesus did so until he was killed. He had promised to take his life up again and did that, too. Who could have expected such resurrection power? Jesus sent disciples to the ends of the earth with the Easter power to claim people for God’s holy flock.

When Light Came In (21 Apr 21): How will it turn out? Who knows? But I feel ready and strong because I cared for me just as much as I care for them.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (20 Apr 21): That is what we accomplish when we do a mitzvah: We connect scattered details into place so that the original meaning and purpose of each thing becomes clear and their divine energy can shine through.

Steve Porter (08 April 21): Ezekiel’s Wheel within the Wheel

Pastor Kate LePard (19 Apr 21): Much of life is about power. Who has it. Where it is used. How it is kept. We live as if there is a limited amount of power in the world. It orders how business, politics, and societies function. We forget about Easter power that can disrupt anything.

Joe Joe Dawson (20 Apr 21): In this season, passive and lukewarm Christianity is finished. God is looking for those with a heart like Shammah’s to stand and fight for whatever field God has called them to. Don’t look at the things God has promised you and count it to be too insignificant to fight for. Future generations may very well be depending on you to stand. Now is the time to stand![27]

Nancy Taylor Tate (24 Apr 21): How the world needs this type of ministry today…not mere doctrine, though important, but the experiential Word of God, written in our hearts, visible to others through our daily lives. May that which is sensed, felt, and seen when others look at us draw them to Christ! And may the benefits of peace be with you and bless you as well!

Quinn Caldwell (24 Apr 21): Turns out, blessings don’t depend on the character or history of the person giving them so much as they do on the God who fulfills them.

Fr. Richard Rohr (25 Apr 21): The most common mistake is to confuse apocalyptic literature with prophetic literature.  They serve very different functions. Apocalyptic writing deconstructs the “taken-for-granted world” by presenting a completely different universe, similar to what a good novel or even a science fiction movie does for us. As the Buddhist heart sutra says it, “Gone, gone, utterly gone, all has passed over to the other side.” It makes room for the reconstruction of a new vision of peace and justice, which is the job of the prophets. Yes, prophets do plenty of deconstruction too, but it is always to make room inside the mind and soul for vision, expansion, hope, and a future inhabited by God and not by fear.

Brat (26 Apr 21 at 7:10 am): Excuse me. Last week I wrote to you and your crew and this week you are writing about apocalyptic literature and a time of unveiling.  I realize you cannot respond to every submission and yet the conversation continues over my head, where it seems that it is being used as a springboard.  In the past I would have been honored, but to me now, this feels like more gaslighting, which I’ve experienced from everyone else, because we never were able to establish a real relationship.  Please don’t use me like everyone else has done.  Please don’t take me for granted!  Put flesh on these bones.

John Edgerton (26 Apr 21): I exhort the elders among you to tend the flock of God that is in your charge, exercising the oversight, not under compulsion but willingly, as God would have you do it—not for sordid gain but eagerly. Do not lord it over those in your charge, but be examples to the flock. – 1 Peter 5:1b-3 (NRSV)

Nate Johnston (22 Apr 21): Your once hidden, squashed, silenced, and timid voice is suddenly ROARING from within you and making its way to the surface. You have no agenda, no territory to selfishly protect, and no motives or self-promotion and the earth needs the pure sound of your voice to cut through the noise.

Lana Vawser (25 Apr 21): “Don’t move. Don’t give in. Keep standing on what I said and do not entertain doubt or confusion. Stay ferociously focused on what I have said and put your faith in Me and My goodness, and know that I am leading your every step and My supernatural confirmation will continue to crash in and astound you. In the areas where I have spoken, there will be such a great awakening that will take place by My Spirit…such deep demonstrations of My power and the coming of My glory.

Brat: It doesn’t take “supernatural confirmation” for folks to write me back.  It takes courtesy.

Fr. Richard Rohr (26 Apr 21): Our best response is to end our fight with reality-as-it-is. We will benefit from anything that approaches a welcoming prayer—diving into the change positively, preemptively, saying, “Come, what is; teach me your good lessons.” Saying yes to “What is” ironically sets us up for “What if?” Otherwise, we get trapped in the negative past.

Sanjna Mahtab (21 Apr 21): He is looking for those with pure hearts, pure intentions, pure motives, who are aligned purely with the desires of the Father’s heart and with the frequency of His true love. This can only be achieved through the secret place of intimacy with God. It is in this place that you get to know who God is even more, who you are in Him more (your true identity), and a place where He unlocks His mysteries to you at a deeper level.

Me to Fr. Richard Rohr (22 Apr 21): My intention of sharing with you is not to get seen on the Daily Meditations or on social media.  I realize you do not respond to every submission.  My intention of sharing, however, is to make a connection, as heretofore everyone I share with reciprocates with more grinding Silence and it is impossible to forge an honest relationship without partnership.  There is no relationship with Apathy.  I am sharing out of a genuine heart cry.  Without a “Boaz” I’m perpetually gleaning the fields…


[1] Deborah Perkins (18 Apr 21): HONORING THE INTERCESSORS (

[2] Lana Vawser (25 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25404)

[3] Emily Claire Schmitt (19 Apr 21): Hello, Religious Privilege is Good and Here’s Why | Emily Claire Schmitt (

[4] Helen Calder (23 Apr 21): Prophetic Ministry: Are You a Beacon or a Lighthouse? (

[5] Anna Blake (16 Apr 21): Saying Yes to a Horse When You Mean No – Anna Blake

[6] Rick Joyner (20 Apr 21): The Weapon of Gentleness | MorningStar Ministries

[7] Nate Johnston (22 Apr 21): 9 TYPES OF WARFARE YOU MAY BE EXPERIENCING RIGHT NOW – Nate & Christy: Everyday Revivalists (

[8] Bill Yount (12 Sept 2020): Prophetic Alert: “I Am Breaking the Age Barrier!” – A Word by Bill Yount – Spirit Fuel

[9] Rabbi Curt Landry (24 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25402)

[10] Elizabeth Baker (14 Jan 2021): My Evangelical Church Is Gaslighting Me, But I Refuse To Fall For It Anymore | HuffPost

[11] Andrew Towe (23 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25398)

[12] Casey Cross: 4th Sunday of Easter(B): What is Truth? – Modern μετανοια (

[13] Wanda Alger (22 Apr 21):

[14] Sanjna Mahtab (21 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25389)

[15] Steve Porter (08 April 21): Steve Porter: “Becoming the Wheel Within a Wheel” (

[16] Rev. Kellan Day: To Be a Sheep, Easter 4 (B) – April 25, 2021 – The Episcopal Church

[17] Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (26 Apr 21): Pesach Sheini – Daily Dose of Wisdom (

[18] Nancy Taylor Tate (24 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25403)

[19] Lovesick Scribe (22 Apr 21): There Be Fallacious Spirits Here | (

[20] Demontae Edmonds (26 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25407)

[21] [From “Babe” 1995]: blob:

[22] [1] Neale Donald Walsch, Facebook post, July 22, 2014.

[23] Faith Marie Baczko (25 March 21): The Day of Reckoning! – Headstone Ministries

[24] Dutch Sheets and Jane Hamon (20 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25387)

[25] Anita Alexander (22 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25393)

[26] Rev. Phil Hooper (18 Apr 21): This Peaceful Body: A Sermon – By Another Road

[27] Joe Joe Dawson (20 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25388)

You People ♥ 14 Apr 21

19 Apr

Working Dates: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 to Monday, April 19, 2021

[20 pages of reflective dialogue anchored in the lectionary readings from Acts 3:12-19 for 3 Easter 18 Apr 21]

Messiah Watch

Joe Joe Dawson (12 Apr 21): What Is God Doing?

Amy Sutherland (13 Apr 21): Where Is The Power?

Mary Luti (14 Apr 21): No Idea

Wanda Alger (13 Apr 21): “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” (Ephesians 5:11 ESV)

Brat Journal (Friday, July 06, 2012): Jo, I can’t take much more weirdness!  Three Times [!] yesterday out of the blue God said, “Messiah Watch.”  I was given no clues for reference.  Again, it was the first thing I thought when I woke up this morning (and I woke up prematurely because Duke [†] was barking at 4:20 am; ah, more noise, ever more noise, and more noise…No sanctuary, some peace, and no quiet.)  I got up, as I understood that God was directing this madness, and did a keyword search: Messiah Watch.  …

Apostle Axel Sippach (17 Apr 21):  To bring reformation. Ready to see transformation. Ready to be part of the Breaking Open of a New Day where the light invades the darkness as the Kingdom of God invades and advances and they take territory for the King.

Jerame Nelson (18 Apr 21): How do we begin to step into a place of accessing Isaiah 22:22? I believe that we have got to come into a place of revelation knowledge. In Luke 11:42-52, Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for all the different things they were doing that were legalistic and religious. [1]

Mary Luti (14 Apr 21): A preacher I know once stopped short in the middle of her sermon, head down, silent. After several seconds, she looked up and said softly, “I have no idea what I’m talking about.”

Rev. Carlos de la Torre: “What legacy do you want to leave behind?”

The Rev. Charles Lane Cowen: Prior to ordination, I spent over a decade as a professional theatre artist. I worked as an actor, director, puppet builder/puppeteer, and improviser along with many other roles. Because my work was so varied, when people asked me what I specialized in, I simply said, “I’m a storyteller.”[2]

Brat: I would love to introduce you to Fr. George Daisa and Rev. Bonnie Rose.  They also have had similar experiences as you have had.

Steve Shultz: The stories you are about to read are true and the names have not been changed.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (15 Apr 21): The message to all of us is how we judge ourselves and others.

Brat (in “Benefit of the Doubt” 06 Apr 21): In our censored world, where does our testimony find sanctuary, where others can see for themselves without fear of retribution and know the depths of God’s love for humanity in a world gaslit in vapors?

Mary Luti (14 Apr 21): Maybe it would ring truer if we proclaimed the depth of the riches by silence and sighs as well as talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.

Wanda Alger (13 Apr 21): I can’t help but think about the early disciples and a similar challenge they faced when trying to wake up the people of their nation. The religious leaders of their day were similarly concerned about all the noise they were making and were calling for the whole movement to be silenced. It was a respected Pharisee, Gamaliel, who suggested they leave them alone and let the results up to God.[3]

Jerame Nelson (18 Apr 21): God wants to unlock things to us in the Spirit that no man can open.

Apostle Axel Sippach (17 Apr 21): They are part of the lineage of the great Kingdom men and women who have gone before them who have been part of the Epic Story of all Ages – His-Story!

Joe Joe Dawson (12 Apr 21): In the upcoming season, God is about to unveil His plans for His people and for the nations. If you ever think God is silent or still, you are mistaken! Learn to trust that even when we cannot see or sense what the Lord is up to, He is always up to something. When Scripture tells us not to walk by sight and not to lean on our own understanding it is because what we see or feel in the natural will almost always be a lie.[4]

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (16 Apr 21): Worry is humiliating. Trust is dignity.[5]

Helen Calder (17 Apr 21): When a divine interruption takes place, you discover—to your amazement—that God is up to something new! Something you never expected. And you are finding out what is on Heaven’s agenda that was hidden up until now.[6]

Steve Shultz: What God has done in these stories are as real and even as important as most Bible stories. Whatever God does is, by itself, INSPIRED BY GOD.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (13 Apr 21): Even before I am aware of my thoughts, He has it all worked out. (Psalms 139:4 according to the Targum)

Divine Interruption

Lana Vawser (13 Apr 21): Have you felt a shift lately? I’ve heard the Lord say that it’s a new era, and He’s about to awaken His Church and purify His Bride unlike ever before. If you are ready to learn how to partner with God as He moves in unprecedented ways…

Helen Calder (17 Apr 21): What Is a Divine Interruption?

Amy Sutherland (13 Apr 21): The Lord said to me yesterday many do not walk in the Spirit’s power because they refuse to walk through times of testing.[7]

Me to Amy Sutherland (14 Apr 21): Respectfully, I disagree with the opinion that many refuse to walk in the Spirit’s power through times of testing.  I believe we have been!  However, as in a marriage, it takes two to want a relationship.  The power drain comes from neglect, as revealed in our collective conversation: Benefit of the Doubt 06 Apr 21 | truthinus (  God’s been doing His best.  It’s man who keeps repeatedly dropping the ball when God gives us chance after chance to repair the damage.  The sacred in the ordinary is overlooked.  Then stalkers take God’s grace for granted when the truth fires become uncomfortable.  Then others come along later and beat us up for not being strong enough.  The Enablers are so bent on their war agendas that there is no room for mercy.  This is not representative of how the five-fold is supposed to work.

Rick Joyner (15 Apr 21): Our goal must be to see with the Lord’s eyes. He does not just see people as they are, but as they are called to be. His words and actions that express His love edify and call us higher. When something is hindering us from growing into what we are called to be, such as sin, love confronts and brings correction, but in a redemptive way for our good.[8]

Jerame Nelson (18 Apr 21): I really believe that this is going to be the year of the open door, and that God is opening up things for us as a Church that we’ve not yet been able to enter into. We’re on the brink of seeing one of the most powerful moves of God, a revolution of His love, in the United States. But here’s the deal. I believe it’s going to come through the people of God. It’s going to come through the saints doing the work of the ministry because God is raising up an army in this season. It’s not just going to be about the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers doing everything while everybody watches. See, the Bible says that those giftings are given to equip the Church for the work of the ministry (see Ephesians 4:11-12).

Steve Shultz: God is using just regular ol’ folks, like you and me, to cast a great shadow on the world – to change people’s lives forever…and you are at the center of His stories!

Doug Addison (16 Apr 21): You don’t have to agree with what the person did; but when you let go of holding it against them, it gets you out of the prison of the pain they caused you. You don’t even have to contact them about it because you might get wounded all over again. Instead, talk to the Lord about it and forgive them in your heart. This will open the heavens over you![9]

Psalm 4:4 When you are disturbed, do not sin; ponder it on your beds, and be silent. Selah

Jennifer LeClaire (15 Apr 21): I was in a house that was unfamiliar to me. It wasn’t a large house, but it was crowded with people—overcrowded.

Brat (in “Benefit of the Doubt” 06 Apr 21): Sophia and I are certain that God is dealing with the Enablers right now.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (15 Apr 21): The Mishna in Ethics of the Fathers tells us[9][10] to “give every person the benefit of the doubt.” [! – kh] But a more precise translation is that “one should judge the whole person as meritorious.” (“Heve dan es kol haAdam l’kaf zechus.”) Before you judge someone, you need to look at all the factors making up the person. You need to look at “kal haAdam,” at the entire human being, before you give a diagnosis. Never judge somebody without knowing the whole story and the whole person. You may think you understand, but you don’t. [11]

C.S. Lewis (1949): I find that when I think I am asking God to forgive me I am often in reality (unless I watch myself very carefully) asking Him to do something quite different. I am asking Him not to forgive me but to excuse me. But there is all the difference in the world between forgiving and excusing. Forgiveness says “Yes, you have done this thing, but I accept your apology, I will never hold it against you and everything between us two will be exactly as it was before.” But excusing says “I see that you couldn’t help it or didn’t mean it, you weren’t really to blame.”. . . [12]

Helen Calder (17 Apr 21): Sometimes, like Jesus’ conversation with Thomas, our dialogue with Him is uncomfortable. He may gently admonish us. But be assured that in this moment, He is doing a great work. Jesus is adjusting you to the truth of His Word—He is setting you free! Newly found faith is pouring into your heart.

Jennifer Eivaz (15 Apr 21): What happens when you’re the first one to get away??[13]

Professor Dana L. Robert (2019): In most cultures, the idea of friendship is a powerful statement of relational identity. In Batak culture in Indonesia, for example, it is said that the loss of a friend is worse than the loss of one’s mother. Traditional Russian culture assumes it is better to have many friends than much money. In Confucian tradition, friendship is one of the basic relationships that undergirds society. For American Christians, being friends with Jesus tends to be personal. . . . Jesus is my friend. He carries my burdens.

Rabbi Shaul Leiter (15 Apr 21): Friend of Ascent and former fighter pilot Professor Shlomo Kalish spoke about a recent tragic event in which a F-16 plane crashed. Due to vertigo, the pilot became confused and was not able to distinguish in which direction he was flying. Professor Kalish explained that at elevated heights and fast speeds, even in the daytime, sea and sky look exactly the same. While it is natural to fly according to sense perception, much of a pilot’s training is to force him to rely on cockpit instruments. The pilots are repeatedly taught, especially in a case of doubt, to rely on the instruments. His conclusion was that each of us are in a similar situation today. Everything and everyone is moving so fast. It is often hard to tell what is up and what is down, what is right and what is wrong, or even where we are going. Our own natural perceptions of Heaven and earth often mislead us. It is imperative for each of us to rely on our “cockpit instruments”- the teachings of our holy Torah. When in doubt, fly by the instruments!

Psalm 4:6 There are many who say, “O that we might see some good! Let the light of your face shine on us, O LORD!”

Fr. Richard Rohr (16 Apr 21): In essence, he [Richard of St. Victor (1110–1173)] said, for God to be good, God can be one (but we always have doubts about a lone monarch). For God to be loving, God has to be two, because love is always a relationship of giving and receiving. The real breakthrough comes when Richard of St. Victor says that for God to be joy-filled and happy, God has to be three. [1][14] Delight comes, he says, from two together enjoying and rejoicing in the same thing at the same time. It is like new parents loving their new child that they cannot stop admiring. The love then flows in an eternal circle instead of back and forth between two. Each of the three takes their part in revving the engine of desire and delight.

Helen Calder (17 Apr 21): So, what is a divine interruption? To interrupt means to break into the course of something…it may be a conversation, an event, or progress. You are in the middle of something when, suddenly, an unexpected interruption takes place! During a “divine interruption,” the one who is interrupting you is God!

Mary Luti (14 Apr 21): The moment she was overcome with a searing awareness that she was out of her depth.

Christina Villa (17 Apr 21): I think of this as a non-divine example, a humble illustration for the rest of us, of what Jesus meant about being a servant to be great. How can you be “first” and a “slave” at the same time, “great” and also a “servant”? I don’t know, but as usual, Jesus is right.

Integrated Approach

Elijah List (16 Apr 21): Face it, you’re stuck.

Christina Villa (17 Apr 21): Dear God, help me question all my resentments and remember nobody likes a martyr. Amen.

Helen Calder (17 Apr 21): Sometimes in life it may seem as though we are stuck in a cycle of endless “play and repeat.” We find that Jesus has been waiting for us…expecting us. “Give Me a drink,” He says. And then, in a moment of divine interruption, everything changes. You never knew that on one word from Jesus, the whole of your life could turn. Now, you realize with wonder, He has come for you! Jesus knows you. God loves you. And He has a mission that only you can do.

Psalm 4:3 But know that the LORD has set apart the faithful for himself; the LORD hears when I call to him.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (15 Apr 21): One of the great rabbis of the last generation offered a magnificent explanation. As it turns out, the origins of what we call today “holistic medicine” and the “integrated approach” are in the Torah.

Apostle Axel Sippach (17 Apr 21): There’s a New Breed arising. I also call them the “Young Guns.” They are radical – armed and dangerous! They come “packing.”

The Magnificent Seven: []

Brat: There were Seven Churches!!

Jennifer LeClaire (15 Apr 21): I kept on watching. In this congested home full of Christians, people were running to and fro, doing I do not know what. The entire house was buzzing with activity, almost as if they were preparing for something. I could not see the faces of these hectic herds.

Rev. Carlos de la Torre: While no interviewer ever asked Jesus what legacy he wanted to leave behind, the question of legacy — what Jesus sought to leave behind — is an important theme in Jesus’ post-resurrection accounts. Jesus does not seem concerned with what the masses will have to say about him – rather, Jesus is concerned with what his disciples will know and believe, and what they will do in his name.[15] 

Jacqueline Renee Simmons (17 Apr 21): While on the road traveling from one destination to the next, I heard Holy Spirit say, “I am leading you into “uncharted territories that will be open to you where others could not go.” Uncharted” means “unmapped” or “unexplored,” so the expression meaning “to explore a new subject or area” is “enter uncharted territory. He says “trust my leading you with a yes even when you don’t know what direction you’re going. Allow Holy Spirit to chart your course and ferry ⛴you into new places. Rest peacefully knowing that He knows how to lead you off the map of the unknown! Have unshakable faith in this hour. He will lead you with accelerated ease, agility and speed.

Donna Rigney (16 Apr 21): “Church will never return to the way it used to be conducted. My glory will invade those places where I am truly worshiped. Some of those places will be within the walls of the Church and some will be in homes and in other buildings and even on the streets of your cities. I cannot be contained in the walls of the building and won’t be found where other gods are worshiped.

Professor Dana L. Robert (2019): But a cross-cultural perspective on Jesus as friend says a lot about the meaning of community. For friendship always goes both ways. It requires mutuality. It involves give and take. . . . Since Jesus is holding hands with the world, so to speak, then intimacy with Jesus extends far beyond personal needs. To befriend Jesus means carrying in fellowship the responsibilities of friendship that he carried. . . .[16]

Pastor Vanessa Russell (09 Apr 21): [Pray] For Understanding for the conditions of the people in my community.

Amy Sutherland (13 Apr 21): The Gospel has never been weak – but the Church and it’s Body are weak when we do not allow the perfect power-filled Word to test us. We do not have endurance because our faith hasn’t been tested. (James 1:2-4). We settle for comfort, and complain God has not “done” for us. The fruit is immaturity that tastes not the sweetness of the Vine.

Wanda Alger (13 Apr 21): “So in this situation, you should just leave these people to themselves. For if this plan or undertaking originates with men, it will fade away and come to nothing. But if this movement is of God, you won’t be able to stop it. And you might discover that you were fighting God all along!” (Acts 5:38-39 TPT)

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (16 Apr 21): To worry is to worship the world, to fall on your knees in dread and grovel before it.

Rick Joyner (13 Apr 21): It is noteworthy that the fruit of The Spirit is singular, not plural. There are not nine fruits of The Spirit, but one, with nine characteristics. They all work together and cannot be separated. For example, our goodness and kindness must be done in love, faith, and patience.… We have been commanded by Jesus to: “But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:27-28).

Christina Villa (17 Apr 21): I felt excluded and taken for granted: a martyr to everyone else’s good time.

Professor Dana L. Robert (2019): In the context of worldwide community, being friends with Jesus is hard work. For when followers of Jesus walk beside him, he leads them in directions they would rather not go, into neighborhoods they would rather avoid, and to meet other friends of his they might not normally know. As the Scriptures and history show, to be a friend of Jesus means loving others just as he does.

Jewish Voice (16 Apr 21): As God led Jewish Voice to minister to the “Lost Tribes of Israel” in Africa, beginning in 1999, we invited you to partner with us. And you have faithfully stood with us through your giving and prayers. You are changing lives in the name of Jesus and reaching some of the most spiritually neglected communities in the world.[17]

Fr. Richard Rohr (17 Apr 21): Christian mission begins with friendship—not utilitarian friendship, the religious version of network marketing—but genuine friendship, friendship that translates love for neighbors in general into knowing, appreciating, liking, and enjoying this or that neighbor in particular. —Brian McLaren

Helen Calder (17 Apr 21): When a divine interruption takes place, we realize it is not time for business as usual. Instead, it is time to pay attention to what God is doing, for there is “breaking news” from Heaven. God is revealing what He has meant to do all along.

Jerame Nelson (18 Apr 21): Like Samuel, God wants to put an anointing upon us so that when we speak the words of God there is life on them, and those words don’t fall to the ground. They come to pass, and people begin to listen to the Church. This is going to be a year when God restores His voice to the Church. Some of you might say, “How does He restore His voice?” We will have a voice when God restores His supernatural power and begins to release His glory—when the goodness of the Lord is seen.


The Rev. Charles Lane Cowen: As you prepare to preach this or any text, I invite you into an imaginative process that brings the text to life. For me, I have the most fun when I do this with others. It may feel silly, but gather a group of adults, make costumes from things lying around the office, and act this scene out. Through imagination, empathy, and incarnational living of the Scriptures, you may find that their meaning becomes deeper, and they will become part of your physical reality as a baptized member of Christ’s own body.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (13 Apr 21): Trusting in the One Above doesn’t mean waiting for miracles.[18]

Jerame Nelson (18 Apr 21): …When I got to the end of the meeting, much to my surprise, the Lord told me, “I don’t want you to move in miracles because I want to prove to these people that I am God; I want to confirm My word.”

Fr. Richard Rohr (13 Apr 21): As a Franciscan, I have always been curious about the fruitful friendship between Francis of Assisi and his female companion Clare. They were not lovers, yet they were deeply devoted to one another, built their orders together, and turned to one another for support and wisdom. My friend Mirabai Starr offers a vignette based on tales about Francis and Clare, and shows a mutual friendship built on their shared dedication to Christ

Deacon Brenton Cordeiro: Growing up in a wealthy family in Assisi, Italy, Francis led a life characterized by pride and sin as a young man. While his journey to repentance and conversion unfolded over several stages, a pivotal moment occurred one day while Francis was praying before a crucifix at a run-down church. He heard Christ speak to him from the crucifix: “Francis, go and rebuild my Church.”[19]

Fr. Richard Rohr (16 Apr 21): God as Friendship

Helen Calder (17 Apr 21): The trajectory of your life is about to change.

Pastor Vanessa Russell (09 Apr 21): Please join me as we “BUILD” by praying

Pastor Fah (14 Apr 21): Join us today as we look into the scriptures and receive instruction from the Lord Jesus regarding the purpose of His Church. He said He would build it and that the gates of hell would not prevail against it! As a pastor the Church is my favorite subject, so let’s be renewed and encouraged and allow the Holy Spirit to breathe new life into us as we look to Him together as his beautiful bride. 

Acts 3:14 But you rejected the Holy and Righteous One and asked to have a murderer given to you,

Jennifer LeClaire (15 Apr 21): The Plumb Line: Prophetic Dream: The Unleashing of Jezebel’s Daughter

Wanda Alger (13 Apr 21): “Blessed is the man (nation) who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.” (Psalms 1:1-2)

Mary Luti (14 Apr 21): He’d always distrusted the glib way religious people—right, left, and center—speak of the Holy, as if they were God’s press secretaries emerging from the briefing room with verbatim notes to report out the divine mind. He had no idea, either, but he’d never heard anyone in church admit it.

Jerame Nelson (18 Apr 21): Luke 11:52 tells us about a key—the key of knowledge. If we are going to operate with the key of David, which is the governmental authority of God, then we need another key, the key of revelation knowledge, to enable us to see into what God the Father is doing and hear what He is saying. That key draws us into greater intimacy with Jesus and empowers us to stand up against not just the demonic principalities and powers, but the religious spirit that still exists in Christian circles. Luke 11:52 says:

“Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered.”

Rabbi YY Jacobson (15 Apr 21): Before I can pronounce a person as impure, I need to see the person, not only the problem. Do I know how to recognize the difference between evil and trauma? Between selfishness and fear? Between being bad and being wounded?

Joe Joe Dawson (12 Apr 21): When God unveils what He is doing in our cities and nations, all the world will have to stop and acknowledge the power and presence of God. I truly believe God is about to release a revival and awakening that will be poured out worldwide. In the midst of national calamity or moral decay, God has always used those seasons to raise up reformers out of His remnant. I believe God is raising up champions for the Kingdom of God in this season.

