Archive | September, 2020

The Joseph Vine 29 Sept 20

30 Sep

Working Dates: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 to Wednesday, September 30, 2020

[11 pages of conversation anchored in Psalm 80:7-15 from the lectionary readings for 17 Pentecost on 4 Oct 20]

Psalm 80:7 Restore us, O God of hosts; let your face shine, that we may be saved.

John Edgerton (29 Sept 20): The things that keep me up at night are beyond my power to control. But the things that keep me up at night very much have the power to impact my life. It is reasonable to be afraid of this virus. It is reasonable to be afraid of extremists carrying guns. What is a Christian to do?

Lillian Daniel (30 Sept 20): Why I Don’t Wear a WWJD Bracelet

Archbishop of Canterbury (29 Sept 20): Behind the figure of one million people who have died from coronavirus are a million mothers and fathers; daughters and sons; grandparents and siblings; friends, colleagues and neighbours.

Meme: The coronavirus is the only thing that’s ever lasted this long that was Made in China.

Brat: A mean meme.

Brian and Candice Simmons (19 Sept 20): There is a strategy in these last days to leave us weak—weak in ourselves so we can be strong in the strength of Another. The great exchange takes place when we deposit our weakness in front of His Cross and ask for His divine strength.[1]

Lillian Daniel (30 Sept 20): I have never been a fan of those WWJD bracelets, where the initials stand for the question, “What would Jesus do?” Although the WWJD message was coined in the late 1800s (by a Congregationalist minister!) within the Social Gospel movement, in its resurgence over the past generation “WWJD” bracelets seem to be another symptom of individualistic Christianity, where it’s all about me. “What would Jesus do? OK, then I will do exactly the same.”

John 14:12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

Doctor Robin Harfouche (30 Sept 20): I am calling on every woman to hear my voice. Please take time to hear God’s direction for you at this moment in the history of our movement. I can tell you honestly and from the purest heart of conviction and love that you are an absolute necessity to our Lord and Savior and this great restoration of women to their rightful place in the Church. According to Apostolic Doctrine, we must not be moved! Our call is to obey the Lord with every fiber of our being as one Holy Apostolic Church. I beseech you to be a carrier of this holy commission: the restoration of women to their rightful purpose in Christ.

Lundy Bancroft: “Abusive men don’t lose control.  They lash out in an attempt to gain control.”

Rick Joyner (29 Sept 20): As we are told in Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling.”

Lillian Daniel (30 Sept 20): But here’s a news flash. You’re not Jesus.

When Light Came In (29 Sept 20): They aren’t concerned with consequences as much as in control and victory.

Kaji Douša (23 Sept 20): Does the relationship cause harm?

Brat prayer (in “Baruch” 21 Sept 20): I was writing earlier about how my Pharisees had not technically stoned me, but their turning their collective backs on me in the Great Shunning has been no different than having stoned me.  I’m trying to figure out how anyone can redeem this.  Lord, You are our Rock and our Redeemer.  What rock do I hit where living water could come out?  It can’t happen by man’s efforts (or my forcing), but man (and woman!) can watch to see what You are doing to redeem the times. 

Archbishop of Canterbury (27 Sept 20): St Benedict in his Rule speaks of stability. For it is stability that is the sign of home. Stability that is built on fear and exclusion is a fake. Stability is to be in the dwelling place of God and we know, we dream, we long, we pray that the place of stability may be the living, love embedded, grace abounding church of Christ in its myriad forms.

Brat: And God promised me an anchorhold in community like Julian of Norwich had. It’s not about what she did, but what her priest saw in her.  She had revelations of Jesus Christ and the Church saw those as beneficial to everyone, so they protected their treasure in her.

Doctor Robin Harfouche (30 Sept 20): I announced in 2013 about the restoration of women to their rightful place, given to us by our Lord from the beginning 2000 years ago. We have successfully gotten this message to not only America, but to the nations of the world— but now we must press harder.

Dutch Sheets (29 Sept 20): Jesus isn’t praying for us; He is interceding for us so that we can pray. This is what is meant by asking “in His name.” As the intercessor/mediator, Christ went between God and humanity reconciling us to the Father.

Pastor Steve Dittmar (29 Sept 20): We draw near to God; He then draws near to us. We take four steps; the Lord responds in step. I think of it more like a circle than a line. Our four steps: we humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways. It goes in a circle, returning us to another level of humility, prayer, seeking, and turning; and the Lord responds by hearing, forgiving, and healing.  Each circle of prayer brings a new level of response in forgiveness and healing. 2 Chronicles 7:14’s prayer is the essence of waiting on the Lord, as in Hebrew it means “to twist together.”[2]

Archbishop of Canterbury (27 Sept 20): Politics is the art of enabling good and flourishing communities: its materials are the bent and twisted forms of human beings like Jacob. His complexity of action and motivation is met in God not by simplifying or condemning but by calling. He is to be faithful and obedient. [3]

Sophia Valentina Buller (29 Sept 20): Enablers tend to excuse toxic people.[4]

Psalm 80:8 You brought a vine out of Egypt; You drove out the nations and planted it.

Charlie Shamp (June 29, 2018): Many times, a prophetic word is given in code. An example of this is Joseph in the Bible and his dreams (Genesis 37). He dreamt that sheaves of grain bowed down to him, and in another dream, he dreamt that the sun, moon and stars bowed down to him. These celestial objects and sheaves of grain did not ever literally bow down to Joseph, however, the dream was definitely prophetic, and the fulfillment did take place several years later when Joseph’s brothers bowed down to him in Egypt.

Revelation 12:1 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.

Victoria Thomas: “From the depths of My spirit to the depths of your spirit I am yours. I am that I am that you should know how much I am involved in your life. I am the fire. I am the wind. I am the Spirit that permeates all things. I am coming to make Myself known to the multitudes.

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): The Lord Is Out Among the People

Marcus Young (27 Sept 20): “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous” (I Peter 3:18). 

Archbishop of Canterbury (29 Sept 20): One million precious, beloved, irreplaceable children of God.

Marcus Young (27 Sept 20): Let’s apply this to politics. The right thinkers and the un-right thinkers. The democrats and the republicans. The ultra conservatives and ultra liberals. On which side is the line drawn for you? 

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): Our giving back; being His hands for others.

Me to Marcus Young (27 Sept 20): I consider myself a reformer.  God sent me to the Seven Churches.  My contribution is to present the process through my blog (usually in the form of conversations.)  I have tried to show the negotiation process. (I am the voice of Brat.)

Chuck Pierce (29 Sept 20): NEGOTIATE WITH ME NOW

Lillian Daniel (30 Sept 20): Yes, I know that many good people wear the bracelet to remind them to be kind and compassionate, to make good choices, often around issues of personal morality. But really, when you look at what Jesus actually did do, much of it is off-limits to ordinary mortals.

Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20): This is a word to those who have been watching the electoral drama from the sidelines, waiting, and wondering what to do. You have been playing your part by being the warm and fuzzy Christian that others have expected you to be, silently observing from backstage, but not engaging on the political platform. And yet…there is a rising urgency within your own heart that cannot be quenched. You see the dangers ahead and know that others must be warned before the final curtain falls.[5]

Marcus Young (27 Sept 20): To hone this thought down to its sharp edge, Christ sacrificed himself on a cross for the “wrong” side. Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the wrong side, the side that doesn’t see things right? The side that is clearly destroying our world as you see it? 

Sharell Barrera (29 Sept 20): What are you waiting for? I prophesy to you today that no longer will you sit on the sidelines or the church pews but you will walk in your destiny! You will walk in your calling. I prophesy encounters and breakthrough over you on this day.[6]

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): Today, the people are torn and worn. Perfect timing for the King to enter the field! I sense there are three things He is looking for

Rick Joyner (29 Sept 20): As unlikely as such unity may seem with the present divisions, the fact that they are deeper than we’ve ever experienced makes an even deeper unity possible. This unprecedented discord is going to require unprecedented leadership to resolve, but we have God’s own word that if we ask Him for wisdom He will give it to us, if we are not “double-minded” (see James 1:5-8).

Sophia Valentina Buller (29 Sept 20): Not all relationships are wise to reconcile. Enablers will tell you to reconcile anyways.

When Light Came In (29 Sept 20): They don’t do things for the same reasons we would.

Psalm 80:9 You cleared the ground for it; it took deep root and filled the land.

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): “The ‘King Is in the Field’ Moment Has Come to Pass”

Archbishop of Canterbury (27 Sept 20): God’s country is not a democracy; it is an autocracy of the purest love, the greatest purity. We do not choose to be its citizens, its ruler called us out of helpless darkness. Our role is to proclaim; our joy is to celebrate.

Rick Joyner (29 Sept 20): With the surfacing divisions in America as they are now, there is one major positive fruit—CLARITY. The divisions are there and have been growing for a long time. Now that they are in the open, we can deal with them. The ultimate result will be an even greater unity. It may look like the opposite for a while, but wait and see. [7]

When Light Came In (29 Sept 20): As we relearn normal, we challenge long-held understandings.

Doctor Robin Harfouche (30 Sept 20): I will not stop this direct commission from my Lord Jesus Christ to America and to all the nations of the world. Women make up 70% of the Body of Christ. If we are denied our rightful purpose then the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit will not be fulfilled— the same outpouring that was commissioned to me by my Lord Jesus Christ when He laid His hands on me as I was caught up to heaven in 1986. I call you to action now. My deepest prayers are continually with you today. We must agree that the gathering of ourselves together is not an option, but a necessity.

Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20): Deception is hanging over the Church like a thick fog and the spell of witchcraft is desensitizing the masses to what is true and good. False narratives are being spread and agendas are being promoted that are counter to the Kingdom and threatening our commission. With so much at stake the zeal of the Lord is a compelling agent. It is time to confront the demons that have taken center stage and say what must be said, before it’s too late.

Rick Joyner (29 Sept 20): Deception is one of the most powerful weapons of war, and our enemy has been very skillful in using it. No one who is deceived knows they are deceived or they would not be deceived. Those who think that they are so knowledgeable and discerning that they cannot be deceived are usually the most deceived of all. Such pride makes us resistant to correction or enlightenment. 

John Edgerton (29 Sept 20): These are hard days we are living in. You don’t need to put on a brave face. Not with God, anyway. Tonight, be as honest as you need to be with God in your prayers. God has heard worse.

Pastor Steve Dittmar (29 Sept 20): Our first go-around might be something like, “I thought I could do better” –  humility; “but it didn’t work” – prayer/honesty; “I need your help Jesus” – seeking; “I must be better prepared” –  turning.

Lillian Daniel (30 Sept 20): You come into contact with someone sick? What would Jesus do? He’d perform a miracle. Are you going to do that? You run out of wine at a wedding? What would Jesus do? He’d turn water into wine. Go ahead. And then try appearing in the sky with Moses and Elijah in the transfiguration, try casting out demons, try saving humanity through the resurrection. Does wearing that bracelet give you special powers? Good luck with that.

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): This season we, as the Church – the closest to His heart – must, in all sincerity, deliver what He requests. In this way, deliverance can happen. Yes, deliverance from the demonic forces that have worn many a saint out. Co-laboring with Him is everything! He walks with us and talks with us in the field – the field of His dreams, the spheres of influence, and the cares of the people. The heart of mankind is on His heart.

Marcus Young (27 Sept 20): For those who claim to follow Christ; our exemplar died for his enemies. Even his “friends” who were about to abandon him at his most critical moments. Some friends! 

Brat (in “Money, Money, Money” 29 Sept 20): … he’d seemed supportive of her side in the past.  He was clearly worn out from the drama and confronted her.  She felt betrayed by the confrontation. …

Sophia Valentina Buller (29 Sept 20): Enablers don’t understand that cutting out toxic family is biblical because they keep us from putting Jesus 1st.

When Light Came In (29 Sept 20): Whenever we feel confused by what they do, we remind ourselves we have opposing world views and interests: They want themselves, and we want life and wholeness.

Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20): “Burning indignation has seized me because of the wicked who forsake Your law.” (Ps 119:53 NAS)

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” (Daniel 7:25)

Brat (in “Money, Money, Money” 29 Sept 20): …Dad and I had just watched World News Tonight and had seen the ravaging fires of Wine Country [in Northern California] and we were heading out for our nightly constitution of a walk around the neighborhood.  I find it amazing that the fires burn up there and I JUST posted a piece called “Wild Grapes” and how God planted a vineyard and where He expected it to produce good fruit, it produced wild grapes.  And here wine country is ablaze like nothing we have ever experienced before?  I see it as a divine message, and it’s like we are emoting everywhere with nowhere to contain the enormity of the pain.

Rick Joyner (29 Sept 20): It is easier to put out a match than a forest fire. We now have some large social fires to deal with because we have been so reticent to confront them before. These fires are not going to get smaller if left alone. Now we have to do what must be done. We must get engaged in the issues that are now threatening our continued existence, or we will cease to exist. That we are at this place is a good thing. We cannot run from the issues any longer.  

Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20): The Religious Spirit has muted our voices and dressed us in teddy bear costumes. The political Pharisees have limited our role as silent stage props and denied us access to the stage. It’s time realize our role in this unfolding drama, get bold, and put on the Lion’s mantle. It’s time we upstage the enemy, open our mouths, and let the Lion’s roar come through. The hour is late and Heaven is waiting for the Church to take Her place and SPEAK the message She’s been given. The counterfeit leaders and compromised causes must be confronted if we expect our prayers and prophesies to have any lasting impact.

Archbishop of Canterbury (27 Sept 20): How that must change us! …

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): The season of the King is very prominent worldwide, especially as we see leaders emerging from the hidden places. We know satan has desired to wear out the saints.

Rick Joyner (29 Sept 20): How do so many of our leaders and citizens not see such an obvious evil that is now manifesting in our country? How is it they do not comprehend the lawlessness and anarchy that not only threatens the foundations of our Republic, but civilization itself? How can anyone continue to be blind to our very lives and the safety of all we love? The answer is called deception. 

Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20): Offenses blind us to the truth and give a distorted view of reality. There are those within the body of Christ who are convinced they are pursuing a righteous cause when, in fact, their cause is rooted in offense, both personal and corporate. Unfortunately, bitter roots only open the door to deception and defilement (see Hebrews 12:15). We must keep our own hearts clear of offense and pray for those who revile us.

When Light Came In (29 Sept 20): They don’t think the way they do.

Rick Joyner (29 Sept 20): The Greek word translated “double-minded” in this text actually means “two minds” or “two souls.” This comes from being undecided—hesitating between the two opinions. That the sides are so clear in the present discord is making the choice clear. We are all now in “the Valley of Decision” and there is no escape without making one. Then we must resolutely stand for what we believe. 

Archbishop of Canterbury (27 Sept 20): May you and I join in that place of travelling that makes the valley of Baca a spring, and be of that company that goes from strength to strength: the people of God.

Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20): “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Rick Joyner (29 Sept 20): One of the most effective tactics of the enemy to deceive us has been to veil what they were up to with Political Correctness. At first this seemed fairly harmless, as every deadly trap does. It went virtually unchallenged while slowly but relentlessly expanding its sphere of control, becoming more extreme until it reached the present level of social insanity.

Archbishop of Canterbury (27 Sept 20): That is not always how we show ourselves. Treating church life as politics and our way of doing things as superior, we engage in malicious comment through social media, we are insincere, we are cruel.

John Edgerton (29 Sept 20): Prayer
God! Where are you?

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): I believe we are seeing this in action as I write this word. Yet, we must remember the season of the King is paramount to the deliverance of the people. First, we must remember how much He is our Beloved and we must make ourselves ready for the King. There is a set up for us!

Pastor Steve Dittmar (29 Sept 20): God responds in His grace. We are heard, forgiven, and strengthened. Of course, this is an oversimplification and generalization, but prayer takes time to circle in and fully connect to the Lord. After a few go-arounds, we may sound something more like this: “I am not able” – humility; “I did my own thing again” – honesty; “Jesus I need You” – seeking; “It’s my sin” – turning. Each time a little deeper; with more openness, more personal responsibility, more dependence on God, and moving from self-sufficiency.

Psalm 80:10 The mountains were covered with its shade, the mighty cedars with its branches;

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): Listen to His instructions.

Brat Journal (in “Mailer Daemon” 27 Sept 20: I just got on my emails this morning and saw that Marcus Young had emailed me his blog site.  God, thank You for hearing me.  Thank You for getting the message to him.  Thank You for correcting the technical issues that were a blockage to making the connection in the first place.  It may be insignificant in anyone else’s eyes, but in this season of Yom Kippur, it is nothing short of miraculous to me, as I have had to fight for just the tiniest victory all along these last thirteen years.  Lord, what You said was true, “Not by my own strength, but by Your power.” You have turned the ordinary into the sacred.  I am grateful.  May our conversation continue and become a refuge for many.

Archbishop of Canterbury (29 Sept 20): But it’s also a day to remember that it was into a troubled, fearful and hurting world that God sent His only Son. To remember that Jesus Christ came not just to walk with us, but to lay down His life for us. There is no agony, trauma or grief that we are left to face alone.

Luke 23:31 For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”

Brat: Jesus said that on the Via De La Rosa – on His way to the cross.

Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20): Just be forewarned. Even as many believers come out of the shadows to take a stand and speak the truth, the opposition will not only increase, but be brutal. And it will come primarily from the carnal Church. Through a prophetic dream, the Holy Spirit indicated that Christians who have been offended and built their platforms on their own victimization and pain will throw the largest wooden planks at those who dare challenge their need for justice.

Dave Aaron: He also told me that the Stripes covering and surrounding all the 50 states will bring healing to all the land which is much needed from the brutal attacks from the enemy that tried to rip this country apart this year!

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): “And the King shall answer and say unto them, verily I say unto you, in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.” (Mathew 25:40)

Archbishop of Canterbury (27 Sept 20): We began with a lonely victim of self-imposed family trauma. Here is a narcissistic conman, found out, thrown out, down and out. He has cheated his father and his brother.

Rick Joyner (29 Sept 20): Exposing what is hidden in darkness is a big part of the battle against darkness. Knowing the enemy is important, but knowing the truth, proclaiming the truth, and standing for the truth is more important. Truth is more powerful than any lie. It is the light that casts out the darkness. Truth does not just tell us we should be free; it is the truth that sets us free. 

Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20): “And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?” (Matt 7:3 NKJV)

Psalm 80:11 it sent out its branches to the sea, and its shoots to the River.

Archbishop of Canterbury (27 Sept 20): Like the travellers, the voyagers, they are often not heard until they vote; until their voices are channelled so loudly that they can no longer be ignored.

Pastor Steve Dittmar (29 Sept 20): God in turn, can reveal more of Himself and His grace. An honest heart never goes unrewarded. Changing our course is repentance.

Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20): The goal of the devil is to make us feel small and irrelevant and convince us that we are without love and compassion. But, the Lord wants us to continue to SPEAK His word, regardless of the blows. As long as our motivation comes from a sincere love for the body of Christ, the spirit of Truth will prevail. We cannot allow the bitter script of bad actors or deception of misguided souls muffle our speech and disqualify our presence. There is coming a time when they will get it. Those with pure hearts and willing minds WILL see the truths once the dust has settled.

Brat (in “Money, Money, Money” 29 Sept 20): … The goal was to encourage the dialogue, not to kill it by more venting.

Lillian Daniel (30 Sept 20): And when he did engage in questions of personal morality, Jesus said nothing about sexuality, just saying no to drugs, donating to National Public Radio, or other pressing causes of our day. When it comes to personal morality, Jesus seemed awkwardly stuck on telling us to give our money away (and not to the sellers of “What Would Jesus Do” bracelets). But other than that, much of what he did was sort of supernatural and unimaginable, culminating in his suffering on the cross yet triumphing over death. In a world that says it’s all about you, WWJD is a pretty humbling thought.

Archbishop of Canterbury (27 Sept 20): Jesus in the gospel passage draws all our attention. He casts out the money changers and merchants – we all remember that. We forget that he brought in the children, the blind and lame. The former praised God, the latter found healing.

Psalm 80:12 Why then have you broken down its walls, so that all who pass along the way pluck its fruit?

Marcus Young (27 Sept 20): Hatred and scorn are far worse than a wrong vote, and they soil a good vote. Yes you can disagree with people and you can find wise ways to share your understanding of truth. But, don’t you dare despise and condemn your enemies until you can sacrificially love them.

Archbishop of Canterbury (27 Sept 20): How dare He! Unqualified to praise in good theology. Disqualified to be in the temple by their injuries and bodily incapacity, both groups were the antithesis of those he cast out.

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): God is among men who work and tend to His Kingdom. This is when, as subjects, we are all looked upon with the love and grace of our King. He is looking for us. He is looking for the adoration and praise that belongs to Him and He is giving it back! O how He loves us!

Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20): Don’t wait for others to speak up and don’t disqualify yourself thinking your voice is too small. You are a part of the rising Ekklesia that is becoming a viable voice in the public square, backed with Kingdom authority. …

Brat to RevelationMedia (29 Sept 20): I wanted to share with you how your work influences the blogger’s story as well as missionaries.


Maybe we could develop a working partnership?

~ Kathryn Hauser

From Lana at RevelationMedia (29 Sept 20): Kathryn – Thank you for writing and sharing the link to your blog.  Know I have forwarded your inquiry to leadership. Lana,

Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20): … Don’t let the curtain fall before speaking what heaven has put in your heart. Don’t let stage fright keep you from fulfilling your role. You do not have to be limited by cultural norms or religious expectations. The only thing limiting you from taking your place and using your voice – is your own courage.

Rick Joyner (29 Sept 20): Many people today believe that cynicism requires courage. Actually, cynicism is the height of cowardice. It is innocence and open-heartedness that requires the true courage – however often we are hurt as a result of it. –Erica Jong

Psalm 80:13 The boar from the forest ravages it, and all that move in the field feed on it.

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): The Song of Solomon 6:3 comes into play, “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine: he feedeth among the lilies.” He arrives in the field to check His flocks. Here, He reestablishes the realm of relationship. And here is when relationships that are forged through the Body of Christ take on new meaning. Because “The King is in the Field” – He is among us!

Pastor Steve Dittmar (29 Sept 20): I prayed today for mercy. Mercy for the new year. I said, “I don’t want the same year as last year.” The Lord stopped me, and maybe it was my conscience; yes, I think it was my conscience.

Archbishop of Canterbury (27 Sept 20): …We cannot hate what we choose or surround our love with barbed wire so that only those with the password can be its recipients. We are God’s people. It is God who chooses not us.

Brat to Marcus Young (28 Sept 20): Dear Marcus Young, Thank you for making sure that your blog site reached me, and not only that, but got to my correct email inbox.  I had asked Johnny Enlow for help on Facebook in making this connection with you.  I see this as God helping us to fulfill His Word:

Revelation 10:But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.”

[Received SILENCE.]

James Goll (30 Sept 20): Prophetic promises are being fulfilled

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): The King’s ambassador,

Revelation 8:1 When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.

Psalm 80:14 Turn again, O God of hosts; look down from heaven, and see; have regard for this vine,

John Edgerton (29 Sept 20): Lamenting to God over the state of the world is a part of the Christian faith. Crying out and feeling God has abandoned the world is a part of the Christian faith. Sleepless nights spent shouting at God to get off God’s shekinah and help us out down here is a part of the Christian faith.

Archbishop of Canterbury (29 Sept 20): Today is a dark and difficult day, for our nation and our world. It’s a day to grieve with those who grieve. To pray for those who suffer. To cry out to God in prayer for an end to this pandemic.

Pastor Steve Dittmar (29 Sept 20): I stopped and said, “I don’t want the same me—have mercy on me.”  The prayer is working.

Archbishop of Canterbury (29 Sept 20): It is this Christ who accompanies us through any darkness, comforts us by his love, and offers hope through His light. In His name, we pray for the resilience and courage to keep going through this time of trial.

Lillian Daniel (30 Sept 20): Prayer
I give thanks that there is a God and that it is not me. Amen.

Brat (in “Money, Money, Money” 29 Sept 20): … I think that was the hardest therapy session that I’ve had to navigate in a long time, probably since my master’s degree internship.  The good thing was that I felt God’s hand on me, with me, and guiding me the whole time.  Yeah, God!

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): The loyalty of the saints: the fervent praise that summons His presence.

Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20): God’s judgments are being rendered concerning the platforms of humanity. The messages we speak and the alliances we keep, are being watched and weighed. God is letting us know that decisions are being made in heaven’s court and we must warn those who do not yet see or understand the severity of their choices. (Chapter 3, “Moving from Sword to Scepter)

Faith Marie Baczko (30 Sept 20): “Then I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, ‘Now salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.'” (Revelation 12:10-11)

Archbishop of Canterbury (29 Sept 20): ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.’ (John 1:5)

Rick Joyner (29 Sept 20): If we get our Republic back on the rails and functioning like it was designed, we can rise to greater heights than ever before. If not, it will be off the rails again quickly if we don’t fix this problem of how we currently choose our leaders. How do we do this? We already have the plans. We go back to the way our government was originally designed. 

Psalm 80:15 the stock that your right hand planted.

Theresa Phillips (30 Sept 20): “I am here among you; LOOK and FIND Me. I am here, showering you with adoration; LOOK and FIND Me. I am here not there. I am here among you, showing you the more perfect way. Listen and do, for I am with you,” says the Lord!


[1] Brian and Candice Simmons (19 Sept 20):

[2] Pastor Steve Dittmar (29 Sept 20): Secret Place – Time for Healing; Vol. 16 – Issue 42 – 9/29/20

[3] Archbishop of Canterbury (27 Sept 20):

[4] Sophia Valentina Buller (29 Sept 20):

[5] Wanda Alger (29 Sept 20):

[6] Sharell Barrera (29 Sept 20):

[7] Rick Joyner (29 Sept 20):

Wild Grapes 28 Sept 20

29 Sep

Yom Kippur, Monday, September 28, 2020

[7 pages of dialogue anchored in Isaiah 5:1-7 from the lectionary readings for 17 Pentecost on 4 Oct 20]

Isaiah 5:1 Let me sing for my beloved my love-song concerning his vineyard: My beloved had a vineyard on a very fertile hill.

Michael Katz: “A Song of Thanks” []

Isaiah 5:2 He dug it and cleared it of stones, and planted it with choice vines; he built a watchtower in the midst of it, and hewed out a wine vat in it; he expected it to yield grapes, but it yielded wild grapes.

Brat (in “Tzar” 25 Sept 20): As part of the negotiation, I laid “Sanctuary” on the table ten years ago and it was toyed with like a poker chip.  Then I was run out of town.  Why do you think Jesus had no place to lay His head? (Luke 9:58)

Leviticus 5:1 “‘If anyone sins because they do not speak up when they hear a public charge to testify regarding something they have seen or learned about, they will be held responsible.

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): Christian’s first response when Evangelist convicts him of his sin is to say, “It wasn’t my fault!” How often do we, when confronted with our sin, blame others instead of taking responsibility? 

Ella Onakoya (28 Sept 20): I am not one to advocate conspiracy theories at all, but such was the vividness of the dream, and the unexpected exposure of what I saw, that I awoke feeling that things are not what they seem to be, and there is evidence that Heaven knows about that needs to be exposed. When I woke up, I did not remember the exact details of the misdeeds I saw in the documents, only that acts of certain people need to be exposed to the authorities and it is very vital that this should occur. [1]

Peggy Morris: You Are In A Divine “Set Up”

Laurie Beckham: But one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.” – Revelation 5:5 NKJV

Jebie Piedad (28 Sept 20): May we all be blessed to take the plunge, feel the support of our friends and family in the “mikveh of Yisrael” along with the graciousness of God who is forgiving us totally on this great day. “Avinu Malkenu,” Our Father our King, please inscribe us into the book of “Geulah,” redemption and salvation NOW!

Wendy Nolasco (25 Sept 20): We are a people of The Way of Jesus, a beautiful, upside-down kingdom paradigm that permeates every sphere of our lives. (See Matt. 6 and Rev. 21.)[2]

Anita Alexander (28 Sept 20): In addition to the return of natural fathers, the Lord is calling spiritual fathers in the House of God to return to their first love, Jesus. They will love Christ’s Bride (His people) and bring the unadulterated Word of God from the pulpits that will wash and sanctify her from all wayward, worldly mixture.

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): Christian hesitantly placed his foot on the golden pathway created by Worldly Wiseman. The new path seemed much easier than the path that Evangelist had instructed him to follow. Worldly Wiseman advised Christian that he would find a way to get rid of his burden if he followed this path to the end. In the city Morality where Legality Hill stood, Christian would find a giant mountain, studded with commandments. There, at that mountain, his burden would be lifted—at least that’s what he thought.

Molly Baskette (28 Sept 20): It was scary enough when the young white man stood up in the middle of the Drag Gospel Festival worship service and started screaming religious invective, telling us we were in Satan’s clutches. Every mind immediately went to Mother Emmanuel AME Church, where nine people had been shot dead by another young white man, just for being who they were: black and Christian.

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): We will also fail daily in our pursuit of God’s path. We are called to live holy, set apart lives as Christians, which is not an easy task! But, our sins will always be forgiven if we turn to The King with repentance.

Gidon Ariel: Kathryn, Have I really Sinned?

Ella Onakoya (28 Sept 20): Miraculously, the team of men I had arrived with and I escaped and drove off, and we continued to look for where we could hand over the information. I woke up from the dream with a very strong sense of urgency that things are not what they seem.

Isaiah 5:3 And now, inhabitants of Jerusalem and people of Judah, judge between me and my vineyard.

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): Worldly Wiseman convinced Christian so easily to leave The King’s path. 

Wendy Nolasco (25 Sept 20): As Jesus gave the grand welcome, ushering in this kingdom, the world still had abundant problems. As kingdom people, we are living and leading in this tension: being people of the here and now, and not yet.

When Light Came In (27 Sept 20): I thought I had my coping skills honed to a fine point after years of healing. Problem was, I also had years of unhealthy coping through achievement and perfectionism… *before* the healing started. Put a high achiever in a bowl with a global pandemic, season with an election year, and douse with a handful of kids in distance learning, and voila! Burnout salad.

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether. -Ps. 19:7-9 [ESV]

Molly Baskette (28 Sept 20): But fear persisted into the next week, when a conservative blogger got hold of the story and spread it around the internet, riling up dozens of people who sent emails, made harassing phone calls and posted ugly things on social media. “Drop a bomb on it!” said one man.

Jebie Piedad (28 Sept 20): Who likes to admit that they did something wrong? Most of us have a very difficult time of this all year. Certainly it takes a lot of humility to be able to approach a friend, a spouse, a co- worker and ask for forgiveness for something you did. How do I bring it up? What should I say that will not reopen a terrible wound? Please bless me with the right words.[3]

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): Struggling under the increasing weight of his burden, Christian sees that this hill is too steep to climb. Legality’s voice thunders from the top of the mountain. He refuses to take away Christian’s burden until he climbs the mountain. In order to reach the top, he must obey every commandment without missing any. “Don’t Move!” “Obey the Rules.” “Walk.” “Don’t Question My Authority.” The laws continued to pop up around Christian.

Israel365 (28 Sept 20): When my life was ebbing away, I called Hashem to mind;
And my prayer came before You, Into Your holy Temple. ~ Jonah 2:8 (The Israel Bible™)

Isaiah 5:4 What more was there to do for my vineyard that I have not done in it? When I expected it to yield grapes, why did it yield wild grapes?

Jebie Piedad (28 Sept 20): As for those sins between man and God, there is also that aspect of being able to prepare properly to ask for forgiveness. The Slonimer Rebbe points out that even worse than a sin itself is the inability to admit that I have sinned. We come up with so many ways to deny that we have done wrong. Once again, who wants to admit to a wrong doing? So we have so many cover up excuses for the wrong that we do. That is why at this time of year, we are specifically reminded, during the ten days of Teshuvah, of the verse in Yeshayahu chapter 54, “dirshu Hahsem b’himatzu, karahu b’hyoto karov,” seek out God where He is found, call out to Him when He is close. This is the basis for the concept that “The King is in the fields.” It is as if Hashem makes His presence more accessible to us in this time period so that we can prepare to seek him out, admit our misgivings and honestly ask for forgiveness. This is what we must do. God forbid that I not admit to my wrong doings. This is even a worse blemish to Hashem’s honor than the act of committing the sin itself.

Ella Onakoya (28 Sept 20): I strongly urge and encourage both individual and corporate prayers to be prayed, in the Body of Christ, for crucial evidence of high level misdeeds to be discovered and brought to light and to be released to the relevant authorities. May hidden deeds of darkness be brought to light!

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): Difficulty in the Christian life is not to be avoided, and it is pleasing to God when we follow Him, even when it is hard to do so. So follow Him. Stay on the narrow path, trusting that when you fail, you will be forgiven in Christ. 

Wendy Nolasco (25 Sept 20): We are mirrors who reflect back and mine out the not-yet, dormant, God-given potential in humanity. We are reconciling individuals and communities.

Jebie Piedad (28 Sept 20): Returning to the verse from Vayikra, the closing of the verse says”… lifnei Hashem titharu,” you shall be spiritually purified in the presence of God. Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev teaches that this implies that I can sit in synagogue all day on Yom Kippur, however, if I do not immerse myself in the presence of Hashem, if I do not allow myself to enter what the Mishnah (Tractate Yuma 8) calls, “Mikveh Yisrael,” the ritual bath of Israel, then I cannot be assured of His forgiveness. If I do take the plunge and enter into the “mikveh” of His presence than I am guaranteed to be purified and forgiven. …

Jesus said to them, “You will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with (Mark 10:39)

Jebie Piedad (28 Sept 20): … Thank God we once again have this great spiritually purifying opportunity coming towards us within a few days. Let’s not be afraid to enter into His presence and beg for forgiveness with humility and in earnest.

Rev. Dr. Ada Wong Nagata: What did John the Baptist’s baptism have to do with Jesus’ authority, you may ask. John the Baptist proclaimed God’s message in the wilderness, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Matthew 3:2). The scripture continues to say, “Then the people of Jerusalem and all Judea were going out to him, and all the region along the Jordan, and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins” (Matt 3:5-6). At the same time, some of the religious leaders sought baptism but were sternly condemned by John, who told them that, even as the offspring of Abraham, they needed to “bear fruit worthy of repentance” (Matt 3:8).[4]

Anita Alexander (28 Sept 20): Note well, a religious spirit also falls under the category of a perverse spirit, as “perverse” means to twist and be crooked. Is this not what John the Baptist and Jesus addressed with the Pharisees of the day? So the spirit of Elijah will also deal with a religious spirit. This religious spirit in the House of God has kept the people of God out of relationship with their heavenly Father and kept them under a heavy yoke of performance. But God is sending the spirit of Elijah to His House in this season and bringing a people back to loving Him and intimacy in His presence. [5]

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): When Jesus came, He followed every one of God’s commandments perfectly. He earned the title “righteous.” Through His death in our place, and His resurrection, He delights to give that righteousness to us. This is not a religion of morality, but of a great exchange. He took upon Himself our sin, and we have received His righteousness as a gift.

Isaiah 5:5 And now I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard. I will remove its hedge, and it shall be devoured; I will break down its wall, and it shall be trampled down.

Molly Baskette (28 Sept 20): And fear persisted into the week after that, when a different young white man showed up early for worship. He kept looking around him nervously. When I stood to give the (non)traditional welcome, “Welcome if you are queer or straight or a little bit of each…black or brown or white or a little bit of each,” I was keenly aware of his hand in his pocket, and my own vulnerability.

Jebie Piedad (28 Sept 20): This year more than ever in our lifetime, the call from Hashem seems louder than ever. Will I take the time to prepare myself to respond by accepting His awesome presence and call, or will I continue to be in denial? Will I say that I believe, but not look for the strength and support to actualize by intellectual commitment or God forbid even worse, deny His existence and impact on my everyday life?

Kris Vallotton (in “Mailer Daemon” 25 Sept 20): Many know of conventional intelligences such as IQ [= Intelligence Quotient] and EQ [= Emotional (Intelligence) Quotient], but did you know that God has given His people a capacity for brilliance that goes beyond our human ability? We have SQ (Spiritual Intelligence)—access to God’s thoughts and wisdom from another age.

Brat: We’ve heard that, thank you. Billy Graham accepted God’s call on his life and he suffered from PTSD from all the spiritual warfare he had to endure.

When Light Came In (27 Sept 20): Burnout is “emotional, mental and physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress” (Psychology Today). The symptoms of burnout are almost identical to those of complex PTSD.

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): “I can’t do the work for you!” shouts Legality. This is precisely where the difference between a religion driven by morality and the truth of the Christian faith lies: that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus, not by our own works. It is, simply put, because Jesus did the work for us that we are saved.

Molly Baskette (28 Sept 20): But then, in the midst of the deluge of hate from other Christians, one unwittingly ironic comment appeared, to praise us with faint damnation:

“This sodomite festival raised $7,000 for LGBT support!!! This means sinners give more graciously than those who profess to be saved! We have done event after event to raise money to do God’s work to bring the gospel to villages all over Latin America, and our average earnings per event are $300-400. What is wrong with this picture?”

Anita Alexander (28 Sept 20): Rebellion in a generation is directly linked to the absence of truly godly fathers. It is the same in the House of God. Mixture, worldliness and rebellion in the house of God are symptoms of the absence of godly fathers. We only need to look at Eli and Ahab as examples to understand this to be true.

Jebie Piedad (28 Sept 20): Will it still be most important to me to be right, to get you to agree with me at all costs? Will I continue to be pre occupied with my personal pursuit of success and forget the source of life which brings me everything that I need? Do I really want to go back to “normal” or am I willing to finally give up the power struggle and find every way possible to connect to my creator? Yes, in these ways it is all in my hands and look forward to Hashem saying, “salachti kidvarecha,” I forgive you as you have spoken to me.

Israel365 (28 Sept 20): Today, Yom Kippur, we read from the Book of Jonah, and internalize its message of repentance. This verse shows the heart of a true prophet. Trapped inside the belly of the large fish, with no hope of escape, Yona does not despair. Instead, he pours out his prayer to God. Though he has run away from Hashem and His mission, Yona hopes that he will not only survive, but once again become worthy to stand before God in his Holy Temple in Yerushalayim, to bring offerings and to pray (verse 10). This prayer anticipates the lesson that Hashem later imparts to Yona. Though man may stumble in sin, he can always pick himself up and recover, as it is written, “Seven times the righteous man falls and gets up, while the wicked are tripped by one misfortune” (Proverbs 24:16). Even after our biggest failures, God lovingly awaits our return, if only we have the will to do so.

Molly Baskette (28 Sept 20): When push comes to shove amidst all the pushing and shoving, I’d rather be a generous sinner than a parsimonious saint. And I’d rather be convicted by others as a heretic than self-convicted of my own place in heaven. Certainty about our righteousness may be the worst sin we can commit, because it hides our own unrighteousness from us.

When Light Came In (27 Sept 20): This makes things challenging for us who are healing from relationship trauma. We wonder if the increased anxiety is from working through our trauma or if it’s burnout. Is the increased lethargy or cynicism or detachment part of our trauma healing, or something else?

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): Just when Christian begins to lose hope and falls to the ground, The King sends him help. Looking up, Christian recognizes Evangelist’s feet. “Commandments cannot give you what you seek Christian. They will only be a reminder that you are not able to keep them all” he explains. This is true for us as well. The law is good because it is God’s will for our lives, but because we are sinful, we cannot obey the law perfectly. The law of God now serves to show us our sin and reveal to us that we need a savior.

When Light Came In (27 Sept 20): For me, the only way to tease this out was to notice which of the things that bring me joy, even on the darkest days of recovery, am I starting to avoid? As I considered those, and yet felt numb, I realized I was not ok.

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): An added complication arises when we, sinful humans, decide to invent our own law in order to try to earn God’s favor. The endeavor to earn love or favor from God will always be fruitless, and will be just as frustrating as when Christian sees the ever-multiplying contradictory commandments coming out of the ground around him, impeding his path up the hill.

Peggy Morris: I Declare over you, this is the day of your divine “set up!” This day the giants in your life are coming down suddenly through the power of the Lord and you are being catapulted into the “new thing” that the Lord has for you!  

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): Salvation has been accomplished by Christ on the cross, and it is freely given to all who believe in Him. There is no standard of law-keeping that we must meet to merit this gift. Morality and Legality, then, cannot rid us of our burden, just like they could not rid Christian of his; they can only make our burden increase because where the knowledge of sin increases, so does our desperation. 

When Light Came In (27 Sept 20): Once I admitted it I felt a little more energy form. My healthy coping and self-care strategies learned in the healing process are the same ones I can use for burnout. We may be extra susceptible to burnout because of our old trauma, but we’re better equipped to overcome it because of our new tools.

Ella Onakoya (28 Sept 20): As I write this, I think of the book of Esther and Haman’s intricate plans to destroy Mordecai and the people of Israel, coming to light and being exposed. May Heaven’s light shine on hidden things that need exposure and the righteous justice of God to be released in the season of God’s vindication.

Isaiah 5:6 I will make it a waste; it shall not be pruned or hoed, and it shall be overgrown with briers and thorns; I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it.

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): Worldly Wiseman made it seem like the difficulty of the journey on The King’s path was something to be avoided. 

Molly Baskette (28 Sept 20): Prayer
God, let me be uncertain about my own righteousness, and certain of your unconditional love for both me and my enemies.

Jebie Piedad (28 Sept 20): This thought reminds me of the great teaching of Reb Shlomo regarding the “Amidah” silent mediation in the evening service immediately following the end of Yom Kippur. Among those 19 blessings we say, as we do all year, “s’lach lanu Avinu ki chatanu,” forgives us God for we have sinned.” Reb Shlomo always asked, “what sin could I have done between the time of the end of Yom Kippur and five minutes later when I am reciting this blessing for forgiveness?” His answer was that the only sin one could transgress is if we don’t believe that God has totally forgiven us on “Yom Ha’Kippurim.”

Matthew 21:25 Did the baptism of John come from heaven, or was it of human origin?” And they argued with one another, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will say to us, ‘Why then did you not believe him?’

RevelationMedia (28 Sept 20): But quickly, Christian realizes his error, and tearfully repents. He acknowledges that, “It’s no one’s fault but my own, and I’m sorry.” Evangelist encourages Christian that with repentance such as this, The King will always forgive.

Charisma (28 Sept 20): A call to spark the most sweeping counterculture movement in our nation’s history

Wendy Nolasco (25 Sept 20): We become both windows and mirrors of this kingdom culture to the people around us. Our lives become windows for others to see a world they have not yet experienced, opening the horizon of possibility to be bearers of hope and people of peace.

Anita Alexander (28 Sept 20): The Lord is moving in His House and getting His “House in order.” As the spirit of Elijah is going forth preparing the way of the Lord, there is a spirit of repentance that the Lord is inviting natural and spiritual fathers alike to engage in this hour. Get ready to see the culture shift in the Lord’s House. Families will be restored as men return to their posts as fathers.

Wendy Nolasco (25 Sept 20): The people of The Way elevate the atmosphere. We change culture by engaging it, creating a new prophetic future with the breath of heaven upon it (Isa. 43). We were made for days like this: to lean in and lead with courage, pointing others to The Way of Jesus in all that we are and all that we do.

Israel365 (28 Sept 20): Yom Kippur: The Holiest Day ✡ “I called Hashem to mind; And my prayer came before You”

Isaiah 5:7 For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the people of Judah are his pleasant planting; he expected justice, but saw bloodshed; righteousness, but heard a cry!


[1] Ella Onakoya (28 Sept 20):

[2] Wendy Nolasco (25 Sept 20):

[3] Jebie Piedad (28 Sept 20):

[4] Rev. Dr. Ada Wong Nagata:

[5] Anita Alexander (28 Sept 20):

Mailer Daemon 27 Sept 20

28 Sep

Working Dates: Sunday, September 27, 2020 to Monday, September 28, 2020

[8 pages of dialogue anchored in Psalm 19 from the lectionary readings for 17 Pentecost on 4 Oct 20]

Psalm 19:1 The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.

Johnny Enlow (24 Sept 20): If you’re a young social justice practitioner or a reformer in the justice space check out Marcus’ blog page for more information and education on this topic:

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): You may even find a like minded community emerging around you on your process of discovery. For some people, He will show them a question in their spirits. They may find themselves questioning the truth of a matter. Others may find that literally overnight they wake up questioning something they’ve always accepted as “what’s best,” or “just the way things are.” There is grace for the process of discovery.[1]

Bill Yount: The Tide is Turning!

Kris Vallotton (25 Sept 20): Did you know that as a Believer there is something you can do that no one else on the planet can do?[2]

Psalm 19:2 Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge.