Apostle Axel Sippach (17 Apr 21): They take their place, summoned by the Spirit of God, answering the call, and chosen by the King to participate in the purposes He has for a chosen generation that has been summoned upon the stage of world history for this time.

1 John 3:1 See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

The Rev. Charles Lane Cowen: Furthermore, Peter names another vital character in this scene: “The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our ancestors” (Acts 3:13). God not only acts within this story, but the nature of God—which God; whose God—becomes known in this familial description.

Acts 3:13 The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our ancestors has glorified his servant Jesus, whom you handed over and rejected in the presence of Pilate, though he had decided to release him.

Amy Sutherland (13 Apr 21): Maturity is not how much you “know”, maturity is how much you yield. Mature sons and daughters yield to the leading of testing and pruning. The Holy Spirt led Jesus into the wilderness to be tested and 40 days later He came out “armed with the Holy Spirit’s power”. Where is the power? It will be given to you to the degree that you yield to the Holy Spirit.

Jewish Voice (16 Apr 21): People don’t care what you know until they know that you care

Pastor Vanessa Russell (09 Apr 21): The last 12 months were difficult for most of us. I run an anti-human-trafficking organization and can’t help noticing that the experiences of everyday people have become similar to the trafficked, homeless and impoverished.[20]

Mirabai Starr (2013): When Francis felt most alone in the world, most persecuted and misunderstood, it was Clare he would turn to for clarity, wisdom, and a love stripped of sentimentality. “All I want is to live as a hermit and love my Lord in secret,” he confessed to her. “And yet I am moved to preach the gospel of holy poverty in the world. What should I do?”[21]

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (15 Apr 21): Relax. Trust Him. He runs an entire universe.

Mary Luti (14 Apr 21): The moment it struck her that when it comes to the Mystery, neither she nor anyone else on the face of the earth has the faintest clue.

Clare did not equivocate: “God did not call you for yourself alone, but also for the salvation of others.” [2][22]

Staring Look

Community of Divine Love (14 Apr 21): “The life that I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place and time my touch will be felt.” ~FREDERICK BUECHNER

Brat: Since you know that, why didn’t you bother to write me back?

Pastor Vanessa Russell (09 Apr 21): Pray for all who feel alone or forgotten in your community, and ask God to reveal ways to reach out and touch others in this season of isolation. 

Mary Luti (14 Apr 21): The moment when she, who’d been nattering away like a person who knows things, was so mortified by her impudence that she couldn’t go on.

Jennifer LeClaire (15 Apr 21): It was as if the Holy Spirit picked me up and transported me in the Spirit to a faraway place, into an event already in progress.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (15 Apr 21): Sometimes you see that things have been taken out of your hands and are following a supernatural order.

Steve Cleary (18 Apr 21): The “Insanity” of God

Brat: [Chew lip.] But, this insane kind of grinding SILENCE for thirteen years from God’s people causes me physical pain.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (15 Apr 21): Don’t Only Look at the Disease; See the Person

Brat: I do.  Why can’t you?

Mirabai Starr (2013): Toward the end of his life, when the brotherhood had burgeoned so quickly that it threatened to implode, Francis’s physical health mirrored the disease spreading through his community. Wracked by unrelenting pain in his joints and flesh, and nearly blind, the forty-four-year-old ascetic took refuge in a hermitage adjoining the convent of the Poor Clares at San Damiano [where Clare lived and died].

Brat: I know how Francis felt, as I have been experiencing the same pain while I witness my community!

Rabbi YY Jacobson (15 Apr 21): The verse states: “The Kohen shall look at the affliction on the skin of his flesh… the Kohen shall look at it and make him impure.” Why is the same phrase repeated? The Torah should have said: “The Kohen shall look at the affliction on the skin of his flesh… and make him impure.” Why does it say again, “the Kohen shall look at it?”[3][23]

Charisma (17 Apr 21): Who will rescue the dying man?

Brat: Have you ever wondered if maybe the priests staring at the wounds were the ones making him impure?  After all, even Jesus talked about how the Levites and the Priests looked at the abused man lying in the road and walked around him, so as to not to make themselves impure. (Luke 10:30-32) I have found that someone staring at me can make me feel ashamed and impure, even though I have nothing to be ashamed about.  I know others can feel that way, too.  It’s like feeling over-conscientious when a cop pulls up behind you when you’ve been obeying the law, but you don’t know if they’re out to fulfill their daily quota at your expense, so involuntarily shame rises to your face.  In an opposite scenario, another person may also stare at me, but if they look at me with a soft eye and a heart of compassion, my own heart will reflect their kindness.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (15 Apr 21): There are two types of educators and teachers. Some just see the rules and the deviations of the rules, but others can just peer into the heart and see a soul.

Acts 3:12 When Peter saw it, he addressed the people, “You Israelites, why do you wonder at this, or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety we had made him walk?

Sermons That Work (14 Apr 21): Custom Movers has been moving Episcopal clergy to new ministries since 1982 (sponsored)

Mary Luti (14 Apr 21): She finessed the awkward moment with a joke, finished, and sat down. Afterwards, nobody mentioned it. Except one astute parishioner who told her that when she’d said, “No idea…,” he’d wanted to shout, “Hooray! The truth at last!”

Bible Gateway (16 Apr 21): When did you last consider the Bible’s book of Revelation to be a wellspring of hope? Or have you always seen it as a declaration of judgment amidst confusing imagery? Of all the books of the Bible, Revelation is the one people seem to be the most afraid to study. They describe it in such terms as terrifying, mysterious, apocalyptic, and perplexing. ssed.  Bible Gateway interviewed Margaret Feinberg about her teaching video, Revelation: Extravagant Hope (Zondervan, 2021), part of the Beautiful Word Bible Study Series.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (14 Apr 21): But when others come with their troubles, telling them they should rejoice in their afflictions can be callous and even cruel.

Psalm 4:2 How long, you people, shall my honor suffer shame? How long will you love vain words, and seek after lies? Selah

Helen Calder (17 Apr 21): He said, “I am removing shame from the generations. I am changing the story you tell from now on!”

Doug Addison (16 Apr 21): There is a better way to go. Speaking and acting out of kindness, compassion and forgiveness will activate your ability to hear God and to love. All these principles are tied together! Most of us know what it means to be kind or to have compassion for someone. But for many people, forgiveness can be mysterious and difficult.

C.S. Lewis (1949): Real forgiveness means looking steadily at the sin, the sin that is left over without any excuse, after all allowances have been made, and seeing it in all its horror, dirt, meanness and malice, and nevertheless being wholly reconciled to the man who has done it.

Donna Rigney (16 Apr 21): “Repentance will be commonplace among My children. Once evil is exposed, many will run into My open arms, fall at My feet and repent for their part in the spread of wickedness in this world. Tears of sorrow will change to tears of rejoicing, as forgiveness is granted immediately and with it great restoration and deliverance.[24]

Wanda Alger (13 Apr 21): Before some folks get knocked off their hi-horse like Saul and get confronted by a voice from heaven (see Acts 9:3-4), perhaps a second look would be in order. For those concerned with all the noise these revolutionaries are making, perhaps we need to heed Gamaliel’s advice. If it’s motivated by human agenda, it will have no power to change anything and will eventually fade away. But, if it is Spirit-inspired and fueled by heaven – nothing will change it, and nothing can stop it. What side of history you’ll stand on, is up to you.

Fr. Richard Rohr (16 Apr 21): When I read Richard of St. Victor, it reminded me of a dilemma I faced when I first started becoming rather well-known. (Forgive me if that sounds arrogant!) There were a lot of people who wanted to get close to me and be my friend. I asked myself, how do I allow all these would-be friends? I realized that the people I really loved with great abandon and freedom were not just people who loved me, but people who also loved what I loved.

Incarnational Understanding

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (16 Apr 21): To trust is to lift up your eyes and stand as tall as the heavens. To live with nothing else but the bond between G‑d above and you below.

Helen Calder (17 Apr 21): From our perspective, this encounter—and what unfolds from it—is unforeseen! And yet when we look back, we can see the signs…a word here, a promise there…that prophetic calling you had long given up on.

Christina Villa (17 Apr 21): But somehow, over the years, I gradually stopped feeling like a servant, even though I was still doing all the same things. No sermon or advice about responsibility from my elders would have worked this magic. It was only doing it, over and over again, year after year, that turned being a “servant” into something I didn’t mind being.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (14 Apr 21): Keep your trust in G‑d for yourself.

Dutch Sheets (15 Apr 21): Lord, overshadow me with Your presence. Help me, in turn, cast my shadow over those whom You choose. Give me creative ways to do this when there are still areas where social distancing is in effect. Help me not be bashful or intimidated, but give me boldness to speak and act as Holy Spirit guides me.[25]

Wanda Alger (13 Apr 21): If we want our nation to be blessed, we are instructed to avoid the counsel and advice of wicked men. We are not to stand alongside their twisted agendas or godless plans concerning our future. We become guilty by association when we simply go along with their deception. Worse yet, when we refuse to take a stand against their darkened plans, we can come under the same spirit of ridicule and scorn that fuels their agendas. Before long, we are no better than they are when we ridicule and criticize those who are simply pursuing the truth.

Rick Joyner: The material on TV is called “programming” for a reason; it’s designed to program us as we sit passively in our seat. – Douglas Rushkoff  

Israel365 Video Manager (15 Apr 21): On Israel’s 73rd Independence Day, a new video released by the World Mizrachi movement reveals ten living prophecies written in the Bible that are coming true today in 2021.[26]

Mary Luti (14 Apr 21): It’s not that we don’t know or can’t say anything true about God. There are things we do know, things we rightly stake our lives on. But they are few. Maybe God-talk would feel more honest if it were equally modest.

Brat (in “Benefit of the Doubt” 06 Apr 21): …My sharing then becomes more fodder for your sharing to your platform, while my desolation deepens in the abomination.  I never doubted his prophetic clarity and truth.  My cry along with the anchorites of old is for courtesy.

Mirabai Starr (2013): There, near to the woman who knew his soul and loved him with a perfect love, and enfolded in the sacred sounds and smells of the creation, Francis composed his ecstatic hymn, “The Canticle of The Sun.”

Revelation 19:17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God,

Jerame Nelson: “An Angel Appeared at Starbucks & Handed Me Kingdom Keys!”

Vicki Kemper (18 Apr 21): The Risen Christ is your least favorite, most annoying, always-hungry acquaintance. Do you have anything to eat?

Rev. Carlos de la Torre: While legacies are concerned with how an individual’s past achievements continue to have an echoing effect, covenants are a binding agreement, a pledge that continues to have a tangible effect. Jesus’ covenant is not a brief note in a score, but the final movement that captures the whole work. It is through this covenant that all of humanity is able to hear the sweet sounds of salvation.

1 John 3:2 Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is.

The Rev. Charles Lane Cowen: This incarnational understanding of Holy Scripture certainly informs today’s Gospel reading, and I would argue that it should inform all readings of the Bible. Drawing on my own experiences as a theatre artist and techniques I learned from David Rhoads, Joanna Dewey, and Donald Michie in their book, Mark as Story,[1][27] I often begin the study of any pericope by writing out the characters and the setting. When I begin thinking about these stories in a realized, incarnational way, I often glean new information that not only informs my preaching/teaching but allows me to experience and internalize the Bible in an intimate way.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (15 Apr 21): Don’t try to win arguments; try to help people.

Doug Addison (16 Apr 21): We need to be careful to stay out of arguments and complaining over politics, religion and differences of opinion. Right now, behind the wheel of your car. Right now, in how you’re acting on social media. Right now, in how you treat your kids. Get the idea?

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (15 Apr 21): At this point, let go of the steering wheel. Just do your best at what you have to do
—and stay out of G‑d’s way.

C.S. Lewis (1952): The more we get what we now call ‘ourselves’ out of the way and let Him take us over, the more truly ourselves we become. There is so much of Him that millions and millions of ‘little Christs’, all different, will still be too few to express Him fully. He made them all. He invented— as an author invents characters in a novel—all the different men that you and I were intended to be. In that sense our real selves are all waiting for us in Him. It is no good trying to ‘be myself’ without Him. The more I resist Him and try to live on my own, the more I become dominated by my own heredity and upbringing and surroundings and natural desires. In fact what I so proudly call ‘Myself’ becomes merely the meeting place for trains of events which I never started and which I cannot stop. What I call ‘My wishes’ become merely the desires thrown up by my physical organism or pumped into me by other men’s thoughts or even suggested to me by devils. Eggs and alcohol and a good night’s sleep will be the real origins of what I flatter myself by regarding as my own highly personal and discriminating decision to make love to the girl opposite to me in the railway carriage. Propaganda will be the real origin of what I regard as my own personal political ideas. I am not, in my natural state, nearly so much of a person as I like to believe: most of what I call ‘me’ can be very easily explained. It is when I turn to Christ, when I give myself up to His Personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own.[28]

In-House Conversation

Pastor Vanessa Russell (09 Apr 21): [Pray] For strength to Be present in my community in this time of trouble.

Brat: My community (aka tribe) totally dissed me, so I seek to see where the Holy Spirit is leading the greater conversation.  That is how I am being present.

Pastor Karl Hester (18 Apr 21): The agents of sadness—sin, death, and the devil as Martin Luther put it—beset us. God knows what seeks after us and protects us as precious and vulnerable sheep. The good shepherd knows his sheep by name, gladly gives his life to deter the wolves, leaves the flock to go after the loner stuck in the wilderness, and returns with gladness and joy when that one has been safely returned.

Brat: I have no pastors or rabbis that honestly “Follow” my blog.  I have one friend who is a prophet that subscribes, but she’s raising two toddlers and doesn’t have time to read it.  It is by God’s grace that I am still alive and sane in this on-going isolation (as addressed in “Benefit of the Doubt”)!  This protection in and of itself is my testimony of Jesus as the Good Shepherd!

Dr. Luisa Johnson (in “Benefit of the Doubt” 06 Apr 21): Kathryn, may God give you a glimpse of your reach and your obedience and somewhere give you a sense of your purpose.

Brat: Thank you.

Quin Sherrer with Jamie Buckingham: By inviting God’s abiding presence to overshadow and help us, we can make a difference in the lives of many people. Who knows when you may discover a result of your “shadow ministry” – one that may totally surprise you. You go along doing what you always do. Then boom! Someone tells you how your life impacted him or her, and you had no idea.

Fr. Richard Rohr (18 Apr 21): God is not bound by our commonly held presumption that humans are the center of everything. Creation did not actually demand or need Jesus (or us, for that matter) to confer additional sacredness upon it. From the first moment of the Big Bang, nature was revealing the glory and goodness of the Divine Presence; it must be seen as a gratuitous gift. Jesus came to live in its midst, and enjoy life in all its natural variations, and thus be our model and exemplar. Jesus is the gift that honored the gift, we might say.

Pope Francis: Evangelize by Example, Not Pushing Your Faith on Others

Jerame Nelson (18 Apr 21): Jesus came to the earth for a purpose: to seek and save that which was lost (see Luke 19:10). So many of us get confused because we’ve got a lot of evangelists running around saying that Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost. That’s not what the Word says. It says Jesus came to seek and save “that which was lost.” In this verse, Jesus was talking about the authority [!] that Adam lost in the Garden when he sinned.

Revelation 12: 10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

“Now have come the salvation and the power
    and the kingdom of our God,
    and the authority [!] of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
    who accuses them before our God day and night,
    has been hurled down.

Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch: To fool the world is one thing,
but to fool yourself is no big deal.

You’re a fool for wanting to fool yourself
—and anyone can fool a fool.

The Rev. Charles Lane Cowen: Synthesizing this analysis, we see that we have an entirely Jewish cast in a Jewish setting. As theologian Willie James Jennings remarks, “Peter speaks to his people. This is an in-house conversation. We have lost the sense and struggle of this family argument.”[2][29] Utilizing the actor’s tool of imagining how something must feel as we draw upon our own experiences, most of us know what it’s like to be in a family feud. Most of us know what it’s like to be in a church argument. Anyone who has served on a vestry/church council/leadership board, has certainly experienced or can imagine the awkwardness and sometimes pain of disagreement and the effects those have on the community. Likewise, we can imagine the healing that comes from acknowledging our histories and turning toward our communal, life-giving goals.

Jennifer LeClaire (15 Apr 21): It was almost like a college party house where the living room was over capacity but nobody seemed to mind. Everyone was enjoying themselves, but I could not discern the occasion. I wasn’t sure what they were celebrating.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (14 Apr 21): When things don’t go so well, tell yourself it is all really for the good, and rejoice in however G‑d treats you.

Rick Joyner: The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. – George Bernard Shaw

Donna Rigney (16 Apr 21): “My Bible has lost its significance to My children; this is why they are enduring so many problems. My Word warns My children of what the enemy’s plans are; it is a mighty weapon against all his schemes and stops them before they are launched; it is a source of guidance, wisdom and revelation. To be led by My Spirit, away from certain harm, into the path of success, joy, fulfillment and truth – [this] is what meditating on My Word does for My children.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (14 Apr 21): “For yourself, trust in G-d.  For others, give a hand.”[30]

Mary Luti (14 Apr 21): Maybe people would trust it more if it were diffident, if it left some things blank.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (15 Apr 21): “You are probably wondering,” concluded the Rebbe, “why I waited this long to respond to your remarks on the matter. But my job in life is not to win arguments. My job is to bring Jews closer to the Torah and its mitzvot.”

Pastor Vanessa Russell (09 Apr 21): Now that things are reopening, it’s important that we don’t just “go back to normal.” Instead, let us empathetically recognize that it is not just businesses that need restoration, but also people (Neh. 5). Let us sacrificially give to others, that they might know the hope to which God has called them.

The Rev. Charles Lane Cowen: Let’s explore this method using today’s first lesson from Acts. This pericope has a deeply rooted and horrific history of interpretation that allows Christians to blame Jews for the death of Jesus. This kind of hatred has led to senseless, cruel, and theologically unsound violence against Jews in movements such as the Inquisition and the Holocaust. Preachers/teachers today have an ethical responsibility to condemn such an interpretation, and I believe this method of narrative analysis helps us do that.

Wanda Alger (13 Apr 21): I am certainly not suggesting that every conspiracy claim is true or that every challenge has merit. The ongoing issues require each of us to do our own homework and give prayerful consideration to the facts. But, if we’re going to have any corporate authority against the demonic agendas in our nation, perhaps we need a reminder of the requirements necessary for God’s blessing to fall.

Jerame Nelson (18 Apr 21): Jesus was bringing a rebuke to the religious leaders of His day because they opposed having true relationship with God in the Spirit. They would rather follow legalistic traditions and practices of man than have real relationship with God. They hindered people from seeing and hearing from God. Religious people are not bothered when we read the Word or say a little prayer, but the minute that power starts to show up, or we see an angel, or God gives us a dream or vision, or we begin to take ground in the spirit, that’s when religious people say, “I don’t know if this is of God.”

Acts 3:15 and you killed the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead. To this we are witnesses.

The Rev. Charles Lane Cowen: If Jesus establishes a physical reality and relationship between the Hebrew Bible and the Gospels, it follows that this physical reality continues through all Christian witness from the Christian Scriptures, through the history of Christianity, and into our present reality. We who have been baptized into Christ’s death and resurrection live an incarnational continuation of this story until our own ascension with Christ.

Fr. Richard Rohr (18 Apr 21): The true and essential work of all religion is to help us recognize and recover the divine image in everything. It is to mirror things correctly, deeply, and fully until all things know who they are. A mirror by its nature reflects impartially, equally, effortlessly, spontaneously, and endlessly. It does not produce the image, nor does it filter the image according to its perceptions or preferences. Authentic mirroring can only call forth what is already there.

Revelation 2:19 I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first.

Dutch Sheets (15 Apr 21): Just as You did with Mary, hover over me until I carry Your presence. I want to radiate the power of Holy Spirit in such strength that lives are changed and Christ is formed in people. Remind us daily, Father, that we are Him here.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (13 Apr 21): It means having confidence in what you are doing right now.

Apostle Axel Sippach (17 Apr 21): Identify them. Love them. Father them. Encourage them. Empower them. Equip them. Send them.

God’s Messiah

Revelation 3:“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:

These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.

Jerame Nelson (18 Apr 21): It is as if He is pointing to you and saying, “There’s one who’s faithful. There’s one whom I can anoint. There is one I want to release My keys to who will unlock the doors to the authority and power of Heaven. Will you accept My keys? Will you come and gather them from the deep places of intimacy with Me, and reach out for them on the high places of My Kingdom? Then turn the lock in the door and unleash a revolution that the world longs to see—a revolution of My love?”

Acts 3:16 And by faith in his name, his name itself has made this man strong, whom you see and know; and the faith that is through Jesus has given him this perfect health in the presence of all of you.

Pastor Steve Dittmar (13 Apr 21): The name of Jesus is the atmosphere of heaven, the authority of God, and all salvation. “Jesus” means “salvation.” His name is salvation, healing, and deliverance. When we continually offer this sacrifice of praise to God, that is, confessing His name out loud into our lives and circumstances, we do so to the glory of God. The glory of God is in the face of Jesus (2 Corinthians 4:6), and so saying His name, we move into Christ and His glory.

Acts 3:17 “And now, friends, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers.

Elijah List (13 Apr 21): “Jesus, help”

Pastor Steve Dittmar (13 Apr 21): This simple practice of the heart and mouth can change any atmosphere because it is Jesus who saves. Saying His name at home, at work, while driving, in trouble, and at rest brings His kingdom and reign into the atmosphere. This week let’s spend many moments returning our heart and our mouth to God in the sacrifice of praise confessing Jesus name.[31]

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (13 Apr 21): He invests in you and He trusts in you. And you should, too.

Rev. Carlos de la Torre: So, what does this covenant demand of us?

Mirabai Starr (2013): Clare gave up everything to be with Francis, to live as he lived, to see the face of the Divine in the faces of the poor and the oppressed and to love them as he loved them. “Her goal in life,” says Robert Ellsberg about Saint Clare, “was not to be a reflection of Francis but to be, like him, a reflection of Christ.” [1][32]

Acts 3:18 In this way God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, that his Messiah would suffer.

Brat: God’s Messiah?

Rev. Carlos de la Torre: Jesus’ legacy is his passion, death, and resurrection, and it has fulfilled everything promised in Holy Scripture. Through these acts, God in Christ has opened salvation to all nations, expanding God’s word through the Word made flesh beyond the people of Israel. But Jesus does not simply leave behind a legacy – a long list of accomplishments and accolades – but a covenant – an eternal and limitless promise.

Verse of the Day (16 Apr 21): Romans 13:Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.

Doug Addison (16 Apr 21): Jesus said that all the Law and the prophets are summed up in the one great commandment of love. Just like Jesus, everything we say and do has to come from a spirit of love. As His followers, we need to be an example to the world in how we act.

Mary Luti (14 Apr 21): Prayer


Wanda Alger (13 Apr 21): There is a God-given passion for truth that is compelling many God-fearing citizens and Spirit-fueled believers to sound an alarm and expose the works of darkness. Just like the early disciples, these radical visionaries are willing to confront the status quo, ask some challenging questions, and rattle the cages of some sacred cows. Can we recognize the zeal of the Lord at work – even if it pushes some buttons? Do we dare take the risk of challenging their cause if, in fact, it’s a work of heaven?

Acts 3:19 Repent therefore, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out

Pastor Vanessa Russell (09 Apr 21): We have learned what it’s like to be isolated, to feel forgotten and to suffer loss of housing, jobs and loved ones. We are humbled and feel much like Nehemiah, weeping at the sight of our burned and broken-down cities (Neh. 1:3-4).

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (14 Apr 21): Cry with them, pray for them, do everything you can for them—and then you can tell them to trust in G‑d.

Jerame Nelson (18 Apr 21): God is about to release a love revolution to the Body of Christ. I want to define what it is to have a revolution because I believe that God wants to bring real language to the Body of Christ so that we understand what He’s doing in this hour. I believe we’re about to enter into a heartfelt revelation of love that is greater than God’s power and greater than His gifts.

Rick Joyner (13 Apr 21): So, if we’re growing in the fruit of The Spirit, we will also be growing in goodness and kindness. As we walk abiding in The Lord, we will also go about looking for good to do for others, and always do it in The Spirit of kindness.[33]

A Final Testimony

Luke 24:45 Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures

Rev. Carlos de la Torre: But before their sojourn, Jesus addresses his disciples and presents them with a final testimony. Jesus tells his disciples that everything written in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms has been fulfilled by his passion, death, and resurrection. And now that God’s word has been fulfilled, true repentance and forgiveness can finally be proclaimed to all people. 

Helen Calder (17 Apr 21): From now on, this divine interruption—this “suddenly” from God—will be a part of your testimony. You’ll hear Him say, “I have a new track for you to journey on.
I have a new story for you to tell!”

Mary Luti (14 Apr 21): O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! – Romans 11:33 (NRSV)

Tamara Lowe (16 Apr 21): In short, what I heard during that week of listening was really good news, and much of it has already begun to happen in just the first few months of 2021.

Rev. Carlos de la Torre: In the primordial act of taking bread and wine, blessing, breaking, and sharing, we participate in Jesus’ covenant. It is through this act that we encounter over and over again the risen Jesus. It is through this act that we receive his peace, touch and behold his body, and share a meal with him. The good news is that this sacred pattern did not come to an end when Jesus ascended into heaven – instead, it spread to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

Brat Journal from nine years ago (July 10, 2012): At the beginning of this journal entry I had been so confounded by the phrase “Messiah Watch.”  Am I finally “getting it?”  When God told me the phrase “Messiah Watch,” three times in one day was He telling me to watch out for the Churches who are on the watch for a messiah?  Or did it have a more Eucharistic significance?  It is gradually starting to dawn on me that the Messiah through His very life honored, blessed, and released the world into the Father’s arms, so I must honor, bless, and release the Seven Churches in to Christ’s arms.  I am watching The Messiah do this very thing before my eyes.  So I must do as He does.

Apostle Axel Sippach (17 Apr 21): This is what they have been anointed for. And they will fulfill the purposes of God for their generation.

Jewish Voice (16 Apr 21): You help Jewish people come to know their Messiah, Jesus

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (13 Apr 21): Because you know He has set you on a good path and given you the right ideas.

Denis Edwards: Richard [of St. Victor] sees the self-transcending love of friendship as the high point of human life and argues that such friendship must be found in God. . . . Real friendship is love which goes from the self to the other. . . . Richard’s insight into friendship leads him to suggest that real love does not remain with the two but wants to share love with another. For full love we look for one who can share our love for the beloved. Richard sees the friendship in the Trinity as ecstatically breaking out beyond the two to include a third. . . . There is no sense in which this common [third] friend is loved any less than the other two. In the love of the divine Persons, Richard sees supreme love flowing equally in all directions. [2][34]


[1] Jerame Nelson (18 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25383)

[2] The Rev. Charles Lane Cowen: 3rd Sunday of Easter(B): Living Scripture – Modern μετανοια (


[4] Joe Joe Dawson (12 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25328)

[5] Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (16 Apr 21): Stand Tall – Daily Dose of Wisdom (

[6] Helen Calder (17 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25381)

[7] Amy Sutherland (13 Apr 21): Where Is The Power? | Ablaze Global Productions

[8] Rick Joyner (15 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies

[9] Doug Addison (16 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25361)

[10] Rabbi YY Jacobson (15 Apr 21): [9] Avos 1:6

[11] Rabbi YY Jacobson (15 Apr 21): Don’t Only Look at the Disease; See the Person | Essay Tazria |

[12] C.S. Lewis (1949): The Weight of Glory: And Other Addresses. Copyright © 1949, C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Copyright renewed © 1976, revised 1980 C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Words to Live By: A Guide for the Merely Christian. Copyright © 2007 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

[13] Jennifer Eivaz (15 Apr 21):

[14] [1] Richard of St. Victor, The Trinity, book 3, chapters 14–15. See Richard of St. Victor, trans. Grover A. Zinn (Paulist Press: 1979), 387–389.