Subject: Divine Connection

Dear Marcus Young,

Johnny Enlow introduced you to his readership recently on his Facebook page.  He said that if we are a reformer in the justice space to check out your blog.  I consider myself a reformer.  God sent me to the Seven Churches.  My contribution is to present the process through my blog (usually in the form of conversations.)  I have tried to show the negotiation process. (I am the voice of Brat.) This was my most recent post: “Tzar” 25 Sept 20

Tzar 25 Sept 20

As you may perceive from the title, the process has been slow-going.  However, Faith Marie Baczko reminded me that God loves to give us surprises.  It was a sweet surprise to encounter your work through Johnny Enlow.  I saw this as a divine connection.  I pray that we may have our own conversation that may grow out of this encounter.

~Kathryn Hauser

Psalm 19:3 There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard;

[Googlemail: Your message wasn’t delivered to because the domain couldn’t be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again.]

Kris Vallotton (25 Sept 20): I want to challenge you today to begin living in your divine advantage of thinking tri-dimensionally. One practical way to start is by asking the Holy Spirit to expose to you any spiritual blockers that may be preventing you from “renewing the spirit of your mind.” The enemy would love nothing more than you to stay stuck and stagnate. That is not your portion. If it was, God would not have shared with us His Spirit nor given us access to the mind of Christ. As you journey into the new world of SQ [Spiritual Quotient], trust that the Holy Spirit is a wise navigator and that no perceived obstacle can stand in His way (John 14:26-28).

Israel365 (27 Sept 20): Atonement Through Exile ✡ ” Designate the cities of refuge”

Steve Shultz: We are experiencing so many things this year…including the shaking of many situations across the world.

Bill Yount: I saw the Spirit of the Lord as a great ocean beginning to recede off an enormous shoreline. This was a season in time when “the tide” was beginning to go out. The Body of Christ was standing in the water, practically immersed in the tide. But as it gradually started to go out, we slowly became exposed, as though we could no longer be covered by the water. It seemed that we stood spiritually naked as the tide was still going out.

Psalm 19:4 yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In the heavens he has set a tent for the sun,

[Sent in a Facebook comment:

Sunday, September 27, 2020 at 8:53 am: Dear Johnny [Enlow], Since I consider my calling that of a reformer, I just tried to share my blog with Marcus Young through his email address on his blog site:  The mailer-daemon said the domain couldn’t be found and it boomeranged back to me.  Please let him know.  It is my prayer that we could birth a conversation out of this and possibly get to some resolution to reconciliation of the Churches.

Kris Vallotton (25 Sept 20): I’m talking about the God-given ability to think tri-dimensionally.

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): Watch as God leads you with curiosity through recurring themes and confirmations from other people. Trust Him to light up your path and to lead you. This word is for people that feel drawn by a persistent, maybe even subtle questioning that they feel led to answer. It is time to accept the challenge and step out in faith as you partner with God.

Sermons That Work (27 Sept 20): Online Worship Reimagined

Bill Yount: As the tide went out from the shoreline, many chains and bondages could be seen holding God’s people. This was hindering and stopping them from following the Spirit, which was gradually going out from them, leaving them helpless and powerless as though the Spirit was exposing their sin and weakness, and yet at the same time, departing from them.

Psalm 19:5 which comes out like a bridegroom from his wedding canopy, and like a strong man runs its course with joy.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (in “Tzar” 25 Sept 20): Yom Kippur, the sages say, is the wedding day between G-d and His bride. Thus, we dress in white, like a bride at her wedding. The traditional Jewish marriage ceremony culminates with the bride and groom entering a secluded room (“cheder yichud” in Hebrew) to spend time alone with each other. Yom Kippur too culminates with the Neilah, or closure prayer, so called because as the sun of Yom Kippur sets, the gates of heaven close—with us inside.

Brat: Please see our confirming piece with the Seven Churches called “Bridegroom” 16 September 2012:

Faith Marie Baczko: The Launch of Ascension Into A New Era!

Kris Vallotton (25 Sept 20): It displays His glory through us. In the days of King Solomon, God’s infinite wisdom was put on display for the Queen of Sheba, leaving her stunned and breathless. Likewise, the wisdom of God’s Holy Spirit is to be demonstrated through His people to the world around us. This divine demonstration not only brings glory to God; it also glorifies His people (John 17:22). 

Psalm 19:6 Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them; and nothing is hid from its heat.

Reverend Betty King (in “Tzar” 25 Sept 20): If you haven’t been to this place before it may feel unusual at first, as it is a place where your spirit sees something happening that has not yet shown up in your circumstances. However, as you embrace this fire of God and allow yourself to live within it, you will find yourself changing and becoming more sensitive to the things of God. You will begin to see more clearly the signs that God is using to point you in the right direction. You’ll notice the smaller breakthroughs along the way that He is using to strengthen your heart and your resolve and guard you from deception and discouragement.

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): This word is for people that are wanting to see change but haven’t known their part to play, causing a standstill. They may have felt like they didn’t know where to start. They were comfortable in their complacency, unaware of what was really going on around them.

Bill Yount: Others were able to go further on after His Spirit, but the tide seemed to pick up a faster pace, and there was a great cry as the tide rapidly went out—even the very elect and righteous began to cry out, “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” As the Body of Christ stood still with exhaustion and weariness and great discouragement, the ground beneath turned into dry land, where there was no water—just like a desert.

Kenneth L. Samuel (27 Sept 20): According to Scripture, God has taken the sins of our youth and the sins of our adult immaturity and cast them all into a sea of forgetfulness. It’s not that the sins never happened. It’s that the sins and the accompanying condemnation are not remembered.

Psalm 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the decrees of the LORD are sure, making wise the simple;

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): God is inviting you to pause, take in beauty and allow Him to speak through things you find beautiful. Perhaps it’s in nature, going to a museum, listening to music or even studying a beautiful magazine. There’s revelation and inspiration available to us when we pause to reflect on why something is beautiful. Why do we love it? What does God love about how He made it? Beauty brings us joy and inspiration, which leads to creativity. Joy and creativity are both from God, and nothing is impossible with God’s creativity inside of us.

Psalm 19:8 the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is clear, enlightening the eyes;

Bill Yount: The Church could only see the tide going out a long way off and could no longer experience the move of the Spirit. On the contrary, what was left was their sins, bondages and helplessness. As the Church was exposed and stood as though naked, a great mocking cry was heard from those who were back on the shore, who had never touched the water. This represented the world, and they were seeing the shame and sin, and God was being reproached. The time frame this was happening in seemed like forever to God’s people—as though they were separated from God and nothing appeared to be happening, except for failure.

Leviticus 16:Then he is to take the two goats and present them before the Lord at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): In this season, God is giving His people a reset. It is His grace and faithfulness to offer us course-corrections and invite us into a new thing. There is an awakening taking place, causing the world to come out from its slumber with hunger to know more. During this time, God is directing your path and accelerating the process to discovering revelation and truth you are seeking. There is a call to investigate what God has been highlighting to you and to do it with tenacity.

Kris Vallotton (25 Sept 20): In a season when the world is desperate for a solution, God’s spiritually intelligent solutionaries are needed now more than ever. Have you ever considered that there are people out there waiting for you to walk in your divine advantage?

Psalm 19:9 the fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever; the ordinances of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.

Nancy Taylor Tate (27 Sept 20): Ezekiel 36:27 promises, “And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes, and ye shall keep My judgments, and do them.” What a glorious promise! We see this divine strength also in Acts 1:8 which tells us that after the Holy Ghost has come upon us, we are empowered to “be” or become a witness unto Him everywhere we go! As Believers, what strength we have within, what divine, enabling power! [3]

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): Take, for instance, the beauty of the hummingbird, which is symbolic of the truth that nothing is impossible. God’s creativity is noticeable in its exquisite coloring, its gentle investigation of the flowers, and the fact that it is the only one of its kind that can fly forward and backward on its journey.

Psalm 19:10 More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey, and drippings of the honeycomb.

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): “One thing I ask from the Lord,
This only do I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
All the days of my life,
To gaze on the beauty of the Lord
And to seek Him in His temple.”
(Psalm 27:4)

Rev. Dr. Ada Wong Nagata (in “Lead Me” 24 Sept 20): Presiding Bishop Curry does not stop at pointing out the absence of love; he and his team ask us to join them on the path of love, on the journey of Becoming Beloved Community.

Brat: All of you leaders, (the Presiding Bishop(s) — past and present included,) could have written me back.  You could have continued the conversation with me AND with your constituents.  You could have included me in your Beloved Community, so that I felt included and not just an expendable pawn on your chessboard.

Leviticus 16:He is to cast lots for the two goats—one lot for the Lord and the other for the scapegoat. 

Sermons That Work (27 Sept 20): Imagine Church Tonight at 7 PM

Israel365 (27 Sept 20): Tonight is Yom Kippur, the day of atonement – so it is fitting that today’s inspiration, as we continue the Book of Joshua, deals with atonement. The cities of refuge are places where people who are guilty of unintentional manslaughter must flee for protection from the relatives of their victims. The accidental killer must remain in the city of refuge until the death of the Kohen Gadol (high priest). This law, which subjects the unwitting murderer to exile from his home, teaches a powerful lesson. The section of the Torah which details these laws ends with words, “You shall not pollute the land in which you live; for blood pollutes the land… You shall not defile the land in which you live, in which I Myself abide, for I Hashem abide among B’nei Yisrael” (Numbers 35:33-34). …

Leviticus 16:Aaron shall bring the goat whose lot falls to the Lord and sacrifice it for a sin offering. 

Agnes Ebedi (18 Sept 20): I prophesy in Jesus name that as Heaven invades the earth in our cities, regions, nations, in our homes and personal lives there shall be a rapid release of many testimonies of divine provision, promotion, healings, family and city restoration in Jesus name![4]

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): In this journey, God is giving keys to your destiny – the keys that you personally need. Ask Him to show you why He is revealing these things to you, how you are to pray and how you are to partner with Him.

Israel365 (27 Sept 20): … Bloodshed, even unintentional, defiles the sanctity of the land. Therefore, the perpetrator must undergo a symbolic exile from the land which he has defiled. He can return only once atonement is achieved through the death of the Kohen Gadol (high priest). Similarly, the Jewish people were exiled from the Land of Israel because of their collective desecration of the land. And just as the unwitting murderer eventually returns home from the city of refuge, the People of Israel are now also returning home from their long and painful exile, to Eretz Yisrael. Wishing all of Israel an easy fast!

Leviticus 16:10 But the goat chosen by lot as the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the Lord to be used for making atonement by sending it into the wilderness as a scapegoat.

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (27 Sept 20): “One site was just a big hill,” Barfield said. “If you pushed a goat off of the peak, all you would get is an angry goat.”[5]

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): Complacency, which can be defined as “a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like,” can be insidious and creep in under the radar. When we are overwhelmed by the world around us, not doing anything is easier than participating or changing how we’ve been living. We tend to take the path of least resistance because change can be uncomfortable and requires work. God is bringing an awakening that is causing us to wake up from our slumber.

Psalm 19:11 Moreover by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

Brat: As part of the negotiation, I laid “Sanctuary” on the table ten years ago and it was toyed with like a poker chip.  Then I was run out of town.  Why do you think Jesus had no place to lay His head? (Luke 9:58)

When Light Came In (in “Lead Me” 24 Sept 20): These rights are ours because we are human beings who live and breathe on this Earth, who for that reason alone deserve dignity and respect.

Kenneth L. Samuel (27 Sept 20): The sins of my youth were enticingly indulgent, but we know that sin itself is not determined by age. I’ve found that sin is the immaturity of being closed to any value that does not serve self-aggrandizement.

Brat: No animals were harmed in the writing of this piece.

Bill Yount: Many turned from looking towards the tide going out and after awhile, they began to walk back towards the shore from where they came. They just gave up and were tired of waiting and waiting, convinced that God had forsaken them by all appearances.

Kris Vallotton (25 Sept 20): Sadly, I propose that many professed Believers have no idea what SQ [Spiritual Quotient] is. However, there is a silver lining to spiritual inexperience. It presents those who earnestly seek the Father with a fantastic opportunity to embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries of the divine mind. 

Psalm 19:12 But who can detect their errors? Clear me from hidden faults.

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): The true nature of deception is that you don’t know you’re being deceived. The enemy is a liar, and we know that he has come to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). God is guiding us into all truth right now as a Body and as individuals. The truth we each personally need to uncover may be different, but this is something He is doing corporately at this time.

Bill Yount: But a remnant stayed and stood still, waiting upon the Lord, confessing their sins, repenting and interceding for all the world, realizing it is not by might nor by power, but only by the Spirit of the living God.

Psalm 19:13 Keep back your servant also from the insolent; do not let them have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression.

Kenneth L. Samuel (27 Sept 20): Thank God for the selective amnesia that presents us in the light of our faithful maturation, not our juvenile recklessness.

Nancy Taylor Tate (27 Sept 20): Paul gives thanks to the Lord who always “causes” us to triumph! That word “cause” is a strong word. It speaks of a strength beyond our own, which God always gives to us, as He brings us into victory.

Kris Vallotton (25 Sept 20): It’s a mystery, which is the Greek word musterion, meaning “secret doctrine.’ In fact, Paul goes on to tell the Corinthians, “Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God” (1 Corinthians 4:1). We are actually stewards of the intellectual properties of God!

Bill Yount: Then it seemed that the earth stood still, the waters going out even stopped, and a strange calmness came. Then the Lord spoke: “The tide is beginning to turn. The tide is beginning to turn. And the tide is on its way back in! This is the tsunami of My glory that My earth has been waiting for!”

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): Take some time this month to pay attention to the beauty around you; whether that is in people, nature or simply a well crafted design. Expect inspiration and revelation to come through this practice, as you ponder what He envisioned in creating what you’re beholding.

Bill Yount: It was wave after wave after wave. These waves were bringing in the lost. I mean lost, lost! These waves were bringing the lost up and out of the lowest places of the earth. It seemed as though the sea was giving up her dead. There were pornographic stars, mass murderers, witches, many from occult and eastern religions. Souls that had committed horrendous indescribable crimes. The powers of Hell were letting go of them. These last waves had the power to bring up the very bottom of the ocean.

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): The call to search deeper may include things that have shaped your mindset or belief system, such as traditions, customs and even societal norms. There is a call to investigate the things that God is highlighting to you. Trust Him to guide you on your journey of uncovering the truth.

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (27 Sept 20): “Come, let us reach an understanding, —says Hashem. Be your sins like crimson, They can turn snow-white; Be they red as dyed wool, They can become like fleece.” Isaiah 1:18

Nancy Taylor Tate (27 Sept 20): One year, as I was again teaching from the book of 2 Corinthians, that “triumphal procession” became highlighted to me. I saw what appeared to be a triumphant procession of people all through the ages, an endless number of people walking, each in step, as a mighty army. I marveled as I looked at the number ­of overcomers from every time in history, including today. What a privilege to join such ranks! What an awesome call!

Kris Vallotton (25 Sept 20): Many know of conventional intelligences such as IQ [= Intelligence Quotient] and EQ [= Emotional (Intelligence) Quotient], but did you know that God has given His people a capacity for brilliance that goes beyond our human ability? We have SQ (Spiritual Intelligence)—access to God’s thoughts and wisdom from another age.

Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20): Humans, who were made in His image, also have an appreciation and love for beauty. God speaks to us through it. At times we can become focused on more practical things, but the fact that so much of what He created is excellently formed and exquisitely designed communicates to us that beauty is important to Him.

Bill Yount: As these waves kept coming in, the waves of salvation began covering more and more of the shore as it came back upon the earth. Like a flood, the Spirit was coming in, lifting His standard upon the earth itself, and multitudes were being saved as the waves of salvation continued to literally cover the earth. As these waves increased in magnitude and became humongous tidal waves, the Lord said, “Truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord like the waters cover the sea” (see Hab. 2:14).

Monday, September 28, 2020 at 6:48 am      Journal: I just got on my emails this morning and saw that Marcus Young had emailed me his blog site.  God, thank You for hearing me.  Thank You for getting the message to him.  Thank You for correcting the technical issues that were a blockage to making the connection in the first place.  It may be insignificant in anyone else’s eyes, but in this season of Yom Kippur, it is nothing short of miraculous to me, as I have had to fight for just the tiniest victory all along these last thirteen years.  Lord, what You said was true, “Not by my own strength, but by Your power.” You have turned the ordinary into the sacred.  I am grateful.  May our conversation continue and become a refuge for many.

Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.


[1] Anne Ballard (27 Sept 20):

[2] Kris Vallotton (25 Sept 20):

[3] Nancy Taylor Tate (27 Sept 20):

[4] Agnes Ebedi (18 Sept 20):

[5] Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (27 Sept 20):

Tzar 25 Sept 20

26 Sep

Working Dates: Friday, September 25, 2020 to Saturday, September 26, 2020

[10 pages of dialogue anchored in Matthew 21:23-32 from the lectionary readings for 17 Pentecost on 27 Sept 20]

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): In this message I want to share keys for unblocking the issues that have hindered breakthrough. Now is the time to come into your promises! Many of the Lord’s people have made an effort to pray consistently and have been disciplined in seeking breakthrough, yet they still feel like they are stuck. I want you to know that this does not mean that breakthrough is not coming. Rather, it is a sign that it is time to learn the patterns of breakthrough and what it looks like from beginning to end.[1]

Wayland Henderson (26 Sept 20): In 2013 I saw a vision of a wave coming out of San Diego. Suddenly, a tsunami overtook it and covered the nation. On top of this tsunami were young people who were actually riding this incredible wave. Instead of riding on surfboards they were riding on a phrase. The phrase was “WIPEOUT.” Immediately, by the Spirit, I knew what it stood for: “My sons will walk in power and the enemy will be overcome because they will be untethered from terrestrial (earthly as compared to heavenly) restraints.”[2]

The Ventures: “Wipeout!” []

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): If you haven’t been to this place before it may feel unusual at first, as it is a place where your spirit sees something happening that has not yet shown up in your circumstances. However, as you embrace this fire of God and allow yourself to live within it, you will find yourself changing and becoming more sensitive to the things of God. You will begin to see more clearly the signs that God is using to point you in the right direction. You’ll notice the smaller breakthroughs along the way that He is using to strengthen your heart and your resolve and guard you from deception and discouragement.

Matthew 21:23 When he entered the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him as he was teaching, and said, “By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?”

Martha Spong (26 Sept 20): Reliable Sources

Rabbi YY Jacobson (25 Sept 20): Abraham Lewin, the author of a book in Yiddish entitled, Kantonisten (Cantonists) relates a moving incident on Yom Kippur in an unnamed Russian city.[3]

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): It is vital to recognize that whenever new ground and new territory are being taken, there will be a time of resistance. This may manifest as a moment in time when it feels like your strength is gone, and as though your power has been sapped by some sort of “kryptonite.” It is in this very moment that you need to push through and aggressively pursue God and look for the stirring of a fire inside your spirit. This fire will focus you for purification and consecration and propel you again before God.

Matthew 21:24 Jesus said to them, “I will also ask you one question; if you tell me the answer, then I will also tell you by what authority I do these things.

Martha Spong (26 Sept 20): We live in a time when figures and institutions we once might have regarded as authoritative are constantly being questioned. I rarely accept a news story as true until I have checked additional, reliable sources – and by whose authority do I call them “reliable,” anyway?

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): Discerning the Moment of Resistance

Sophia Valentina Buller (26 Sept 20): You have been going through warfare that attempts to chip away at your Calling, just know I Have Called you and you ARE CHOSEN FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS IN JESUS NAME 💝💝💝

Rev. Dr. Ada Wong Nagata: In this community, “as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, we dream and work to foster Beloved Communities where all people may experience dignity and abundant life and see themselves and others as beloved children of God.” Their vision is to “help us to understand and take up the long-term commitments necessary to form loving, liberating, and life-giving relationships with each other. Together, we are growing as reconcilers, justice-makers, and healers in the name of Christ.” Are we willing to take this path of love?

Wayland Henderson (26 Sept 20): Jesus People Movement: People Moving and Acting Like Jesus

Martha Spong (26 Sept 20): Jesus received questions about his authority for teaching and healing from leaders who both wanted to stop him and wanted to hold onto their authority with the crowd. When he turned the question back on them, they ran through the possible responses and decided not to answer.

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): Our example comes from Exodus 31:18 and 32:1-2. Moses had gone up to the mountain of the Lord to receive the Law. In a divine encounter, the Lord was handing Moses the blueprint for the nation of Israel. The people at the bottom of the mountain, however, did not see this, nor did they appreciate what was taking place. The people had an expectation for the time of Moses’ return, and when that time had passed ever so slightly, the children of Israel allowed the mindset and culture of the Egyptians, which had tagged along with them, to rise up in the form of a voice demanding a god to worship. They went to Aaron, the priest, with the demand and straight away he had an idea in mind as to how to create one for them! This is shocking, but let’s explore it and see what went wrong.

Brat (14 Sept 2013 in Bride’s Voice): Today I ask: Israel, where are your children?  This is not a symbolic question.  This is an actual question.  Seriously, where are your children?  God is seeking friendship.  Children know how to make friends.  Children ask questions.

Matthew 21:25 Did the baptism of John come from heaven, or was it of human origin?” And they argued with one another, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ he will say to us, ‘Why then did you not believe him?’

Rabbi YY Jacobson (25 Sept 20): The Cantonists were child-recruits in the Russian military. The Russian Tsar, Peter the Great (1672-1725), devised the system in which young men were drafted to serve in the military for prolonged terms. But it was Tsar Nicholas Pavolovich (1796-1855), who ruled Russia from 1825 till 1855, who ordered Jewish children to be drafted, and used the system to force Jewish children to accept Baptism. The children were literally stolen from their homes in the shtetles and forced to serve for six years as trainees and then another 25 years as soldiers. They faced severe pressure by all means, including torture, to become Christian.

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): The moment of delay in Moses’ return and the uprising of the people with an inappropriate demand was the moment of resistance. It came just as a historical breakthrough for an entire nation was about to be revealed! Aaron was the rightful priest and was called to his office, but he did not recognize the meaning of the moment or what to do.

Martha Spong (26 Sept 20): We’ve all had these moments, second-guessing ourselves. Now that he’s older, my stepson tells us he “just wanted to be sure.” I know that feeling, the one that opens a moment of hesitation. Jesus asked the religious leaders whether a particular authority came from heaven or from humanity. It’s the first question to ask when we aren’t sure what’s right.

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): God had brought the Israelites out of Egypt supernaturally, with signs and wonders, and these had been given to the people to assure them of God’s plans and promises and to ground them in His truth. At this point, Aaron was meant to have discerned the moment and pointed the people back towards the truth of God, reminding them of the signs He had given and of the help He had given them thus far. He was meant to bring alive the testimony of their nation to them anew, to strengthen them and to bring their minds back to the words of Moses and the instructions given to them for their period of waiting.