[15] Rev. Carlos de la Torre: Legacy, Easter 3 (B) – April 18, 2021 – The Episcopal Church

[16] Dana L. Robert, Faithful Friendships: Embracing Diversity in Christian Community (Eerdmans: 2019), 9, 10–11, 12.

[17] God made the way | Jewish Voice

[18] Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (13 Apr 21): Confidence – Daily Dose of Wisdom (

[19] Deacon Brenton Cordeiro: 5 Things St. Francis Teaches Us About Rebuilding The Church (

[20] Pastor Vanessa Russell (09 Apr 21): Build by prayer | News + Resources (

[21] Mirabai Starr, Saint Francis of Assisi: Brother of Creation (Sounds True: 2013), 74–76.

[22] [2] The Deeds of Blessed Francis and His Companions, chapter 16. See Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, vol. 3: The Prophet (New City Press: 2001), 468–469.

[23] Rabbi YY Jacobson (15 Apr 21): [3] The question is raised in Toras Kohanim, where a halachic answer is given.

[24] Donna Rigney (16 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25360)

[25] Dutch Sheets & others (15 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25351)

[26] Israel365 Video Manager (15 Apr 21): Independence Day Special: 10 Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled in Israel Today [Watch] (

[27] The Rev. Charles Lane Cowen: [1] David Rhoads, Joanna Dewey, and Donald Michie, Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel, 2nd ed. (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1999).

[28] C.S. Lewis (1952): Mere Christianity. Copyright © 1952, C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Copyright renewed © 1980, C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. A Year With C.S. Lewis: Daily Readings from His Classic Works. Copyright © 2003 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

[29] The Rev. Charles Lane Cowen: [2] Willie James Jennings, Acts, Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2017), 43.

[30] Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (14 Apr 21): Trust for Others – Daily Dose of Wisdom (

[31] Pastor Steve Dittmar (13 Apr 21): Secret Place – The Sacrifice of Praise; Vol. 17 – Issue 15 – 4/13/21

[32] [1] Robert Ellsberg, All Saints: Daily Reflections on Saints, Prophets, and Witnesses for Our Time (Crossroad: 2002, 1997), 345.

[33] Rick Joyner (13 Apr 21): The Weapons of Kindness and Goodness | MorningStar Ministries

[34] [2] Denis Edwards, The God of Evolution: A Trinitarian Theology (Paulist Press: 1999), 21, 23. 

Benefit of the Doubt 06 Apr 21

13 Apr

Working Dates: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 to Tuesday, April 13, 2021

[33 pages of reflective dialogue anchored in the lectionary readings from John 20:19-31 for 2 Easter on 11 Apr 21]

Just Believe

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): Pilgrim’s Chapter 10: Valley of Humiliation

Rev. Andrew Chappell: “Do you believe because you see me? Happy (blessed) are those who don’t see and yet believe” (John 20:29 CEB). These are Jesus’ words, and they round out a story that historically resulted in the term “doubting Thomas”—not to mention a lot of guilt for some growing up in hard-nosed Christian homes. [1]

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “Right now, I am bringing them out of exile. I am gathering them from all over the earth where they have been hidden and in waiting for a long season. They have wondered if I had abandoned them or if they would ever be used in the Kingdom because they were never fully accepted as a part of it, but right now they are emerging in the world’s greatest moment of pain and the Church’s hour of desperation.[2]

Linda Freeman (06 Apr 21): The Lord says that these Believers include even His “forgotten” people: the older generations, the unknowns, the “outsiders,” the seemingly invisible Believers who are often overlooked or dismissed or rejected or discredited. They will all ride together, the great and small who still call upon His name; all will be lifted by these waves to the high places on the earth and delivered to their new assignments.[3]

John 20:19 When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”

Rev. Andrew Chappell: The story itself is covered in peace. Jesus appears on Easter evening to his disciples and speaks “peace” and “forgiveness.” Of course, Thomas isn’t there. The disciples tell Thomas upon his return that they have seen Jesus. But unless he sees the wounds of Jesus, he will not believe them. Eight days pass and the disciples are in the same spot. Jesus appears and utters “peace” and then looks at Thomas. Jesus shows Thomas the wounds and says, “Believe!” And Thomas believes.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (08 Apr 21): “A thief also believes.  You have to have trust.”[4]

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. —Ephesians 6:13-17 [ESV]


Fr. Richard Rohr (in “The Secret of Redemption on Easter” 04 Apr 21): Jesus became the scapegoat to reveal the universal lie of scapegoating. He became the sinned-against one to reveal the hidden nature of scapegoatingso that we would see how wrong even educated and well-meaning people can be. This is perfectly represented by Pilate and Caiaphas (state and religion), who both find their artificial reasons to condemn him (see John 16:8–11 and Romans 8:3).

John Edgerton (21 Mar 21): But as soon as a legislative hearing is over or a march has disbanded, I take off the collar. I don’t ride the bus wearing it. I don’t go to lunch wearing it. I take it off.

C.S. Lewis (1946 in The Great Divorce): “Then no one can ever reach them?”

Rev. Andrew Chappell: Statements of wish are important in leadership, in parenting, in mentoring, in counseling. They help us to lead from a place of hope and care. What statements of wish have you spoken over someone lately?[5]

Osama Abdallah: The Bible agrees with Islam that Jesus was never crucified.

Brat: I know Jesus as my Husband through mystical marriage and He showed me His wounds.  May Jesus introduce Himself to you and the Holy Spirit show you what He suffered on your behalf.

Osama Abdallah: In the old Aramaic and Hebrew, GOD Almighty was called what-is-equivalent-to-Islam our Rab and Wali.  But that doesn’t make GOD Almighty our actual Father.  This is exactly as Judaism metaphors such as idolatry is equivalent to spiritual adultery.  No Jew is actually married to GOD Almighty to actually commit a personal marriage-adultery against GOD Almighty! 

Brat: Jesus Himself asked me to marry Him.  It was by His invitation.  And God the Father gave His blessing!

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “I am not shutting down church as we have known it, but at the same time, the Church will never be the same way it was ever again. What had to be shaken was shaken. What had to fall and die fell and died, and what hasn’t had My Spirit upon it is right now breathing its last. For I am jealous for My Bride to be the PURE Bride!

Rabbi YY Jacobson (21 Mar 2011): A Torah scroll is the nearest thing Judaism has to a holy object. Still written today as it was thousands of years ago — on parchment, using a quill, by a master-scribe — it is our most cherished possession. We stand in its presence as if it were a king. We dance with it as if it were a bride. We kiss it as if it were a friend. If God forbid, one is damaged beyond repair, we mourn it as if it were a member of the family. [6]

Aelred of Rievaulx: Indeed such great honor, remembrance, praise, and wishes are attached to friends that their lives are considered worthy of praise and their deaths precious. One truth surpasses all these: close to perfection is that level of friendship that consists in the love and knowledge of God, when one who is the friend of another becomes the friend of God, according to the verse of our Savior in the Gospel: “I shall no longer call you servants but friends” [John 15:15]. [7]

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): They Aren’t Rebels – They Are the Rescue Team!

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (08 Apr 21): The Talmud says that before a robber breaks in, he prays that G‑d should help him.

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “They will be the brokers of Heaven’s storehouse for this hour. They will be the ones who lead the Church back into My domain and open up the forgotten storehouses of access and authority which they have forgotten existed. They will take the empty-handed and hopeless into My house and put back hammers in the hands of reformers who had theirs stolen, songs back into the mouths of worshipers who were shut down, books and pens into the hands of the scribes, and restore the voice of the Church where she has been silenced and voiceless.

Just You Wait

Revelation 13:The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. 

Rick Joyner (06 Apr 21): There is also a biblical principle that what we receive too easily or too fast is usually insignificant. The great messengers of God in Scripture and history were many years and even many decades in the making. The great promises of God likewise require great preparation. [8]

John 20:29 Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”

Sick Pilgrim (09 Apr 21): Perhaps the reason Thomas demanded proof before he would believe is because he no longer trusted his ability to believe. He’d been so sure that he could stand by Jesus all the way to the cross, that he could lay down his own life alongside his teacher. His belief in himself had been crushed by grim reality. How could he believe that Jesus had risen from the dead when he’d been so desperately wrong to believe in his own perseverance?[9]

David Brenner: Friendship is one of God’s special gifts to humans. Remarkably, friendship is one of the terms God uses to describe the relationship [God] desires with us. Friendship is therefore no ordinary relationship. [10]

Deborah Perkins (in “The Secret of Redemption on Easter” 04 Apr 21): In weaker moments, I secretly wished that I had a dedicated prayer room, an office, or a truly quiet place with a closed door; a “sanctuary” reserved for times of prayer and prophetic counsel. I blissfully remembered beautiful prayer rooms I visited at conferences and in churches around the world. There was simply no space in our current home to do so! [11]

Brat: My prayer all along for the last thirteen years has been for a closet or hermitage or “sanctuary” where I could pray and anchor.  On some level, are we not all slaves in the quest for sanctuary?

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Really? We are slaves? We are not in Israel?

Osama Abdallah: Jesus said Prophets are Servants, Jesus is the Son.  But the Old Testament thoroughly calls Jesus the slave of GOD and who also fears GOD.  Yes indeed, the Islamic Isa (eesa) is the Messiah.  This is his special sonship.  He is also the Lord of his Mansion, which has twelve thrones or fruits. 

Isaiah 50:7 The Lord GOD helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame;

Rabbi YY Jacobson (21 Mar 2011): The Koran calls Jews a “people of the book”, but this is an understatement. We are a people only because of the book. It is our constitution as a holy nation under the sovereignty of God. It is God’s love letter to the children of Israel. We study it incessantly. We read it in the synagogue each week, completing it in a year. During the long centuries of Jewish exile, it was our ancestors’ memory of the past and hope for the future. It was, said the German poet Heinrich Heine, the “portable homeland” of the Jew.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (11 Apr 21): Faith is something you may or may not have. But trust is something you do. Hard. [12]

John-Paul and Annie Deddens (06 Apr 21): Most Merciful Jesus, Goodness Itself, You do not refuse light to those who seek it of You. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Church. Draw them by Your light into the unity of the Church, and do not let them escape from the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart; but bring it about that they, too, come to glorify the generosity of Your mercy. 

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (11 Apr 21): These people are confusing trust with faith.

Rick Joyner (06 Apr 21): Impatience is counter to faith in God and leads us astray from His will. This is why to grow in our faith we must also grow in patience. Both faith and patience are required to receive the promises. In Hebrews chapters 3 and 4, rest is equated with the Promised Land. The one thing that Scripture tells us to strive to do is to enter His rest. This doesn’t mean that we just sleep and lay around all the time, but in fact it is a rest that we experience when doing His work. That’s why Jesus promised that if we would take His yoke we would find rest for our souls. You don’t take on a yoke to go to bed, but to do work. 

Brat: And where do I do that?

Linda Freeman (06 Apr 21): “My people have become lost sheep; their shepherds have led them astray. They have made them turn aside [to the seductive places of idolatry] on the mountains. They have gone along [from one sin to another] from mountain to hill; they have forgotten their [own] resting place.

Julian of Norwich: But we cultivate our intention and wait for God. We have faith in his mercy and grace, and trust that he is working within us. In his goodness, he opens the eyes of our understanding and gives us insight. Sometimes we glimpse more, sometimes we see less, depending on what God gives us the ability to receive. Now he elevates us; now he allows us to come tumbling down.

Rick Joyner (06 Apr 21): Patience is required to stay in the timing of the Lord. Moving in God’s timing is vital for His work. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit and is required to be led by the Spirit. Impatience is the fruit of our fallen human nature and will lead us astray. What impatience compels us to do will not be a work of the Spirit. Impatience will lead us away from His will, and often seeks to counter His will. It takes the peace of God and faith in Him to wait for Him. 


Rev. Andrew Chappell: I think there’s more to this story than just a simple narrative with a moral. In order to better understand, we need to look at the language. The word used for “happy” or “blessed” is from the Greek word makarios, which is also the word used in the beatitudes. Indeed, this word means “happy, blessed, to be envied,” but a more extensive meaning can be shown as the following: describing someone in a position to be envied.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (21 Mar 2011): Don’t Celebrate Ignorance

Israel365 (09 Apr 21): At The Tent Of Meeting

MorningStar Ministries (09 Apr 21): Inner Court | Spontaneous Worship Moment

Charisma (09 Apr 21): Writing the Word in Your Heart

Steve Shultz (10 Apr 21): I love it when authors write prophetic and teaching messages…that you really need to dig into.

Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche (09 Apr 21): This Weekend: God’s Elevation for Your Life

Aelred of Rievaulx: How happy, how carefree, how joyful you are if you have a friend with whom you may talk as freely as with yourself, to whom you neither fear to confess any fault nor blush at revealing any spiritual progress, to whom you may entrust all the secrets of your heart and confide all your plans. And what is more delightful than so to unite spirit to spirit and so to make one out of two that there is neither fear of boasting nor dread of suspicion? A friend’s correction does not cause pain, and a friend’s praise is not considered flattery.


Deborah Perkins (06 Apr 21): For all their raving, dancing, and prophesying, Jezebel’s followers cannot initiate a move of God! In a dramatic and even unified effort which includes 12 hours straight of prayer and worship, these self-appointed prophets cannot create fire; “…there was no voice, no one answered, and no one paid attention.” (1 Kings 18:26) [13]

Brat to Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche (05 Apr 21): Hello Dr. Robin,

I got a phone message from Pastor Jessica asking me to call her back.  It is now after hours.  In her message she said that you and Dr Christian Harfouche had asked her to call me.  I don’t know in regards to what.  Maybe you could pass along my email to her and we could correspond?

Thank you.

When Light Came In (04 Apr 21): When safe people make mistakes, they make repairs. Apologies without action are an insidious form of gaslighting: it’s not about what happened, it’s about them feeling bad.

Rev. Betty King (10 Apr 21): When the word of the Lord comes to you with instructions like those that came to Jeremiah, pray for understanding. As Jeremiah sought God and had dialogue with Him concerning the act of obedience that he had undertaken, the Lord spoke to him and gave him insight into the dynamics of the situation, including the reasons why Jerusalem had found herself besieged by the Babylonians and on the brink of ruin. It is clear from what he heard that the people of Jerusalem had taken God’s goodness, mercy and grace for granted and had become insensitive to Him and to the requirements of a godly life. [14]

Pastor Jessica Solórzano Owens (08 Apr 21): I am reaching out on behalf of Apostles Harfouche to see if you have any prayer requests you would like for us to agree with you on. 

Me to Pastor Jessica (09 Apr 21): I am touched that you asked for prayer requests.  To respond to that, I first offer this context as a cradle for understanding:

I look to see where the Holy Spirit is leading through our collective voice.  Basically, I track the Arc Speak.

‘Arc Speak’ is a political tool used by those in power (from family members to salesmen to Pharisees to governments) to address issues without having to touch the individuals affected by those issues.

Laurie Ditto (2019): The Hell Conspiracy[15]

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (07 Apr 21): Witchcraft is, of course, prohibited by Biblical mandate.

Revelation 13:It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.

Me to Pastor Jessica (09 Apr 21): The Arc Speak of readers speaking over our heads into the collective conversation continues, and has continued for thirteen years.  It is perpetuated by the religious leaders.  Only honesty can break this curse.  The Truth will set us free.  And only a loving tribe would provide protection from this gaslighting abuse.

Rev. Betty King (10 Apr 21): In ourselves we have nothing to offer Him but He has made a way for us to see the truth and put things right. When God gave Jeremiah understanding, it came with a promise of restoration. I believe the Lord is doing such a work of restoration with His people today. Recognize where you have been bound, and let the truth set you free and into the liberty that He’s promised us. There are so many good reasons to be in His Word today and this is one of them. He is bringing you out and taking you through into the new season!


John 20:23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): Stumbling forward and back, Christian tried to get used to the weight of his new armor. Watchful’s daughters had fitted Christian with a metal suit to prepare him for the next stage of his journey. With one wide step, Christian began tumbling down the hill, and heard the words of Watchful’s daughter echo after him: “It is difficult for anyone to go down to the Valley of Humiliation, and when they do, they must walk alone.”

Rev. Andrew Chappell: “Do you believe because you see me? Blessed (and to be envied) are those who don’t see and yet believe.”

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (11 Apr 21): People ask, “How can I have confidence that everything will work out for the best? Perhaps I don’t deserve the best. Perhaps I’ve already messed up so bad, G‑d has given up on me.”

Brat to Jo (06 Apr 21): The gaslighting continues and I don’t know how to stop it.  I see it happening.  I watch it like a mutating cell in a petri dish.  But unlike a petri dish, I am not detached completely from it like a scientist.  To me, it’s personal and it hurts like hell.  I have no one to ride to the trough with.  …  And yet, we’re tethered at the heart.  I too, am so on the verge of disappearing that I’m not confident enough to ride outback alone.  Then again, Jesus never went into situations alone, or at least he tried.  Even in the Garden of Gethsemane he had his best friends with him and asked them to pray with him.

Luke 22:46 “Why are you sleeping?” he asked them. “Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”

Brat: One of the effects that Sophia and I both experience from gaslighting is the onset of sudden and extreme fatigue and sleepiness.  We often have to call each other and pray for one another when these attacks happen.

Jonathan Bernis (10 Apr 21): “…democracy has exhausted itself.”

Brat (in “The Secret of Redemption on Easter” 04 Apr 21): I pray for closure on the old wound.  There never was any closure or recompense, no belonging to a tribe, or sanctuary.  And in this pandemic culture, evidently even freedom of speech is relative.  However, Julian of Norwich knew something about how to navigate these kinds of troubled waters.  God raises up anchorites for such a time as this.

The Elijah List (05 Apr 21): “Where are your papers?”

Matthew Fox (2020): A time of crisis and chaos, the kind that a pandemic brings, is, among other things, a time to call on our ancestors for their deep wisdom. Not just knowledge but true wisdom is needed in a time of death and profound change, for at such times we are beckoned not simply to return to the immediate past, that which we remember fondly as “the normal,” but to reimagine a new future, a renewed humanity, a more just and therefore sustainable culture, and one even filled with joy.[16]

Phiwa Langeni (06 Apr 21): We who read these words are still living and can aim to embody this Easter message and mission: death need not have the final word! While we still have breath in our bodies, let’s strive to be living examples of “what God has done.”

Talitha Arnold (11 Apr 21): The new Christian community wasn’t focused on seeing the Risen Body, but on being the Risen Body, doing what he had done. They didn’t just proclaim God’s resurrection power. They became that power by offering new life to others.

Fr. Richard Rohr (10 Apr 21): You give a piece of yourself to the other.

You see a piece of yourself in the other (usually unconsciously).

This allows the other to do the same in return.

You do not need or demand anything back from them,

Because you know that you are both participating

In a single, Bigger Gazing and Loving—

One that fully satisfies and creates an immense Inner Aliveness.

Deborah Johnson (10 Apr 21): As we have gathered as communities of faith, we continue to be touched by the Holy Spirit in new and different ways. What must it have been like for the early church to navigate a new way of being together and to share peace with one another as individuals as well as a community?

Talitha Arnold (11 Apr 21): Our world needs that resurrection power now more than ever. It also needs the church—my church, your church, all churches—to be an Easter people by giving of ourselves and our possessions. The first Christians knew they were living into God’s new life when no one was in need. That was their plumbline for being the Risen Body of the Risen Christ.

John 20:20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.


Sophia Valentina Buller (11 Apr 21): Honestly I take it as an honor at this point lol I guess my Facebook memories are worth censoring![17]

Fr. Richard Rohr (05 Apr 21): My friend Matthew Fox published a book during the COVID-19 pandemic about Julian of Norwich. I love Julian’s teachings because she focuses on God’s infinite love, goodness, and mercy. Even during the Black Death (bubonic plague) in which perhaps a third [!] of the world’s population died, even during her own near-death experience when she received visions of Jesus’ brutal crucifixion, Julian trusts that “all will be well.”

Brat: Revelation 8 has already been fulfilled.  Notice all of the “Third’s” [!]: I counted thirteen of them in that chapter (not including the third angel).  Since Revelation 8 was fulfilled in Julian of Norwich’s day and again in our day, then why are we revisiting this now?

Facebook Note: We limit how often you can post, comment, or do other things in a given amount of…

Sophia: What I was trying to share…

[Facebook came and blocked the message on top of what Sophia posted… “You Can’t Share Right Now. To prevent any misuse, we limit how often you can do certain things on Facebook.  It looks like you hit one of our limits.”[18]

Sophia Valentina Buller (11 Apr 21): I wait in between posts and each day they allow me to post less than the day before.

Chris Yoon: Watch “I’m getting censored and banned but God says STAND FIRM” on YouTube []

Sophia Valentina Buller (11 Apr 21): My question is why would they censor posts like this:

“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator – Who is forever praised. Amen.”

Revelation 13:People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (12 Apr 21): A mirror is simple. It has no shape or image of its own. If it did, it would not be able to reflect the image of other things.[19]

Deuteronomy 18:20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.”

Me to Sophia Valentina Buller (09 Apr 21): …censoring our speech to these points is maddening!  Lord Jesus, break the muzzling mechanism!  You ARE the WORD and we stand with You!

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (11 Apr 21): Trust is when, in times of trouble, you cleave so unshakably to the heavens, you pull them down to earth.

Sophia Valentina Buller (11 Apr 21): They gave me my facebook memories tab on Facebook. I shared this post someone else shared last year and yet I can’t share it again. I also can’t share anything else again today.

Lana Vawser (06 Apr 21): I have been struck the past few weeks by what the Lord has been showing me about the level of attack that many have been under. I saw this attack that was coming against many was coming almost in a ‘circular’ motion. It was coming from many directions and surrounding them in what seemed like every front. It was leaving these ones feeling confined, pressured and suffocated. It was a level of heaviness that they had not experienced before. As I was watching this take place I then heard the Lord say “I am breaking the clutter”. [20]

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (12 Apr 21): Simplicity is what makes a mirror a mirror.

Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche (06 Apr 21): My part in this is to bring you into an atmosphere of a Holy Spirit encounter and then feed you through the Word of God and through the presence of the Almighty Holy Spirit everything that you have need of.

Rev. James Liggett: But there is good news here as well—Good News for Thomas, for the disciples, and so for us, the Church. For Christ is risen, and he comes to us. Risen, he comes to the Church—even when the Church continues to huddle in fear behind locked d­oors.[21]

Sophia Valentina Buller (11 Apr 21): I wonder…is Facebook afraid of people having religious beliefs!?!? We don’t live in Communist China or North Korea…

The Elijah List (09 Apr 21): I bet you’re SICK of being banned

Sophia Valentina Buller (12 Apr 21): Fb Censoring Again… I didn’t share anything today[22]

Rev. James Liggett: Virtually everyone “out there” is like Thomas. Virtually every­one “out there” – and that includes our children and grandchildren – depends upon people who already believe to point them toward faith. Virtually everyone “out there” – and that includes our children and grandchildren – depends upon us.

John 20:21 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”

Deborah Johnson (08 Apr 21): Peace be with you. Jesus said it to his gathered disciples—and to us—three times. The Holy Spirit came upon them and comes upon us. God’s promises have been fulfilled. The Messiah has come! Jesus is the light of the world and that light cannot be overcome.

Sophia Valentina Buller (11 Apr 21): If I’m getting censored it means that Jesus must be Shining Bright Through me so thank You Jesus keep SHINING BRIGHT 


Rev. Betty King (10 Apr 21): Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus. We take our text today from Jeremiah 32.

In this chapter we find the prophet Jeremiah imprisoned by Zedekiah, king of Judah, for speaking the word of the Lord to him concerning the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem and the impending captivity of the Israelites. At this point in time, the Babylonians have closed in on the city of Jerusalem and in a short while will take control of it and burn it down.

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (07 Apr 21): WITCHES IN JERUSALEM[23]

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): He stood up, disoriented. Christian had just been encouraged by Watchful and his family that, as a son of the King, he would never walk alone. And yet, Christian found himself clad in heavy armor in a dark valley with no one else in sight.

Fr. Richard Rohr (12 Apr 21): Depth psychologist and author David Benner has been a great source of wisdom and kindness for me over the years. He highlights how modern forms of friendship rarely become the life-giving relationships that our souls desire

Laurie Ditto (2019): The five pains of hell: water, bone marrow, breath, agreement, and the garment.

Nahum 3:all because of the wanton lust of a prostitute,
    alluring, the mistress of sorceries,
who enslaved nations by her prostitution
    and peoples by her witchcraft.

Deborah Perkins (06 Apr 21): If the dead works of religion, compromise, and control are more appealing, then I believe we will miss the pure revival fires of the Lord, who still desires to be Head of His church. The overcomers who hold fast to Jesus in these end times comprise a remnant-Bride who will ultimately receive authority over the nations. (Revelation 2:18-29.)

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (07 Apr 21): Let no one be found among you who consigns his son or daughter to the fire, or who is an augur, a soothsayer, a diviner, a sorcerer, one who casts spells, or one who consults ghosts or familiar spirits, or one who inquires of the dead. For anyone who does such things is abhorrent to Hashem, and it is because of these abhorrent things that Hashem your God is dispossessing them before you. ~Deuteronomy 18:10-12

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “Innocent blood has been shed for far too long in the nations, and there has been but a few that have stood to face true evil and given their lives to see it overturned. But My wild ones will not be those who back down – no, they will be like Esther who chose to give her life to see every injustice overturned.

Rev. Betty King (10 Apr 21): In discerning the word of the Lord to us today, it is important for us to pay attention to the timings of these events. At the time when Jeremiah received the word of the Lord, he was imprisoned and under the guard of a compromised leader that had allowed the nation to be breached. The land was about to be seized and destroyed by the violent Babylonians, and yet it was at this very time that Jeremiah was instructed to buy a piece of land.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (09 Apr 21): “Do you know why American money is so successful?  Because it says, “In God We Trust.”” ~the Rebbe

Rabbi YY Jacobson (21 Mar 2011): A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance. — Saul Bellow

David Brenner: But this still falls short of the ideals of friendship. The coin of friendship has been continuously devalued by being applied to these lesser forms of relationship. Relationships between acquaintances or associates involve little of the intimacy, trust, commitment and loyalty of real friendships. Friendships may grow out of these more casual relationships but are not the same. Unfortunately, true friendships are also much more rare.

Jonathan Bernis (07 Apr 21): To the Jew first and also to the Nations

Deuteronomy 18:14 The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do so. 