Matthew 21:26 But if we say, ‘Of human origin,’ we are afraid of the crowd; for all regard John as a prophet.”

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): Validating Truth

Marsha Burns (26 Sept 20): “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Matthew 3:11)[4]

Wayland Henderson (26 Sept 20): As I continued to drink from the well of understanding of this vision and what it means to embrace union with the crucified Christ, I began to see into something. Presently, being formed in hidden places of darkness, there is a “people” who resemble and carry certain qualities of the Jesus People Movement. However, I see the Spirit of the Lord more accurately putting the emphasis on describing it as “People Moving and Acting Like Jesus.” The Books of Acts is a great example of this as it came from a people who moved in the ways of Jesus.

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): The pivotal moment came when Aaron used his voice to validate the voices of untruth that had risen up around him. What does this mean for us in this season? I believe the Lord is really warning us not to use our priesthood to validate any voice that is contrary to His voice or truth. Jerusalem shall be called the city of truth (Zechariah 8:3).

Deborah Perkins (in “Lead Me” 24 Sept 20): The very first revelation we have of God is as a CREATOR, His Spirit working with him to birth new things from Genesis to Jesus to the New Jerusalem. When the gift of creativity is redeemed and transformed with Christ as its cornerstone, it becomes a powerful vehicle for FREEDOM on the earth!

Wanda Alger (in “Lead Me” 24 Sept 20): In Revelation 5:6-7 John “…saw a Lamb standing.” The Lamb of God had risen from His seat to take the scrolls from His Father’s hand to initiate heaven’s judgments against the devil and his dark forces. Isaiah the prophet spoke of the Lord standing when He judges nations (see Isaiah 3:13) and rising from His seat to bring destruction on His enemies.

Matthew 21:27 So they answered Jesus, “We do not know.” And he said to them, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): We need to know, clearly, what the Lord has spoken in this hour to each and every one of us and hold to it. The priesthood in us needs to discern the moment we are in, and if there is a delay in the breakthrough we are praying for, we must be careful not to validate whatever voices of untruth are present in our surroundings.

Faith Marie Baczko: “Don’t set the affections of your heart on this world or in loving the things of the world. The love of the Father and the love of the world are incompatible. For all that the world can offer us—the gratification of our flesh, the allurement of the things of the world, and the obsession with status and importance—none of these things come from the Father but from the world. This world and its desires are in the process of passing away, but those who love to do the will of God live forever.”1 John 2:15-17 TPT

Rabbi YY Jacobson (25 Sept 20): And so, it happened on one Yom Kippur, that a particular Cantonist entered a shul. This very fact indicated that he most probably had never succumbed to the enormous pressure to accept Baptism. Had he undergone Baptism, he would have been officially listed as a Christian and prohibited from ever entering a synagogue during the reign of Nicholas.

Marsha Burns (26 Sept 20): “It is a regular burnt offering which was ordained at Mount Sinai for a sweet aroma, an offering made by fire to the LORD.” (Numbers 28:6)

Liz Wright (in “By Stages” 23 Sept 20): As Jesus drew my attention to this Scripture, He spoke to me and said, “Paul’s blood cries out. Many will now meet Me on their Damascus Road.”[5]

Wayland Henderson (26 Sept 20): “[A]nd asked for letters from him to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to THE WAY, both men and women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.” (Acts 9:2 emphasis mine)

Rev. Dr. Ada Wong Nagata (in “Lead Me” 24 Sept 20): Presiding Bishop Curry does not stop at pointing out the absence of love; he and his team ask us to join them on the path of love, on the journey of Becoming Beloved Community.

Brat: All of you leaders, (the Presiding Bishop(s) — past and present included,) could have written me back.  You could have continued the conversation with me AND with your constituents.  You could have included me in your Beloved Community, so that I felt included and not just an expendable pawn on your chessboard.

Marsha Burns (26 Sept 20): The fire tests us and our faith and work: “[E]ach one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.” (1 Corinthians 3:13-15)

Faith Marie Baczko: “You expected much, but see, it turned out to be little. What you brought home, I blew away. Why?” declares the LORD Almighty. “Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with your own house.”  Haggai 1:9

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): The Egyptians, in the midst of the Israelites, represents those that have attached themselves to the move of God, but without commitment to the purpose of the journey. In life, there are those who latch onto the move of God in another person’s life but are not themselves committed to the godly character that is required to sustain the move. In their impatience, they simply want to see something happen and to have another one of their needs or demands met, whether it preserves truth or not.

Faith Marie Baczko: The Love of the world keeps us earthbound and causes us to be weighed down, tied to things that count for nothing, that are temporary and have no place in eternity. The love of the world sets us up for disappointment when things don’t turn out the way we expected, as God is resisting our sin nature.

Matthew 21:28 “What do you think? A man had two sons; he went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’

Martha Spong (26 Sept 20): When I first became part of a household with my stepson, he was in elementary school, and one of the adjustments we all had to make was defining who had the last word on things. The problem was not one among the adults. The little guy would try every angle to be sure he got things right. More than once, he asked me if we could get pizza for dinner. After I said yes, I would hear him seek out the other parent and ask the question again. As an experienced parent, I was prepared for a child to ask again when he didn’t get the answer he wanted. But why would he ask again when he got the desired response?

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): If you, as the priest and person of God, are not strong enough, you may give in to their demands and give permission for an idol to be created. You must avoid this by all means. An idol may momentarily take away the need to wait on God and so offer temporary relief, but in return it will make you wait forever for a real breakthrough, as this is not something it can provide.

Matthew 21:29 He answered, ‘I will not’; but later he changed his mind and went.

Pastor Tom Demaree (25 Sept 20): I’m speaking at “The RETURN: A National & Global Day of Repentance” on the National Mall TOMORROW, 9/26. It will be simulcast in 160 nations worldwide. To get more information and watch the Livestream, visit

Rabbi YY Jacobson (25 Sept 20): In recognition of his self-sacrifice, the congregation appointed the Cantonist to lead the Neilah (concluding) prayers — the most hallowed moment of the year. The gesture clearly demonstrated one of great admiration for the man who tenaciously held on to his faith at all costs.

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): God shapes us and gives us His strength, but idols take our strength to shape them. Idolatry will substitute the truth of God for whatever ideas you are able to come up with, and His glory for whatever you can create by your own means. After all, the Israelites created the idol using their own gold and craftsmanship, but it could do nothing for them in return.

Pastor Tom Demaree (25 Sept 20): Could there possibly be a single soul in America who doesn’t realize how pivotal this moment is in America’s history?

Wayland Henderson (26 Sept 20): These “Jesus People” are being awakened to the revelation of the Cross-shaped life. Jesus, in His last breath, “exhaled” His life from the Cross and they have “inhaled” the power of His life (this is in visionary language). They have come into a realization that the power of His resurrection is to embrace the fellowship of His suffering (Philippians 3:10-11).

Prism Ministries (26 Sept 20): “We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed – always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.” -2 Corinthians 4:8-10[6]

Brat: I know that it is our Church culture to glorify suffering for Christ, and I would not want to detract from the significance of the horrific price Jesus paid on the cross.  I would, however, like to elevate the focus, which so precariously tips toward glorifying martyrdom and bring it to the cross itself where it could be redeemed.  The cross is an intersection: the upright pole from heaven to earth, and the horizontal pole stretching as far as the East is from the West.  It is also the place of negotiation, an honest conversation, and a time of laying aside death to bring Life to the table.  And as with all terms of negotiation, I start with a question: What is it that you want?

Martha Spong (26 Sept 20): Prayer
Holy One, help us to ask you for our answers, no matter what the question. Amen.

Brat: As part of the negotiation, I laid “Sanctuary” on the table ten years ago and it was toyed with like a poker chip.  Then I was run out of town.  Why do you think Jesus had no place to lay His head? (Luke 9:58)

When Light Came In (in “Lead Me” 24 Sept 20): These rights are ours because we are human beings who live and breathe on this Earth, who for that reason alone deserve dignity and respect.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (25 Sept 20): The soldier of Tsar Nicholas made his way to the front of the shul. Having forgotten almost all the religious training he had received as a child, including the ability to read Hebrew, he could not recite, nor lead the Neilah prayers. However, before the congregation, he expressed a powerful prayer from the heart, which shook the entire congregation.

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): However, Aaron buckled in the face of the demand and gave in without any argument. It was as though his strength was gone. His mind was drawn into what was immediately before him and he was distracted from the big picture. Rather than allowing the fire of truth to stir in his spirit, he sided with his circumstances and became ensnared in an idolatrous scheme in which a different kind of fire was used to melt the gold of people to produce something abhorrent.

Matthew 21:30 The father went to the second and said the same; and he answered, ‘I go, sir’; but he did not go.

Pastor Tom Demaree (25 Sept 20): All that to say, again… Sorry for the super-short notice. In the fear of the Lord, we just pulled the final-trigger on this a few days ago. 

Faith Marie Baczko: September 18th Rosh Hashanah marked the beginning of the new Jewish Year 5781, that will take us into the year 2021 on the Gregorian Calendar.  Normally, at this time, I would look into the Hebrew name and definition of the number one, however, before doing so, I immediately heard and understood from the Lord that the number one represented a beginning—but of something that is brand new, that had not been done previously—that it represented the initiation or launch of a New Era, with new endeavors reserved specifically for this time.  It is impossible to predict and figure out God as He so loves to bless His people with surprises and suddenlies!  We are about to experience a suddenly of God. I sensed the Lord saying that for many, this Rosh Hashanah will see doors opening suddenly to initiatives and strategies kept hidden in the heart of God, reserved specifically for this milestone of history.

Marsha Burns (26 Sept 20): It is the fire of the Spirit in warfare that produces the victory! We cannot effectively do spiritual warfare without the Holy Spirit. Without the Spirit we have no discernment about what is attacking us. It doesn’t work to shout and rail at the devil. We need to engage with the power of darkness against us and make it go with spiritual fire. We find in the book of Joel a picture of God’s warriors.

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): It is also important to understand the dynamics amongst the people that led to the situation. When fear or anxiety or any other emotional torment grips a person, they want to make it corporate. They do this by looking for others with similar fears or anxieties to align with. When this happens, a kind of cabal is formed, and that cabal can become a voice calling for something that is completely contrary to the mind of God, because it arises from a wrong spirit.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (25 Sept 20): It remains one of the most horrific sagas of Russian Jewish history. All Jewish communities of Russia were faced with the Tsars’ quotas of providing young soldiers: ten recruits from every one thousand men. And it was mostly children and teens from age 7 and up. The Tsar issued the orders, the leaders of each town’s Kahal (Jewish communal organization) which for the most part perceived non-compliance as not an option, provided the recruits, and the chappers (kidnappers) did the dirty work for a fee. It was usually the poor kids who were the recruits, and many Kahal officials profited from payments from the wealthy for their sons’ exemptions.

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): Be careful not to be drawn into relationships that are about affirming your negative emotions or experiences. These things create chains rather than break them. If you really want to break your chains, draw close the fire of God! Do not cleave to crowds that reinforce your problems, but press into God and through your personal Gethsemane, so that you can move forward to occupy His promises.

Matthew 21:31 Which of the two did the will of his father?” They said, “The first.” Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you.

Wayland Henderson (26 Sept 20): This truth is not understood just from the perspective of the Lion of Judah, but from the Lamb that has been slain who is worthy to open the scrolls. They have come to manifest the power of the Lion through union with the suffering of the Lamb. It is a “people” who have been empowered to move like Christ as a Suffering Servant (see Isaiah 53) so “death works in them, so life can work in others” through the revelation of His Body always carrying the death of the Lord Jesus (see 2 Corinthians 4:10-12).

Prism Ministries (26 Sept 20): Many Christians are still persecuted for their faith in China. So, they often live underground with the faith. Before their death, many Chinese Christians record their testimony on video and request to have it played during their funeral service. During the funeral of the person, many people would accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior because of the testimony of their loved one who had passed, but had never been permitted to share this faith until now.

Martha Spong (26 Sept 20): “By what authority are you doing these things?” – Mark 11:28a (NRSV)

Brat: As I said in “Lead Me,” I have been refused a sit-down conversation with clergy for ten years [!].  (I’m talking about a dialogue, not an interrogation.  Those I have had too many of.)  That is death to one who is sent by God to them, for they not only reject me, but the One who sent me.

Faith Marie Baczko: This is the nature of the One we serve that must become ours, and it grows in our lives as we choose the way of the Cross!  It is freedom to recognize the excellence of someone else’s work; to support and celebrate them! So many don’t understand this God quality of becoming a part of someone else’s success; this is an absolute necessity now—the need for partnership in the work to advance the Kingdom of God on Earth. 

Wayland Henderson (26 Sept 20): As I saw the breath exhaled by Jesus on the Cross and these Jesus People inhaling His life, I saw this part of the Scriptures magnified: “…[H]aving seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth” (Revelation 5:6). In the midst of darkness there is a Jesus People being formed to move as Jesus moved, embracing a humility and submission to the Father that will manifest a level of glory, corporately, which cannot be contained in anything built by man’s hands.

Faith Marie Baczko: In the new season now beginning, God will move powerfully to bless and support those who support others and who build up rather than tear down. These will begin to experience the abundance of the favor of God working to establish them in strong eternal partnership in this time. The Heart of Christ is to bless, expand and build the people of God.  The Wind of the Holy Spirit is coming into the House of God bringing fresh clean air. For many, this will be a New Era of unity, of honor, of building lasting and enduring partnerships—the catalyst that ushers in the commanded blessing of God upon His people and for this decade.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (25 Sept 20): He proclaimed: “Father in Heaven, what shall I pray for? I cannot pray for children for I never got married and have no hope to raise a family. I am too old to start now. I can’t pray for life, for what value is such a life? It would be better for me if I died. I cannot pray to be able to make a living since Nicholas provides for my daily food; I do not need any money. The only thing I can pray for is, “Yisgadal VeYoiskadash Shmei Rabah,” “May your name be blessed forever” (from the Kaddish).

Wayland Henderson (26 Sept 20): They are awakening to the reality that Christ’s death has made His Church sacred, holy and set apart. They are in the world but not of this world, just like Jesus, because they are learning to move like Him (John 17:14). They are catching the truth that His Church is meant to be the embodiment and answer to “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” (see Matthew 6:9-13).

Rabbi YY Jacobson (25 Sept 20): When hearing these words, the entire congregation wept. They wept over the pain this Jewish soldier endured. They wept for the tens of thousands of other Cantonists who were forced to endure the same hardships, as well as their families.

Reverend Betty King (25 Sept 20): If this voice is allowed to prevail it can bring progress to a halt. This sort of coming together is not an agreement for change or for transformation. Rather, it’s an agreement for false comfort, for shelter from unmanaged emotions, or even for revenge against someone or something that has caused wounding.

Faith Marie Baczko: The enemy has used many things to divide and weaken us as a Body, and to distract us from our work in the most critical hour of history.  Our strength and the power to impact the world and drive back the forces of darkness will only come from our union and decision to stand together and support each other. We then become a force backed by the power of God.

Pastor Tom Demaree (25 Sept 20): We are believing God to pour out His Holy Fire of repentance-in-unity on every state across the land—as we lay hands on every Governor and Statehouse, rendering the carnal fires of the riotous, murderous, lying enemy, ultimately, futile. 

Rabbi YY Jacobson (25 Sept 20): Yom Kippur, the sages say, is the wedding day between G-d and His bride. Thus, we dress in white, like a bride at her wedding. The traditional Jewish marriage ceremony culminates with the bride and groom entering a secluded room (“cheder yichud” in Hebrew) to spend time alone with each other. Yom Kippur too culminates with the Neilah, or closure prayer, so called because as the sun of Yom Kippur sets, the gates of heaven close—with us inside.

Brat: Please see our confirming piece with the Seven Churches called “Bridegroom” 16 September 2012:

Faith Marie Baczko: The Launch of Ascension Into A New Era!

Rabbi YY Jacobson (25 Sept 20): They also wept when they saw and heard what a Jew is! At his core he asks for nothing. Only for Yisgadal Veyiskadash Shmei Rabah.

Marsha Burns (26 Sept 20): It is the fire of God that produces internal work that results in repentance.

Matthew 21:32 For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him; and even after you saw it, you did not change your minds and believe him.

Rabbi YY Jacobson (25 Sept 20): No matter who you are, where you are, where you come from, what you know or don’t know, what you do or don’t do—at this time of Yom Kippur, you are one with G-d. G-d invites you alone for an intimate moment with Him.


[1] Rev. Betty King (25 Sept 20):

[2] Wayland Henderson (26 Sept 20):

[3] Rabbi YY Jacobson (25 Sept 20):

[4] Marsha Burns (26 Sept 20):

[5] Liz Wright (21 Sept 20):

[6] Prism Ministries (26 Sept 20):

Lead Me 24 Sept 20

25 Sep

Working Dates: Thursday, September 24, 2020 to Friday, September 25, 2020

[8 pages of dialogue anchored in Psalm 25:1-9 from the lectionary readings for 17 Pentecost on 27 Sept 20]

Rev. Dr. Ada Wong Nagata: The chief priests and the elders of the people were questioning Jesus. What did Jesus do to warrant the religious leaders’ questioning?[1]

When Light Came In (23 Sept 20): Abusers like to make us think that the basic human rights we have outside don’t apply in our relationship with them.

Simcha-Shmuel Treister: Since most of the mitzvot are dependent on the Jews being in the land of Israel, as long as they were camped outside it, i.e. in the Sinai desert, they were as though asleep in relation to those mitzvot like conquering the land, tithes, establishing cities of refuge, etc.

Rev. Dr. Ada Wong Nagata: Today’s lesson did not tell us what Jesus had done. However, we could find out by looking back to the previous verses. The preceding verses tell us that Jesus entered the Temple in Jerusalem, where he drove out all who were selling and buying and overturned the table of the money changers. He cleansed the Temple. Jesus then cursed the fig tree, which withered at once. What Jesus did would not have pleased the priests and the elders; their question was most likely a reaction to what Jesus did. In a way, they were asking, “Who are you? How dare you?”

Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20): All of hell is being unleashed upon the Church as the enemies of God are stopping their ears and attacking people of faith without restraint. The demonic insurrection has reached a fever pitch and the Champion of Hosts is not idly sitting by. It is time for judgment to come upon His enemies. The zeal for His Bride has stirred Him to action. HE HAS NOW RISEN FROM HIS SEAT to establish a new thing; to set in place a sentence that cannot be overturned. It is time to make His enemies a footstool. The gathering and assembly of saints across the land will seal His pronouncement as the fear of the Lord is about to be loosed upon the earth.[2]

Psalm 25:1 To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (24 Sept 20): It’s all up to you – PLEASE READ!

Steve Shultz (23 Sept 20): Most intercessors have learned to pray without the regard of being thanked or acknowledged by others for their prayers.

Brat to Rabbi Yosef Muchnik (Chabad of Camarillo, CA, in “By Stages” 23 Sept 20): I am a grateful Christian who attended Baruch’s shofar blowing in the park yesterday.  His presentation deeply touched me and I was wondering if you would pass along to him a heartfelt thank you from me.  He said that the one blowing the shofar doesn’t get the mitzvot, but the one who hears [does].  It came full circle yesterday, as I was the one who got to hear and was blessed in the sharing. It occurred to me today that it is the same with the prophets.  The prophet doesn’t get the blessing but the one who hears.  I heard and offer a humble thank you.

Lana Vawser (23 Sept 20): Take the divine intel and strategy to the Lord that they are submitting to you and seek His heart over it, for there are keys being given to leaders right now through this intel.[3]

Brat to Jo (in Bride’s Voice 12 Sept 2012): Do I hoof it over to St Mary’s tomorrow and tack up the Reflection for Holy Cross Day on to the rectory door like Luther’s 95 Thesis and say, “I love you, Damn It!  Love me back!!”?  I cannot force anyone to love.  Neither can God. 

Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20): The LORD says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, UNTIL I make your enemies your footstool.” (Psalm 110:1)

When Light Came In (23 Sept 20): They want us to believe that we don’t have the right to express ourselves without fear of punishment or anger. That we don’t have the right to the use of our bodies without being called “a rebellious wife,” “frigid,” or a bitch. That we don’t have the right to vote by our conscience instead of voting like they want. That we don’t have the right to economic well-being through employment without sabotage or having our money taken against our will. That we don’t have the right to parent our children well, in our own ways.

Rev. Dr. Ada Wong Nagata: Presiding Bishop Curry does not stop at pointing out the absence of love; he and his team ask us to join them on the path of love, on the journey of Becoming Beloved Community.

Brat: All of you leaders, (the Presiding Bishop(s) — past and present included,) could have written me back.  You could have continued the conversation with me AND with your constituents.  You could have included me in your Beloved Community, so that I felt included and not just an expendable pawn on your chessboard.

Lana Vawser (23 Sept 20): I know there are very many intercessors who are doing things in secret and under the radar. You have divine assignments from the Lord in intercession that are done in secret, and I want to encourage you in this hour, in the increase of the assignments God is releasing to you, to continue to use discernment regarding those whom you share the assignments with. The Lord has and will continue to bring a community and tribe around you in this hour to run with you, but not all are called to run with you on these assignments.

[How are you helping to get me to my tribe?  To me this feels like more stirring of the triangulation.]

Brat (portion of a letter I wrote to Pope Francis 13 Sept 2013): “…I stand by the miracle of my experience of mystical marriage.  Jesus and I have a partnership relationship where He leads [!] and I follow and obey Him with bridal devotion.  I have been faithfully and truthfully sharing the journey with both Protestants and Catholics to no avail.  Sometimes this leaves me feeling terribly lonely to the point of Despair because of lack of community.  How do I find community when no one wants to hear or directly engage?  Can you imagine, I’ve only had two sit-down conversations with clergy since 27 October 2010?! [NB: And none since then, and now it is 25 Sept 2020!] This is not for lack of my outreach or love.  It is a miracle in itself that I have survived the supposed “rejection” of the silent Churches over the span of three years. [Now ten years!] What else am I to make of this?  The Church herself has told us to believe.  I have shared my journey of belief and this has left me in a desert of isolation.  Go figure!  I am isolated because of belief!  How is it that embracing belief makes the Church not embrace me?  Where do I appeal for sanctuary?  Jesus calls us believers to be friends. (John Chapter 15)”

[Naturally, I received SILENCE then just as I do now…]

Deborah Perkins (1/20/2020): The Lord began speaking specifically to me about our youth. He revealed that creativity is one of the cornerstones the younger generation is building upon because it allows for freedom of individualism and self-expression, a value our youth hold dear. But when creativity is not founded on Christ, it becomes a house of cards.[4]

Brat (“Holy Cross Day” AND Yom Kippur 14 Sept 2013 in Bride’s Voice): Today I ask: Israel, where are your children?  This is not a symbolic question.  This is an actual question.  Seriously, where are your children?  God is seeking friendship.  Children know how to make friends.  Children ask questions.

1 Cor 1:20 Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?

1:21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, God decided, through the foolishness of our proclamation, to save those who believe.

(14 Sept 2013) The Christians nowadays don’t ask questions because they think they know the answers.  Muslims fight because they are angry over the hypocrisy they see between the answers and the behaviors.  But my Jewish friends, the world is indebted to you, because you have always talked with your hands and ASKED QUESTIONS!  We are indebted to you because you showed us how to have a relationship with God.  You showed us by asking questions and making it okay to ask.  In our day today, Atonement (At-One-ment) will again come through the children, because they know how to make friends.  Let them ask!

When Light Came In (23 Sept 20): They want us to believe rights end at the front door or in our email inboxes. But they do not.

Monk: Like the cathedral front doors?

Brat (“Holy Cross Day” AND Yom Kippur 14 Sept 2013 in Bride’s Voice): “I am seeking friendship in community.  As I said in my letter to the pope, the bride is supposed to be given away.  And yet the Grand Silence of Solitary Confinement drones on.  It was a year ago today, on 14 September 2012, when I shared with the Catholic Church my Reflection of the day (“The Dregs”) and my Author’s Bio, which tells of my mystical marriage with Christ.  I had been following the direction of the Holy Spirit and when I got to the church no one was around.  I found that prophetic and symbolic.  So, I taped the pieces I’d written to the wooden doors on the front of the church.  I remember feeling optimistic and excited at the time.  I also remember feeling an undercurrent of wonder and wrote in my journal, “Did I just do a Martin Luther thing?  Was this a soft version of Luther’s 95 Theses?”  I believed God.  I ended up receiving Silence (and more silence) from the humans.”

Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20): There are over one hundred scripture passages in both the Old and New Testament that tell how Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father because of His victory over sin and death (Hebrews 12:2). There are only a few times in Scripture that show Jesus standing. And it is only when His righteous anger has been stirred to take vengeance on those who persecute the saints.

Brat: Evil happens when good men do nothing.

Rick Joyner (22 Sept 20): So, what do we do? Jesus called those who could discern the signs of the weather better than the signs of the times hypocrites. As Christians, we have a responsibility to understand what is happening in our times. The increasing divisions in our land are symptoms. Symptoms are a warning that serious underlying conditions are threatening the body. Much of what is being proposed to allay these symptoms are not addressing the underlying causes that are the real threat.[5]

Psalm 25:2 O my God, in you I trust; do not let me be put to shame; do not let my enemies exult over me.

RevelationMedia (21 Sept 20): As Christian Pilgrim continues on the straight path toward The Celestial City, The Supervisors hatch a plan. They had lost another man, but that would not stop them from trying to get Christian to return to The City of Destruction.

Lana Vawser (23 Sept 20): Leaders, in this hour more than ever, those intercessors that the Lord has brought to you, those that are hearing the voice of the Lord, those that the Lord has shown to be trusted intercessors, listen closely to the intel they are receiving even if it’s challenging or stretching. Do not allow preconceived ideas, agendas, presumptions, assumptions or control hinder you from hearing the voice of the Lord through the intercessors He has brought to you.

Wanda Alger (in “By Stages” 23 Sept 20): We declare that this nation’s courts are under the jurisdiction of heaven and the authority of the King. The laws of this land WILL reflect the holiness of God, the purity of His justice, and the integrity of His crown. For the sake of the King and the honor of His throne – Amen!

When Light Came In (23 Sept 20): They follow us wherever we go, because we are, like them, human beings who have those rights simply by being human. Not by performing, saying what they want, doing what they want, or letting them boss us around or threaten us.

Rev. Phil (in “By Stages” 23 Sept 20): I know it might feel like a lifetime ago in this ever-frantic news cycle, but just the other week my social media feeds were full of eerie, dark images from friends in the San Francisco Bay Area: a thick mantle of smoke from the voracious, deadly wildfires on the west coast had literally blocked out the sunlight. Office towers were illuminated at midday, and cars crept through the haze with headlights on, like ghosts floating through the thick, amber-tinted gloom that many described as “apocalyptic.”

Deborah Perkins (1/20/2020): As if to confirm this “1/20/2020” encounter, the very next morning my husband texted me a photo from his jobsite in Maine. To my great surprise, it was a picture of the ocean at dawn, with a fine layer of mist hovering over the waters. The mist, he said in his text, is locally described as “Sea Smoke.”

Liz Wright (in “By Stages” 23 Sept 20): As Jesus drew my attention to this Scripture, He spoke to me and said, “Paul’s blood cries out. Many will now meet Me on their Damascus Road.”[6]

Exodus 17:6 I will be standing there in front of you on the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it, so that the people may drink.” Moses did so, in the sight of the elders of Israel.

Kaji Douša (23 Sept 20): Are the people in the relationship equals? Do they have equal access to power and vulnerability?

Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20): Now when they heard these things they were enraged, and they ground their teeth at him (Stephen). But he, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. And he said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and rushed together at him. (Acts 7:54-57 ESV)

When Light Came In (23 Sept 20): These rights are ours because we are human beings who live and breathe on this Earth, who for that reason alone deserve dignity and respect.

Rev. Dr. Ada Wong Nagata: In this community, “as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, we dream and work to foster Beloved Communities where all people may experience dignity and abundant life and see themselves and others as beloved children of God.” Their vision is to “help us to understand and take up the long-term commitments necessary to form loving, liberating, and life-giving relationships with each other. Together, we are growing as reconcilers, justice-makers, and healers in the name of Christ.” Are we willing to take this path of love?

Lana Vawser (23 Sept 20): I want to encourage you, intercessors, first and foremost, remember to use discernment with whomever you share the intel and assignments the Lord is giving you. For the Lord showed me that there is a religious spirit and a mockery which the enemy wants to bring upon you, to cause such a strong intimidation that you withdraw from the assignment because of confusion, doubt and persecution.

Deborah Perkins (22 Sept 20): In contrast, when the Lord plows the heart, there is gentleness and love for our “land” or soil, along with a desire to heal us. Although the plow hurts at first, it hurts because truth pierces the lies that don’t belong in our hearts and protest their uprooting. Once the initial “set” of His plow takes place, all that follows brings healing.[7] 

Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20): When the compromised religious leaders and corrupted public officials heard the Spirit-saturated truths from this pure heart, the demons fueling their jealousy could take it no more. They stopped their ears and rushed forward with demonic glee to destroy this voice that exposed their fraud. In hopes of silencing his voice, they killed the man. But, little did they realize what they had initiated in heaven.

Psalm 25:3 Do not let those who wait for you be put to shame; let them be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous.

RevelationMedia (21 Sept 20): One of the Supervisors admits, “In the outer realms, we cannot impede him, but we can dissuade him with fear, with doubt, with pride. There are many, many persuasions!” The evil ones do not have absolute power to prohibit Christian from making his journey, but they have some profound ways by which they can try to get Christian to lose heart and give up on his path.

Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20): The vitriol and murderous hate taking down a son of His heart stirred Jesus to RISE FROM HIS SEAT to render a judgment against His enemies. According to the Greek word for standing, Jesus stood to “establish a new thing” and “set in place a new balance.” It was time to take action against those who refused to listen. It was time to render His verdicts against those who would no longer heed His warnings. HE STOOD TO LET ALL OF HEAVEN KNOW WHAT WAS COMING.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (24 Sept 20): In times of old, one High Priest, serving one G‑d, in His one Temple, on His one holiest day, on behalf of His one people, elicited G‑d’s atonement for the entire world.

Deborah Perkins (1/20/2020): We must be careful not to condemn future generations for being reluctant to enter into an old wineskin. Mobile youth, used to living life “on the go,” may be more likely to follow a cloud than to build a temple. Some have seen the hypocrisy in the temples man has erected and their desire for authentic faith has kept them away. 

Psalm 25:4 Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths.

Lana Vawser (23 Sept 20): I then heard these words thundering around me: “LISTEN TO THE INTERCESSORS.” I felt the Lord’s heart so intensely when He spoke those words.

Deborah Perkins (22 Sept 20): Yet what do we do when someone resists us? The Lord continued: 

“Receive challenges and offenses as indicators of where My heavenly “plow” is set next to break ground in your heart. We will keep building this Kingdom of love together; we will keep targeting and breaking and digging and building until we take back the land, developing in you and on earth what is necessary for the world to know and see the extent, the magnitude of My love and provision for them.”

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (24 Sept 20): Today, one person, with one turn of his or her personal page, doing one good deed, or making one good resolution—can also change the course of the entire world for the good.

Dawn Baker: “You were taken over by Heavens best, Love Himself. I captivated your heart long ago and Religion hasn’t been able to tame you, control you or snuff my fire in you out! You’ve built Me an altar and offered Me your sanctified life. All or nothing is all you know; and you gave Me all of your heart. Nothing means more to you than Me; and Nothing means more to Me than you. Though Hell has tried to take everything from you, even the nearest and dearest, like Job you’ve allowed the stripping,affirming that I AM your First Love and you will have no other before Me. I have watched. I have kept meticulous records noting all of your loss and all of your pain, collecting all of your tears. My heart is touched by your uncompromising devotion to Me. You continually press in longing to know Me, desiring to know My heart.

Psalm 25:5 Lead me [!] in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long.

Brat Journal (in “SpIN” 05 Sept 2013 [!]): Gee, evil happens when good men do nothing.  Well, Lord, then You really must lead me [!], because I cannot and will not fall prey to more Hope Shish kabob when it is very clear and You have been exceedingly patient.  I know that You use what others plan for evil and turn it for Your Good.  On top of this, what really “gets” me is that Jews AND Muslims believe in Messiah Jesus.  And that’s what I’ve been saying all along, that Jesus is for EVERYONE, and the Christians are still silent and do NOTHING.

Psalm 25:6 Be mindful of your mercy, O LORD, and of your steadfast love, for they have been from of old.

Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20): Though persecution of the saints has been happening for centuries, the level of satanic warfare now being fought in the open across the earth has caused a seismic SHIFT in the heavens! I SEE THE LORD OF HOSTS NOW STANDING and calling all of heaven to attention for what is soon to take place. The demonic momentum of rebellion and wicked destruction has reached His ears and compelled Him to RISE UP and respond to the tyranny of evil hearts.

Deborah Perkins (1/20/2020): The next generation needs a faith that is portable and reproducible. Their love for social justice and missions drives them to create more “fluid” ministries than we have been used to in the past. They have not rejected God, but have avoided the old wineskins and ministry models founded on pride or selfish ambition. Jesus did the same. (See John 2:12-22 and John 4:21-23.)

Psalm 25:7 Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions; according to your steadfast love remember me, for your goodness’ sake, O LORD!

Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20): And people shall enter the caves of the rocks and the holes of the ground, from before the terror of the LORD, and from the splendor of His majesty, WHEN HE RISES to terrify the earth. (Isaiah 2:19)

RevelationMedia (21 Sept 20): The powers of evil may cause us to doubt, or tempt us to disobey God’s commands, but they do not have the power to keep us from the King’s path. Satan and his demons, do not have the ability to take away our faith.

Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20): I also hear that as we, His people, STAND WITH HIM in His righteous judgments, the agreement between heaven and earth will OVERTURN this demonic warfare! Not only must we stand individually, but we must stand corporately. The worship gatherings and national assemblies taking place across this nation carry collective spiritual authority to bring about the needed SHIFT ON THE EARTH. These gatherings are not mere symbols of unity, but a SIGNAL TO THE HEAVENS of our collective STAND for righteous judgments. Where our prayers have been collected in the bowls of heaven, our collective stand will TIP THE SCALES to heaven’s justice.

When Light Came In (23 Sept 20): Nobody gets to take our human rights in relationship. When they do so, it’s moved from relationship to abuse.

Rev. Dr. Ada Wong Nagata: Jesus’ questioning is helping us to look at ourselves in the mirror. By answering it, we have to be willing to take the path of love, to unblock our sight, and to un-silence our voices to speak up and out about injustice, with love and truth. Amen.

Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20): Arise, O LORD, in Your anger; Lift Yourself up because of the rage of my enemies; Rise up for me to the judgment You have commanded! So the congregation of the peoples shall surround You; For their sakes, therefore, return on high. (Psalms 7:6-7 NKJV)

Psalm 25:8 Good and upright is the LORD; therefore he instructs sinners in the way.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (24 Sept 20): Your good deed, your repentance, your primal cry from the depths of your soul, can penetrate the Gates of Heaven and elicit a reciprocal response from our One and Only Father in Heaven.

Deborah Perkins (22 Sept 20): “In the same way, those who want to experience My love must also experience their own brokenness. Kindness leads to repentance; brokenness leads to love. Those who desire to “live godly in Christ Jesus,” fulfilling My Kingdom command to “love one another deeply, from the heart,” will similarly have their hearts broken again: this time for others. 

Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20): Even as our hearts remain “seated” and secure in who we are as heirs of the Father, it is now time to STAND with the Captain of the Hosts and contend for the Kingdom! Heaven’s armies are at the ready and looking for the agreement between heaven and earth to enact the commands from the throne. Our collective worship and adoration of the true King far outweigh hell’s screams. Our tormentors may seek satisfaction in our pain, but our gaze toward the throne will open heaven and the glory of the Lord WILL be seen!

Psalm 25:9 He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.

When Light Came In (24 Sept 20): Your scars tell your story, but they don’t dictate who you are.

Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20): In Revelation 5:6-7 John “…saw a Lamb standing.” The Lamb of God had risen from His seat to take the scrolls from His Father’s hand to initiate heaven’s judgments against the devil and his dark forces. Isaiah the prophet spoke of the Lord standing when He judges nations (see Isaiah 3:13) and rising from His seat to bring destruction on His enemies.

Deborah Perkins (1/20/2020): The very first revelation we have of God is as a CREATOR, His Spirit working with him to birth new things from Genesis to Jesus to the New Jerusalem. When the gift of creativity is redeemed and transformed with Christ as its cornerstone, it becomes a powerful vehicle for FREEDOM on the earth!


[1] Rev. Dr. Ada Wong Nagata:

[2] Wanda Alger (24 Sept 20):

[3] Lana Vawser (23 Sept 20):

[4] Deborah Perkins (1/20/2020):

[5] Rick Joyner (22 Sept 20):

[6] Liz Wright (21 Sept 20):

[7] Deborah Perkins (22 Sept 20):

By Stages 23 Sept 20

23 Sep

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

[8 pages of dialogue anchored in Exodus 17:1-7 from the lectionary readings for 17 Pentecost on 27 Sept 20]

Cheryl Amabile (20 Sept 20): In light of the present crisis in the nation, we felt it was important to retrace the key revelations and assignments of our prophetic storyline that have led us to today.[1]

Diane Lake (18 Sept 20): Rosh Hashanah also traditionally deals with divine remembrance, with several books being opened by God on this day—one being the Book of Remembrance (see Malachi 3:16). It also ties in with the judgment and rewarding of Believers. The Day of Remembrance was and is a day for Israel to remember God, who He is, and all that He does; and in reciprocity God remembers His people.[2]

Pastor Steve Dittmar (22 Sept 20): We are in the ten days of Awe, also called the ten days of repentance. These days are for reflection, repentance, and ultimately returning to the path God has given us to walk. Life comes fast and demands action. Continually making decisions and carrying out commitments, we can run into ourselves. Taking this week to quiet ourselves is like intermittent fasting for the soul and spirit. We can take time to heal, to reflect on our lives, on our decisions, and on the actions we have taken.[3]

Exodus 17:1 From the wilderness of Sin the whole congregation of the Israelites journeyed by stages [!], as the LORD commanded. They camped at Rephidim [!], but there was no water for the people to drink.

Rena S. Goldzweig: Whenever the Jews are punished for sins [!] between man and God, they are also punished for the sin of worshipping the Golden Calf. When punished for sins between man and his fellow-man, they are also punished for the sin of the sale of Joseph.[4]

The Names Dictionary: Rephidim [!] means beds; places of rest[5]

Brat: Sophia and Alex have two toddlers and they just got them new toddler beds.  Nobody is getting much rest, but maybe that’s the point at this juncture?  Their children (Adena and Eli) were prophetic before they were ever born.

Abarim Publications: Rephidim [!] – The verb רפד (rapad) means to spread or support. The noun רפידה (repida) describes an element of an elaborate royal chair.[6]

Wanda Alger (21 Sept 20): In worship during our final session of the Sword to Scepter conference this past weekend, one of the intercessors had a word concerning the vacant seat on the Supreme Court. She had a vision of the marble steps leading to the court covered in blood, representing the innocent blood spilt in this nation. She was instructed to clean off the steps and purify them.[7]

John 1:51 He then added, “Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on’ the Son of Man.”

Rabbi Yosef Marcus: [Angels are the spiritual antecedents of vegetation. Just as vegetation grows from small to large, so the angels grow in stature when they are engaged in the fulfillment of a Divine mission. (See Mi Chamocha 5629.)]

When Light Came In (19 Sept 20): Good intentions don’t make bad actions okay.

Monday, September 21, 2020 at 8:48 am (Private) Journal: I went to my email inbox and saw that did a mocking Arc Speak to “Renegotiate,” where Anna Blake had talked about how the tomato does the best ground tie (which I thought was really funny) and I tied that into the vineyard.  With laborers in the vineyard complaining about their wages, I thought it was appropriate and a great way to keep the conversation moving.  UCC’s arc speak today is to longing for cucumbers. (Nu 11:5) The Israelites are two years into the wilderness and away from Egypt.  They have manna from heaven to keep them alive, but Egypt and slavery were the only home they knew for generations.  Cucumbers need time to grow.  They’d have to settle down to grow them, but they’re wandering in the wilderness.  They want a taste of home.

Kaji Douša (23 Sept 20): Is there an equal understanding of commitment?

When Light Came In (19 Sept 20): When a toxic person says it, we don’t believe. And we don’t even give it consideration, because their “I didn’t mean it” is an escape attempt. It’s along the lines of that rude comment or that lie being dismissed as “just a joke.”

Brat: This isn’t just another “Veggie Tales” episode.

Kaji Douša (23 Sept 20): Is each person in a position to fully consent? Do they?

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance: Rephidim; Plural of the masculine of the same as rphiydah; ballusters [!]; Rephidim [!], a place in the Desert — Rephidim.[8]

Balusters [!] = staircase, railing

Genesis 28:12 He had a dream in which he saw a stairway [!] resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.

Led Zeppelin: “Stairway to Heaven” []

Brat: Have you taken the time to sit with those lyrics lately?  They’ll take your breath away in their prophetic timeliness.

Rabbi Yosef Marcus: [Apparently, deshe, which does not bear seed—i.e., does not have permanence—refers to the angels that revert to nothingness. Eisev, which bears seed—i.e., possesses permanence—refers to those angels that remain in existence. See Zohar ibid.])

Lana Vawser (02 August 2019): Daughters Of God, Your New Beginning Is Here[9]

Rev. Phil (20 Sept 20): For Such a Time as This: A Sermon[10]

Matthew Laney (22 Sept 20): Too often, we get that “sinking feeling,” scramble back into the boat and give up. That’s common in the journey toward anti-racism, being LGBTQIA advocates and allies, ending voter suppression, and other justice work. When we recognize how complex and intersectional and overwhelming it all is, how many things we have to untangle in ourselves and in the world, we might find ourselves backing off.

Brat prayer (in “Baruch” 21 Sept 20): Lord, what is it You said about how if something has lost its salt there is nothing you can do but throw it out?

Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

Brat (21 Sept 20): Dang, and that was said RIGHT AFTER the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount!!

And isn’t being trampled underfoot exactly what happened to Jezebel? (2 Kings 9:33)

This was also what You told Sophia this morning:


Brat (21 Sept 20): God, how do you sow nothing from nothing?  How do you reap nothing out of nothing?  Only YOU are the creator.  We are the created.

Rabbi Yosef Marcus: The growth of wheat can be compared to the study of Mishna, which does not produce within its student the ability to create something new. The student gains much in degree, but cannot create new insight. This is the non-reproductive deshe, which is nourished by the light rain of si’eerim.

Brat (in “Baruch” 21 Sept 20): Baruch said that the one who blows the shofar doesn’t get the blessing but it is the one who hears the shofar that gets the mitzvot. 

Rabbi Yehudah Glick (22 Sept 20): Watch our official #Let_the_Shofar_Blow_on_Zion clip below and share it on your social media so it goes viral!

Kaji Douša (23 Sept 20): Is the relationship mutual, or are the benefits (and risks) one-sided?

Rev. Phil (20 Sept 20): So what is the labor that you can contribute, here and now? What is the work of your hands, the work of your heart, that you might offer in this perilous season? There is not one among us who cannot take part, no matter our age, health, or circumstances. 

Rick Joyner (22 Sept 20): In times such as these, as it has been well said, “To not speak is to speak. To do nothing is doing something.” There will be no neutrality in what is unfolding. If the enemy of the Republic is not clear to anyone it is likely because they do not have clarity about our Republic, our Constitution, our purpose as a nation, or understand what socialism is. If we do not understand what is going on we cannot just not worry about it, we must get that understanding.

Wanda Alger (21 Sept 20): We declare that this nation is under God and we LAY CLAIM to its courts and those who represent it! Being given the scepter from the throne, we hold the highest court of this nation to account! We declare that this seat only be held by one who will execute justice and righteousness for the honor of the King and the sake of His Kingdom. We nullify any other claims or rights to this seat which do not hold to the eternal laws and precepts already established through our covenant with the Lord God Almighty and the constitution of this nation.

Monday, September 21, 2020 at 7:48 am      (Private) Journal: I went to Facebook again just now and saw that all the other comments before and after mine had acknowledgements by Fr. Phil, (and he even got a repost of his sermon on the cathedral page by another man, yeah Phil, go buddy! — I bless you even if you can’t tell that I am!  God SENT me to you, dammit!, and HE cares about HIS Church), … but on my contribution for renegotiation there is a huge, glaring, and painful wound of SILENCE.  It’s a black hole, more HOLY VOID, the eternal abyss of NOTHING in the Something of the Great Avoidance.  In “Ascent: To “Die” in Israel” 14 Sept 20 I confronted the California wildfires and the red flags.  Fr. Phil had brought up the fires in California and the apocalypse. I had offered to negotiate.  It doesn’t have to stay this way.  But I got more SILENCE.  It is a punishing kind of silence.  It’s the same kind of punishing Silence I got from Fr. George and “The Loose Canon”.  It’s the kind of Scarlet Letter silence that will grind you down.  The circle of Pharisees doesn’t have to cast the first stone; they’ve already turned their collective backs to show their unified disapproval. In their denial they can say to themselves, we have gone and sinned no more….