Sorcery = a type of magic in which spiritsespecially evil ones, are used to make things happen

Divination = the skill or act of saying or discovering what will happen in the future

Donna Rigney and Steve Shultz (07 Apr 21): God [is] unveiling great wickedness, including leaders in many areas of influence.

Jennifer LeClaire (08 Apr 21): The Plumb Line: Prophecy: A Season When Kings Go to War

Brat: Just last week I upgraded my Internet router to make it more secure.  If this Arc Speak war is not being done by electronic surveillance, then it must be sorcery.  I didn’t want to believe it from fellow believers, but I can no longer give wolves the benefit of the doubt.

When Light Came In (06 Apr 21): We have to do the work. So do they. They are responsible for their healing. They are responsible for their words, actions, choices.

Linda Freeman (06 Apr 21): And I saw that the assignments were primarily the same for all of these saints of whom the Lord has said, “Trustworthy.” They are to declare the Kingdom of God in everything they do and say, and make the glory of the Lord known in these places of power.

Donné Clement Petruska (12 Apr 21): This will feed your soul today, this will prepare you and equip you and guide you. 

Revelation 2:20 Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. 

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (07 Apr 21): “In other words, in ancient times there was evidently a link between sexual immorality and witchcraft, two ‘qualities’ or ‘professions’ which were possibly on the fringes of society, but which men needed,” Prof. Bar Ilan wrote. 

Me to Pastor Jessica Owens (09 Apr 21): I would love to work full-time in my anchoress ministry, but until my work is acknowledged, my efforts remain as if they were dormant or hidden and then gaslit for the next wolf to exploit. 

John-Paul and Annie Deddens (11 Apr 21): Dear Lord Jesus, I have specific requests that may only partially fill the infinite needs and desires that are in my heart. I ask that You answer me not only for those requests but also for a greater reliance on You to satisfy the needs and desires that You have given me.

Deborah Perkins (06 Apr 21): God’s challenge to the New Testament Church is the same. Revival tarries when, like the church in Thyatira, the Bride of Christ tolerates Jezebel: compromising herself with sin and yielding her flesh to moves of religious spirits instead of the movements of the Spirit of God. Throughout the Bible, the message is the same: it’s Jesus plus nothing!

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “I have given them an anointing that will be like a clear clarion call to the Bride, calling her back to first love, and it will clear the air from all noise pollution and the chasing of vain desires, and bring the hearts of My people back to Me again. Above all, My wild ones will offend the Church out of her idolatry of her own brands and reputation and cause her heart to return to Me. My wild ones will usher in a move of repentance that will cause those who have veered off course to correct their path, the lukewarm to run to Me, and those who have been chasing buildings and empires will forfeit them like crowns at My feet. They live for one thing and this is to point and lead people to Me…to reveal Me in the earth.

David Brenner: The ancients viewed friendship as the crown of life, the fulfillment of all that is most distinctively human. Moderns all too often assess its value primarily in terms of its usefulness for achieving material ends (friends as business contacts) or minimizing boredom and loneliness (friends as people to kill time with). . . .

Steve Shultz: Friends of the Elijah List, this IS the day and the hour that God is beginning to really perform this word. Make sure you get “in” on this promise through devotion to Christ and seeking first HIS KINGDOM. Right now, if you willfully put GOD FIRST, “ALL THESE THINGS” will be added unto you!

House of Destiny (12 Apr 21): Kim Clement Prophetic Teaching! Dispossess Your Enemies In Order To Possess Your Territory

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): Apollyon then rose from the ground and revealed his true form: the roaring red dragon. Flying high above, and swooping down to attack, blow after blow landed. Apollyon and Christian fought for hours, and Christian began to grow weary. Unrelenting, it appeared as though Apollyon would defeat the weary pilgrim. But, when Apollyon made a last attempt to finish Christian off, with one last strong motion, Christian plunged his sword deep beneath Apollyon’s scales.

Donné Clement Petruska: Keep emailing me at I love to hear from you. 

Brat: Every single time I email you, I hear nothing back.  It was the same with your father, Kim Clement.  My sharing then becomes more fodder for your sharing to your platform, while my desolation deepens in the abomination.  I never doubted his prophetic clarity and truth.  My cry along with the anchorites of old is for courtesy.

Kenneth Samuel (10 Apr 21): Daniel prophesied that the iron-and-clay feet of the man in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream symbolized a divided kingdom that would not hold together. The super strengths and the stagnating weaknesses of that kingdom would eventually prove to be utterly inconsistent, and lead to the kingdom’s demise.

Deborah Perkins (06 Apr 21): As one commentator writes, God is not interested in “divided devotion.” Like an unfaithful spouse, 9th century Israel wanted to keep both their marriage partner and their illicit lover! The Lord has a legitimate claim to the exclusive devotion of His Bride. He will not tolerate lukewarmness any more than He will tolerate Jezebel. (Revelation 2:4 & 2:20.)

Israel365 (07 Apr 21): Never Again

Rev. Andrew Chappell: I believe this is what the author of John is doing for his community; a community struggling with not having been a part of the wave of the first generation. He is sharing a statement of wish. “You are not cursed. You are actually blessed. You are to be envied. Because you have not seen and yet you believe!” And perhaps over time, the reading and rereading of this passage reminded the audience that they were indeed blessed. Perhaps they came to really know that they were blessed.

Brat: I know I’m blessed!  I’m asking for courtesy! Balaam blessed and did not curse.

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “When was the last time they boldly came to the throne? Religion has created a minefield of impossible hurdles to get to Me, but I am not like that. It has created a mindset of unworthiness that has stopped people from encountering Me and even longing for Me to make them feel known. To replace encounters, religion has instead made an intellectual idol out of Me and I am removing it from the Church in this season, and My wild ones will overturn those tables and restore My presence again!

When Light Came In (06 Apr 21): Hurt people don’t KEEP HURTING people, hurt people help people.

Fr. Richard Rohr (07 Apr 21): With such deep and tender wisdom, is it any wonder that Julian is one of my favorite mystics—and human beings?

Shock Value

Deborah Perkins (06 Apr 21): Preacher Charles H. Spurgeon put it this way in the 1800’s: “How many more dead sermons do you want? How much more drought? How much more sickness? How many more graves for your families? The people of God lacked the courage to answer Elijah, just as many people today lack the courage to either defend their position or to change their minds.”**[24]

Donna Rigney and Steve Shultz (07 Apr 21): A Great Unveiling of Wickedness!

Lana Vawser (06 Apr 21): When He spoke those words I felt immediately that the Lord was breaking this demonic assignment against many that was coming in such a way to bring ‘chaos’ and a sense of high level anxiety that left them feeling like they couldn’t take anymore. This was not a ‘natural realm’ chaos from circumstances, this was a demonic assignment bringing chaos to attempt to steal their vitality, their life, their joy, their clarity and their momentum. The attack was coming to distract them, to attempt to cause ‘mis-alignments’ by putting such pressure on them to cause them to withdraw, give up or lay down the fight of faith in what the Lord had spoken because this battle had been so long. The enemy was attempting to bring such a pressure upon them to steal clarity and cause them to doubt what the Lord has said.

Wanda Alger (10 Apr 21): Whatever storms or darkness may come, I believe they are being steered by the hand of God Almighty. No schemes of the enemy can outmaneuver the will of God! They will serve HIS greater purposes, and will bring all of mankind to the full revelation of His Kingdom. I believe the rains of heaven are about to pour. Get your umbrella. [25]

The Elijah List (11 Apr 21): Change is coming faster than you think

Martha Spong (07 Apr 21): Mark’s Gospel leaves the ending open, puts us in that space, in that feeling, where what’s happened has moved us to a silence accompanied only by our trembling. I’m glad these brave women who left home to follow Jesus had each other in that moment when the shock of grief became fear of the unknown. These three sisters in the struggle ran until they stopped, and one put her arms around the others and found the words: “I know we’re shook, but maybe, maybe, this news is good.”

Donna Rigney and Steve Shultz (07 Apr 21): What will be unveiled will SHOCK many!

Vince Amlin (05 Apr 21): I don’t want her to be unsafe. And I don’t want her to be unloving. But I didn’t have the words. How do I teach a child the great commandment in a world like this?

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen. —1 Peter 5:8–11

Rick Joyner (06 Apr 21): There are many exhortations in Scripture to wait upon the Lord, but I have never found one that says we must hurry. It seems that our biggest problem is waiting. Patience is a crucial element in receiving from God, and is linked here to faith because patience is perhaps the greatest element in real faith and real trust in God. 

Deborah Perkins (06 Apr 21): Today, a narrow window of time remains for the Body of Christ to determine where she stands. If God is God, it is time to stand for righteousness and truth. 

Revelation 2:21 I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. 

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (08 Apr 21): Trust in G‑d is when your belief changes the way you live.

Scaredy Cat

Rev. James Liggett: The other disciples told Thomas, “We have seen the Lord.” But they were scared; they were hiding behind locked doors; they were only talking to each other. Just a week earlier, Jesus had stood among them—but you couldn’t tell it from them. They sure didn’t act like something wonderful had happened at Easter. So, Thomas didn’t believe them, even though he wanted to. That’s the way it was, and all too often, that’s the way it still is. Thomas was not the problem. Today’s doubting Thomases are not the problem. The problem is the authenticity, the power, and the persuasiveness of the Church. That’s the bad news.

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (07 Apr 21): When asked how identifying as witches helped her cause, she answered, “We are the witches you couldn’t burn. They are trying to burn and bury us. So if they are so scared of us, we will be witches. We call ourselves witches for the same reason we call ourselves sluts. If that is what they call us in order to shame us, we will take the word back and own it, wearing it proudly.”

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): In the midst of tragedy or loss, the Christian life often feels the most lonely. When bearing the weight of sorrow or grief, companionship may seem too far off to be of any help. The “valley of the shadow of death” from Psalm 23 is a common experience in the Christian life. Suffering is all too real for believers. Yet, when our faith is tested, it is our faith that must stand up against the temptation to give in.

Luke 22:45 When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. 

When Light Came In (04 Apr 21): Feeling bad for having to face the consequences. Feeling bad for being caught. Feeling bad for having to work on relationship in a counseling office. Feeling bad because we won’t let them do what they want.

Shira: “We, the sluts, will stand and not let them take us back to the Middle Ages. We are here now and we will come again. You can’t ignore us. You won’t be able to prevent us from existing and loving.”

Matthew Fox (2020): Julian of Norwich [1343–c. 1416] is one of those ancestors calling to us today. After all, she lived her entire life during a raging pandemic. Julian is a stunning thinker, a profound theologian and mystic, a fully awake woman, and a remarkable guide with a mighty vision to share for twenty-first-century seekers. She is a special chaperone for those navigating a time of pandemic. Julian knew a thing or two about “sheltering in place,” because she was an anchoress—that is, someone who, by definition, is literally walled up inside a small space for life. Julian also knew something about fostering a spirituality that can survive the trauma of a pandemic. While others all about her were freaking out about nature gone awry, Julian kept her spiritual and intellectual composure, staying grounded and true to her belief in the goodness of life, creation, and humanity and, in no uncertain terms, inviting others to do the same. . . .

Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche (06 Apr 21): My invitation to you…

John 20:24 But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came.

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): Christian had to endure this battle alone, just as we are called, even in the throes of loneliness and misery, or pain and suffering, to remain steadfast in our faith. No one else’s faith can endure on your behalf. You must believe, trust, and use the gifts God has given you to fight off the evil one. God never leaves us without help. 

Aelred of Rievaulx: The wise man says, “a friend is medicine for life.” What a striking metaphor! No remedy is more powerful, effective, and distinctive in everything that fills this life than to have someone to share your every loss with compassion and your every gain with congratulation. Hence shoulder to shoulder, according to Paul, friends carry each other’s burdens [Galatians 6:2]. . . .

Rev. James Liggett: This doesn’t mean we are off the hook. It doesn’t mean we have no respon­sibilities and no vocation to service. It doesn’t mean that Jesus will do it all for us, and we can take it easy. But it does mean that we are able to continue–warts and all—in hope and in confidence. It does mean both that we are not alone, and that we do not need to be afraid. Sometimes we fail, as the disciples failed with T­­­­homas. But we don’t stop, and we don’t give up, and we are free to do our best, even if it’s risky. While there is always room for improvement, there is never cause for despair. We continue to struggle forward together, and Jesus continues to be found among us.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (11 Apr 21): Trust is a mighty, heroic bond. Trust changes who you are—and what you deserve.


Rick Joyner (06 Apr 21): When we see any Christian who is constantly striving, running from need to need, emergency to emergency, with little peace, we can be sure they have departed from the will of God in their life. Those who walk in His will will have peace, and their faith in God will be demonstrated by their patience.

Brat: Sophia and I are certain that God is dealing with the Enablers right now.

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “Remove the barricades and the gate-checks, for they aren’t the rebels that they have been seen as. They are, in fact, the rescue team! They didn’t quite fit the mold and they didn’t measure up to the standards of the institution, but they are sons and daughters who know My heart and know My house well. They have been in hiddenness for this very moment to bring HOPE to where many are prophesying hopelessness. They are the ones who have My eyes and see how I see. They know what is to come next. They aren’t swayed by temporary storms, but they are the ones that will point the way to where I am moving and what I am doing.

Brat to Community of Divine Love (05 Apr 21): Several weeks ago (on 16 March 2021), I talked with Pastor Julie Morris and she referred me to your community, as I have always felt drawn to monastic life.  The stone in the shoe is that I don’t fit the institutional mold, as my Discernment Committee found out ten years ago.  In your community Rule, you say, “We strive to see God in all things and in all people.”  I look to see where the Holy Spirit is leading through all this.

[Received SILENCE.]

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (07 Apr 21): The thread snaps and your eyes look up to see nothing more than the open sky. Hope is gone. All you can do now is trust the One who has no bounds.

Rev. Betty King (10 Apr 21): Jeremiah had a right to inherit the land that he bought, and as kings and priests we too have an inheritance in God that is ours to claim, but too often the claims are not made due to unbelief and disobedience. Now is a time to be alert, because if you do not lift your eyes to see what He sees, you may miss the moment to act decisively. If you are looking for His deliverance, you will see the keys when they appear.

Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche (06 Apr 21): This is your determined intersection with destiny!

Quinn G. Caldwell (09 Apr 21): But if you assume that women were sometimes in charge, then the meaning seems quite plain: the author was writing to the chosen leader of a group of Christians—what today we might call an “ordained minister” or “called pastor”—and to the members of her congregation.

Me to Pastor Jessica (09 Apr 21): I am an anchoress without a place to anchor.  But until God sees fit to answer that prayer, what would help me and hopefully bless the apostolic women (of which I include us) would be for readers of my blog to click the “FOLLOW” button, so that I’d have a better idea of who reads me. 

Rev. Betty King (10 Apr 21): I feel that many have already received instructions from the Lord for the times to come, but there are issues to be addressed and blockages that need to be removed. As you read this word and look over the Scriptures, pray for understanding and to see the Lord is pointing out to you. Once you’ve got it, hit the reset button by applying the Passover Blood of Jesus Christ, calling on His name, and acknowledging Him as Lord and Savior over all the areas of your captivity, and in whichever areas you feel bound. Look to the Lord to set you free from addictions, habits, attitudes, and compromises. He truly is a Passover Lamb without blemish.


Rev. Andrew Chappell: Scholars believe that of the four gospels, John was likely written last. And like many of the other writings that make up the Bible, this gospel was written to a specific community. The community of John was likely made up of folks that were second (even third) generation Christians. They didn’t have the experiences of the first generation. They didn’t know Paul or many of the other disciples. They had never met Jesus. All they had to go on were stories.

MorningStar Ministries (05 Apr 21): Reminder: Your Life is Extraordinary

Rev. James Liggett: The heart of the story of doubting Thomas is not about doubt (Thomas’ or anyone else’s), it’s about the call of the Church to witness to the Resurrection. And the biggest piece of good news is not that Thomas comes to faith; the biggest bit of good news is that the Risen Lord still comes to his Church. That good news is for us. We are called to be witnesses to the Resurrection, and our Lord is with us.

John 20:25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.”

Rev. Andrew Chappell: Thus, it would make sense that this story would (only) find its way into the latest gospel. To a community who struggled with having not seen Jesus and the time of the first generation, the author of John sends an encouraging word. “You think the disciples were blessed because they saw? They aren’t to be envied. YOU are. After all, you have not seen and yet you still believe.”

Rev. James Liggett: At the same time, we can’t let Thomas slip by us without saying something about doubt, real personal, bone-deep doubt as to the truth or value of parts (or all) of this whole religious enterprise. First of all, doubt is always part of the life of faith.

Shirley Seger (06 Apr 21): The alarm is sounding! Heaven and Hell are real. Where will you go?

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): Suddenly, the Interpreter’s words came back into Christian’s mind: “For you will meet people who pretend to lead you in the right, and will only lead you into misery.” He immediately recognized the man before him. This was no mere prince, and certainly no mere man—this was the Devil himself! Christian rebuked him strongly, and refused to leave the path to the Celestial City. His commitment was to the King and to the King alone.

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “They will be the brokers of Heaven’s storehouse for this hour. They will be the ones who lead the Church back into My domain and open up the forgotten storehouses of access and authority which they have forgotten existed. They will take the empty-handed and hopeless into My house and put back hammers in the hands of reformers who had theirs stolen, songs back into the mouths of worshipers who were shut down, books and pens into the hands of the scribes, and restore the voice of the Church where she has been silenced and voiceless.

Phiwa Langeni (06 Apr 21): Too many of our siblings across time and space died way too early due to 100% preventable injuries and injustices. There are uncountable names, hashtags, thoughts, and prayers flung about for clout that it’s hard to keep up with the people media highlights or the millions of others whose stories we never get to learn.

Center for Action and Contemplation: Share your own story with us.

Brat prayer again (05 Apr 21): Lord, what would You want me to say?  I’m trying to see how You are leading the collective conversation

Center for Action and Contemplation: Please tell us about your experience of transformation and how it is connected to Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations. You may share a general reflection, specific experience or personal narrative. You may also upload an image or video that directly relates to your story. Please share your own story and not someone else’s, and make sure you have the legal rights and permission for any images or videos you submit. Each story will be gratefully read by a CAC staff member, though we are unable to respond to each submission. 

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “Their keys were stolen and it’s time they got them back! And I am using this remnant to remind the Church of what she has settled for in this season. Religion has caused My Church to forget how loved and accepted they are and the permission upon them to do what they have inside of them. But they (the wild ones) will usher in a new season of permission to those who were squashed and crushed under religious red tape and protocol.

Used against

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): After taking a better look at his new armor, it occurred to Christian that his friends were preparing him for battle. Christian met a man, and immediately drew his sword. “You don’t recognize me? Why, I am your prince!” Disguised as a man, the evil Apollyon began his attempt to coerce Christian to leave behind the path to the Celestial City and go home to his family. Using Christian’s greatest fears against him, Apollyon asked him what would happen to his wife and children if he made it to his destination, “What of them?” He asked.

Brat to the Community of Divine Love (05 Apr 21): I live with my 89-year-old father.  I care for him, so living apart from him is not an option at this time.  However, I would still like the conversation to continue, so as to nourish the love I have with you and the Church.  I look forward to exploring more with you.

Rev. James Liggett: It’s the same way now. The temptation is to say that the problem is out there, with all of those unbelievers like Thomas—if they would only shape up and believe better, (preferably to the point of becoming Episcopalians), then things would im­­­­prove immeasurably. It’s easier to do that, to complain about them, than it is to pay careful attention to the less-than-persuasive words and lives of today’s disciples—of those who are called to be witnesses to Jesus. It feels better to call Thomas “doubting” than to call the disciples—or our­selves—“unconvincing”.

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): Jesus was confronted with this question in the Gospels: what about all of the things we have to leave behind? Who will plow the field if I follow you Jesus? Who will bury my father? What will happen to my family? He responded with what seemed like harsh words, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:60)

Brat: So, what are you doing hijacking my correspondence and addressing by Arc Speak into my situation?  Are you not putting yourself in Apollyon’s shoes?

Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend: “Unsafe people are “sorry” not sincere.  They may say all the words, and some are taken in by their tears and “sorrow.”  But in reality they are more sorry about getting caught.  They do not change, and the future will be exactly like the past.

Vince Amlin (05 Apr 21): Stranger Danger

Brat: Satan also knows scriptures very well.  However, he does not have God’s mercy controlling his decisions.

Blue Chair Blessing: “Thank You, Lord, that You are in control and I don’t need to fear.  I’ll keep trusting You.”

Fr. Richard Rohr (09 Apr 21): I am convinced that the Gospel offers us a holistic understanding of salvation. If we understand the resurrection as a universal phenomenon, we can see this idea everywhere in Pauline passages, expressed in different ways. Here are some examples: “in that one body he condemned sin” (Romans 8:3); “he experienced death for all humankind” (Hebrews 2:9); he has done suffering and sacrifice “once and for all” (Hebrews 7:27); the embodiment language of Philippians, where Jesus is said to lead us through the “pattern of death” so we can “take our place in the pattern of resurrection” (3:9–12). And of course, this all emerges from Jesus’s major metaphor of the “Reign of God,” a fully collective notion, which many scholars say is just about all that he talks about. Until we start reading the Jesus story through the collective notion that the Christ offers us, I honestly think we miss much of the core message, and read it all in terms of individual salvation, and individual reward and punishment. Society will remain untouched, leaving Christianity little chance of changing the world.

Brat: I offered to the community that I wish to continue the conversation to nourish the love.  You go bury your own dead…

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “Their hammers will be mighty, and they will seem ferocious, but it isn’t out of rage but out of righteous conviction to set the record straight and RESCUE & LEAD the Church forward. In fact, I am right now baptizing them afresh with a love for the Church, in all of her expressions and parts, so that they won’t be the demolition team but the bridge-builders. Like Nehemiah, they will grieve that parts of the city are in rubble and they will build and restore what has been broken down.

Rev. James Liggett: And he brings to completion the work that a weak and sinful collection of disciples cannot do alone. Work that we cannot do alone. The good news is that Jesus continues to be with us, that he continues to be for us, and that he continues to speak to us and to his world his words of forgiveness and of peace.

Matthew Fox (2020): Julian’s response to the pandemic, as we know it from her two books, [is] amazingly grounded in a love of life and gratitude. Instead of running from death, she actually prayed to enter into it and it is from that experience of death all around her and meditating on the cruel crucifixion of Christ that she interpreted as a communal, not just a personal event, that her visions arrived. . . .

John 20:22 When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.

Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche (06 Apr 21): Your part is the “get up, girl”—talitha cumi. You have to get up and make up your mind. You’ve heard the Holy Spirit, and now is the time to answer the call of God.

Brat: I did.  And who will answer me?

Julian of Norwich: Throughout the time of my showings, I wished to know what our Beloved meant. More than fifteen years later, the answer came in a spiritual vision. This is what I heard. “Would you like to know our Lord’s meaning in all this? Know it well: love was his meaning. Who revealed this to you? Love. What did he reveal to you? Love. Why did he reveal it to you? For love. Stay with this and you will know more of the same. You will never know anything but love, without end.”

Bill Yount (10 Apr 21): When it came to God’s best for my life, I had to wait longer than I wanted to. I had to learn to out-wait the devil’s best offer first. It’s important for us to wait for that right pitch and then not let it pass by. The best hitters in baseball learn to “wait it out” for that right one.


Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “They will raise up other builders and teach them to build the new while still honoring what has been built before them. They will seamlessly connect the seasons and the moves of My Spirit and reveal the pathway forward for My pioneers to run in. For many have said, ‘They are against what I have built!’ but I have not raised them to tear down what I have given you to build, but to tear down the enemy’s work and add and increase what you have been building. I have given them an anointing to see the cracks in the foundations and to fix and address them.

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): “How many times have you already failed Him on this journey?” Apollyon shifted his focus. “You are a disgrace to this King of yours!” Since his subtle coercion didn’t work, he attacked Christian with his own sin. But, Christian fought back with the goodness of the King: “Which makes His mercy and forgiveness the sweeter. You are a deceiver that binds your subjects with invisible chains. The King has broken mine and I am free!”

Deborah Perkins (06 Apr 21): Elijah summons the people to him and begins to build an authentic foundation for the altar of God. Noting in prayer that it is at God’s word that he builds, Elijah takes 12 stones, one for each of Israel’s tribes, rebuilds the altar “in His Name,” lays out the sacrifice, and begins to pour pitchers of water on something that he hopes will burn.

Israel365 (in “The Secret of Redemption on Easter” 04 Apr 21): Sincerity In Our Actions

Revelation 21:12 It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. 

Linda Freeman (06 Apr 21): And the Lord says, “These assignments are for the mountaintops…not just any mountains, but the Seven Mountains of influence: Religion, Government, Media, Family, Education, Arts & Entertainment, Business.” The Lord says, “The Seven Mountains are about to be shaken, but not from the bottom. They’ll be shaken from the top as saints are carried to the tops and ushered into these systems, by the Holy Spirit, to suddenly, surprisingly, unexpectedly influence the people there, who in turn influence cultures, kingdoms, and people worldwide.”

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): There is no looking back when we choose to follow Jesus. Everything must be committed to Him. Our jobs, our families, our finances—everything must be subject to Him and His calling for our lives. The temptation of the Devil often works in this way: he whispers in our ears the lie that if we forsake the things of this world, God will not provide for us. We must not leave the path that the God of the Universe has called us to take in exchange for temporary comforts. 

Rev. James Liggett: It was now up to these witnesses to share the good news. That’s what they were sent to do. And, bless their hearts, their witness to the Resurrection was not even compelling enough to convince Thomas; and Thomas wanted to believe – he was ready to believe.

Fr. Richard Rohr (07 Apr 21): A Sacred Sweetness

Brother Dennis Gibbs (06 Apr 21): “The good news of the resurrected life must move out from the walls of our religious institution and into the world around us.  If we are to have integrity and authenticity beyond the walls of our particular faith tradition, we must be able to bring the good news of resurrection in ways that are vital and relevant for our time. The time is now for us to live our life of faith out front and center, and show the world that the reality of God that we see in the risen life of Christ is alive in us.  This life is for all people regardless religious tradition, denominational stripes, political affiliation, gender identity, race, or who we love and how we love.”

Brat: Then why didn’t the Community write me back?

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “They are My undignified Davids that care more for My presence and My will and My plans than the wise plans of man. They aren’t politically correct or motivated by reputation, but they have only one thing in their sights – and that is worshiping Me and giving Me glory. Can you see them coming? Will you have eyes to see them? Will My Church accept them? Will they keep turning them away?

Rev. James Liggett: There is never authentic faith without doubt; that’s something we all know about. And doubt is not at all a bad thing; it’s a necessary thing. Doubt happens—often in times of crisis and tragedy, sometimes just all by its own self. Faith matures with ups and downs, not in a straight line.

Julian of Norwich: During our lives here on earth, we experience a wondrous mixture of well and woe. We hold inside us both the glory of the Risen Christ and the misery of the Fallen Adam. Christ protects us in our dying and, through his gracious touch, uplifts us and reassures us that all will be well. . . . We are so fragmented, afflicted in our feelings in so many ways, that we hardly know where to turn for comfort. The various pains and transgressions of this life fill our hearts with sorrow and cloud the eyes of our souls.

Deborah Perkins (06 Apr 21): Elijah approached all the people and said, “How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people of Israel did not answer him so much as a word.
~1 Kings 18:21

[Crickets chirping…]

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “What they thought was rejection from the mainstream culture was in fact My protection for an upcoming season, and that season is here now. They have been set apart so that they can usher in a move of My holiness and power; a holiness so mighty that it will reveal the thoughts and intentions of men, and reveal who is for Me and who is about building their own kingdom. This is a move of purity that is exposing the double-mindedness, duality, and mixture that has subtly crept into the hearts of Believers and disconnected them from My heart.

Kenneth Samuel (10 Apr 21): The feet and toes you saw were a combination of iron and baked clay … while some parts of it will be as strong as iron, other parts will be as weak as clay. They will not hold together, just as iron and clay do not mix. – Daniel 2:41-43 excerpts (NLT)

Julian of Norwich: The mixture of sorrow and joy is so powerful that we cannot figure out how to handle it all, let alone assess how our fellow spiritual seekers are doing. The diversity of feelings can be overwhelming. And yet, in those moments when we sense the presence of God, we surrender to him, truly willing to be with him, with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength. This holy assent is all that matters. It eclipses all the wicked inclinations inside us—physical and spiritual—that might lead us to miss the mark.[26]

When Light Came In (06 Apr 21): Hurt people don’t have to hurt people.  Hurt people love people more.  They become therapists, teachers, doctors, social workers.  Hurt people help people.  Abusers and people who aren’t taking responsibility for their lives hurt people.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (08 Apr 21): He believes in G‑d, but he doesn’t trust Him to provide him an honest living—and so he steals and murders instead.

C.S. Lewis (1955): What I like about experiences is that it is such an honest thing. You may take any number of wrong turnings; but keep your eyes open and you will not be allowed to go very far before the warning signs appear. You may have deceived yourself, but experience is not trying to deceive you. The universe rings true wherever you fairly test it.[27]

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (06 Apr 21): bi-ta-khon: The security that comes out of knowing the Creator of the universe is in love with you.

Israel365 (06 Apr 21): Love Unending; The Eternal Flame

Rev. James Liggett: Anyway, let’s consider one tiny thing about doubt, ours and his, that we can learn from Thomas’ story. Did you notice that Jesus did not come to Thomas while Thomas was on the way to work, or walking the dog, or playing a round of golf, or just thinking things over? Jesus came to Thomas when Thomas was with the disciples, when he was within the fellowship of believ­ers. Thomas was smart; he didn’t believe the disciples, but he did stay with them. He knew that if his doubt were ever to be met, it would be met there—not somewhere else.

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “I am using them to raise a new standard for My people. Where there have been foxes that have stolen from My people and their faith for generations, I am restoring faith. Where foxes have come and stolen the revelation of My abiding glory, My signs and wonders, and My healing virtue, they will restore them. They will point the Church back to true north and clear the overheads. They will come with their hammers and chip off the pieces of rock that have been stumbling blocks and not building blocks, hindrances and not stepping stones. They are coming as a sign of the new wine and the beginning of a new era of My Church.

Wake Up

Matthew Fox (2020): Our sister and ancestor Julian is eager not only to speak to us today but to shout at us—albeit in a gentle way—to wake up and to go deep, to face the darkness and to dig down and find goodness, joy and awe. And to go to work to defend Mother Earth and all her creatures, stripping ourselves of racism, sexism, nationalisms, anthropocentrism, sectarianism—anything that interferes with our greatness as human beings. And to connect anew to the sacredness of life.

Brat prayer (05 Apr 21): God, I listened to what You said and did not go back into my journals to see all the times I wrote to Matthew Fox and how many times my outreach was blocked by his secretary.  I listened to You when You tried to let me know to let go of the pain that is still in my heart.  The pain is wrapped in longing that was never completed.  There was never closure.  And here the Arc Speak still continues without directly communicating with me.  I will reach out again despite the pain.  Whatever resurrection is here, You will find the seed and the soil.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (12 Apr 21): Yes, it’s that simple.

Brat (05 Apr 21): Sophia called and asked if I felt the spirit of gaslighting.  She didn’t know I’d been going through this also.

Shirley Seger (06 Apr 21): The Hell Conspiracy is a somber warning. It records harrowing accounts of souls enduring endless torture and eternal separation from God. It also reveals terrifying secrets of the afterlife in Hell, including…

Linda Freeman (06 Apr 21): I saw that each of these Believers being swept up had a “Promised Land” inside of them…a place where the seeds of all the promises given to them by God have been planted, have been buried, and which were once watered with their prayers. But for many of them, their Promised Land looks barren now, looks empty, looks like nothing is there, because so many of their promises have been forgotten, overlooked, or misunderstood. But the Lord says that those promises are still there, planted within them…like the seeds that have lain dormant all winter and are about to spring forth into the earth with the spring rains.

Rick Joyner (06 Apr 21): The most obvious, and perhaps most important, lesson of Israel’s journey was that the first place they were taken, and what was the only path to their Promised Land, was through a place that was the exact opposite of what they had been promised. They were promised a land flowing with milk and honey, and the first place that they were taken there was not even any water!

Brat Journal (in “Covenant Partner” 15 Mar 21): Night before last I laid my head down on my pillow and immediately I felt a holy warmth in my solar plexus.  God was saying, “Hello!” The warmth spread within my torso area and my mouth tasted like warm milk with honey in it.  It felt so loving and nurturing.  I felt safe and cared for.  I felt my muscles relax into God’s embrace. Then I heard God say, “Milk and honey.”  I have never understood the phrase “The Land of Milk and Honey” until that divine encounter.  It was a foretaste of what’s to come.  I cannot imagine it, but now I’ve had an experience of what it could be like from my guts and not my head.  In my natural world, I am lactose intolerant, so my natural instinct would never be to drink milk with honey in it.  I would double over in terrible pain.  This encounter was totally a God thing.  What I appreciated, too, was that there was no tinge of HOPE attached to it, so there can be no disappointment.  There was no “waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (07 Apr 21): A thread of hope is an anchor to the ground, a narrow path you’ve set for destiny to lead you.

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “The gates of My affection will suddenly fling wide open for them and they will see Me not as a hard taskmaster, CEO, or head bishop, but as Father and friend, and suddenly every seed and idea inside of them that has been lying dormant will begin to germinate. Suddenly innovation and creativity will spring forth and hope-deferred will lift.

Vince Amlin (05 Apr 21): “No honey, that’s a neighbor.”

Julian of Norwich: Sometimes, however, that sacred sweetness lies deeply buried, and we fall again into blindness, which leads to all kinds of sorrow and tribulation. So we must take comfort in the essential article of our faith that teaches us not to give into our negative impulses, but to draw strength from Christ, who is our defender against all harm. We need to stand up against evil, even if to do so causes discomfort—even pain—and pray for the time when God will once again reveal himself and fill our hearts with the sweetness of his presence. And so we remain in this muddle all the days of our lives. But our Beloved wants us to trust that he is always with us.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (12 Apr 21): So simple, like a mirror, it reflects whatever form we choose to show it from below.


Deborah Perkins (06 Apr 21): After giving the false prophets time to prove their point and summon their (nonexistent) gods, Elijah demonstrates, rather than teaches, how to summon the Living God who answers by fire. 

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (12 Apr 21): Try it. Celebrate and the heavens will celebrate with you.

Matt Laney (in “The Secret of Redemption on Easter” 04 Apr 21): Holy ground.

Prof. Mark Tranvik (24 Mar 21): I am a teacher and it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that my job is to tell people things they do not know. But I find my best days in the classroom are the ones where I not only teach but when I am being taught. This happens when students wrestle with an idea and this sparks new insights for the entire class, including me. Those are the times when real learning is taking place.

Brat: Personally speaking, I have to wait longer periods of time lately to get a balance of five-fold ministry voices to show up in my inbox.  Would it continue to be this difficult if I was welcomed into the fold?

Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche (06 Apr 21): I am inviting you to an encounter that you have never experienced before.

Lana Vawser (06 Apr 21): Mighty deliverance was upon these ones. A mighty move of the hand of God to break the attack. A mighty wave of His Spirit, a great outpouring upon these ones to bring deep refreshment and rejuvenation. Restoration unprecedented. Recompense that had never been experienced before. A deep breath of the wind of His Spirit to bring life, healing and vitality again.

Rick Joyner (06 Apr 21): I have learned that whenever I receive a promise from God that for a time it will look like I am getting the exact opposite of what I have been promised. This is the place where our faith and patience grow, and the wisdom that will enable us to be good stewards of what we are promised. 

Deborah Johnson (10 Apr 21): There is great comfort in the Spirit’s presence to calm a troubled heart, to enter into conflict as well as accord. To guide how resources will be shared.

Rev. Betty King (10 Apr 21): Jeremiah, however, in his imprisonment, receives a word from the Lord that he is about to be approached by his cousin Hanamel with an invitation to buy a piece of land, and that he should purchase it when the moment comes. Shortly after, Jeremiah is indeed visited in the prison by Hanamel, who asks him to buy the land as expected, and Jeremiah agrees to do so as per the Lord’s instruction.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (09 Apr 21): Do you know why American money is so successful?
Because it has written on it, “In G‑d We Trust.”
Not just “Believe.” “Trust.”

Brat: I see what you mean.  We don’t have Caesar’s or Pharoah’s face on our money.  I trust in God and am still waiting for a supportive tribe.

Kenneth Samuel (10 Apr 21): The remarkable diversity of America is one of our greatest strengths. But that diversity becomes a lethal liability when differences are viewed as a license to deny, demonize, and dismiss others.

When Light Came In (06 Apr 21): “Hurt people hurt people” is nice, for about 30 seconds. Then it’s an excuse. Because we’re not talking about preschoolers when we say this, we’re talking about adults. And the thing about being an adult is… you have to do some adulting.

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): When condemned by past sins, we must stand firm in the saving power of God’s grace and forgiveness. We will fail daily, but our King extends forgiveness continually. For, “As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.” (Ps. 103:12) There is no power in condemnation for sins that have already been forgiven. Stand firm in the knowledge of the mercy of God, and Satan’s invisible chains are broken; he cannot overpower you with such lies.

John-Paul and Annie Deddens (06 Apr 21): “Today bring to Me THE SOULS OF THOSE WHO HAVE SEPARATED THEMSELVES FROM MY CHURCH, and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body and Heart, that is, My Church. As they return to unity with the Church, My wounds heal and in this way they alleviate My Passion.” 

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (09 Apr 21): Furthermore, the money even tells you its purpose:
Upon it is written, “E Pluribus Unum.”
The purpose of all your money dealings is to bring unity to the plurality of this universe.

Kenneth Samuel (10 Apr 21): E pluribus unum—“Out of many, one”—is more than just a motto. It must become the prayer and practice of all who value the American experiment.

Wanda Alger (10 Apr 21): Obviously, there’s a lot more here to unpack in terms of symbols and hidden meanings. But, I believe the Lord wants to encourage us by showing us the END of the story/storm. In 1 Kings 8:12, Solomon reminds us that THE LORD DWELLS IN THICK DARKNESS. Rather than any darkness appearing like His “absence” – He is actually IN IT, PREPARING us for the LIGHT TO COME. He is the One riding on the winds and coming to set things right.

Deuteronomy 18:15 The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. Moshiach means that the Torah is for real.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (12 Apr 21): The Infinite Light from which our world emerges is also simple. So simple, it feels to us as though we have no source at all.

Brat: I keep looking for the sacred in the ordinary.

Pastor Jessica Solórzano Owens (08 Apr 21): I would like to also share the invitation from Apostle Doctor Robin to our upcoming Apostolic Women Conference, April 25 – May 2:

Me to Pastor Jessica (09 Apr 21): Thank you for writing to me!  Please extend a thank you to Dr. Robin for forwarding my message on to you, so that we could correspond.

Quinn G. Caldwell (09 Apr 21): For all the women who from earliest days have led our churches in ways deserving of Jesus-level respect, thank you. Amen.

Me to Pastor Jessica (09 Apr 21): The Holy Spirit is taking us way beyond a conference.  And our collective voice is more potent than one voice in one crib.

Quinn G. Caldwell (09 Apr 21): That still doesn’t tell us who exactly this masterful ancient pastor is. But if we don’t know her, thanks be to God we get to know her daughters: the elect, the called, the ordained, the formidable, the masterful kyriai who lead our churches still today.

Fr. Richard Rohr (08 Apr 21): I believe it is a loss to our Christian heritage that Julian’s mystical teachings have not received more widespread hearing. Matthew Fox points out that she was in many ways ahead of her time. Her voice and writings were sidelined by a patriarchal church and culture unable to hear her nondual message of “oneing” and her celebration of embodiment as an extension of the Incarnation itself. Perhaps we are finally ready to hear Julian’s wisdom today.

Rev. James Liggett: That’s usually the way it is with us. Our doubts are usually met as we stay within the community of faith, as we hang in there doing the sorts of things we would be doing if we weren’t bothered (or overwhelmed) with doubt. It was a good thing, and not a hypocritical thing, for Thomas to stay with the others even when he didn’t believe a single word they said. So it is for us. There’s a very real connection between hanging around this place, and living this life, and the gift of meeting the Lord. That connection isn’t simple, and it isn’t exact, and it isn’t at all predictable, but we can depend on it. He will come to us, through whatever doors we lock, through whatever barriers we build.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (07 Apr 21): Trust transcends hope, as the sky above transcends the earth below.[28]

Brat: In our censored world, where does our testimony find sanctuary, where others can see for themselves without fear of retribution and know the depths of God’s love for humanity in a world gaslit in vapors?

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “And I will move upon those whom man would not choose. I will choose whom I choose, and I will move upon whom I move upon, and I am going to pour out My Spirit upon the most unlikely people in the most unlikely ways. So, get ready to see undeniable fruit from places that would offend the pious and self-righteous, because I have come for all, not for a few, and I will pour out My Spirit upon ALL.

John 20:27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.”

Linda Freeman (06 Apr 21): In this passage it seems clear He was confirming that His people have been corrupted by these mountains, even on these mountains, going from (being led from) one sin to another, and that the corruptors who have influenced them – and us all – from these high places feel no remorse, conviction or guilt, because of the CONDITION OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD who have lost their rightful, ordained, and divine influence in and over and through these mountaintops.

When Light Came In (04 Apr 21): Sorry without sincerity is toddler behavior and that makes it unsafe in adult relationships. Adult relationships need two adults, and it’s ok to ask for that in every relationship we have.

John 20:28 Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!”

John-Paul and Annie Deddens (09 Apr 21): Today, we want to pray for something that can be difficult. We want to pray that we have mercy on others. We want us to pray that we will never hold a grudge or refuse forgiveness.  

The Ball was Dropped

Charisma (09 Apr 21): Expect Miracles When You Apply God’s Word

Deuteronomy 18:18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. 

Rick Joyner (06 Apr 21): The wilderness threw Israel off and caused them to start doubting the Lord. This caused them to lose their patience, and so they turned back to Egypt in their hearts, or to what they had been in bondage to. It does the same for many Christians. Like Israel, the lack of trust in the Lord, and patience for His timing, cause many to spend their lives just going in circles in the wilderness. 

Rev. Betty King (10 Apr 21): With all that was going on, everyone around Jeremiah would have said that the land was worthless and should not be bought. And this is exactly how it would appear to someone without the revelation and insight that comes through the Word and the Spirit of God.

Rev. Andrew Chappell: But is the idea that Thomas’ belief is based on sight a negative thing? After all, the other disciples saw Jesus too and they believed. Why does Thomas get the short end of the stick just because he missed the first party? Every character in this chapter sees Jesus and believes. And then along comes Thomas, who desires the same thing, and Jesus makes an example out of him!

Rev. Betty King (10 Apr 21): Invest in God’s Promises

Sophia (05 Apr 21): … They are listening to only part of the narrative and drawing incorrect conclusions.

Brat: That happened with Jo yesterday.

Sophia: The ball was dropped this morning. They don’t know any other way to be.

When Light Came In (06 Apr 21): Hurt people may hurt people ONCE. But after that they, and we, are in charge. *Knowing* they are hurting people — because they’ve heard it from us, someone else, countless others — puts the ball in their court.

Charisma (10 Apr 21): Free Fire From Heaven

Deuteronomy 18:16 For this is what you asked of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, “Let us not hear the voice of the Lord our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die.”

Martha Spong (07 Apr 21): Gracious God, we ask for the strength to carry your good news even, especially, when we tremble. Amen.

Rev. Andrew Chappell: Some of the best leaders I’ve known have encouraged people with what I call “statements of wish.” They’re not necessarily statements of fact, but rather a statement painting a desire for the future, a wish. One of my favorite pastors moved to a new church where the congregation had been through it. They’d had some rough times. And she began saying in every worship service benediction, “You are beloved children of God.” Over time, that constant reminder began to make its way into my heart and the hearts of others. I began to really believe that I was beloved, that before anything else, I am loved by God. This statement of wish took hold!

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “They haven’t been given a red-carpet welcome, but they will be clothed in so much glory it will be hard to deny them anymore. The fire of My presence is all around them, and they aren’t here to play games but to carry the torch of revival and establish My Kingdom on the earth.

RevelationMedia (06 Apr 21): When the attacks of the Devil happen in our lives, God has provided what we need to endure. He has given the whole armor of God to those who believe. And, this is not a matter of if he will attack, but when. Be prepared. Be vigilant. Arm yourself with the Word of God, and with trust in God’s promises, knowing that God has given His righteousness and His forgiveness to all who believe in Him. His Holy Spirit dwells in every believer, equipping and strengthening them for all of the battles they may face. Even when we feel most alone, God never leaves us or forsakes us.


Rev. Betty King (10 Apr 21): God’s revelation of the reasons behind a negative turn of events is a sign of His mercy and goodness. Once the stumbling stones are identified to us, they can then be removed and the curses broken. We are in a season where we can dream with God from a place of promise and truly recover all, if we are humble and sensitive to what He is speaking and what He is doing.

Revelation 13:It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 

Brat Journal (05 Apr 21): Trying again to reach the … ? Nope.  I don’t know what to do.  I rebuke the spirit of confusion!

Bill Yount (10 Apr 21): I said, “Lord, what is wrong with that kid? His response surprised me. “She’s doing great. She’s not afraid of falling.”[29]

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (08 Apr 21): Belief is not enough—you need trust.

When Light Came In (06 Apr 21): As in, they (and we, too), need to recognize what isn’t working, what is, what isn’t healthy, what is, what isn’t loving, and what is. We don’t get a free pass because we’ve been hurt. In fact, we, as survivors, get called to the witness stands of family court to defend ourselves for living normal, healing lives.

John-Paul and Annie Deddens (06 Apr 21): Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Son’s Church, who have squandered Your blessings and misused Your graces by obstinately persisting in their errors. Do not look upon their errors, but upon the love of Your own Son and upon His bitter Passion, which He underwent for their sake, since they, too, are enclosed in His Most Compassionate Heart. Bring it about that they also may glorify Your great mercy for endless ages. 

Deuteronomy 18:17 The Lord said to me: “What they say is good. 

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (09 Apr 21): And if that is truly your purpose, then you will rely on the One Creator to provide your needs.

To Account

Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche (10 Apr 21 at 12:02 pm):  I will be ministering the Word of the Lord for you tomorrow at 11:00 AM CT. Make your plans to join us in person or live at Text me back to confirm. -Apostle Harfouche.

Brat (10 Apr 21 at 1:10 pm): I wrote and emailed you and the conversation dropped and stopped. The message is not always about us.  Sometimes God has to hold leadership to account.

Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche (10 Apr 21 at 1:15 pm):  Thank you! We have received it and have replied.  Hope you can join us online.

Brat (1:19 pm): What did you reply to?

Pastor Jessica Solórzano Owens (10 Apr 21 at 1:15 pm): Thank you for your email and text. We received it and are in prayer with you. 

We noticed someone had tagged you on one of our Ministry Facebook posts asking if you are coming to our Apostolic Women’s Conference. 

Let us know if you need any information. 

Thank you!

Deuteronomy 18:19 I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name. 

Lana Vawser (09 Apr 21): Do NOT give up! Stand up and join your YES with His YES afresh, then watch and see God do the rest. You are closer to the manifestation of God’s promise and divine justice than you realise.

John-Paul and Annie Deddens (09 Apr 21): We need God’s mercy so much! Let’s pray that we can be like Jesus in being exceedingly generous with the mercy that we show to others.

Dr. Luisa Johnson (12 Apr 21): Kathryn, may God give you a glimpse of your reach and your obedience and somewhere give you a sense of your purpose.

Rev. Betty King (10 Apr 21): Father, You alone fully know the times and seasons of the earth. You know the plans that You have for us, to prosper and not to harm us, to give us a hope and a future. Let the eyes and ears of Your people be opened to Your instructions so that they will agree and obey regarding all You have set in motion for their deliverance. Shower Your people with understanding and shine Your light on the stumbling blocks that have caused bondage so that they can be removed. We thank You for freedom! We thank You for liberty! We celebrate You today, Jesus, because You are our Passover Lamb! Take us into our new season! Amen.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (07 Apr 21): That is Trust: When you stop suggesting to your Maker how He could rescue you. When you are prepared to be surprised by wonders and open to miracles.

Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “Watch them now, running out of the wilderness, out of hiding, out from behind the facade of other roles that were limiting them and keeping them at bay. Watch now as My wild ones begin to emerge from all walks of life and all streams. I can see the looks in their eyes as they are, right now, standing to their feet. This is worship to them, not a task. This is the life of laid-down lovers, not the objectives of a servant. These are My friends and My Spirit is in them, upon them, for this magnificent hour of the unveiling of the Bride, the great TURNING of hearts, the harvest at hand.”

Fr. Richard Rohr (10 Apr 21): Such utterly free and gratuitous love is the only love that validates, transforms, and changes us at the deepest levels of consciousness. It is what we all desire and what we were created for. Once we allow it for ourselves, we will almost naturally become a conduit of the same for others. In fact, nothing else will attract us anymore or even make much sense.

Rev. James Liggett: But Thomas is here to make us uncomfor­table, not smug. Remember, faith almost always comes to people through the faith of others, through the life and ministry of the Church.

Pastor Jessica Solórzano Owens (10 Apr 21 at 1:44 pm): We replied to the email as well.

Brat (1:49 pm): Thank you.  I got the email, but I still don’t feel heard.  How much prayer and faith does it take to “follow” my blog and nip some of the corporate gaslighting in the bud?

[Received glaring SILENCE…]

Sick Pilgrim (09 Apr 21): Christ meant for us to see him in his followers, especially in those entrusted with leadership in his Church. He also meant for his followers to see him in the marginalized and vulnerable, to reach out to them and lift them up in his name. The scandals plaguing the Church over the last half-century have caused so much damage to the faith of Christians, in part because we can no longer see Christ in each other.

Phiwa Langeni (06 Apr 21): After we’re gone, may the choices we make today persist beyond our deaths as a declaration of “what God has done.”

Bill Yount (10 Apr 21): Suddenly, I was inspired by this fearless little girl and with this thought: If you do anything for the Lord, do it with all your heart and with all your might and don’t be afraid to fail. Failing is forward progress in God’s eyes when we don’t let it stop us.

Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche (09 Apr 21): Any challenge is an opportunity for a testimony. It is an opportunity to demonstrate the preeminence of the Name of Jesus.

John 20:30 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book.

Fr. Richard Rohr (10 Apr 21): To put it another way, what I let God see and accept in me also becomes what I can then see and accept in myself, in my friends, and in everything else. This is “radical grace.” This is why it is crucial to allow God, and at least one other trusted person to see us in our imperfection and even our nakedness, as we are—rather than as we would ideally wish to be. It is also why we must give others this same experience of being looked upon in their imperfection; otherwise, they will never know the essential and transformative mystery of grace.

Deborah Johnson (10 Apr 21): Holy Spirit, open our hearts to the movement of the Spirit in us as individuals as well as collectively in our communities. Amen.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (12 Apr 21): Look up with a smile and let the Infinite Light smile back at you.

Rev. James Liggett: Sometimes, as it must have been with Thomas, what turns out to be the greatest moment of faith doesn’t feel like faith at all; it feels like doubt. Sometimes what turns out to be the greatest moment of faith feels like just hanging on and just showing up; it feels like waiting and going through the motions. But that’s alright; that’s the way it works. That was what Thomas needed to do, and that was all Thomas needed to do.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (11 Apr 21): And it is available to anybody, at any moment, no matter who they were the moment before.

John 20:31 But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.


[1] Rev. Andrew Chappell: Sources for language:

[2] Nate Johnston (29 Mar 21): “To the Wild Ones: This Is Your Hour!” Published on the Elijah List on 05 Apr 21 by The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25288)

[3] Linda Freeman (06 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25296)

[4] Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (08 Apr 21): Belief & Trust – Daily Dose of Wisdom (

[5] Rev. Andrew Chappell: 2nd Sunday of Easter(B): Believing in Your People – Modern μετανοια (

[6] Rabbi YY Jacobson (21 Mar 2011):

[7] Aelred of Rievaulx: [2] Aelred of Rievaulx, Spiritual Friendship, trans. Lawrence C. Braceland, ed. Marsha L. Dutton (Liturgical Press: 2010), 72–73, 73–74. Italics in original.

[8] Rick Joyner (06 Apr 21): The Weapon of Patience | MorningStar Ministries

[9] Sick Pilgrim (09 Apr 21): Dark Devotional: Seeing Is Believing | guest writer (

[10] David Brenner: [1] David G. Benner, Sacred Companions: The Gift of Spiritual Friendship & Direction (IVP Books: 2002), 61–62.

[11] Deborah Perkins (22 Mar 21): A LOVE LETTER TO INTERCESSORS (

[12] Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (11 Apr 21): Trust, Not Faith – Daily Dose of Wisdom (

[13] Deborah Perkins (06 Apr 21): JESUS PLUS NOTHING! (

[14] Rev. Betty King (10 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25318)

[15] Laurie Ditto (2019): The Hell Conspiracy by Laura Ditto, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® (

[16] Matthew Fox, Julian of Norwich: Wisdom in a Time of Pandemic—and Beyond (iUniverse: 2020), xvii, xix, xxxviii.

[17] Sophia Valentina Buller (11 Apr 21): Fb Censoring yet again… –

[18] Sophia Valentina Buller (09 Apr 21): Facebook censorship –

[19] Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (12 Apr 21): Mirror – Daily Dose of Wisdom (

[20] Lana Vawser (09 Apr 21): HIS “YES” IS STILL “YES” – Lana Vawser Ministries

[21] Rev. James Liggett: Showing Up, Easter 2 (B) – April 11, 2021 – The Episcopal Church

[22] Sophia Valentina Buller (12 Apr 21): Fb Censoring Again… I didn’t share anything today –

[23] Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (07 Apr 21): ‘Witch Harlots’ hold Rally in Jerusalem: A direct prophecy from Book of Nahum [Watch] (

[24] Deborah Perkins (06 Apr 21): Library of Sermons


[26] Fr. Richard Rohr (07 Apr 21): The Showings of Julian of Norwich: A New Translation, Mirabai Starr (Hampton Roads: 2013), 142–143.