Kaji Douša (23 Sept 20): Knowing how to recognize love is one of the most difficult lessons our faith can teach. Avoidance and control issues in church have clouded the lenses through which we might perceive love. So many of us want to know the will of God in the choices we make. We want the light for our path so that we can step rightly.

Brat (in “Baruch” 21 Sept 20): I guess God needs all different kinds of prophets.  Who listens to them?  It’s like the shofar; the one blowing doesn’t get the mitzvot.  It’s the one who hears that gets the blessing.

Exodus 17:2 The people quarreled with Moses, and said, “Give us water to drink.” Moses said to them, “Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the LORD?”

Brat prayer (in “Baruch” 21 Sept 20): Am I crying out for water in the wilderness where everything is dry?  Yes.  I am spiritually thirsty in a parched land.  I am also feeling like Moses when the people wanted to stone him, cuz they were so angry with him in their helpless fear.

Rev. Phil (20 Sept 20): I know it might feel like a lifetime ago in this ever-frantic news cycle, but just the other week my social media feeds were full of eerie, dark images from friends in the San Francisco Bay Area: a thick mantle of smoke from the voracious, deadly wildfires on the west coast had literally blocked out the sunlight. Office towers were illuminated at midday, and cars crept through the haze with headlights on, like ghosts floating through the thick, amber-tinted gloom that many described as “apocalyptic.”

Exodus 17:3 But the people thirsted there for water; and the people complained against Moses and said, “Why did you bring us out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and livestock with thirst?”

Kaji Douša (23 Sept 20): Are the people in the relationship in a position to take on the consequences of their union?

Brat prayer (in “Baruch” 21 Sept 20): I don’t know how God is going to turn this around.  To my outer woman it feels no different than always.  It feels like I’ve been forced into yet another box canyon.  To my inner woman, I feel/sense God’s hand on my soul.  He’s cauterized the wound to keep it from bleeding.  Prism Ministries said, “Forgiveness is the language of heaven.” (ref Matthew 6:14-16) But I add: Forgiveness is not reconciliation and without a conversation to renegotiate the divine contract, how do we proceed?

Rabbi Yosef Marcus: It is only Talmud study that “bears seed and fruit trees”–through the complex analysis of Talmud, the student is able to extract new insight, new rulings that were previously hidden. Such study is compared to the growth of the fruit from the seed; an entirely new being comes into existence. (More precisely, the seed contains the fruit in an extremely concealed form. Similarly, through the study of Talmud one extracts the utterly hidden insight [so hidden, that its revelation can be called the creation of a new being].)

Exodus 17:4 So Moses cried out to the LORD, “What shall I do with this people? They are almost ready to stone me.”

Kaji Douša (23 Sept 20): Does the relationship cause harm?

Brat prayer (in “Baruch” 21 Sept 20): I was writing earlier about how my Pharisees had not technically stoned me, but their turning their collective backs on me in the Great Shunning has been no different than having stoned me.  I’m trying to figure out how anyone can redeem this.  Lord, You are our Rock and our Redeemer.  What rock do I hit where living water could come out?  It can’t happen by man’s efforts (or my forcing), but man (and woman!) can watch to see what You are doing to redeem the times. 

Pastor Steve Dittmar (22 Sept 20): Jeremiah said, “O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps” (Jeremiah 10:23, NKJV). In Proverbs we read, “Every way of man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts” (Proverbs 21:2, NKJV).

Rabbi Yosef Marcus: To study Mishna is to study only what is written, like taking spring water from the surface. To study Talmud is to dig deeply in the ground and thereby extract water from the spring. In Talmud study, a new flow is brought forth from the source. [The spring is compared to chochma, which transcends bina (Tzemach Tzedek gloss).]

Exodus 17:5 The LORD said to Moses, “Go on ahead of the people, and take some of the elders of Israel with you; take in your hand the staff with which you struck the Nile, and go.

When Light Came In (21 Sept 20): I would imagine you have moments like that too. Maybe a lot. My friend, you are so very *not* alone.

Matthew Laney (22 Sept 20): Prayer
Holy One, I know you want more for me than safety and stability. When I sink, help me to give thanks and remember I am not alone.

Wanda Alger (21 Sept 20): The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the one whom all nations will honor. (Genesis 49:10 NLT)

Liz Wright (21 Sept 20): As Jesus drew my attention to this Scripture, He spoke to me and said, “Paul’s blood cries out. Many will now meet Me on their Damascus Road.”[11]

Exodus 17:6 I will be standing there in front of you on the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it, so that the people may drink.” Moses did so, in the sight of the elders of Israel.

Kaji Douša (23 Sept 20): Are the people in the relationship equals? Do they have equal access to power and vulnerability?

Wanda Alger (21 Sept 20): As we occupy this seat in the spirit, we refuse any demand, edict, threat, or ruling that seeks to evict us from this seat that has ALREADY been secured by heaven’s court. We declare blessing, favor, and honor on the one whom the King has chosen to sit in this seat and ask for the angelic host to be stationed about them to protect them, defend their honor, and establish their steps in taking this seat. We also declare that no injunction, restriction, or limitation will hold back heaven’s appointee, and those who seek to obstruct the scepter of the righteous will have to answer to heaven’s highest court.

Rabbi Yehudah Glick (22 Sept 20): With blessings from Jerusalem that you will be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life

Diane Lake (18 Sept 20): It is also on this day that the Book of Life is opened, at which time God holds a trial. Hence, it is called The Day of Judgment, because it was known as a time when a heavenly court sits to review each person’s life. Obviously, repentance then becomes extremely important in association with this feast.

When Light Came In (19 Sept 20): When healthy people unwittingly hurt us and say they didn’t mean it, we believe them. We believe because their track record is that of a decent human being. A person with empathy and a desire for our good. Just as we have for them.

Charlie Shamp: As I was praying today I heard the Lord say, “Tell my people that every garment of shame that has been placed upon them will be burned by fire. Every circumstance that has caused sleeplessness and worry will be consumed by my presence. I am coming to comfort them on every side. I am delivering greater measures of my goodness to them and their steps are being graced with fatness. Those that conspired to destroy them will be seen no more for I have placed a hedge of favor around them that their enemy can not penetrate. To the storm raging in their minds over the situations they are facing speak, peace be still!”

Brat journal (in “Baruch” 21 Sept 20): I woke up several times during the night last night.  My sacred inner spirit could feel the VOID even though my eyes had not yet confirmed the truth of the shunning.  What a gift Baruch gave me, though, in my meeting him and his blowing the shofar.  Each time I woke up and felt the VOID pulling me down in its gravitational pull, I also remembered Baruch.  I would write him a letter in my heart and our conversation continued, even if it was just imaginary.  The letter grew page after page upon each flip and turn and pounding on my pillow.  I thought of the hole in the tree in the park.  Baruch said that if we speak our hearts to that hole, the tree will carry the prayers out the leaves and up into heaven.  Just the imaginary thought of keeping the conversation going was enough to keep hope alive, when it was on the brink of extinction. 

Pastor Steve Dittmar (22 Sept 20): It is not religion. It is returning. Just as the way of man is not in himself, and every way of man is right in his own eyes, we are vulnerable to the deception of sin. Sin is to miss the mark. None of us would assert that every time we hit the ball, every shot we made a basket, and every putt, we put the ball in the hole on the golf course. Of course not. Sin is missing the mark of His glory. Returning is the path.  Repentance is being able to see where we missed it.

Matthew Laney (22 Sept 20): Barbara Brown Taylor writes of this moment: “What if Peter had not sunk? What if he jumped out of the boat with perfect confidence, landed with both feet flat on the water and smiled across the waves at Jesus? What if the other disciples had followed suit, piling out of the boat after him? It would be a different story. It might even be a better story, but it would not be a story about us” (The Seeds of Heaven).

Liz Wright (21 Sept 20): We are on such holy ground, as together we respond to Jesus’ invitation to pray and call forth the seed of Paul. This is Paul’s harvest! He is ready to pass his baton and his cloak to many. He’s there, ready to release them as Jesus visits each one.

Brat (21 Sept 20): So, God, when I pray and ask You to bless Baruch abundantly and extravagantly, I mean it from the depths of my heart, because he saved my life last night.  He probably will never know that he did, but I ask You to bless him and Chabad, too.  I don’t have a tribe to love on and lean on, but they do.  They should live on.  The hope and Messiah should be passed on to them.

RevelationMedia (22 Sept 20): “God will judge us not according to how much we endured, but how much we could love.” ― Richard Wurmbrand

Rev. Phil (20 Sept 20): Brothers and sisters, there is no one else on earth that can do the thing you were created to do. There is no one else that can contribute what you were born to contribute.

Wanda Alger (21 Sept 20): We declare that this nation’s courts are under the jurisdiction of heaven and the authority of the King. The laws of this land WILL reflect the holiness of God, the purity of His justice, and the integrity of His crown. For the sake of the King and the honor of His throne – Amen!

Rabbi Yehudah Glick (22 Sept 20): Tape yourself blowing a shofar with a sign that says:
and the city/state/country that you are from.
Please send the clip to:

Rabbi Yosef Marcus (Chabad of San Mateo, California, USA): The second type of growth is like the growth of fruit trees. In this case, the seed that is planted in the ground cannot at all be compared to the fruits it yields. The fruit is literally a new being.

Kaji Douša (23 Sept 20): Does the relationship bear fruit beyond individual pursuits?

Brat to Rabbi Yosef Muchnik (Chabad of Camarillo, CA, 21 Sept 20): I am a grateful Christian who attended Baruch’s shofar blowing in the park yesterday.  His presentation deeply touched me and I was wondering if you would pass along to him a heartfelt thank you from me.  He said that the one blowing the shofar doesn’t get the mitzvot, but the one who hears.  It came full circle yesterday, as I was the one who got to hear and was blessed in the sharing. It occurred to me today that it is the same with the prophets.  The prophet doesn’t get the blessing but the one who hears.  I heard and offer a humble thank you.

Exodus 17:7 He called the place Massah and Meribah, because the Israelites quarreled and tested the LORD, saying, “Is the LORD among us or not?”

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (16 Sept 20): “It could be that he was just telling stories, but the legend of the shofar goes back to the Second Temple,” Dr. Shmaryahu noted. “When the Messiah comes, we will know what is true. For the time being, this shofar is waiting.”[12]

When Light Came In (19 Sept 20): We deserve people whose good intentions show in their honesty and loving action.


[1] Cheryl Amabile (20 Sept 20):

[2] Diane Lake (18 Sept 20):

[3] Pastor Steve Dittmar (22 Sept 20): Secret Place – The Return; Vol. 16 – Issue 41 – 9/22/20

[4] Rena S. Goldzweig:

[5] The Names Dictionary:

[6] Abarim Publications:

[7] Wanda Alger (21 Sept 20):


[9] Lana Vawser (02 August 2019):

[10] Rev. Phil (20 Sept 20):

[11] Liz Wright (21 Sept 20):

[12] Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (16 Sept 20):

Renegotiate 19 Sept 20

20 Sep

Rosh Hashanah, Saturday, September 19, 2020

[11 pages of dialogue anchored in Matthew 20:1-16 from the lectionary readings for 16 Pentecost on 20 Sept 20]

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): It’s hours past midnight, and I’m sitting here with tears streaming down my face. My devotion is days overdue, and I don’t know how to get inspired enough to write something that could inspire you. I feel overcome with negativity, exhausted, and simply wiped out.

Nate Johnston (19 Sept 20): I woke up early this morning feeling [the need] to pray for people. Especially for people whose hearts are heavy or tired… praying for refreshing for those who have been feeling soul-fatigued. This year has been exhausting in so many ways that hearts have struggled to catch up.

When Light Came In (16 Sept 20): It’s amazing how little credit we give ourselves until we hear ourselves talking.

Matthew 20:1 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (17 Sept 20): However, in order to fully meet the urgent needs of the multitudes worldwide who flock to for meaning, fulfillment and timeless wisdom, especially during these very trying times, it is imperative that we secure funding to hire new staff members!

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): And I have to trust that God remembers that promise – to be with me, always. When I’m lonelier than I’ve ever been, God sees me. When my grief feels as if it’s going to swallow my spirit whole, God has not abandoned me.

Brat (in “Ascent: To “Die” in Israel” 14 Sept 20): …Then makes sure to turn our collective story to their own advantage every day (even though I don’t publicly post every day… hmmm…, but they make sure to stoke the fires…).  Secret messages and tests?  No more manipulation?  More hmmm… The connections are like chariot spokes on a wheel.  They are not that difficult to spot. Maybe especially because I’m treated like I don’t exist.

Rick Joyner (15 Sept 20): Because war is the ultimate human crisis, once in the conflict, the goal often gets reduced to just ending it because war is so terrible. Peace is a noble goal, except when it comes at the price of compromising our values and our purpose, or to try to appease those who cannot ever be appeased. Then it is a dishonor, disgrace, and betrayal of the stewardship we have been entrusted with. [1]

Vince Amlin (18 Sept 20): The day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar … and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? – 2 Peter 3:10-11 (NIV)

Sean Feucht (17 Sept 20): No sound system – NO PROBLEM! Over 500k live-streamed the revival that took over the streets of Southside Chicago last night!!! The police came to shut us down and ended up staying for ministry at the end! Salvations, baptisms in the bed of a truck, miracles and a Jesus March through the street!! It was BY FAR our fav night yet!

Wanda Alger (17 Sept 20): In a dream a few nights ago, I was approached by a seducing spirit. But, it was not coming through some rebel on the street – it was coming through a pastor. As he stood beside me and looked me in the eyes I felt the pull as he was giving me his undivided attention and admiration. He then said, “Just say it! You know you want to.” [2]

Rick Joyner (15 Sept 20): Appeasement has never worked to contain aggressors. Aggressors always come in the same bully spirit, and you can never appease a bully spirit. A bully will never be satisfied. The only way to defeat a bully spirit is to stand up to it. Many of America’s state and local leaders who are under assault from this bully aggression now are trying to appease it, and in just weeks it has multiplied its demands. Where will it stop? It won’t until our leaders stand up to it, but the cost has already grown exponentially.

Anna Blake (18 Sept 20): Stop. It was never meant to be a training problem. It was always a conversation. He said, with crystal clarity, that pulling on the reins hurt his mouth. Or if you ride bitless, he said the pressure on his nose was confining. Or he lost confidence, not feeling safe in the environment. It could be anything, but he is responding to stimuli and he hasn’t panicked yet. Good boy for speaking up and giving the rider a chance to help. Yes, I just praised the gelding for tossing his head. He’s asking for help, nothing more diabolical than that. Who was it that needed to work with a trainer?[3]

Johnny Enlow (17 Sept 20): I am telling you, the women are carrying the day in the Body of Christ right now. I have been so impressed with how in tune they are with what is really going on in the natural and spiritual realm—even while many men in leadership are scratching their heads and still trying to “figure it out.” Discernment will trump over “figuring it out” on any day of the week… and yes, I am aware of how that word “trump” just came into play.

Jennifer Martin (14 Sept 20): Today, history has been made! I met one of the dark horses of God. In the last 20 years, no stranger has ever tried to tell me about Jesus. Can you believe that? Something is wrong with that picture. But that all changed a moment ago, when I was sitting and having coffee, while writing my next prophetic book. Danyel walks up and so sweetly asked if I knew Jesus and could she pray for me about anything. I about came unglued and jumped to the ceiling! Could this be happening right now? She probably thought I was a little too excited, but I explained to her what this meant for me. I’ve been waiting for this day! She prayed for me and my writing. It was so glorious to be on the receiving end for a change. We end up talking about many things and it was good. And it was God! Thank you Lord for this amazing moment forever written in eternity.

Matthew 20:2 After agreeing with the laborers for the usual daily wage, he sent them into his vineyard.

Anna Blake (18 Sept 20): As a trainer who’s heard plenty about what horrible or saintly people trainers are, can I ask a question? Are you a tomato? Is your horse? It’s a serious question. We get so focused on fixing horses, prioritizing training as the ultimate solution to solve problems. Training is the holy grail for tomatoes, that’s for sure. Nobody does a ground tie like a tomato.

Johnny Enlow (17 Sept 20): On the day before the Kentucky Derby and at the same Churchill Downs, a yearly race called the Kentucky Oaks is run. It is a race for fillies. Saturday that race was won by a horse named Shedaresthedevil. Yep, that’s her actual name. She, too, was a long shot and the report was that she “vastly outperformed expectations and prevailed in convincing fashion.” In fact, she clocked the fastest run in Kentucky Oaks’ history! That’s a super quick filly.[4]

Rick Joyner (15 Sept 20): The costliest war of all time, World War II, was caused by the delusion of weak leaders that they could appease the aggressive, bully spirit rising in their time. It was estimated that Hitler could have been stopped in 1938 by the Czech Republic alone, at the cost of between ten thousand and twenty thousand casualties. This number horrified the squeamish leaders of Britain and France at the time, so they decided to give the Czech Republic to Hitler thinking that would appease him. It did not work, as it never will with such aggressors, and two years later the war came anyway. In that two years, the Nazis had grown much stronger, and the cost of stopping him went to tens of millions of lives lost. 

Johnny Enlow (18 Sept 20): So ANTIFA, Marxism, Communism, Nazism and general evil may not go away quietly and perhaps are still going to fight back. Well, praise the Lord anyway! As a song I learned back as a kid said— Hallelujah Anyhow! It was a song about “never let the devil get you down” and when life’s challenges come in “Just lift your head up high and sing, Hallelujah Anyhow!” I think now that it was a more powerful song than I realized. Arm yourself now with “Hallelujah Anyhow” and you can stay above the dread-line all through the end of 2020— come what may.

Vince Amlin (18 Sept 20): What if this were the end? Who would I be today – to my coworkers, to my family, to myself – if I knew the song were coming to a close? What would I be sure to say or not say, to do or to leave undone?

RevelationMedia (19 Sept 20): School is back in session, and kids are learning about all kinds of new things. The emphasis in many schools this year will be implications of the presidential election, and advocacy for social change. These kinds of lessons may or may not align with a Biblical worldview. Our children and/or grandchildren are being exposed to present-day characters and characters from history that may teach or advocate for things contrary to the faith.

Wanda Alger (17 Sept 20): The Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared. (1 Timothy 4:1-2 ESV)

Helen Calder (18 Sept 20): With a greater anointing, comes a season of adjustment.
You are on a learning curve.

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): This world has gotten colder and human relationship more fragmented.

Wanda Alger (17 Sept 20): This prophetic dream exposes those church leaders who are being influenced by seducing spirits and leading their flocks into bondage. They may sound spiritual and pious, but they are seeking a reputation among men instead of laying down their lives for the gospel. In hopes of gaining an audience, they are taking up social issues instead of taking up their cross. In hopes of becoming saviors to the disenfranchised, they are supporting the riots instead of praying for deliverance. These counterfeit champions may appeal to our flesh, but they are destroying our faith. For those who are being drawn into this trap, it’s time to recognize the demonic source and refuse to give it our attention and devotion.

Jennifer Martin (17 Sept 20): Prophetic Word Year 5781: The Ox’s Axe is coming to chop your muzzle off!

Nate Johnston (19 Sept 20): I’m praying for refreshing over you. I’m praying for the oil of healing to pour over the minds of those who have been anxious. For those who have been treading water and beginning to lose hope. For those who have lost sight of what the future holds.

Helen Calder (18 Sept 20): It takes courage to pray, “Keep Coming Holy Spirit” when His anointing on our lives attracts persecution.
Intimidation. [5]

Johnny Enlow (18 Sept 20): We enjoyed God and life right in the midst of riots, fires, mayhem, hurricanes, pandemia, wildfires, lies and more lies from mainstream media, being censored on social media, fear porn everywhere, and that not even getting into the personal challenges and contradictions each of you had. We found out things don’t have to be all perfect in order to have peace and joy and hope and love and presence within. What a most valuable life lesson. …

Matthew 20:3 When he went out about nine o’clock, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace;

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): I don’t know if I’m supposed to break the “fourth wall” of writing devotions. But I’m going to do it anyway.

Johnny Enlow (18 Sept 20): HALLELUJAH ANYHOW!

Nate Johnston (18 Sept 20): I Decree & Prophesy Over You A Family Reset!

Brian and Candice Simmons (19 Sept 20): Our whirlwind romance began at a Bible study group and led us to our wedding day. We were convinced we could serve our King better together than apart. Missions would be our passion, our pursuit. Jesus wanted all of us, and we said yes to Him and yes to each other. [6]

Matthew 20:4 and he said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ So they went.

Anna Blake (18 Sept 20): Should we be able to alter our instincts? Sure, here is an experiment to try. Put your hands in your pockets and do a face plant. If you are worried about your nose, then fall backward or sideways, but your goal is to land like a tomato. Tomatoes aren’t burdened with instinct.

Helen Calder (18 Sept 20): When we have little opportunity to release the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon our lives, that very anointing can become a trial to us.

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): I don’t know where to place this pain, this anger, and this sadness.

Wanda Alger (17 Sept 20): This is a warning to those who feel victimized, oppressed, or disenfranchised. Be careful what you give your allegiance to and where you put your focus. Your quest for justice is opening the door to seducing spirits…

Nate Johnston (18 Sept 20): For the lonely and isolated (well that’s kinda everyone right now) He is surrounding you with real family. Not a club, but a group of people who will champion you. 

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): It can just be too much. It is too much.

Matthew 20:5 When he went out again about noon and about three o’clock, he did the same.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (17 Sept 20): In our personal lives, an unprecedented range of possibilities open up for us, and we are able to achieve things we couldn’t—or wouldn’t, or just didn’t—before.

Helen Calder (18 Sept 20): It is the nature of a river to flow. It is the nature of a gift to be given.

But at times we say, “How?” “Where?”

Matthew 20:6 And about five o’clock he went out and found others standing around; and he said to them, ‘Why are you standing here idle all day?’

Elijah Streams: Steve Shultz interviewed Rabbi Curt Landry LIVE on September 17, 2020. Rabbi Curt shared powerful insights about the new year, 5781, how to prepare for Rosh Hashanah, the upcoming elections, the lukewarm Church, and much more!

Prism Ministries (19 Sept 20): A lot of the time we wonder how following God will turn out. We wonder why we should live by Christian principles, or why God told Adam and Eve not to eat the apple. “Why not?” we wonder. “What’s so bad about ‘A’ or ‘B’? we might ask. [7]

Nate Johnston (18 Sept 20): He is cutting off and severing ties you had to unequally yoked people and those you aren’t meant to be in relationship with. 

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): Lately, I’ve been on empty quite often.

Verse of the Day (19 Sept 20): Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Anna Blake (18 Sept 20): The rider could take a hint, the rider could choose to hold neutral thoughts. No judgment, just ears. Here is the real question to ask: What if the gelding isn’t wrong? What if we trust his intelligence, even if he’s saying something we don’t want to hear? And then, what if we were a good sport about it? That would be a conversation with a resolution in sight, with both you and your horse’s instinct in a ready position. Right as they should be.

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): I am part of that promise.

Brian and Candice Simmons (19 Sept 20): God Delights in Making Weak Ones Strong

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): When I’m not crying, my body is wrought with tension, bearing the load of a world with little justice for the vulnerable and few rules for the powerful.

Helen Calder (18 Sept 20): I believe God is stirring His people, in situations where they have felt vulnerable, or have experienced setbacks.
And He is releasing courage to pray, “Keep coming Holy Spirit!”

Nate Johnston (18 Sept 20): RECOMPENSE & JUSTICE! The enemy is going to pay for what He has done to you and your family line.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (17 Sept 20): A Call to Action

Prism Ministries (19 Sept 20): Obedience Leads to Life

Matthew 20:7 They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard.’

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (17 Sept 20): We are granted entirely new energies and opportunities to deepen our relationship with G‑d; to practice and connect in ways we might have heretofore considered too difficult, or even out of reach. And we are buoyed and fortified with new strength to handle the challenges presented to us and our families.

Nate Johnston (18 Sept 20): PROVISION is coming! Yes financial breakthrough that comes as a fruit of deep heart repentance and turnaround is here.

Vince Amlin (18 Sept 20): Lincoln’s interest is not so much in the pause itself, but the way we feel when the song goes on. Having been fooled by the false ending, we listen more closely and more appreciatively knowing the next one could be real.

RevelationMedia (19 Sept 20): The lessons that they learn, while they may be good things, can also miss the important truths that God shows us through His people. Real men and women have accomplished heroic acts in the face of unimaginable circumstances for their faith. We like to call these people Torchlighters. These are heroes that will inspire the next generation in their faith, and prepare them for a lifetime of walking with Christ in our increasingly post-Christian culture.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (17 Sept 20): Though we cannot physically see this profound renewal, its effects are real:

Rabbi Shaul Yosef Leiter (18 Sept 20): We ask for our physical needs, but the essence of our prayer is an outpouring of the soul. Just as Hannah was answered on Rosh Hashanah that she would be blessed with a child, so should G-d fulfill all of our requests for a good and sweet year.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (17 Sept 20): Whether joining (safe!) communal services, or sheltering at home, our heartfelt prayers (including about the invisible pathogen wreaking havoc on our world…) will supersede the confines of our individual spaces and unite in supplication before the Heavenly Throne.

Brian and Candice Simmons (19 Sept 20): Our personal belief is that everyone who comes to Christ has had someone praying for them. A mother, a friend—an intercessor somewhere—someone who has prayed you into the Kingdom. We certainly had those who prayed for us; a group of intercessors, in fact. They were elderly women who had stormed Heaven for the youth of our community to turn to God. We both also had intercessors praying for us personally. Candice’s aunt Mildred prayed her into the Kingdom. Brian had some former high school buddies who had all been praying for him to come to Christ. Their prayers were answered powerfully when Brian turned from darkness to Christ one Sunday morning. Jesus gripped his heart powerfully and captured him.

Prism Ministries (19 Sept 20): Once I was in prayer with a group of intercessors when I was 19 years old. One of them said, “You’re going to go to a school to learn about God.” I thought I was already learning so much about God, but I decided to try and follow God’s leading. So I began to look for schools to learn more about God.

RevelationMedia (19 Sept 20): So, when your kids and grandkids are done with school for the day, and they settle in to relax and turn on the screens, give them something to watch that will inspire them in their faith. Give them The Torchlighters. 

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): I know God remembers me. I know the God of my grandmother’s prayers is the God of my tearful prayers, and the God who promised to be with Abraham is the same God who continues to be with me.

Nate Johnston (18 Sept 20): He is healing friendships and reconciling damaged and wounded places of hearts.

When Light Came In (16 Sept 20): Sometimes you don’t realize how terrible someone treated you until you are explaining it to someone else.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (17 Sept 20): A new life-force—a spiritual energy never before revealed—emerges to sustain the world, elicited by the piercing call of the shofar and our submission to G‑d, along with our prayers and resolutions. Qualitatively, it is greater than the life-force of any previous year, and it causes the entire world to be renewed.

Johnny Enlow (18 Sept 20): May His face shine upon us as He blasts His trumpet over us today. Remember it is a feast and not a fast.[8]

Matthew 20:8 When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, ‘Call the laborers and give them their pay, beginning with the last and then going to the first.’

Brat to Johnny Enlow (18 Sept 20): I shared with the director of (Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin) this morning.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin: “…P.P.S. Extreme times call for extreme measures! Please contribute generously—perhaps even at a level previously inconceivable—to make this an unprecedented year of growth for our millions of users worldwide.”

Brat to Johnny Enlow (18 Sept 20): I saw the solicitation as an opportunity to share with him our dialogue and a prayer to renegotiate the divine contract.  That would have been previously inconceivable and unprecedented.

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): God remembers God’s covenant forever, the promise God made, for a thousand generations. – Psalm 105:8 (NIV)

Charisma (19 Sept 20): Change Your Words. Change Your Marriage.

Johnny Enlow (18 Sept 20): It all began with the song “The Blessing” sung by Kari Jobe and others. It is a song that came right at the start of the quarantine. It came together entirely from the Psalms with Psalm 67:1 being a highlight verse. “And cause His face to shine upon us”. It has gone around the world into multiple languages. It carries the heart of our God for us in the midst of a year of great challenge for the nations. There is a reason the line “on your family, and their children, and their children, and their children” was so powerful. This is what He is preparing us for and how He wants us moving forward. Embrace His new script!

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (17 Sept 20): And it is there that the Rosh Hashanah drama actually unfolds:

Brat to Johnny Enlow (18 Sept 20): This ties in with embracing the new script!

Johnny Enlow (18 Sept 20): Wow what incredible comments. Very moving.

When Light Came In (16 Sept 20): Have you experienced this? Not realizing your story until you start talking or resonating with others’? What situations help you verbalize the scope of what you’ve experienced?

Brat (18 Sept 20): Our redemption journal helps me process:

When Light Came In (16 Sept 20): Most of these moments happen for me when a friend at work, church or online opens up about pain they think nobody would ever understand, but I’ve lived it too. Sometimes I share a little with them to connect, empathize, let them know they are not alone. Often, it’s just an inner recognition as I hand them a kleenex, sit silently holding a hand, or give a hug of recognition.

Wanda Alger (17 Sept 20): I knew what he wanted me to say. He wanted me to tell him “I love you.” He was drawing from a deep need I had to feel recognized and cared for. I could also tell that he was in a weakened condition. My declaration of devotion to him was like a drug that strengthened and empowered his hold over me. Even though I knew it was wrong, the attention he gave and the sense of personal gratification I received was greater than my conscience. So, I said “I love you” and repeated it as if on cue. Eventually, this seducing spirit led me into a dark place where I only felt shame and remorse with no way out. Declaring my allegiance to him did not bring the freedom I hoped for. It merely put me in greater bondage and separated from the power of Christ. Upon waking, I knew this was a word for believers to recognize the seducing spirits among us and renounce their hold.

Nate Johnston (19 Sept 20): I’m praying for those who have encountered loss to be comforted and for a baptism of love for those who are dealing with shame or feeling far from him.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (17 Sept 20): For us at this includes, first and foremost, an ever greater commitment to you to create ever more compelling tools, content and services to help facilitate this inner growth. Our heroic editors, educators, developers and designers—already giving their all—will double down to provide yet more essential nourishment for people’s minds and hearts, and to effect inner peace and calm.

House of Destiny (19 Sept 20): Perfect Peace With Pastor Steve Cioccolanti

Nate Johnston (19 Sept 20): I’m praying for Gods wrap-around presence today to envelope you and for His peace to fill you.

Matthew 20:9 When those hired about five o’clock came, each of them received the usual daily wage.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (17 Sept 20): Ms. Hauser, in light of the fact that Rosh Hashanah begins on Shabbat this year—may the New Year open up unprecedented channels of Shabbat-like blessings of tranquility and spiritual growth for you and all yours; along with a Happy, Healthy and Sweet new year, for you and all of G-d’s children, amid a world healed and transformed!

RevelationMedia (19 Sept 20): What heroes are your kids learning about?

When Light Came In (16 Sept 20): These moments also happen when I read books about healing from abuse. Highlights paired with “that was my story” in the margins. Hundreds of margins full of notes that tell the story of decades of loss, decades of experience gained.

Matthew 20:10 Now when the first came, they thought they would receive more; but each of them also received the usual daily wage.

Brian and Candice Simmons (19 Sept 20): There is a strategy in these last days to leave us weak—weak in ourselves so we can be strong in the strength of Another. The great exchange takes place when we deposit our weakness in front of His Cross and ask for His divine strength.

Prism Ministries (19 Sept 20): We don’t need to be afraid of what God calls us to do. His way always leads to more life, and we will grow as a result of following Him.

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): But I’ve learned when life is too much and I don’t know what to do, I must lean into what I know.

Wanda Alger (17 Sept 20): This is a warning from heaven to stop following the seducing spirits among us. We must realize the power we give the enemy when we continually voice our pain. That devotion only serves the devil and will not bring about true justice. The pure message of the gospel is one of repentance, forgiveness, and freedom through the cross. The message of the Kingdom brings power and deliverance from any inequality and every scheme of the devil. This can only come by crucifying our flesh and laying down our need for revenge and payback. Let’s stop feeding the lies, find freedom through the cross, and give our devotion to the only One worthy of our worship.

Brat prayer (in “Ascent: To “Die” in Israel” 14 Sept 20): Most Holy God, please honor my prayer and accept this meditation and sharing with the webmaster in Israel as a sweet sacrifice of death to self and to the praise and glory that You deserve.

Matthew 20:11 And when they received it, they grumbled against the landowner,

Vince Amlin (18 Sept 20): If This Is Goodbye

When Light Came In (16 Sept 20): I suppose it’s a sign I’m still healing, that it takes someone else’s story to help me express and grasp my own. Maybe it’s how things are meant to be: we heal in relationship, just as we were hurt in relationship.

Vince Amlin (18 Sept 20): The early church talked a lot about The End. It was coming like a thief in the night. And that awareness freed them to live differently. They could be more generous, more peaceful, more patient, knowing that the music could stop at any moment.

Matthew 20:12 saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’

Wanda Alger (17 Sept 20): Our culture is screaming at you to voice your pain. If you have felt victimized, you are being told that justice will be only found by pouring out the wrongs you have suffered and the inequalities endured by the sins of others. Whether its racial discrimination, gender bias, financial disproportion, or some other personal disappointment, your constant declaration of injustice is supposed to, somehow, set you free. Instead, this misguided devotion to your pain is leading you into a trap. Any bitter offense against others and any need for validation has made you easy prey for seducing spirits. In focusing on your wounds and recounting the wrongs done, you are only feeding demons and nullifying the cross.

Matthew 20:13 But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): Remember Me

Rick Joyner (15 Sept 20): The crises now growing in our land are a serious threat to our continuing existence as a Republic, but they are also exactly what can wake us up to do what must be done to see our Republic fully restored to its Constitutional moorings. They are a chance to see and dispense with the enemies of our liberty that would impose their tyranny upon us. Now we just need to understand how to seize this opportunity.

Matthew 20:14 Take what belongs to you and go; I choose to give to this last the same as I give to you.

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): Prayer
In my loneliest hours of uncertainty, hear this simple prayer, O God: Remember me. Amen.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (17 Sept 20): On the global scale, the vitality of this new G‑dly life-force—propelled by our own personal efforts at improvement—shields and safeguards His people, all of humankind, and the entire world for the year to come.

Matthew 20:15 Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

Helen Calder (18 Sept 20): The Holy Spirit is Comforter—but He is not always comfortable.

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin (17 Sept 20): To accomplish this, and to help evoke G‑d’s all-new blessings to grant you and yours a sweet new year —we seek 10,000 partners to participate generously in our High Holiday Appeal, so we can immediately begin meeting these urgent needs!

Dutch Sheets: Appeal to Heaven

Brian and Candice Simmons (19 Sept 20): The surprise of the ages is that God delights in making weak ones strong. Let all the weak ones join us in this journey.

Johnny Enlow (18 Sept 20): We did it! We have arrived at our desired destination! We gazed at His face for 67 consecutive days as He asked us to and it was life-sustaining and life-changing. We focused on Him and surprise! — more of Him became flesh in us. Boy did He reward us! No more fear of fear! No more yielding to dread, anxiety, or worst-case scenarios. David modeled for us and gave us his “key” on how to be daily under duress while being daily in YESHUA. Jesus, Victory and Deliverance!

Marchaé Grair (19 Sept 20): I am part of a covenant that is unbreakable, even at my most broken.

Nate Johnston (19 Sept 20): Let this weekend be a weekend of encounter and healing in Jesus name…

Johnny Enlow (18 Sept 20): This has been a wonderful journey. You will still hear from me especially after the 10 days of Awe leading to Yom Kippur. We will see what new pastures He has for us all. I feel His love for all of you and I feel my own love for all of you:)

Matthew 20:16 So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”


[1] Rick Joyner (15 Sept 20):

[2] Wanda Alger (17 Sept 20):

[3] Anna Blake (18 Sept 20):

[4] Johnny Enlow (17 Sept 20):

[5] Helen Calder (18 Sept 20):

[6] Brian and Candice Simmons (19 Sept 20):

[7] Prism Ministries (19 Sept 20):

[8] Johnny Enlow (18 Sept 20):

Dew 16 Sept 20

17 Sep

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

[10 pages of dialogue anchored in Exodus 16:2-15 from the lectionary readings for 16 Pentecost on 20 Sept 20]

From RevelationMedia (15 Sept 20): Count Others More Significant Than Yourselves (15 Sept 20): Years from now, when we reflect on our conduct during this historic time, let’s always be proud that, despite our challenges to do so, we stretched ourselves to help others!

Lana Vawser (15 Sept 20): Something else struck me greatly in this encounter. It was the purity of their hearts. They were not attempting to intercede and pray loudly to “be seen”. Their most favourite place was the hidden place with Him. It was the place where they truly encounter Him and they have no desire to “be seen” or “strive for something more” or parade intel or revelation they are receiving from the Lord, they are truly content in the place of friendship with God in the secret place.[1]

From RevelationMedia (15 Sept 20): This is an unattended AUTO RESPONDER to your email to REVELATION MEDIA.

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): I retreat to the hotel room and contemplate it all with a spoon and an open jar of peanut butter. I am caught in between residences; my lease ended before my next home is available. Anything not in storage is in my car. Every day in the hotel feels like a week. I’ve survived far worse, but this disruption is currently on the receiving end of all my stress.

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): Belittling: “If you’re overwhelmed, that’s because you’re unstable and crazy, like I’ve said so many times.”

Candace Roberts: Don’t give up and don’t believe the lies.

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): Maybe pacing and moaning are the best prayers your uncomforted spirit can offer right now.

Rev. Charles Hoffacker: God provides. God provides.

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): And to them, this totally makes sense:

Ruth Hendrickson (16 Sept 20): “Do not despise what I have placed in your hands. A simple stone, empowered by the Holy Spirit, can kill the giant. A timely word, empowered by Me, can save a nation.”[2]

Prism Ministries (16 Sept 20): We live in a culture today where our idols define us. We may call ourselves a Christian nation, but more than that, we love the freedoms that we have because of it. There is nothing wrong with living a free life, but without God in it, or at the center of it, our lives will be lacking something immeasurably important.[3]

Exodus 16:2 The whole congregation of the Israelites complained against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness.

RevelationMedia in “Pilgrim’s Progress” (14 Sept 20): “Run!” Shouted Evangelist, “The well-intentioned may not know what’s best at all!” His warning seemed strange, but Christian listened to Evangelist’s advice and began running down the straight path. All of a sudden, two friends from The City of Destruction, Obstinate and Pliable, arrive on the scene. Obstinate tackles Christian to the ground, begging him to go back home. The comfort and security of the familiar city was much more important to Obstinate than anything that could be promised to be at the end of The King’s path. 

Candace Roberts: Many have been struggling lately feeling like they can’t go on.

Exodus 16:3 The Israelites said to them, “If only we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the fleshpots and ate our fill of bread; for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.”

Jewish Press (16 Sept 20): The #1 side effect of COVID-19 – HUNGER!

Joe Joe Dawson (in “Ascent: To “Die” in Israel” 14 Sept 20): The hungry [!] will be filled and fed in this hour. Those that have oil will begin to separate themselves from those who do not. If you are hungry, and you are connected to a dry place, find a community of believers who can feed you! Don’t be afraid to let your hunger push you past the status quo and into a new alignment. The hungry will find like-minded people to run with in this season. Ministries that have fresh oil will attract spiritually hungry people. In this season, realignments will come and the new oil will begin to flow. Those that have been hungry for the real, authentic and raw things of God will experience encounters and outpouring from the Spirit of God like never before.

When Light Came In (10 Sept 20): Getting into the moment in our bodies keeps us alert instead of overwhelmed. It helps us focus on one thing at a time, instead of all the flags seeming to blur together.

Ruth Hendrickson (16 Sept 20): We can only truly see what we carry when we look through a different lens.

Exodus 16:4 Then the LORD said to Moses, “I am going to rain bread from heaven for you, and each day the people shall go out and gather enough for that day. In that way I will test them, whether they will follow my instruction or not.

Rabbi Simon Jacobson (15 Sept 20): As we enter the new year, which introduces a unique and unprecedented energy, we are committing ourselves to doing everything within our power to create a “new normal” that brings on a global revolution of consciousness. 

Candace Roberts: To the Mom, wife, father whoever you may be who woke up so exhausted you cried at the kitchen sink asking God to give you strength.

Archbishop of Canterbury (16 Sept 20): The new normal of living with Covid-19 will only be sustainable – or even endurable – if we challenge our addiction to centralisation and go back to an age-old principle: only do centrally what must be done centrally.

Ruth Hendrickson (16 Sept 20): God has many of His warriors hidden in the pasture, honing their skills for battle. However, many have become comfortable in the pasture lands and have refused to come out onto the battlefield. The God of Heaven’s Armies is asking, “Who is going to join Me in the battle for the nations?”

Exodus 16:5 On the sixth day, when they prepare what they bring in, it will be twice as much as they gather on other days.”

Rabbi Simon Jacobson: The mystics write that as the sun sets before Rosh Hashanah, the universe goes into a comatose state. A slumber descends on all existence; everything comes to a stand-still in cosmic silence, in apprehension of its contract being renewed.

Candace Roberts: There’s a tired that comes from no sleep. From caring for children in the night.

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): At night, distress rides my shoulders like a demon and I complain to God as I fall asleep.

Exodus 16:6 So Moses and Aaron said to all the Israelites, “In the evening you shall know that it was the LORD who brought you out of the land of Egypt,

Rev. Charles Hoffacker: The people of Israel have participated in the stupendous exodus by which God took them away from the false economy, the slave society, known as Egypt; despite all odds, they have escaped from the control of the Pharaoh administration.[4]

Archbishop of Canterbury (16 Sept 20): So here’s a challenge from the Bishop of London and me for the next phase of this complex and painful time: let’s place our trust in the local, and make sure it is resourced, trained, informed and empowered.

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): Maybe your vexation isn’t housing purgatory. Maybe your disruption is the addition of online-at-home school, or the grief of losing hugs and get-togethers.

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): Distance Learning: Division of Labor with a Toxic Ex


Buy devices, headphones, school supplies.  Keep up with daily changes to school plan due to COVID.  Register kids online, update vaccines at pediatrician’s office, pick up texts and materials on campus.  Buy the rest of the materials school doesn’t provide.  Make adjustments when wrong classes listed for one of the kids.  Update IEP to match new learning model.  Troubleshoot internet or zoom issues each day.  Wake, feed, prep kids for the day.  Get them started, each at different times based on campus schedules.  Refill printer paper.  Keep ink stocked.  Sit with special ed child as teacher’s aid all day.  Field and respond to over 40 emails a day from school and district office.  Make lunch.  Keep the dog out of their hair.  Reteach concepts they didn’t understand.  Keep them on task for six hours.  Deal with daily changes based on covid developments.  Keep the fridge Stocked.  Prep dinner.  Keep them on task until assignments done.  Get up tomorrow and repeat.


Immediately send email when attendance marks one absent (due to zoom mishap), to “document” your mistake, and let you know they’re watching.

Sermons That Work (16 Sept 20): BLESS – Join us in witnessing for justice (sponsored)

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): Intimidation and power: “Yes, I am watching you, looking for a way to make you look irresponsible. I’m documenting it, even if it’s not something you can control. And I’ll bring it up in court.”

Archbishop of Canterbury (16 Sept 20): It’s a challenge for government, and one we accept in @churchofengland. Where some have felt we’ve made too many decisions from the centre, we recommit to empowering clergy and parishes, which are and have always been the foundation of the Church.

Brat: A prophet is not welcome in her own hometown. (Luke 4:24)

Lana Vawser (15 Sept 20): The divine wisdom and intel that He is releasing, will be SOME of the keys that the Lord will give you that will bring an unprecedented unlocking and move of His Spirit in your midst and your positioning in what God is doing and wanting to do in your nation.

Ruth Hendrickson (16 Sept 20): I hear the Lord saying, “I am stirring up creative ideas within you to prepare the way to release words with power to free nations. However, you have to show up to the battle and use what I have placed in your hands.”

Marc Kerslake: How about starting with a reform of the Faculty System which strangles creativity in small churches> Small congregations with limited energy and cash who have had any experience of it can be tempted to just give up trying to make their buildings fit for purpose. It is the ‘elephant in the corner of the room’, speak to almost any priest or PCC member and they will share their experiences. Churches who cannot adapt will close.

Sue Harding: I’m a PCC (Parochial Church Council) member of a Village Church. Rapidly Declining congregation. I entirely agree with your comments.

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): I’ll join you.

Lana Vawser (15 Sept 20): Do not allow preconceived ideas, agenda, presumption, control or assumption hinder you from hearing the voice of the Lord through the intercessors He has brought to you. Take the divine intel and strategy to the Lord and seek the Lord’s heart on the intel they are submitting to you, for there are keys being given to leaders right now through divine intel many intercessors are receiving that is going to position them for this next move of the Spirit of God and correct alignments.