[27] C.S. Lewis (1955): Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life. Copyright © 1955 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

[28] Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (07 Apr 21): Trust over Hope – Daily Dose of Wisdom (

[29] Bill Yount (10 Apr 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies

The Secret of Redemption on Easter 04 Apr 21

4 Apr

Working Dates of eleven days: From Thursday, March 25, 2021 into Passover through Palm Sunday, March 28, 2021 on through Holy Week and to Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021

[34 pages of reflective dialogue anchored in the lectionary readings from Isaiah 50:4-9a]


C.S. Lewis (1946 in The Great Divorce): “Hell is smaller than one pebble of your earthly world: but it is smaller than one atom of this world, the Real World. Look at yon butterfly. If it swallowed all Hell, Hell would not be big enough to do it any harm or to have any taste…[1]

When Light Came In (27 Mar 21): It’s hard to travel light when we’ve lived trying hard, stocking up, preparing for loss. (18 Mar 21): The power of one ‘little’ deed to affect and transform the world is no longer an article of faith. We all beheld the immense power of one invisible pathogen. How much greater is the holy, transformative energy of good! 

Chris Overstreet (28 Mar 21): How can somebody change? Well, no one has the ability to change themselves. There’s a virus of sin that lives in the heart of every human being that’s been born.

Jeremiah 46:11 “Go up to Gilead and get balm,
    Virgin Daughter Egypt.
But you try many medicines in vain;
    there is no healing for you.

Brat: As evidenced in Brazil right now.  God, help them.  Remove the Pharaoh spirit from their land and replace it with healing, hope, and love.  Lord, have mercy.  Christ, have mercy.

Matt Laney (02 Apr 21): Innocent Blood

When Light Came In (27 Mar 21): We have made a habit of carrying everything, all the time. Don’t let anything drop. Don’t forget that painful lesson. Don’t let go of that rage. Don’t drop that armor.

Chris Overstreet (28 Mar 21): And the Bible says that we’ve all sinned fallen short of the glory of God. But there’s one person named Jesus Christ, who paid for your sin. The Bible says in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Put your faith in Jesus, turn from sin, and turn to Jesus. He loves you and has an amazing plan for your life. [2]

Osama Abdallah: “Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him. (The Noble Quran, 112:1-4)”

Necessary Deconstruction

Fr. Richard Rohr (21 Mar 21): The role of the prophet is to lead us on an individual and collective level through the necessary deconstruction of what I would call the false self. The prophet’s path is of descent and is never popular or easy. It is about letting go of illusion and toppling false gods. People usually like priests, which is why they are established and comfortable in almost all cultures, but the prophets are almost always killed.

John Edgerton (21 Mar 21): I don’t wear a clerical collar very often. I mostly wear them at the state house, or at Black Lives Matter marches, or at protests. Basically, when I want to be a public embodiment of the moral witness of the church.

Osama Abdallah: Yet, the Jews use metaphors like these.  Islam came to straighten all of this out and to set the record straight that GOD Almighty has no son and no daughter.  Otherwise, why would GOD Almighty torture us to Hell if we were His perfect sons and daughters??  No imperfect being could be an actual son of GOD Almighty (and no being is the son or daughter of GOD Almighty, period!)

C.S. Lewis (1946 in The Great Divorce): [The fictional George MacDonald is speaking.] “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done.’ All that are in Hell choose it. Without that self-choice, there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek, find. To those who knock, it is opened.” . . .

Osama Abdallah: “(Both) the Jews and the Christians say: ‘We are sons of God, and his beloved.’ Say: ‘Why then doth He punish you for your sins? Nay, ye are but men,- of the men he hath created: He forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and He punisheth whom He pleaseth: and to God belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between: and unto Him is the final goal (of all).’  (The Noble Quran, 5:18)”

Wanda Alger (31 Mar 21): We’ve been expecting breakthroughs at various points in the journey, and the goalpost continues to move. It’s getting harder to hang on to hope that anything is going to change. Do we take this as a sign of a false word or fleshly dream? Do we assume it’s not His time after all? Or, is it possible that His word is simply being delayed?

Fr. Richard Rohr (28 Mar 21): With the mistaken view of God as a Punisher-in-Chief that most Christians seem to hold, we think our own violence is necessary and even good. But there is no such thing as redemptive violence. Violence doesn’t save; it only destroys all parties in both the short and long term. Jesus replaced the myth of redemptive violence with the truth of redemptive suffering. He showed us on the cross how to hold the pain and let it transform us.

Agnes Ebedi (24 Mar 21): Initially, the woman did not realize this, and her eyes were full of panic as she was running swiftly with the fear of being overtaken. Suddenly, she paused, recognizing the strength she possessed, and she made a 180 degree turn. As I looked in utter amazement, she opened her mouth and began to speak the Word of the Lord.

Psalm 31:14 But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, “You are my God.”

Rev. Phil Hooper (02 Apr 21): Lord Jesus, forgive me. Forgive me for all the times I forgot you, while you patiently waited for me to remember. Forgive my stubbornness and my smallness, and all the times that I got in the way of the joy that you yearned to nurture within me. Forgive me for all the ways that I have passively accepted a world that still crucifies the vulnerable and disregards the poor and the meek and the hungry, whom you have blessed. Forgive me for my silence when I ought to have spoken; and for my careless words when I ought to have been still. Forgive me for holding you at a distance, for trying to preserve myself from the transformational intensity of your love. Lord Jesus, forgive me.


Amy Sutherland (24 Mar 21): This morning I had a powerful vision I pray blesses you. I was praying in the Spirit and I sensed I was in the courts of Heaven. There was a weight on my heart, and I very much felt the accusations of the adversary. I had bound these spirits to the foot of the cross in English, and broke any agreement that they were part of my identity. However, there was still something being prayed through me. As I yielded to the Spirit I went into a vision and saw Jesus’ hand (index finger) writing w o r t h y in His blood over my exposed heart. [3]

Revelation 5:And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?”

Osama Abdallah: If you read the the Noble Verses that I presented, you would clearly see “…they altered the words….(5:13)” and “They change the words….(5:41)”, which clearly proves that the Bible according to Islam is corrupted.[4]

Prof. Mark Tranvik (24 Mar 21): Lord Jesus, during this season of Lent we are humbled by the love you show to us, the unlovable. Open our hearts that we may genuinely listen to you and your Word of life. Amen.

The Rev. Jazzy Bostock: I doubt that I can be very much like Jesus, because I doubt my own capacity for forgiveness and love and mercy, all of which Jesus had. I doubt my own motivations, and know my ego gets in the way too much. But perhaps I can be a little bit like Jesus by teaching my wayward heart, again and again, to return to God in prayer. And to keep returning.

Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): I am standing for LEADERS who WON’T BACK DOWN because of peer pressure or popular opinion.

Israel365 (18 Mar 21): Four more Enemy Nations want to make Peace with Israel, says Netanyahu

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (in “Covenant Partner” 15 Mar 21): “As you know, we doubled the population in Gush Etzion during those difficult years,” Netanyahu said. “Because I knew how to stand like a fortified wall before these political pressures. This is due to the decades of experience I have with public opinion in the US. In a democracy, this public opinion is the deciding factor.”

Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): Since when did our faith rest on what we see and understand in the natural? Since when do we ignore spiritual information by supernatural means simply because our calendars are fixed, our mainstream news is compromised, and public opinion speaks loudest? Are we people of the Spirit or not?[5] (18 Mar 21): We’ve learned that we have the power to overcome and to thrive even amid pain and adversity. Indeed, if ever we were able to relive and internalize our divine redemption from Egypt, to break out of our personal “Egypt” to be joyous and kind and G-dly notwithstanding any challenges, this Passover is that time!

Scott McKnight (05 Oct 2020): Where does one start? Begin by reading the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7) and trying to put it into practice—especially with our public interactions. If you take this challenge seriously, you won’t have as much time or energy left for American politics. You will find your burgeoning Kingdom citizenship is a full-time, all-consuming calling. Let all who have hears to hear, listen:

“Seek above all the Kingdom of God and Christ’s kind of justice” (Matt 6:33 my paraphrase).

The Rev. Jazzy Bostock: On first glance, the imperative seems like the original WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) – exhorting listeners to be as Christ-like as possible. And there is good theology naming each of us as little Christs, with the responsibilities that go along with such a title. But I have to wonder: is it actually possible for the same mind to be in us that was in Christ Jesus? I mean, isn’t that what makes Jesus spectacular, and set apart, and Divine—that his mind was different from each of ours?

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Tell me an intelligent child is not going to have this question.​

John Edgerton (21 Mar 21): And there are no such answers.

Revelation 5:I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (in “Covenant Partner” 15 Mar 21): Rather, for G‑d to be at home, a temple must be built from the stuff of a world in which G‑d is so hidden that it doesn’t even appear to be a creation.

Brat (19 Mar 21): Ya’know, I was thinking…since the Tower of Babel was abandoned because they couldn’t talk to each other in their common language any more (Genesis 11:9), then couldn’t God be redeeming His temple by these roundtable discussions?  He is so hidden in these dialogues that they don’t even appear to be a creation — to the point where they are taken for granted!

Fr. Richard Rohr (24 Mar 21): What makes the difference between the prophet and the ordinary person is the possession of a heightened and unified awareness of certain aspects of life. Like a poet, he is endowed with sensibility, enthusiasm, and tenderness, and above all, with a way of thinking imaginatively. Prophecy is the product of poetic imagination. Prophecy is poetry, and in poetry everything is possible, [such as] for the trees to celebrate a birthday, and for God to speak to [humans]. The statement “God’s word came to me” was employed by the prophet as a figure of speech, as a poetic image. [1][6]

Matt Laney (02 Apr 21): When I was a seminary student at Andover Newton, the school rented space to Hebrew College. Upon entry, Jewish students were greeted by a ten-foot painting of a Jewish man nailed to a cross. I asked the Andover Newton dean if we could possibly find a less terrorizing, more hospitable image.

Osama Abdallah: Is Jesus Allah Almighty for creating things in the Noble Quran?  And is he better than Prophet Muhammad for being a creator?  And is there a contradiction in the Noble Quran regarding idol gods not being able to create and Jesus Christ?  See the Books that Allah Almighty gave to certain powerful Beings to enable them to possess certain Powers and to do certain Miracles, including limited Creations.

Fr. Richard Rohr (21 Mar 21): Through Jeremiah, God reminded them: “In speaking to your ancestors on the day I brought them out of the land of Egypt, I gave them no command concerning burnt offering or sacrifice [in the Temple]. This is rather what I commanded them: Listen to my voice; then I will be your God and you shall be my people. Walk exactly in the way I command you, so that you may prosper” (Jeremiah 7:22–23).

Matt Laney (02 Apr 21): Thankfully, that painting at Andover Newton was quickly removed and replaced. It was a small thing, but so is an offhand slur, a nail, a thorn.

Isaiah 50:4 The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of a teacher, that I may know how to sustain the weary with a word. Morning by morning he wakens– wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught.

Prof. Mark Tranvik (24 Mar 21): In our reading from Isaiah, the prophet speaks in verse 4 of God’s servants as ones who “listen as those who are taught.” In other words, these words underline that we don’t have all the answers— sometimes we simply need to be good listeners to be taught. That is good advice for hearing the Word of God in the Bible. And it also applies to our relationships and the importance of real listening rather than constantly doling out our opinions and supposed good advice.

Fr. Richard Rohr (24 Mar 21): Story from Our Community:
I was raised to be the obedient one. Most often that meant blind obedience. It took me many years to cultivate the integrity to speak my truth to power. I am still a reluctant prophet, often mistrusting my truth. I remain so deeply grateful for new mentors who teach me to listen to my inner voices and who give me some tools to discern the worth of them. —Ann W.

Charisma (23 Mar 21): [Ask A Prophet] Do You Have A Question You Want Answered?

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (23 Mar 21): Because if the rebellious child questions, it is because it touches him, it says something to him. Perhaps it even bothers him.

Tony Robinson (23 Mar 21): But then, in a society (and sometimes in churches) where we are often encouraged to appear in complete control and on top of everything, admitting that our souls are parched and that we thirst for God, for a Higher Power, for Holiness, for Jesus, may be considered foolish.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (23 Mar 21): “For which child is our deepest concern?  For the one who has no questions.”[7]

Nate Johnston (23 Mar 21): “I didn’t stir up a radical fire in you just to see it slowly flicker out, and I didn’t give you a love for nations just to see it dashed upon the rocks”

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Mar 21): G-d is beyond heaven and earth. We are stuck firmly at the ground floor. A wild beast kicks and screams inside us, forever running us off the path of reason and throwing us back to the ground.

Osama Abdallah: In Arabic also it’s the same.  My name Osama Abdallah, which means Osama slave of Allah (GOD).  Slave is a subject of GOD.  A servant is independent.  A servant provides services.  He/she can quit serving without consequences and can even kick you out of their territory.  But a slave (ABD) is totally OWNED.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): And if the Holy One, blessed be He, had not taken our fathers out of there, we and our children and our children’s children would still be slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt.

Agnes Ebedi (24 Mar 21): I heard the Spirit of God say that His Bride is as a Jehu army arising, and He is expanding our impact to unseat the enemy’s influence from our lives, our families and from entire territories, regions and nations. The fiery attacks against His people and against the pure prophetic word of the Lord shall be defeated. This is the hour of VICTORY!

Amy Sutherland (24 Mar 21): Revelation 12:10 writes that the accuser of our brothers and sisters (the body of Christ) relentlessly accuses us before God day and night. As we grow and mature in our spiritual journey warfare shifts in awareness and intensity, but one thing will remain; the truth of God’s Word. Sometimes we will find ourselves in the courts of Heaven (and not always on the defense) but when your heart is pure and united to Christ’s, you can remain confident you will “win the case”, for the release of redemption is through His very blood. His blood made you worthy to receive this beautiful inheritance- beloved identity in Him to rule and reign with Him.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): How I Received a Rich, Beautiful and Cognitively Disruptive Heritage

Fr. Richard Rohr: A moral imagination is nothing other than the hope of black faith. Such hope trusts that the arc of God’s universe does in fact bend toward justice. —Reverend Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas

Lana Vawser (24 Mar 21): I began to see HOUSES and WELLS being pioneered all across the earth. It reminded me of the encounter I had had with the Lord recently where I saw the arks the Lord was establishing through the pioneers for His Glory to come and rest. As I looked at these “HOUSES and WELLS” the Lord spoke:

“Pioneers, pray and fast, lean in and listen, for you are being positioned to HOUSE WELLS OF MY GLORY”

Rosangela Atte (24 Mar 21): From

Synergy means: “The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.”

Arrested (18 Mar 21): At we’ve labored all year to meet the needs of more visitors than ever, to provide each person with nourishing and uplifting food for thought, to supersede anxiety and gloom and achieve a positive and productive mindset.

Brat: You’ve arrested my attention.

Fr. Richard Rohr (24 Mar 21): One of the great scholars of the Jewish scriptures was Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907–1972). In his in-depth study of the Hebrew prophets, he included this description of the prophets which is really rather surprising. We often think of prophets as scolds, rather judgmental and cranky, but Heschel reminds us of their essential gifts of creativity and imagination:

The prophet is a poet. His experience is one known to the poets. What the poets know as poetic inspiration, the prophets call divine revelation. . . . The inspiration of the artist is what is meant by “the hand of the Lord which rests upon the prophet.”

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): So why the “strong hand and outstretched arm?” Just let us walk out of there and return to the freedom that was naturally ours.​

Before Pilate

Matt Laney (02 Apr 21): When Pilate saw that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.” Then the people as a whole answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!” – Matthew 27:24-25 (NRSV)

Agnes Ebedi (24 Mar 21): “The scepter is the weapon of dominion that shall empower you to overrule and overcome the opposition that has hindered the manifestation of your promises in the last season (see Psalm 110:2). The sword is My Word in your mouth that shall be like fire, and like a hammer that shall smash the rocks in pieces and destroy the barriers to your breakthrough (see Jeremiah 23:29). The scroll is the strength of My Word. The power of your declarations in this hour, of the manifestation of My promise to you, shall strengthen your faith. It shall become like a shield to quench the flaming darts of the wicked one.”

Osama Abdallah: The Glorious Quran declared 1,400 years ago that the Israeli Zionist machine will rule the entire earth with mighty evil and power.  They will reach “Mighty Heights” علوا كبيرا  of evil power and might on earth.

Fr. Richard Rohr (28 Mar 21): As Russian philosopher Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote, “If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.” [1][8] As long as the evil is “over there,” we can change or expel someone else as the contaminating element. We then feel purified and at peace. But it is not the peace of Christ, which “the world cannot give” (see John 14:27).

Karen Hardin (23 Mar 21): Have you experienced an injustice recently that left you reeling?[9]

Nate Johnston (23 Mar 21): “I didn’t put a holy discontent upon your life for the norm just so you would never get to see and experience the extraordinary, and I didn’t put a mantle of revival upon you just to see it unused and dormant”

Zechariah 11:17 “Woe to the worthless shepherd,
    who deserts the flock!
May the sword strike his arm and his right eye!
    May his arm be completely withered,
    his right eye totally blinded!”

Osama Abdallah: Was the Islamic ONE-EYE Prophecy foretold before Islam in the Bible’s Zechariah 11:17?  I demonstrated using ample Biblical verses that the ONE-EYED DAJJAL (anti-Christ) was never prophesied in the Bible to be ONE-EYED, nor was this Sign ever given in the Bible to any being.[10]

Fr. Richard Rohr (24 Mar 21): She [Amanda Gorman] begins her poem “The Hill We Climb” by asking in the style of the psalms of lamentation, “When day comes we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade?” She then references the sign of the reluctant prophet Jonah: “We’ve braved the belly of the beast; we’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace.”

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Mar 21): There is no greater closeness to G‑d than one small act of the divine performed by your beast inside.

Matt Laney (02 Apr 21): Christians forget that … and much more.

Fr. Richard Rohr (21 Mar 21): I hope we can sympathize with the people of Israel who so often rejected their prophets. It’s scary whenever we’re offered a new synthesis or paradigm, especially for those who are heavily invested in the old. Opposition will rise, just as it rose around Jesus. People inside the status quo usually have much to lose. They don’t necessarily have ill will; it’s just that they’re living in the only world they’ve ever imagined. Perhaps my favorite understanding of prophets is that they’re lovers of spiritual freedom who keep humanity free for God and God free for humanity. It is harder than you think.

Me to Pastor Julie Morris (08 Mar 21): With some maturity, now I can say in truth that having the two vocations side-by-side [Anchoress + Prophet] do complement each other within my soul.  The challenge has been surviving the outside looking in, because no one wants their status quo disrupted when they see no value in it.  The irony is that the outside goes through the same process as the anchoress, even if they don’t recognize it.  Then the prophet puts words to the process.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): And now, G‑d has brought us into His service.

Daniel & Rachel Emerson (in “Covenant Partner” 15 Mar 21): Congratulations! We got you plugged in!

Vicki Kemper (15 Mar 21): But in real life … not so much.

Brat (15 Mar 21): WTF?? What did I do now?  What button did I push to get myself into THIS mess?

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Mar 21): “Thank G-d you have a beast inside.  Without one, what would you have to offer?”[11]

Karen Hardin (23 Mar 21): Thankfully, this time He wasn’t silent.

Israel365 (18 Mar 21): He Appears In The Cloud

The Rev. Jazzy Bostock: As I’ve travelled through the last pandemic year, logging on to Facebook most mornings to lead morning prayer for my church, I’ve been reminded of the way that regular prayer works its way into my body. Jesus prays often in our gospels. And yet, because it’s usually just one sentence, it hasn’t always been something I’ve focused on. Prayer is central to his ministry. It bookends almost every miracle he performs and guides his interactions. I am not nearly so solid in my own prayer discipline, though I am learning. Tethering myself to a daily practice—to the rhythm of the apostles creed and the prayers, tedious though they may seem in the moment—gives me a sense of regulation. Though this regulation is far from making me as solid and sure as Jesus seems to be, it certainly tethers some of my more wayward leanings.

Nate Johnston (23 Mar 21): For those who followed Jesus into the UNKNOWN.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): But then it seems an integral part of Jewish identity is that jarring dissonance. Because it’s immediately evident in the Passover Seder as well. And, more than any other experience, it’s at the Passover Seder that a Jew establishes identity.​

Karen Hardin (23 Mar 21): This is your season for double blessing, restoration and relaunch as you forgive and stay on His path and do not enter the progression of unforgiveness and offense. The Lord is saying “I will restore and guide you to the path of blessing.”

Rev. Phil Hooper (02 Apr 21): Lord Jesus, it may sound strange to say it, but I forgive you, too. I forgive you for not being present in the ways that I needed you to be when I felt so alone. I forgive you for inaugurating a church that at times, in your name, has harmed so many people. I forgive you for creating a world that allows for sin to break people apart, for this mortal life where we seem to lose everyone we love. I forgive you for being so hard to understand at times, and so hard to follow. I forgive you for not being the type of strong and mighty savior that I expected, the kind that would keep me safe. I forgive you for all these things, mostly because I need to let them go, in order to see you properly, in your fullness, and not the incomplete version of you that has been distorted by my own pain and confusion and resentment. I forgive you because I want to know you as you are, not as I wish you were. Lord Jesus, I forgive you.


Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): In a desperate attempt to have integrity by man’s standards, several prominent Charismatic leaders continue to call for prophetic voices and hopeful believers to deny our dreams and visions and renounce our faith for the impossible. Those who still cling to a miraculous breakthrough to come are now being called foolish, fake, or worse yet, totally false. Is this how the Church is preparing for this worldwide miracle of supernatural outpouring?

Isaiah 50:6 I gave my back to those who struck me, and my cheeks to those who pulled out the beard; I did not hide my face from insult and spitting.

Karen Hardin (23 Mar 21): Injustices impact our lives so strongly because they are unexpected and unfair. It leaves us with the question, “God where are you?”

Osama Abdallah: Trinity Crucified!  100s of verses prove trinity is false.  Jesus healed others only after getting permissions from GOD Almighty.  His wishes were sometimes denied.[12]

Matt Laney (02 Apr 21): Crucifixion was a not only a brutal method of capital punishment favored by the Roman Empire in the first century. Crucifixion was an act of terror. It said, “Stay in line or you will be next.”

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): The Lord says, “Many waters are being troubled. In the midst of the troubling waters, I have a people who will learn how to stand. In the midst of the troubling waters, I have a people who will learn to walk through the waves. In the midst of the troubling waters, I have a people who will begin to rise and not sink. Many troubling waters are around you, but in the midst of it, you will be one who surfs to a new shore.[13]

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): If you have no G‑d, or many gods, or never thought about the whole idea of G‑d, then the world is what it is. But once you believe in a benevolent G‑d—meaning that you believe the very essence of reality is essentially good—nothing is the way it is supposed to be.

Chris Tomlin: “God Who Listens” []

I’m not just hoping
I’m not just wishing
I know I’m praying
To a God who listens
I know He hears me
I know He’s living
Yes, I am praying (Yes, I am praying)
To a God who listens
You’re a God who listens

Chaplain Janelle Ibaven (19 Mar 21): Praise God for His goodness, even through difficult circumstances and ones we can’t yet understand.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): A powerful identity, but one that came with a biting dissonance. There were tough questions to be answered.

Isaiah 50:8 he who vindicates me is near. Who will contend with me? Let us stand up together. Who are my adversaries? Let them confront me.

Brat: The priests, pastors, prophets, and rabbis had turned their collective backs on me in a Great Shun.  This had been going on for a decade or more.

Matt Laney (02 Apr 21): What is the genesis of these hate-filled horrors? The blood curse of Matthew 27:25.

Matthew 27:25 All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”

Fr. Richard Rohr (28 Mar 21): Whenever the “sinner” is excluded, our collective ego is delighted and feels relieved and safe. It works, but only for a while, because it is merely an illusion. Repeatedly believing the lie, that this time we have the true culprit, we become more catatonic, habitually ignorant, and culpable—because, of course, scapegoating never really eliminates evil in the first place.

Matt Laney (02 Apr 21): Jesus, forgive our ignorance and the silence that has allowed hatred to thrive against your family. Your blood is not on them. But their blood is on us.

Brat: I pray for closure on the old wound.  There never was any closure or recompense, no belonging to a tribe, or sanctuary.  And in this pandemic culture, evidently even freedom of speech is relative.  However, Julian of Norwich knew something about how to navigate these kinds of troubled waters.  God raises up anchorites for such a time as this.

Felicia Murrell (2020): And there, in liminal space—the space of sitting with our truths; the place of mystery, the unknown; the place where we let go of our injured expectations to be seen, to be known, to be welcomed—we offer ourselves what we’ve longed to have given to us. We acknowledge our feelings—the power and depth of each one—giving them space to roll through us, to breathe and take on life.

Chris Overstreet (28 Mar 21): Do you need a fresh start?

Steven Aitchison: “People change for two main reasons: either their minds have been opened or their hearts have been broken.”

When Light Came In (18 Mar 21): The only tweak I’d make to this quote is to add that it’s not the *breaking* of the heart that brings change… it’s the process of healing of it.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): This is the bread of suffering that our fathers ate in the Land of Egypt!

Felicia Murrell (2020): It might feel good, after years of being shackled to scarcity, victimhood, poverty, suspicion, and inferiority, to project onto a scapegoat (holding the system complicit by association) the burden of hundreds of years of pain. We feel righteous. We long for someone else to feel what we feel or, at the very least, to validate that it’s okay for us to feel what we feel. Heavily laden with years and years of collective racial anger, misuse, and abuse, we lumber into liminality with all these feelings, these shackles of oppression.[14]

Church of England (22 Mar 21): The online survey of more than 2,000 adults, also showed that a majority of people want the Church of England to provide a listening ear for those who want to talk about death and dying and help for people to talk about grief.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Suffering? Wait! Isn’t tonight about freedom? Why start with suffering?

Karen Hardin (23 Mar 21): “But you were provided an opportunity to share in My sufferings,” He responded gently.

Verse of the Day (26 Mar 21): Philippians 1:29 For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,

When Light Came In (27 Mar 21): And if we happen to put it down for a moment, we feel disoriented, too exposed without the load in our arms, too vulnerable when people can see us instead of this walking mountain of things we hold.

Osama Abdallah: Paul could lift mountains, and Jesus’ disciples raising people from the dead.

Chaplain Janelle Ibaven (19 Mar 21): Palm Sunday highlights how quickly my heart can turn when the process of faith shifts from being safe to being vulnerable. One moment I am declaring His Lordship, and the next He is on trial for my suffering and pain. Holy Week places a mirror in front of me and asks where my source of the goodness and trust lies. Is it in the celebrity? The parade? In the mass of worshipers? Or is it in Christ? In suffering?

More Denials

Richard Rohr (28 Mar 21): Jesus became the scapegoat to reveal the universal lie of scapegoating. He became the sinned-against one to reveal the hidden nature of scapegoatingso that we would see how wrong even educated and well-meaning people can be. This is perfectly represented by Pilate and Caiaphas (state and religion), who both find their artificial reasons to condemn him (see John 16:8–11 and Romans 8:3).

John Edgerton (21 Mar 21): But as soon as a legislative hearing is over or a march has disbanded, I take off the collar. I don’t ride the bus wearing it. I don’t go to lunch wearing it. I take it off.

C.S. Lewis (1946 in The Great Divorce): “Then no one can ever reach them?”

Osama Abdallah: The Bible agrees with Islam that Jesus was never crucified.

Brat: I know Jesus as my Husband through mystical marriage and He showed me His wounds.  May Jesus introduce Himself to you and the Holy Spirit show you what He suffered on your behalf.

Osama Abdallah: In the old Aramaic and Hebrew, GOD Almighty was called what-is-equivalent-to-Islam our Rab and Wali.  But that doesn’t make GOD Almighty our actual Father.  This is exactly as Judaism metaphors such as idolatry is equivalent to spiritual adultery.  No Jew is actually married to GOD Almighty to actually commit a personal marriage-adultery against GOD Almighty! 

Brat: Jesus Himself asked me to marry Him.  It was by His invitation.  And God the Father gave His blessing!

Agnes Ebedi (24 Mar 21): I came out of this vision elated! The Father said to me that this woman represents the Bride of Christ, the Church, and He immediately reminded me of a dream that I had a few weeks ago, where He spoke to me about a Jehu company arising. Jehu was an anointed king in Scripture that defeated Jezebel, someone who attempted to war against God’s people (see 2 Kings 10).

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (21 Mar 21): Egypt is a place that chains you to who you are, constraining you from growth and change. And Pharaoh is that voice inside that mocks your gambit to escape, saying, “How could you attempt being today something you were not yesterday? Aren’t you good enough just as you are? Don’t you know who you are?”[15]

Fr. Richard Rohr (28 Mar 21): The word “scapegoating” originated from an ingenious ritual described in Leviticus 16. According to Jewish law, on the Day of Atonement, the high priest laid hands on an “escaping” goat, placing all the sins of the Jewish people from the previous year onto the animal. Then the goat was beaten with reeds and thorns, driven out into the desert, and the people went home rejoicing. Violence towards the innocent victim was apparently quite effective at temporarily relieving the group’s guilt and shame. The same scapegoating dynamic was at play when European Christians burned supposed heretics at the stake, and when white Americans lynched Black Americans. In fact, the pattern is identical and totally non-rational.

Brat: The tension of Truth was so thick with my Discernment Committee that I joked and asked if I should bring my own firewood to my own stake-burning.  Now I look back on it and see that that was simply verifying the truth that I had spoken to the Church.

Matt Laney (02 Apr 21): When Christians look at a crucifix, we might see the sacrificial love of God. We are less likely to see a lynched Jew. Most of us don’t live in the shadow of the anti-Semitic slur, “Christ-killer,” used to incite violence and terror against Jews from medieval pogroms to the Holocaust to neo-Nazis today.

When Light Came In (18 Mar 21): Why abusers never change: they aren’t open to learning and their hearts are hard.

Osama Abdallah: Paul’s perfect, sinless and infallible pedophiles and thieves (1 Corinthians 2:15).

From Zane at GRACE (18 Mar 21): The Emotional and Psychological Impact of Abuse

Richard Rohr (28 Mar 21): Scapegoating and the Cross

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): “Some of you are grabbing hold of the plow, but you’re looking back. When you put your hand to the plow, keep your eyes focused on the field ahead. Many new fields are forming, and if you keep looking back at the field you were in, then you will never see the harvest of the field ahead. I am calling My people to grab hold and move forward into their new field.

Pastor Julie Morris (28 Mar 21): Facing death face-on changes us.

Felicia Murrell (2020): Instead of projecting outward or looking for resolution, we sit with them, breathe through them—allowing them to be as they are within us. We cry the tears our ancestors could not. We feel the fatigue they were not allowed to feel. We give in to the vulnerability that would have cost them their lives—not blaming, not finger-pointing, but honest truth-telling of our dehumanizing, painful history. On the threshold between what was and what will be, we unburden ourselves of our fierce, dogged determination to control the outcome of other people’s opinions of us, and there the alchemy happens.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Our great-grandfather, Abraham, was promised by G‑d that “the fourth generation will return here.” Our fathers, us, our children, and our children’s children—that’s four generations. There’s no way we could have stayed in Egypt any longer than that. G‑d promised.

Prof. Kathryn Schifferdecker (20 Mar 21): We the church, along with our Jewish brothers and sisters, take Abraham’s story as our own. We are also blessed, but not for our own sake, and certainly not to draw attention to ourselves. We are blessed in order to be a blessing. May God give us grace, then, to be a conduit of God’s blessing to the world around us.

Fr. Richard Rohr (24 Mar 21): She [Amanda Gorman] transforms the seemingly unjust decree of Exodus 34:7 that God will “visit the iniquities of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and fourth generation,” no longer holding God responsible for intergenerational trauma. Like the prophets of old, she holds us accountable for our actions: “we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation. . . . Our blunders become their burdens” (emphasis mine).

The Rev. Jazzy Bostock: Paired with the long gospel for Palm Sunday, the sentiment is particularly challenging. In our gospel, Jesus is anointed, breaks bread with his disciples, prays, is betrayed, tried, stripped, mocked, and crucified. And not once in the trials does Jesus raise a hand or give a harsh word to those who are causing him such pain. He is the picture of non-violence, even to the point of a cruel death.

Psalm 31:9 Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; my eye wastes away from grief, my soul and body also.

Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): I am standing for the OVERTHROW OF DEMONIC PRINCIPALITIES and the displacement of wicked rulers.

Brat (20 Mar 21): …Plus, I have been so hurt by the Church in the past!  But I still love them!  Is this more Stockholm Syndrome again? 

John Edgerton (21 Mar 21): I’m afraid that, like Elijah, I’ll be confronted by someone who was hurt by the church. I’m afraid I’ll be confronted by someone demanding I give them some answers about what they ever did to deserve such rotten treatment from the people of God.

Rick Joyner (23 Mar 21): Some say that love is not an emotion. Consider this, how would you feel if your spouse said that they did not feel anything for you, but they loved you by faith? God created emotions because we need them to experience His love and to show love to others. Love is not only an emotion; it is the highest emotion.[16]

Brat: I felt what Jesus must have gone through.  I still feel what the Jews must be going through.

When Light Came In (18 Mar 21): It also explains why we *can* change and heal, and puts us in good company with those who have open minds to learn, read, listen, ask, and grow. Those who have experienced darkness, but refuse to stay there. Who reach again for light, and develop deep empathy and compassion.

Mark 15:39 And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, “Surely this man was the Son of God!”

Osama Abdallah: What does “Son of GOD” really mean in the Bible? 

Pastor Julie Morris (28 Mar 21): It is an amazing conversion story![17]

The Rev. Jazzy Bostock: I think another way to ask that question might be: how much like us is Jesus? How human is the Son of God, exactly? And, if you’re anything like me, it sort of depends on what day you ask. Sometimes, I feel like Jesus was very human. I think of the Syrophoenician woman, for instance, when Jesus compares her to a dog. A very human moment. I think of some of the times he behaved in ways I find unpalatable—perhaps not radical enough, or conforming too closely to the culture of his day. When I read those passages, I am convinced of Jesus’ humanness. But then there are other times like this gospel reading, where, even in the midst of his own betrayal, he implores his disciples to non-violence, when I am convinced that Jesus is very little like me. When I read stories of his healing, or the miracles he performs, I feel like we have little in common, and he moves from on-the-ground human to pie-in-the-sky Divine.

Osama Abdallah: Did you know that Elohim is Allah. The “im” in Hebrew is a majestic plural for GOD Almighty.  The root Word is “Eloh”.  And the more original Jews such as Yemenites and others say Alohim or Alah-im.  And when you yourself pronounce it, you do naturally pronounce it with a double “l”: Allah.  Jews do call Him: Allah-im.  Aramaic-speaking people also call GOD Almighty Allah.  See the following videos for Biblical references and proofs.  Also, pre-Islamic Biblical archeological findings have GOD Almighty as “Allah”.  So the Original Holy Name for GOD Almighty is not Eloh.  It is Allah!  Eloh is a Hebrew dialect, which not all Hebrew speakers use anyway.  Allah had always been the Original and Universal GOD Almighty even before birth of Judaism, and the existence Hebrew.  And Hebrew is a developed language from Phoenician.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Hold on. That was not the deal. Everyone knows that was not the deal. (18 Mar 21): We really need your partnership to help the many millions who are relying on us.

Martha Spong (20 Mar 21): Who is waiting for this faith, this confidence, to ring out in your voice? Prophesy to these bones. Call out so they can hear you and come back from the dead.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Because Torah is our key to liberation. The origin of all darkness in the world is our spiritual bondage—the slavery to our own egos. Torah puts that ego in its place, into the service of a Higher Power.

Philippians 2:6 who, though He [Jesus] was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited,

Osama Abdallah: Islam also thoroughly rejects as man-made lies the Trinity and Crucifixion.  Jesus was also thoroughly called slave of GOD in both the OT and NT.[18]

Matt Laney (02 Apr 21): If we acknowledge this hateful speech in Scripture along with all the horrors of this day, pledging to confront and uproot anti-Semitism wherever it is found, perhaps we will have reason to call this Friday “good.”

Karen Hardin (23 Mar 21): But did you also know that each injustice you experience is actually an open door and opportunity for transfer and blessing?

Brat: But that does not give leadership the right to take love, mercy and grace for granted so they can get the transfer and blessings at the expense of us grunts!

Osama Abdallah: May Allah Almighty enable you to see the Light and the Truth of Islam.  And may Allah Almighty send His Peace, Mercy and Blessings upon our beloved and blessed Prophet, Teacher and Role Model, Muhammad.  Ameen.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): We are slaves. We are still in Egypt. There are hungry and needy amongst us. What happened to the people G‑d took from Egypt to the Promised Land to be His people? ​

Osama Abdallah: Jesus, Egypt, Jews prohibited from ever going to Egypt, but yet, Jesus went to Egypt!

Matthew 2:14 So he [Joseph] got up, took the child [Jesus] and his mother [Mary] during the night and left for Egypt, 15 where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

Osama Abdallah: Egypt in the Bible is hated with extreme bitterness! – False prophecies about Egypt that history proved them to be lies!

Jeremiah 46:24 Daughter Egypt will be put to shame,
    given into the hands of the people of the north.”

Wanda Alger (31 Mar 21): And yet, the longer that time passes…this promise seems delayed.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Now we are here. Next year we will be in the Land of Israel.
Now we are slaves. Next year we will be free.

Philippians 2:7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form,

Osama Abdallah: Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  Trinity is a lie from Hell.

C.S. Lewis (1946 in The Great Divorce): “Hell is a state of mind—ye never said a truer word. And every state of mind, left to itself, every shutting up of the creature within the dungeon of its own mind is, in the end, Hell. But Heaven is not a state of mind. Heaven is reality itself. All that is fully real is Heavenly.” . . .

Philippians 2:10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

Wanda Alger (31 Mar 21): As the prophet says in Habakkuk 2:3, For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Even so, it’s hard to wait! Because we begin to wonder. And yet, if we can lean into His word, the breakthrough may be just around the corner. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “A man is not a hero because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is braver ten minutes longer.” Sounds almost biblical.

Agnes Ebedi (24 Mar 21): As she declared the Word of the Lord, it seemed like fiery darts being shot at the enemy. The enemy seemed to have underestimated her as he was in hot pursuit, and he did not see her victory coming. As she turned around and released her words, it completely destroyed the enemy, and I saw him crumble to the ground like a deck of cards.

Fr. Richard Rohr (21 Mar 21): The Path of the Fall


Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): It’s time for the Kingdom of God to be demonstrated with power and authority and every other kingdom to fall. This is what I’m standing for. What about you?

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Tell me an intelligent child is not going to have this question.​At this point, if there’s any honesty in your heart, you just have to wake up and ask: For this we were chosen? To wander from land to land, facing again and again genocidal enemies?

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): New Terrain and Lost Sheep

Wanda Alger (31 Mar 21): The Lord’s promise that I am standing on with unwavering faith is that He will execute justice on the works of darkness and deliver this nation from those who oppose Him. He has spoken to His prophets, millions of intercessors, and countless believers across the world that THIS is His time for righteous rulers to come forth and displace the wicked![19]

Revelation 4:Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. 

When Light Came In (22 Mar 21): Truth will out. Honor will out. Kindness will out. Love will out. The seeds we plant as we relocate to wholeness will find a way. They will. (18 Mar 21): Considering the extraordinary circumstances and needs of so many, compounded with our individual and collective responsibility to help empower one another, and factoring in the immense blessings inherent in charity to heal the world (and to shield ourselves and our loved ones), we turn to you and ask:

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Why do we thank G‑d for taking us out of Egypt? Didn’t He put us there in the first place?

Fr. Richard Rohr (28 Mar 21): In worshiping Jesus as the scapegoat, Christians should have learned to stop scapegoating, but we didn’t. We are still utterly wrong whenever we create arbitrary victims to avoid our own complicity in evil. It seems it is the most effective diversionary tactic possible. History has shown us that authority itself is not a good guide. Yet for many people, authority soothes their anxiety and relieves their own responsibility to form a mature conscience. We love to follow someone else and let them take the responsibility. It is a universal story line in history and all cultures.

Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): Each of us need to take responsibility for how we are led by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Our flesh will always tend to lean on our own understanding instead of the Spirit within. We can’t become so earthly minded that we’re no heavenly good. If we really want this awakening to the Spirit and prepare for an outpouring, we can start by getting our eyes off of what we see in the natural and start to believe what heaven is revealing. Let’s stop determining our future by what the world keeps telling us and start listening to what the Spirit has already said.

Rick Joyner (23 Mar 21): Love without works is not real, but works without love do not count. This is why the exhortations in Scripture to care for the poor, the needy, and the oppressed is always to individuals, not governments and organizations. Charity that is institutionalized is dehumanizing. Love and charity are meant to be expressed person to person.

Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): I am standing for an OUTPOURING OF THE SPIRIT to eradicate all fear of man and every false god of this age.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): It’s as though not only the Seder, but the entire creed of the Jew is a setup to get us to ask a question. More than question—to sense at least a little outrage.

John Edgerton (21 Mar 21): But that doesn’t exempt me from having to face the questions. Being a Christian means representing Christ—the good and the bad.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Say that. Say it clear. What’s with this curve-ball, this “But now…”?​

When Light Came In (22 Mar 21): Life can plant where it usually doesn’t. We can create life in the desert of abuse and neglect. Because, dear one? Life WILL OUT.

Osama Abdallah: The Bible’s own theologians admit that it is badly corrupt and is full of lies.

Wanda Alger (31 Mar 21): In Matthew 24:45-51, Jesus told His followers to be ready for His return. Though they didn’t know the time or hour, they were commissioned to be faithful stewards of His word and occupy until. Referring to the days of Noah, He insinuated that many hearts would grow cold when not seeing the fulfillment of prophetic words (“Rain? What rain!?”) In 2 Peter 3, we are reminded of the power of God’s WORD that overrides circumstances, time tables, and human expectations. Regardless of outer appearances, if God says it, God will do it. Period.

More Questions

The Rev. Jazzy Bostock: Can that same mind really be in us, which was in him? And if we can have such a mind, then what about the heart? What about the spirit? How much like Jesus can we be? [20]

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Tell me an intelligent child is not going to have this question.​And this is what has stood for us and for our fathers. For in every generation, they rise against us to exterminate us. But the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hand.

Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): I am standing for JUSTICE that goes beyond rhetoric and actually FULFILLS THE REQUIREMENTS of the law.

Rev. Phil Hooper (02 Apr 21): Lord Jesus, thank you. Thank you for loving me beyond comprehension. I know that your love is why you hang upon the cross, why you choose to lay down your life for your friends, and although I cannot fully understand it, I feel it—its saving, healing power—deep in my soul. Thank you for showing us what it means to live as a human being fully alive, fully in communion with our Father in heaven, fully in partnership with our neighbors and with the web of all creation. Thank you for the outpouring gift of your grace in water and bread and wine and oil; for giving your flesh and your Spirit to us, unworthy as we may be. Thank you for your church, which, at its best, has saved my life and taught me the meaning of community. Thank you for the invitation to live a life caught up in the joy your life, and to love with a heart enraptured by your undying love. Lord Jesus, thank you.

Rick Joyner (23 Mar 21): Even so, love is more than an emotion. Love is not just a noun, but it is also an action verb. Love that is also does. Love is such a powerful emotion that it cannot be contained, but must be expressed. (18 Mar 21): Your (radical!) reaction needed

Me to Dr. Luisa Johnson (in “Covenant Partner” 15 Mar 21): I understand you do creative arts.  I write blog conversations based on the weekly lectionary readings built from common threads coming into my inbox.  I listen to where the Holy Spirit is leading us collectively and show it through the conversations. (18 Mar 21): Our collective capacity to sacrifice for the sake of others is extraordinary. We need to forever remember how radically our entire society changed to save lives.

Karen Hardin (23 Mar 21): The Path of Blessing after an Injustice

Fr. Richard Rohr (21 Mar 21): In spirituality, there are basically two paths, what I’ve called the path of the fall and the path of the return. The path of return has been the message of the priestly class. True priests talk of religion, communion, love, transcendence, connecting this world with the next, and generally offering a coherent world of meaning. In contrast, the path of the fall is directed and legitimated by the prophets, who teach us how to go into our shadows creatively and how to lose gracefully. They teach us how to let go and let things fall apart without fear.[21]

Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): I am standing for FAITH TO ARISE in a people led by fear.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Mar 21): Work with that animal. Teach it. Tame it. Bring it to do good things—with its heart, its guts, with all its earthiness. Let it have even just a sip of Torah’s divine wisdom.

Osama Abdallah: Paul was a rodent from an infestation of rodents.  The plague of tens (10s) of false messiahs and prophets at the time is thoroughly proven. Like the saying goes: “You are a product of your environment”

C.S. Lewis (1946 in The Great Divorce): “Only the Greatest of all can make Himself small enough to enter Hell. For the higher a thing is, the lower it can descend—a man can sympathise with a horse but a horse cannot sympathise with a rat. Only One has descended into Hell.”

Rick Joyner (23 Mar 21): Heidi Baker says, “Love looks like something.” This being said, actions without love do not raise us up, but lower us. As the Apostle Paul wrote:

         “If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 

         “If I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing” (I Corinthians 13:2-3).

Osama Abdallah: Also visit: 9/11 was 100% an Israeli Mossad Operation!

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): If so, what on earth are we celebrating?

Karen Hardin (23 Mar 21): “Well, yes, but I didn’t ask for an attack,” I responded.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): An Ongoing Persecution

Psalm 31:15 My times are in your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies and persecutors.


Osama Abdallah: The Romans had to fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues (18 Mar 21): Please can you contribute generously to our pre-Passover campaign?

Osama Abdallah: The Almighty Dollar & Power were the Ultimate Reason

Matthew 28:15 So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Apparently, there is still work to be done.

John Edgerton (21 Mar 21): Maybe you can relate. Maybe you don’t wear your church t-shirt when you go volunteer at the shelter. Maybe you don’t get into a biblical tête-à-tête with the uncle who is sure that he knows exactly who God hates. Maybe you find a way to stay quiet, when speaking up would be the braver thing. Maybe you’re like me—afraid. (18 Mar 21): More than ever before perhaps, we are all in this together, and we all need to strengthen and empower one another!

Osama Abdallah: This Prophecy is a lie! Jesus laid on the floor, got healed, and got up and left.  He was never inside any coffin nor ever got buried.  Also, because 100s of thousands of pilgrims were coming to Jerusalem for the Passover, the Romans had to rush his “crucifixion” and bring him down.  The soldiers were even denied food due to lack of time. (18 Mar 21): And we are trying our very best — and then some! — to accommodate and serve every single one.

When Light Came In (27 Mar 21): The load becomes our comfort. It keeps us from floating away into grief’s nothingness. We don’t know what to do with freedom. But this is not living.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (21 Mar 21): But Freedom and the Promised Land are not static elements that lie in wait. They are your own achievements which you may create at any moment, in any thing that you do, simply by breaking free from whoever you were the day before.

Osama Abdallah: The Bible’s metaphoric resurrections.

Prof. Mark Tranvik (25 Mar 21): Our reading from Psalm 31 foreshadows the loneliness of Jesus on the cross. He is scorned and rejected. The disciples abandon him. The religious and civil authorities condemn him. The soldiers taunt and torture him. Let’s not forget that we are there, too. We cast him aside and leave him utterly alone. Our sin ultimately kills him. But loneliness and death do not get the final word. God’s steadfast love does. Jesus is raised from the dead. In God’s crazy logic, the empty tomb is not a lonely place but a scene of triumph.

Chris Overstreet (28 Mar 21): Do You Need Strength? 

Rev. Phil Hooper (02 Apr 21): This is the moment in the Christian year when words fail us, when our platitudes turn to dust. What meager phrase is adequate to express what we see, what we feel, what we fear in this place: the first and only time in the history of creation when we face the prospect of being truly, utterly alone in the cosmos? What could we say that would ever be a sufficient offering, a word of consolation to our God as he hangs on the cross?[22]

Osama Abdallah: Indeed, Jesus Christ, the man, is only a Messenger from Allah Almighty, and he was never crucified. 

Karen Hardin (23 Mar 21): There are many who have taken hits like this recently and it has left you confused and doubting God’s goodness. But like Joseph in days of old, it is your opportunity to relaunch in an even greater way. It’s about how you choose to walk through it.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): When Moses sought the bones of Joseph to carry them to Israel, as Joseph had made the Children of Israel promise to do, it was Serach who showed him where they had been sunken into the Nile. Which means that for all the days of Egyptian oppression, it was Serach who preserved a tradition of liberation. Just like grandma.

Martha Spong (20 Mar 21): He said to me, “Mortal, can these bones live?” I answered, “O Lord GOD, you know.” – Ezekiel 37:3 (NRSV)

Deborah Perkins (22 Mar 21): I quickly said yes! 

Prof. Mark Tranvik (25 Mar 21): We all struggle with loneliness. This has been evident during the pandemic, especially for many of our senior citizens. They often go days without meaningful human contact. The sense of isolation grows and they begin to feel life is without meaning or purpose. It has been heartening to see the way many families and congregations have found ways to reach out to those who are alone with meals, “safe” visits, and words of comfort.

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): “‘Comfortable’ is the enemy to the strength that you need… so be careful! I am producing new strength as you expand into the future. I am digging deep in you because you have no idea of the field I’ve been working on in you. And yet, you are limiting Me with (your) vision. You are limiting Me with (your) ideas. You are limiting Me based upon your own knowledge. I’m digging deep because you’re going to dig deeper.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): All this leads into the meat and potatoes of the Haggadah: The wandering Aramean.

Scott McKnight (05 Oct 2020): The Israelites—generation upon generation—would regularly rehearse their history and recite the following words together to remember where they came from—especially once they find themselves prospering in a land abundance: “A wandering Aramean was my father” (Deut 26:5). Rachel Adelman speaks of the effect of this reminder:

“Schooled as “strangers in a land not their own” as descendants of the wandering Aramean, the way we tell our history serves as the basis for a higher ethic, as it says throughout the Torah: “You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt”. It is precisely the consciousness of being alien (with its concomitant sensitivity to the other) that ironically grants the right to dwell in the land. The short history we recite, again and again—upon recalling the Exodus at Passover and offering the first fruits—reminds us of this tenuous relationship to the land, a contingent gift from God. What raises us to “chosenness” and confers a claim to that gift is the mandate of compassion for the stranger in our midst, and remembering that we were once (and on an existential level, may always be), strangers in a strange land. We are called upon to link living in the land with compassion for and just behavior towards those “strangers” who dwell among us”.[23]

Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche (24 Mar 21): God is calling YOU. He needs you. He will strengthen you. He will uphold you with the right hand of His righteousness. He will provide for you. You are needed. There has never been a time in human history where our Father has so strongly needed His women.

Martha Spong (20 Mar 21): Back from the Dead

Chris Overstreet (28 Mar 21): Is there anything that you’re holding onto right now where you’re just saying, “I want to control this situation”? Whatever it may be, I want to encourage you to let go and let God be God in your life. 

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (in “Pole Dancing Journal” 10 Mar 21): “If only the Jewish People would keep two Shabbats [inner and outer] as they should be kept, immediately they would be redeemed.” (Shabbat 118a)

Brat: The Jews do keep the Sabbath.  It’s the servants and foreigners who are doing the work. (Ex 20:10)

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): “Because they never paid us for working for them,” she explained. “And these are the things they gave us.” [24]

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): “My people always hear My voice, and they are always in alignment with Me. But the enemy whispers in your ear and tells you to pick up your old chains and wear them like jewelry. You walk in My authority! Walk with Me now and pull off those chains. I will put them in the fire and they’ll never be picked up again.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): “And when Moses took us out from Egypt,” she continued, “he told us to ask the Egyptians for their silver and gold.”

Fr. Richard Rohr (21 Mar 21): The prophets are disrupters of the social consensus. What everybody is saying, whatever the glib agreement is, prophets say, “it’s not true.” They do this primarily by exposing and toppling what the Hebrew Scriptures called idols, things that are made absolute that are not absolute. The tendency of religion is to absolutize. I’m sure it comes from a deep psychological need for some solid ground to stand on, but the prophets remind us that God is the only absolute. And don’t try to make the institutions of God absolutes either! Jeremiah said, “The Temple, the Temple, the Temple, don’t you get tired of talking about the Temple?” (see Jeremiah 7:4) This was a good Jewish man who surely loved the Temple but recognized that it, too, had become an idol.

Matt Laney (19 Mar 21): It isn’t easy to be on holy ground. We instinctively know that holiness not only brings us face-to-face with God, it also brings us face-to-face with ourselves.

Psalm 31:11 I am the scorn of all my adversaries, a horror to my neighbors, an object of dread to my acquaintances; those who see me in the street flee from me.

Rosangela Atte (24 Mar 21): I have used this time of isolation, and trials to refine and purify my remnant and they have come out as pure as gold. Through this refining they have shed the old wine skin and have been set free from everything that hindered them and kept them bound to their old self. Never in the history of humanity there have been so many of my sons and daughters that are walking in the fullness of their destiny and identity in Me on the Earth at the same time. They have all been crying out to be used for My glory, to be carriers of My glory, to manifest My glory.[25]

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): “Be watchful these next 10 days because I am coming to wobble your ox cart. When I wobble it, are you going to try to touch it with familiarity to upright something that I am pouring out? These next 10 days I will shake your ox cart, I will shake it, and I will shake it again. Then when you come into a realization that your order is not going into the fullness of the order that I have in store for you, pull aside and let Me reveal to you the new order. When I reveal the new order to you in your spirit and you rise up outside of your might, it will usher in My presence, not only in your life but in your neighborhood, church and office.

Matt Laney (19 Mar 21): Holy ground.

Prof. Mark Tranvik (24 Mar 21): I am a teacher and it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that my job is to tell people things they do not know. But I find my best days in the classroom are the ones where I not only teach but when I am being taught. This happens when students wrestle with an idea and this sparks new insights for the entire class, including me. Those are the times when real learning is taking place.

Brat: Personally speaking, I have to wait longer periods of time lately to get a balance of five-fold ministry voices to show up in my inbox.  Would it continue to be this difficult if I was welcomed into the fold?

Agnes Ebedi (24 Mar 21): I had a second encounter shortly after this to reinforce the word of the Lord about the victory being released. In this encounter, I had a vision of a massive lion. It troubled me in the moment because it did not have the peaceful and strong countenance of the Lion of Judah. As I watched, the lion was in fierce pursuit of a lady dressed in white. I instantly became aware that this lion was the enemy. 1 Peter 5:8 describes the enemy that prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. In this vision the lion looked winded, like he did not have a lot of strength left.

Osama Abdallah: Paul was certainly a product of the plenty of false liars that were roaming around


Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Mar 21): So the Torah says: Take that animal of yours. Make it your korban to G-d.

Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): I am standing for the LION’S ROAR to DROWN OUT the seducing voices of false shepherds and counterfeit leaders.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (23 Mar 21): He, too, must leave Egypt, and know of something higher.

Nate Johnston (23 Mar 21): “I didn’t give you dream after dream and sign after sign just to lead you to a dead-end and a closed door. I didn’t start this adventure of faith with no intention to finish it”

Isaiah 50:5 The Lord GOD has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious, I did not turn backward.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (23 Mar 21): Perhaps he is a good, observant Jew who does good deeds and never sins. But there is no sense of the spirit, of the meaning of life, of transcendence.

Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): Spirit-filled believers have, for years, been preaching about the realities of the Holy Spirit and how we need to break free from religious spirits and traditional mindsets in order to embrace things of a higher realm. We have spent years trying to build faith for signs, wonders, and miracles in addition to championing dreams and visions about heavenly realities beyond our own.

Church of England (22 Mar 21): Yellow ribbons have been tied to hedges, trees and railings at the three churches in the benefice of Gloucester City and Hempsted as a sign of support and prayer for all who have been bereaved. A small socially-distanced service will be held in the churchyard of St Swithun’s in Hempsted tomorrow which will be livestreamed to the village Facebook page to mark the day. The churchyard hosts an outdoor ‘memorial cairn’ where more than 100 stones have been placed since All Souls Day in November to remember those who have died.

Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): I am standing for KINGDOM AUTHORITY to MANIFEST in governmental structures.

Church of England (22 Mar 21): Rector of Gloucester City and Hempsted, Revd Canon Nikki Arthy, said; “The cairn has become an important focus for grief, reflection and prayer. People have been very creative in finding different ways to mourn during the pandemic, but nevertheless I think there is still a huge amount of unexplored grief. It is really important for the Church to work in partnership with other organisations to help people process this and move forward.”

Martha Spong (20 Mar 21): The preacher’s voice rang through the historic sanctuary, amplified not by a sound system but by the gift of colonial architectural acoustics and the power of his own breath. “Prophesy to these bones,” he cried, and the silent congregation held its breath in response.

Revelation 21:14 The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

Osama Abdallah: The Servants are the Prophets of Israel.  But Jesus is “the Son” because he is the Messiah, the highest Jew and highest Jewish Prophet.  Jesus’ rule is only limited to his Mansion.  Jesus also said that this Mansion is ruled by twelve Thrones (also called them 12 Fruits).  Prophets are Servants, Jesus is the Son (Matthew 21:33-46).  Jesus is only the Lord of the Jews’ Mansion.

Revelation 22:No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. 

Prof. Kathryn Schifferdecker (20 Mar 21): The hashtag “#Blessed,” used on social media, too often signifies material prosperity or so-called “humble bragging.” But Abraham and his descendants are blessed not for their own sake, but in order to be a blessing to the whole world. “In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed,” says God to Abraham (Genesis 12:3).

Revelation 22:14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.

Israel365 (22 Mar 21): Sincerity In Our Actions

Revelation 21:12 It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. 

Lana Vawser (18 Mar 21): I began to see these pioneers in cities all across the world and they were building in obedience to the Lord and staying deep in the secret place and I began to see each of these ‘arks’ that were being built all across the world in different cities were being filled with His Glory.

Revelation 21:13 There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west. 

Lana Vawser (18 Mar 21): The Lord spoke “Cities FILLED with My Glory” and the sense surrounded me so strongly of the move of God breaking forth in cities through these pioneering assignments and divine innovations that were seeing His Glory manifesting in cities like never before. There were regional shifts taking place. I could hear the whisper of the Lord “Pay no attention to darkness, let it not take your focus, My Glory will explode brighter than ever. It’s time!”[26]

Osama Abdallah: He is more than a mere Jewish Rasul (Prophet) in this regard.  He is also heir of GOD on earth only.  That’s the limit of his sonship.  Otherwise, it is sun chips! 

Revelation 22:There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.

Christy Johnston (23 Mar 21): They are moving to the sound of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who is roaring behind them. They have come to rebuild the ancient ruins, to repair the cities destroyed, to revive and redeem the devastations of many generations.[27]

Revelation 5:Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): “When I usher in the new order and judgment rises up for many who would not let go of their order, let them stand in the judgment of barrenness. But you go on in with Me because I am calling the city to rejoice. When I call the new order, the city will rejoice in a way that it has not rejoiced in the last two years. Watch the next 10 days, watch the next 90 days, and then you will see a breaking that your heart has truly longed for.

Apostle Doctor Robin Harfouche (24 Mar 21): Move Apostolic Woman! Move sent one! Make the choice to be the woman God has need of. Hannah was barren. Hannah was fruitless. Hannah was in the House of the Lord and she prayed, as many as you have been doing. She travailed. And the Lord brought through her the Prophet Samuel. He anointed King David. What would have happened if she would have missed her intersection with destiny

Charisma: Now What? Growing Spiritually

Sophia Shenandoah-Collins (28 Mar 21): “The most important spiritual growth doesn’t happen when you’re meditating or on a yoga mat.  It happens in the midst of conflict – when you’re frustrated, angry, or scared and you’re doing the same old thing, and then you suddenly realize that you have a choice to do it differently…”

Chris Overstreet (28 Mar 21): You know, I believe that today is a day to make a choice. It’s the choice to be able to say yes to Jesus. We get to choose to say yes to Jesus every single day. But we’re not serving Jesus in our strength. We’re serving Jesus in His strength. How do we do that? We give up our control.

Felicia Murrell (2020): With transformation comes power. . . . What will we do with our power? What will we call forth? There at the threshold, we decide. Do I wield my power to force control, to shape the narrative and determine what will be and how it will be? Do I allow myself to be honest about humanity’s failings and the abuse of power, seeing the ways in which I too could become like that which I oppose? Can I acknowledge the monster side of my humanity: lament it, forgive it, and let it go, realizing that it may cycle around again? . . .

Chaplain Janelle Ibaven (19 Mar 21): Examine your heart and mind, and confess any instances where you have God on trial in your life.


Prof. Mark Tranvik (25 Mar 21): Merciful Lord, you know how we struggle with loneliness. Fill us with the power of the crucified and risen Christ that we might comfort others who feel forgotten and alone. Amen.

Osama Abdallah: There is nothing GODly about him.  He is not our Creator.  With all of his glory and might, he still remains a mere abd (slave) of GOD as all sons of GOD were also called slaves of GOD.

Rev. Phil Hooper (02 Apr 21): Forgive me. I forgive you. Thank you. I love you. 

Verse of the Day (Easter Sunday, 04 Apr 21): Ephesians 1:In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace

Deborah Perkins (22 Mar 21): Immediately I felt so foolish! Why wish for beautiful things to surround me on earth when the Lord has invited me to worship Him in a heavenly place of beauty and holiness? What is temporal beauty compared to eternal holiness?!  ​

Osama Abdallah: As Muslims, we must be very careful when we comment on the previous Scriptures, because there is always a possibility that there might be Divine Revelations parts in the verses that we might be objecting to.  I know that the many of the disbelievers constantly insult and mock Islam all the time, and even lie on their own Scriptures with their “End of Times Prophecies” lies, -where they hijacked even the Bible with their bigotry, hate and lies, – but still dear brothers and sisters in Islam, we must always be very careful when we deal with previous Scriptures, because as Muslims we do believe that they do contain remnants of Divine Revelations in them.  May Allah Almighty forgive me, and forgive all sincere Muslims, for any and all mistakes and errors that we may have fell into.  Ameen.

Lana Vawser (24 Mar 21): Immediately I was surrounded by the heart of the Lord for these weary pioneers that not only were these new pioneering pathways the Lord was leading them down being wells of encounter with Him and wells of His Spirit to spring up that many would drink from and be refreshed and filled but AS the Pioneers built with the Lord in these new pioneering pathways, they would be REFRESHED by His Spirit in the building and pioneering with Him. [28]

Philippians 2:11 and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

John Edgerton (21 Mar 21): This isn’t so much a devotion as a confession. I’m going to do better. Will you join me?

Matthew 20:22 “You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them. “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?”

“We can,” they answered.

The Rev. Jazzy Bostock: What I see in myself, as I grapple with the question, is my own flip-flopping. My emotional state controls much of how I see the world. And my emotional state is sometimes swayed by something as simple as a cup of coffee, or a well-placed snack. There’s something about Jesus, in comparison, which feels solid; certain; sure. And how did he get that way?

Deborah Perkins (22 Mar 21): In weaker moments, I secretly wished that I had a dedicated prayer room, an office, or a truly quiet place with a closed door; a “sanctuary” reserved for times of prayer and prophetic counsel. I blissfully remembered beautiful prayer rooms I visited at conferences and in churches around the world. There was simply no space in our current home to do so! [29]

Brat: My prayer all along for the last thirteen years has been for a closet or hermitage or “sanctuary” where I could pray and anchor.  On some level, are we not all slaves in the quest for sanctuary?

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Really? We are slaves? We are not in Israel?

Osama Abdallah: Jesus said Prophets are Servants, Jesus is the Son.  But the Old Testament thoroughly calls Jesus the slave of GOD and who also fears GOD.  Yes indeed, the Islamic Isa (eesa) is the Messiah.  This is his special sonship.  He is also the Lord of his Mansion, which has twelve thrones or fruits. 

Isaiah 50:7 The Lord GOD helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame;

Brat (20 Mar 21 in “Covenant Partner”): I think I would like to join monastery life VERY, VERY much!  God, if this is also what You want, open the doors!!  I want Your perfect will for my life.  Forgive my lack of confidence in this moment.  Sometimes I feel like I’m in an electronic jail.  I’m afraid I want the monastery too much.  Just because my heart aches with longing for this doesn’t mean it’s necessarily perfect for me.  But the monastery fits the image that came with the beginning of my calling! 

What if this is just more drama and cosmic teasing? 

Nate Johnston (23 Mar 21): I heard the Lord say: “I haven’t led you this way to tease you. I didn’t move you from the familiar path to the pioneer road to disappoint you, or give you false hope”

Rosangela Atte (24 Mar 21): Synchronicities are basically coincidences that are so incredible that leave you stunned! We have all experienced them. Like seeing the same numbers over and over, things happening at the perfect time, meeting someone you were just thinking about, or receiving a phone call from someone you dreamt the night before.

Karen Hardin (23 Mar 21): “You asked Me for an encounter,” He reminded me.

Osama Abdallah: Jesus said he had no Divine Will.  Jesus had to seek permission from GOD before performing any Miracle.

Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): Should we be surprised that God would begin doing things outside of natural possibilities? If all that we have prophesied about this supernatural outpouring of the Spirit is actually going to happen, shouldn’t we expect our human understanding to be inferior and the natural realm to seem limited?

Deborah Perkins (22 Mar 21): He ignited my faith through an image I already held in my mind. I often like to light a candle when I pray or study at night, and I had just been thinking to myself that there would certainly be scented candles and soft lighting in any prayer room I created!

Church of England (22 Mar 21): Bells to toll and thousands of candles to be lit for National Day of Reflection

Fr. Richard Rohr: Our theme this year is A Time of Unveiling. We live in a period of great uncertainty and disorder. Even so, it is a time of great opportunity—to awaken to deeper transformation, love, and hope. Amid the widespread need for healing, reality offers us an invitation to depth, to discover what is lasting and what matters.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): In other words, even though “seder” means “order”—and each step of the Seder follows the other in meaningful, logical steps—it’s an order of disorder.

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): “I am sending you into some rough territory and rough terrain, for I have lost sheep that I am hunting. You’ve grown comfortable in trying to harness and shepherd the boundaries that I have, but I am hunting for lost sheep. So develop a new cry within you, because you have no idea of the wolves that are on the path. The cry that I put in you will disperse the wolves that have surrounded those that I am intending to bring in. Get ready! You are headed into new terrain!

From brother Shaad: The Logos and Jesus are differentiated in Revelation…..[30]

Revelation 20:4 King James Version (KJV)

4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the ; witness of Jesus, and for the word of God…

Revelation 1:2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the

Osama Abdallah: Jazaka Allah Khayr, dear brother Shaad.  I took the liberty to add the emphasis to your text, akhi.  Indeed, the Word of GOD Almighty ENCOMPASSES Jesuss, because he was made/created from it; exactly as Islam declares.

Revelation 12:11 They triumphed over him
    by the blood of the Lamb
    and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
    as to shrink from death.

Osama Abdallah: Paul thoroughly exposed as a liar and charlatan.  Exposed from his own books.

Brat: Poor Paul; he couldn’t rest in life or in death even though he poured out his life for Jesus and His mission.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Mar 21): How does a warm-blooded creature built of meat and bones get close to G-d?

Deborah Perkins (22 Mar 21): While many people see the throne room as a place of governance, rule, kingship and unapproachable holiness, to the Father the throne room is His prayer room. This is the place where Christ intercedes, saints and angels gather, petitions are made, and decrees are expedited. (See Revelation 4 & 5.)

Amy Sutherland (24 Mar 21): The blood of Jesus closes the case in the courts! The enemy uses his index “pointer” finger to accuse the body, Jesus uses his index finger to authenticate truth over your heart and prophetically point you to the legitimacy of your identity. The enemy lies to intimidate with ‘all that you are not’, while Jesus speaks truth into all that you are.

Rev. Phil Hooper (02 Apr 21): Lord Jesus, I love you. Not perfectly. Not as consistently as I might hope to. But I love you. I love you for challenging me to be better; for believing in us, in our potential, these wayward children that you have fashioned out of the dust of the earth. I love you for your tenacity and your gentleness; your courage and your peace. I love you because you have taught me how to be myself, the way you created and intended for me to be. I love you because you were yourself, purely and utterly yourself. And as your life slips away on this day, know that I will carry you with me now, for all the days to come, until death is but a memory, until I see your face again. But for now, Lord Jesus, just know that I love you. And it’s ok to go, if you must. I know you must. 

Philippians 2:8 he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death– even death on a cross.

Deborah Perkins (22 Mar 21): The Lord did not condemn me for my small-mindedness. Instead He asked me if I’d like Him to “show me around” His “prayer room.” 

The Rev. Jazzy Bostock: Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, then, might not be about whether we can become Jesus—that is, not about whether we can change our core personalities—rather, it might be about how we pattern and regulate our lives; what we allow to guide and shape us. For Jesus, prayer was the guiding force of his life. Prayer surrounded and infused all he did. In his last moments of life, he prayed from the cross, for himself and others.

Matthew 20:23 Jesus said to them, “You will indeed drink from My cup, but to sit at My right or left is not for Me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father.”

When Light Came In (27 Mar 21): It takes time. But maybe today, we can try setting down one thing — one memory, one resentment, one not-enough, one fear — and see what’s possible.

Lana Vawser (18 Mar 21): “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.” (Isaiah 60:1-2)

When Light Came In (22 Mar 21): And when they sprout, we’ll squeal with joy and delight. Because the dark cannot win. It is just the soil in which the seeds of our love and life sprout.

Osama Abdallah: One last important point:  Nowhere in the Bible is Jesus ever called “from the Seed of GOD” or “the Seed of GOD”.  We do have “Jesus is from the seed of David” (Psalm 132:10-11, Romans 1:3).  But never from GOD!

Luke 1:35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.

Osama Abdallah: Is the metaphoric Son of GOD title supported in the Glorious Quran?  Yes.  Here are several Noble Verses that do support it.  Was even used for both followers of satan and GOD.

Chuck D. Pierce (24 Mar 21): Overcoming Obstacles Like David, Son of Judah!

Rev. Phil Hooper (02 Apr 21): What can we say, now that we have arrived here? 

Hosea 11:1 When Israel was a youth I loved him, And out of Egypt I called My son.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): And who says we ate matzah in Egypt? Isn’t this the bread we ate when we were leaving Egypt?

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): “Do not keep looking back at that field that once produced, but jump into the field that is ahead and watch this field be cultivated. Many of you have fear that you will not have the strength to plow that new field. The fear is making you confused over how I can infuse you. Let go of the fear of the new! In that new field you will find the treasures that you’re looking for.

Lana Vawser (18 Mar 21): “These new pioneering assignments are nets for the harvest. These ‘never done before’ assignments will see multitudes come to Me. The fish will jump into the boat. My love, My presence, and My good news will draw them. You will be amazed at the harvest that will come in. Get ready, get ready, get ready to see a mighty harvest.”

When Light Came In (22 Mar 21): The seeds we sow as we heal will bring beautiful harvests.  Trust this.

John 12:24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. (18 Mar 21): By the Grace of G‑d


Osama Abdallah: So, is Islam the anti-Christ system according to 1john 2:22?  No it isn’t

1 John 2:22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.

Martha Spong (20 Mar 21): I spent some time lamenting on my couch, hoping vaguely that God would make it better as if by magic. Yet the text tells us there is more to it. Restoration is a combined effort. Prophesy to the bones, says God, and the prophet responds. One day I realized I was not alone. God would bring me back from what felt like the grave, and I would live. The work begins when we speak to each other, and to ourselves.

Psalm 31:12 I have passed out of mind like one who is dead; I have become like a broken vessel.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Mar 21): They translate it as “sacrifice” or “offering,” but the Hebrew word korban means none of these. Korban means to get close to G-d.

Fr. Richard Rohr (24 Mar 21): I know not everyone appreciates or even understands poetry. I will admit it needs to be wrestled with sometimes, but I hope poetry can help us learn to appreciate the creative envisioning the prophets undertake through their relationship with God.

Deborah Perkins (22 Mar 21): Suddenly, the Lord opened up a vision to me. I saw the Father reach beside Him to a place on the right of His throne. He took in His hand what looked at first like an ancient oil candle. On closer inspection, however, I saw that it was actually a clay pot or bowl filled with incense. The prayers of His saints!

The Rev. Jazzy Bostock: Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. And let it be molded by prayer.

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): “Many of you have chosen to like vanilla, and many of you have chosen to love chocolate. But I am sending a fire to melt them together, and then I’m adding My own flavors that you know not of. I am a creative God, filled with flavor and creativity. Your choice will be to taste and see the new taste that I am producing.

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Mar 21): No aroma is more pleasing to G-d than such a korban, than a human beast roasted and spiced with the divine. With such a korban, all creatures of this world, as well as all the heavenly worlds rise yet higher, and as they rise, a burst of divine light is released into your world.

Deborah Perkins (22 Mar 21): The Father spoke and said that He, too, loves the “sweet scent” of the prayers of His people, and He held the bowl of incense before Him, savoring it. The delicate sentiment of His heart made me weep: I had never seen such a tenderness on His part concerning our prayers. 

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): “Many think My presence is sweet and angelic, but My presence can blast through mountains. My presence can uncover minefields. This is the day of knowing My presence, so your gift that you are nurturing can explode into what I intend it to be.

Journal (in “Covenant Partner” 15 Mar 21): Night before last I laid my head down on my pillow and immediately I felt a holy warmth in my solar plexus.  God was saying, “Hello!” The warmth spread within my torso area and my mouth tasted like warm milk with honey in it.  It felt so loving and nurturing.  I felt safe and cared for.  I felt my muscles relax into God’s embrace. Then I heard God say, “Milk and honey.”  I have never understood the phrase “The Land of Milk and Honey” until that divine encounter.  It was a foretaste of what’s to come.  I cannot imagine it, but now I’ve had an experience of what it could be like from my guts and not my head.  In my natural world, I am lactose intolerant, so my natural instinct would never be to drink milk with honey in it.  I would double over in terrible pain.  This encounter was totally a God thing.  What I appreciated, too, was that there was no tinge of HOPE attached to it, so there can be no disappointment.  There was no “waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21): The majority of spiritually hungry believers have been predicting a soon-and-coming spiritual outpouring that will cover the entire earth. This Great Awakening and move of the Spirit has been preached for decades. If this is still true, isn’t it conceivable that God would begin to give us a taste of this before the entire world actually experienced it?

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): “Some of you are being pressed greatly, but don’t get weary in the pressing. Stop along your pressing journey and taste the wine that’s being pressed out of you. You have no idea of the sweetness that’s coming out of you. Honey will eventually come out of you. Stop along the journey and taste and see that I am good. I want you to press through until I expand you into a place you’ve never been before.

Fr. Richard Rohr (21 Mar 21): Prophetic Imagination

Rosangela Atte (24 Mar 21): The synchronicity between Heaven and Earth is creating a synergy between Heaven and Earth that has never been seen or experienced before.

Wanda Alger (31 Mar 21): I truly believe that heaven has all the proof needed to render just decisions on the earth. We simply need to stand in agreement with the courts of heaven and declare God’s righteous reign upon the earth (see Luke 18:7-8).

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): Anyone who is hungry, come and eat! Anyone who needs to make a Passover meal, come do it with us!

Jeremiah 31:34 No longer shall they teach one another, or say to each other, “Know the LORD,” for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin no more.

Agnes Ebedi (24 Mar 21): The Opposition Has Been Overturned!

Prof. Kathryn Schifferdecker (in “Covenant Partner” 15 Mar 21): We Christians believe that this new covenant—the new relationship established by God with all of humanity—is sealed at a Passover supper we will remember and celebrate in a few short weeks [nay, even today! -Kh 3/28/21]: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:25).

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (16 Mar 21): That’s why we come to the Seder. To finish off where the Exodus left off. To participate in our own liberation.

Rev. Phil Hooper (02 Apr 21): And then, it is finished.

Jeremiah 31:33 But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.


Lana Vawser (24 Mar 21): “My beauty outweighing the battle, My beauty outweighing the battle” over and over again would these words resound in the atmosphere. The Lord was bringing these weary pioneers into a place of such deep encounter with Him that the beauty of who Jesus is and the beauty of His Majesty and holiness was outweighing the effects of the battle and bringing deep, deep, deep refreshing. They were finding a well of intimacy with Jesus in the beauty of His nature that was outweighing the weariness of the battle.

When Light Came In (27 Mar 21): It will take practice. Perhaps we set down one thing, get used to the shift in sensation. Then maybe a few other things. Learn to move that bit of us in freedom. It takes time to trust that who we are without our pain and stress is truly possible. That we can find our gait without the weight of loss.

Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): “This week, I’m going to take you by eminent domain. Because I live within you, you will take your sphere of influence by eminent domain. Greater am I in you than you are in you. Therefore, I am calling you to yield yourself this week. Yield yourself and take all that I point out in front of you.”[31]

Brat to Chuck D. Pierce (24 Mar 21 at 12:16 pm): Take our sphere by eminent domain into the honey sweetness

Verse of the Day (28 Mar 21): 1 Timothy 2:For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.

Osama Abdallah: And we definitely believe that Isa (Jesus) is the Messiah.

Felicia Murrell (2020): In liminal space, I discover a formlessness that blurs the intersection of diversity and unity. The ambitious cry of, “’til all are one!” somehow morphs in liminal space and I realize we all are already one.

Rev. Phil Hooper (02 Apr 21): But is enough. It is, perhaps, all he ever wanted us to say.

Luke 22:19 And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

Empty Tomb

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): The Baal Shem Tov taught: In remembrance lies the secret of redemption. This Passover, tell the story, drink wine, eat matzah, and preserve the disruption. We will all be redeemed.

Josef Aalbue (02 Apr 21): We all want to be remembered—to matter in this life to those we love and serve.

Isaiah 50:9a It is the Lord GOD who helps me; who will declare me guilty?


[1] C.S. Lewis (1946 in The Great Divorce): The Great Divorce. Copyright © 1946, C. S Lewis Pte. Ltd. Copyright renewed 1973 C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Words to Live By: A Guide for the Merely Christian. Copyright © 2007 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

[2] Chris Overstreet (28 Mar 21): Do you need a fresh start? – Compassion to Action

[3] Amy Sutherland (24 Mar 21):

[4] Osama Abdallah: “Son of GOD” conflict in the Bible and Quran. (

[5] Wanda Alger (22 Mar 21):

[6] Fr. Richard Rohr (24 Mar 21): [1] Abraham J. Heschel, The Prophets (Harper & Row: 1962), 367–368.

[7] Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (23 Mar 21): Inquisitively Challenged – Daily Dose of Wisdom (

[8] Richard Rohr (28 Mar 21): [1] Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, 1918–1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation, I–II, trans. Thomas P. Whitney (Harper & Row: 1974), 168.

Adapted from Richard Rohr, CONSPIRE 2016: Everything Belongs, sessions 2 and 3 (Center for Action and Contemplation: 2016)

[9] Karen Hardin (23 Mar 21): The Path of Blessing After an Injustice – Karen Hardin

[10] Osama Abdallah: Jesus, Egypt, Jews prohibited to ever go to Egypt, and yet, Jesus went to Egypt! (

[11] Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (19 Mar 21): Getting Close – Daily Dose of Wisdom (

[12] Osama Abdallah: “Son of GOD” conflict in the Bible and Quran. (

[13] Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25226)

[14] Felicia Murrell (2020): Felicia Murrell, “Transition,” “Liminal Space,” Oneing, vol. 8, no. 1 (CAC Publishing: 2020), 31–32.

[15] Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (21 Mar 21): The Inside Story on Passover – Daily Dose of Wisdom (

[16] Rick Joyner (23 Mar 21): The Weapon of Love | MorningStar Ministries

[17] Pastor Julie Morris (28 Mar 21): [] (Sermon on the centurion’s experience begins in the video at 22:12 minutes)

[18] Osama Abdallah: Jesus, Egypt, Jews prohibited to ever go to Egypt, and yet, Jesus went to Egypt! (

[19] Wanda Alger (31 Mar 21):

[20] The Rev. Jazzy Bostock: Palm Sunday(B): The Mind of Christ – Modern μετανοια (

[21] Fr. Richard Rohr (21 Mar 21): On the Edge of the Inside — Center for Action and Contemplation (

[22] Rev. Phil Hooper (02 Apr 21):

[23] Scott McKnight (05 Oct 2020): A Wandering Aramaean Was Our Father | Jesus Creed | A Blog by Scot McKnight (

[24] Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (24 Mar 21): The Passover Seder Is a Disruptive Ritual – On the magnificence and agonizing beauty of the Jewish heritage of freedom – Passover (

[25] Rosangela Atte (24 Mar 21): Synchronicity And Synergy Between Heaven And Earth – A Word by Rosangela Atte – Spirit Fuel

[26] Lana Vawser (18 Mar 21): I HEARD THE LORD SAY “PIONEERS – FROM SUDDEN DELIVERANCE TO COMMISSION” – Lana Vawser Ministries

[27] Christy Johnston (23 Mar 21): The ElijahList – Prophetic Words and Prophecies (#25218)


[29] Deborah Perkins (22 Mar 21): A LOVE LETTER TO INTERCESSORS (

[30] From,2884.msg13839.html#msg13839:

[31] Chuck D. Pierce (21 Mar 21): (Prophetic words spoken by Chuck D. Pierce, LeAnn Squier, Mark Waldrep, Keith Pierce, Suzanne Harrington.)