Tzvi Freeman: The endless diversity of the creatures, the magnificent harmony of environment and organism so that the cycles of the sun and moon, of rain and wind, of cold and hot, wet and dry all were integrated into the very metabolic processes of every ant and elephant—all this bespoke of an unspeakable oneness that could only be expressed in a virtually infinite multitude of colors, sizes, behaviors and temperaments that somehow balanced one another and harmonized with each other in synchronization with an invisible conductor.[5]

Brat prayer (in “Ascent: To “Die” in Israel” 14 Sept 20): Most Holy God, please honor my prayer and accept this meditation and sharing with the webmaster in Israel as a sweet sacrifice of death to self and to the praise and glory that You deserve.

Rabbi Simon Jacobson: Here we have the answer to our initial question as to the nature of existence: Existence as we perceive it is actually a state of concealment. The deeper you travel into the intimate recesses of the human spirit the less tangible is the sensation, the fewer are the words, the less defined is the experience.

Candace Roberts: To choose the deeper, the hidden things of Him, we must be willing to go through the depths. The depths of our own soul. The places where we feel like giving up, like we can’t go on. It’s there in the secret of our searching for Him, at the end of our own strength, we truly find Him.

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): In the morning, I sigh in God’s direction.

Candace Roberts: There’s a tired that weighs on your heart and settles in your bones.

Exodus 16:7 and in the morning you shall see the glory of the LORD, because he has heard your complaining against the LORD. For what are we, that you complain against us?”

Candace Roberts: Those who have not surrendered their all will not understand this place. So don’t expect them to. The walk of the called is one most would not choose to take.

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): Entitlement and superiority: “Of course you’re doing it, it’s women’s work. I have a real job.”

RevelationMedia in “Pilgrim’s Progress” (14 Sept 20): Pliable, in a fit of excitement about the promises Christian shared, grabs Christian’s hand and runs toward the City. Unfortunately, they are so eager to reach the Celestial City that they neglect to watch where they were going and fall into The Swamp of Despondency. The Swamp is full of the fears and discouragements of travelers. It is a place where many people give up. This is precisely what happens to Pliable. For a moment, he seems excited about the promises found in The Book. Streets paved with gold sound much better than the dingy streets of The City of Destruction. But, when he falls into the swamp and is confronted by his doubts, he turns back, saying, “If this is what it’s like to follow you in the beginning, how could it possibly be any better in the end?”

Candace Roberts: It’s a tactic of the enemy. Where you’ve been strong in body, he will attempt to attack your heart.

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): Prayer
Until my heart is tired of pacing and my spirit is weary from worry, hear my prayer, O God. I complain because I remember your goodness, and I believe your comfort will still come.

Candace Roberts: Being tired doesn’t mean you are weak. It is only evidence of the battle you’ve withstood. Feeling exhausted doesn’t mean you lack faith, it means you have the faith to rise, even above this.

Darren Canning (16 Sept 20): I find that when I am feeling fear, it is helpful to write about it. I have now been six months grounded from the traveling ministry that I have become very acquainted with these past 6 years.

Rabbi Simon Jacobson: When a great teacher conceals the full intensity of his mind he does so not as an end in itself, but as a means to convey the idea to the student. In other words, the concealment (justice) itself is ultimately an expression of compassion, allowing the student to absorb the wisdom. So too, the concealment of the Divine energy (the tzimtzum), so necessary for existence to emerge, is not an end in itself but an act of compassion that will allow us – an autonomous entity – to unite with the Divine, step by step, on our terms.

Darren Canning (16 Sept 20): I still worry about what if God does not provide. I have no evidence that He will not, but the fear is still there. I have never seen God not take care of us. We have always had our needs abundantly provided for. We are blessed in every way. Our health is good and we live prosperously, but the fear is still there.

Rev. Charles Hoffacker: And so, more lessons from the divine economy. God provides. God provides. Enough to meet our needs, but not our greeds.

Candace Roberts: Where you’ve been strong in heart, he will attack your body.

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): Victim: [in family court] “I want to help and be part of the kids’ lives, but she won’t let me. She’s controlling and sabotaging my efforts to help.”

Prism Ministries (16 Sept 20): Family is often the primary place we receive and establish our identities. If family isn’t present to help with this process and point us toward God as our source for identity, or the effect of the family has been primarily negative, we’ll go elsewhere to try and answer these questions: “Who am I, and what am I meant for?” Often the world has a myriad of answers that may not line up with what God says about us. Many of those answers through people we might look up to in music, in Hollywood, and in business. But are these people where we should find our identity and purpose in life? Are they correct in what they say we should be?

Candace Roberts: It’s the place where faith must rise not only above your circumstances, but above yourself. Above what you feel, above what you see.

Rev. Charles Hoffacker: Learning the lessons of divine economy is hard when we are distracted by ungodly economics, something that recurs in this world. The prophet Amos spoke of ungodly economics long ago when he denounced selling the needy for a pair of sandals, trampling the head of the poor into the dust, pushing the afflicted out of the way. Ungodly economics takes twenty-first century forms, but in time will experience defeat, for lies have no staying power.

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): Maybe your distress is the constant storm of racism, or the uncertainty of employment. Maybe it’s all of the above.

Rev. Charles Hoffacker: We are to work to live, not live to work.

RevelationMedia (15 Sept 20): SHIPMENTS – Thank you gifts are processed within 5 – 7 business days of receiving your donation.  Watch for an email from RevelationMedia when your parcel enters the delivery system. You may need to check your junk folder, as well.

Rev. Charles Hoffacker: Too often gifts go unrecognized.

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): Minimizing: “it’s not like this is rocket science. You’re making a big deal out of nothing.”

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): There are houseplants at my feet, and a jack-o-lantern rolls around somewhere behind me. A guitar bumps into a lamp, out of sight, and its strings twang softly. I can’t find my flip-flops, although I thought I stashed them in the laundry basket under the garbage bag of clean linens.

Candace Roberts: Then, there’s the tired that piles one upon another.

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): So offer them. Without embarrassment. Without reserve. As long as the day, as deep as the night. Rage and moan and complain. Know that God hears.

Exodus 16:8 And Moses said, “When the LORD gives you meat to eat in the evening and your fill of bread in the morning, because the LORD has heard the complaining that you utter against him–what are we? Your complaining is not against us but against the LORD.”

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): In their warped world, they’re doing just what they should be doing.

Tzvi Freeman: Rosh Hashanah and the Warping of Time

Candace Roberts: One of the greatest lies the enemy tells us is that we’ve failed and we are too weak to make it. Many have forfeited their destiny right before their greatest break through.

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): My whole being refuses to be comforted.

Rabbi Simon Jacobson (15 Sept 20): The disruptive events of this past year were defining moments in our lives that will forever be etched in the annals of history. When this story is told by our children, will we be remembered as having risen to the occasion and letting our souls shine forth in the best and most beautiful way they can? Have we done everything humanly possible to mitigate the crisis, emerging a stronger people in the process? Or will we be known for retreating in fear and remaining silent in the face of upheaval? 

Exodus 16:9 Then Moses said to Aaron, “Say to the whole congregation of the Israelites, ‘Draw near to the LORD, for he has heard your complaining.'”

Archbishop of Canterbury (16 Sept 20): (Also, the Rule of 6 is a matter for scientific advice as well as local and central government decision-making, and not for me to comment. We need to focus on the vulnerable and the impact on them.)

Darren Canning (16 Sept 20): He is a good God who loves me very much and I love Him. He has no fear even when I do have fear. There are times when my children have fears that are childish in their manner. One of my sons likes to sleep on the floor beside my bed. I learned from one of His brothers that the reason why this boy likes to sleep with 6 pillows is so that He can pile them up so that he can’t see under the bed. He is afraid of something that might be under there.

Rabbi Simon Jacobson: And the journey – and purpose – of our lives is not to be distracted by the outer mechanics, not to be deluded into thinking that there is nothing more than the outer shell. The objective of life is to weaken the hold of the concealment (justice) and reveal the compassion and revelation within.

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): This chaos is the current state of my car.

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): Hats off to you, fellow distance learning parents! We’re fucking heroes.

RevelationMedia in “Pilgrim’s Progress” (14 Sept 20): Friends can be amazing assets on our quest to live the Christian life. They can bring us encouragement, support, and companionship. However, friends like Obstinate only seek to dissuade us from doing what is required of us: to follow the straight path, no matter how hard it gets. 

Candace Roberts: It’s where tired turns to exhaustion.

Lana Vawser (15 Sept 20): Their greatest desire is to be with Him, to be in His presence, to linger with Him and truly know Him. They are friends of God, truly friends of God, some hidden away in the caves and the secret place, but this is the hour, this is the era where the Lord is going to increase them in their assignments, in their favour and revelation for what He is going to do in the earth. I was surrounded by such a strong sense of the Lord’s heart, that He can TRUST these ones with His revelation, with His divine intel and with His heart.

RevelationMedia (15 Sept 20): Thank you for contacting RevelationMedia. Although we may not be able to answer every email, we do read each and every email. 

Lana Vawser (15 Sept 20): Many of you are receiving specific assignments for nations and the divine intel has begun to increase rapidly, but it is going to increase in greater acceleration leading up to Rosh Hashanah and beyond. Intercessors pay attention more than ever at Rosh Hashanah this year beginning the eve of ‪September 18th for the Lord is going to give you very specific DIVINE DIRECTION for these assignments for nations and for this new era. The intel the Lord is giving you for nations is so deep and so significant that it is going to bring MAJOR UNLOCKING of the Lord’s plans and purposes in the nations.

Exodus 16:10 And as Aaron spoke to the whole congregation of the Israelites, they looked toward the wilderness, and the glory of the LORD appeared in the cloud.

Rabbi Simon Jacobson (15 Sept 20): During these challenging times, we have produced over 300 new programs, empowering over 450,000 souls. I am privileged to have a team who threw themselves into this work with their hearts and souls – despite the personal challenges every one of us faced – to create pioneering and dynamic programs and events for people of every background. 

Wendy Alec (Wendy Mackenzie Koefman) is a British author, screenplay writer and TV executive. Her Chronicles of Brothers fantasy sci-fi novels have a mass following having sold almost three quarters of a million copies. Wendy co-founded GOD TV in 1995, Europe’s first daily Christian television network, which has grown rapidly over the past 20 years, now with a broadcast reach of over 950 million viewers. Wendy is also the Director of Warboys Entertainment. She was coached in screenplay writing by Hollywood professionals and has several screenplays in development. She is the best-selling author of the epic fantasy saga, Chronicles of Brothers and other various books.

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): In our healing world, we’re celebrating every day we get the kids through both their schedule and the uncertainty of this global pandemic.

Exodus 16:11 The LORD spoke to Moses and said,

Thomas Griffin (16 Sept 20): From Abba’s Heart…

RevelationMedia (15 Sept 20): Again, thank you for your email.

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): Dear God: Do Better

Wendy Alec (16 Sept 20): Love, your Abba

RevelationMedia (15 Sept 20): WE VALUE YOUR PRAYERS – We are grateful for continued prayers for Steve and the ministry of

Donna Schaper (“Ascent: To “Die” in Israel” 14 Sept 20): Somebody has to tell Steve.

Lana Vawser (15 Sept 20): Where ‘words’ may come against you, where that spirit of mockery may come against you, I saw the Lord SHIELDING YOU. The Lord wants you to be encouraged and to rest in His protection. Remain in discernment and remain in the place of being guided by His Spirit in stewarding this divine intel and know that you fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers.

Rev. Charles Hoffacker: God cares about everybody’s welfare.

Candace Roberts: If you are tired and feel like you’ve reached the end of your rope today, don’t give up but have hope. You’ve only reached the end of you, and that is the place where He can magnificently have His way. He will be your strength, a tangible hand that will pick you up so you can carry on.

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): During the day when I’m in trouble I look for my Lord. At night my hands are still outstretched and don’t grow numb; my whole being refuses to be comforted. I remember God and I moan. I complain, and my spirit grows tired. – Psalm 77:2-3 (CEB)

Wendy Alec (16 Sept 20): The Cry of Many Has Reached Him

Exodus 16:12 “I have heard the complaining of the Israelites; say to them, ‘At twilight you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall have your fill of bread; then you shall know that I am the LORD your God.'”

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): Who else needs to jump up and down and dance through their home singing this with all their might?

Rachel Hackenberg (16 Sept 20): During the day, my praying-by-pacing does not grow weary.

Candace Roberts: It’s NOT the end, it’s just the beginning if you will surrender and let it be.

Exodus 16:13 In the evening quails came up and covered the camp; and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp.

Lana Vawser (15 Sept 20): I then heard these words thundering around me “LISTEN TO THE INTERCESSORS”. I felt the Lord’s heart so intensely when He spoke those words. Leaders, in this hour more than ever, those intercessors that the Lord has brought to you, those that are hearing the voice of the Lord, those that the Lord has shown to be trusted intercessors, listen closely to the intel they are receiving even if its challenging or stretching.

Exodus 16:14 When the layer of dew lifted, there on the surface of the wilderness was a fine flaky substance, as fine as frost on the ground.

Prism Ministries (16 Sept 20): Whenever we make something greater in our minds than God, whenever we love something more, care more about what others think, care more about what others do, that person or thing begins to sit on the throne of our heart, where God should be. We do it all the time, even with little things that get in the way. “I can’t believe what he/she said about me!” we might say. But anytime other people’s words define us that are not in agreement with what God says about us, we are letting that person become an idol to us.

When Light Came In (15 Sept 20): We’re not the same person, not the same emotionally, not the same mentally.

Candace Roberts: I feel you. I am you.

Pastor Steve Dittmar (in “Extol” 15 Sept 20): Ownership! A simple but profound paradox. God does not heal what we don’t own. God does not forgive what we won’t confess. God does not hear accusing prayers. He only hears Jesus, and His blood speaks better than the blood of Abel.

Tzvi Freeman: The signature of great minds is their willingness to tackle a paradox for what it is, refusing to ignore it, resisting the urge to whittle it away with platitudinal compromises.

Rabbi Simon Jacobson: In other words, the entire nature of existence is turned on its head, upside down and inside out: Our sensation of the revealed is actually a state of concealment, and that what is concealed is the true state of revelation. The visible is an artificial cover, and the invisible is true reality. This existence as we know it, as we perceive and experience it merely a shell, the surface layer that shrouds what lies behind the curtain.

Exodus 16:15 When the Israelites saw it, they said to one another, “What is it?” For they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, “It is the bread that the LORD has given you to eat.

Me to Deborah Perkins (13 Sept 20): What does a “like” mean in this context?

Deborah Perkins (13 Sept 20): Kathryn Hauser, I wanted you to know I had seen your post. I am not sure what it is trying to communicate? What are you saying?

Me to Deborah Perkins (13 Sept 20):  We, the remnant on the West Coast of the USA, are being pursued by the fire (spiritual and actual), just as the Israelites were pursued by the Egyptian army into the Red Sea. There are many issues this Pharaoh spirit has left unresolved.  The seed harvest is stretched, because of lack of accountability in the Church.  There is a purification that is taking place.  Today I see an arc to Ezekiel 39.

RevelationMedia (15 Sept 20): INQUIRIES – We are attempting to respond to specific inquiries within 5 business days, although we do continue to experience a high volume of daily inquiries.

Rev. Charles Hoffacker: Bread from heaven is what he gives. But they can make no sense of it. They say to each other, “Manna?” which means something like, “What is this stuff?” And so, manna becomes its name. The food sustains them, but at first, they do not recognize it.


[1] Lana Vawser (15 Sept 20):

[2] Ruth Hendrickson (16 Sept 20):

[3] Prism Ministries (16 Sept 20):

[4] Rev. Charles Hoffacker:

[5] Tzvi Freeman:

Extol 15 Sept 20

16 Sep

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

[5 pages of dialogue anchored in Psalm 145:1-8 from the lectionary readings for 16 Pentecost on 20 Sept 20]

When Light Came In (14 Sept 20): The time we stayed in that destructive relationship was not wasted or weakness.  It was preparing: becoming aware of our value, wrestling with oppressive beliefs and culture.  Every minute we stayed helped us become strong enough to get free.

Torrey Marcel Harper (15 Sept 20): “In this hour I am revealing the hearts of many,” says the Lord. “I am exposing and shedding light on the areas of pride, idolatry, mammon—yes, even the ever-increasing political spirit within this nation. Yet, in My love and grace, I am inviting the Church of America to return and assume their position and posture in Me,” says the Lord. “You were made for My glory and pleasure.[1] (15 Sept 20): If we ever lost perspective about what’s truly important; if we ever got carried away with our positions, our money or our power (including our lack of them); the radical changes our world has undergone have shaken us to the core, given us a reality check, reminded us what’s fleeting and what is forever.

Ascent rabbis: This year has provided ample practice for our “uncertainty muscle”. It’s normal to meet moments of incertitude at this time of yearMoments where there are endings and new beginnings. These occasions can produce a variety of feelings, all stemming from the deep sense that ultimately, much is out of our control. But what is in our hands?[2]

Pastor Steve Dittmar (15 Sept 20): Ownership is the authority in the natural, and in the kingdom of heaven. When I own my burdens and my grief, and stretch forth my hands to Jesus, then my prayers are heard, and His forgiveness is extended. If I point out the sin of others, believers of the unfaithful, I join the accuser of the brethren, Satan. In doing so, I become weak and sick, and exposed to death. There is only one person I have the authority to judge. And that is me.[3]

When Light Came In (14 Sept 20): About two years after I left my marriage, I hit a new wall of grief. Not because I missed him, but because I missed … the living.

Torrey Marcel Harper (9/6/2019): Then He spoke to me, “A great war is coming to your land. This war will be different than what you expect. It will not be another nation invading yours, but it will be a war fought from within. Your foe is causing great dissension and strife – brother fighting against brother. His purpose is to stop the great revival from being birthed and advancing. He will not succeed. This is why we laugh. We know the beginning from the end. Far greater is My power than his power. I have those My Spirit will work through to fight the forces of darkness and to defeat the evil one.”

Rick Joyner (15 Sept 20): We are now into the second American Revolutionary/Civil War. Winning will not be easy, but it will be done. Now is the time to define what victory looks like and resolve that we will not settle for anything less. Then we need to realize that the really hard part begins—the rebuilding of our Republic so that it becomes all that we have been called to be and in such a way that it will not be so easily run off the rails again. [4]

Torrey Marcel Harper (15 Sept 20): “Church of America, you were called by Me not to be built upon events and conferences but upon the altar of My presence. You are chosen to lead amongst the nations. Where does your hope lie? Is your hope in what has been built and manufactured through the arm of flesh, or is it placed solely on the building strategies and methods of men?

Pastor Steve Dittmar (15 Sept 20): When I judge myself, I am not judged. I come out of the judgment of my actions, attitudes, and words when I own my actions, attitudes, and words as being my own. I move from blame, shame, and accusing others, to humility, honesty, and faith in Christ. My prayers about my unbelief, rebellion, burdens, and grief are now heard in heaven, the Lord’s dwelling place. There He forgives and dismantles sin—forgiveness in real-time—regarding real burdens and sorrows, my stuff. (15 Sept 20): If there was ever a time during our lifetimes that we’d all together cry out to G‑d from the deepest recesses of our hearts, that time is surely now, this Rosh Hashanah.

Ascent rabbis: The answer is: Teshuvah (“repentance” – but we shall see why this translation misses the point a little). The root of the word Teshuvah comes from Lashuv, to return. But return to where?

Pastor Steve Dittmar (15 Sept 20): Ownership! A simple but profound paradox. God does not heal what we don’t own. God does not forgive what we won’t confess. God does not hear accusing prayers. He only hears Jesus, and His blood speaks better than the blood of Abel.

RevelationMedia, Pilgrim’s Progress (14 Sept 20): “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
and he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground and
steadied me as I walked along.”
-Psalm 40:1-2 [NLT]

Rick Joyner (15 Sept 20): When the battle finally comes, peace can lead to an ultimate defeat if it comes prematurely and fails to deal with the underlying causes of the conflict. That will only make another war, and likely a much costlier one, inevitable. So, let us keep in mind that at the end of the Book of Revelation it is the “cowardly” who are the first to get thrown into the lake of fire. There is no place in Christianity for cowardice. (15 Sept 20): We also learned that we cannot be complacent, we can’t simply sit back and rest on our laurels.

When Light Came In (14 Sept 20): I missed so many years of happiness, of travel, of getting a masters degree, of time with friends that wasn’t spent talking about the havoc he continually wrought on me and our life.

Psalm 145:1 I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever.

RevelationMedia, Pilgrim’s Progress (14 Sept 20): Help shares a powerful truth with Christian as he leaves, “Help, in some form or another, is never far away.” We must remember this as well. Though the path is hard, our King will never leave us without help when we ask for it.

Candace Roberts: So close your eyes, be still your soul. Don’t give into what you feel. Breathe Him in and be willing to dive into that place with Him. He will take you beyond where you have ever been, it’s NOT THE END!

Me to Candace (14 Sept 20): Lately, I keep hearing that we should seek out a community that relates and understands us; a community with similar goals.  I write my redemption journal/blog, but I have yet to find a supportive community. Jesus, my King, I ask for supportive help.

Psalm 145:2 Every day I will bless you, and praise your name forever and ever.

RevelationMedia, Pilgrim’s Progress (14 Sept 20): Alone after being deserted by his friend, Christian remains in The Swamp of Despondency. You see, it is better to go through the sorrow and grief of facing your sin than to turn back to the City of Destruction. He finds, though, that he is not able to pull himself out by his own might. As Christian cries out for help, he is pulled from the swamp and set on solid rock. In the midst of Christian’s despair, the King was faithful to send Help.

Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche (15 Sept 20): Target your Faith

Pastor Steve Dittmar (15 Sept 20): Then the Lord heals our land, my land. He becomes active where He had been silent. Jesus becomes seen where before He seemed hidden. One heart after another becomes impacted by the divine decree, as forgiveness and healing descend from heaven to earth.

Psalm 145:3 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; his greatness is unsearchable.

When Light Came In (14 Sept 20): In the work I do now with survivors, I hear almost every day: I wish I’d left sooner, I wish I had been stronger, smarter, etc.

Ascent rabbis: The emphasis on repentance as returning is that what we aspire to already exists; this is no new creation, but rather an exposure of something already existing within us, a revelation. It is a discovery of the good in us; the part we know exists but can’t always bring up to the surface.

Madeline James (14 Sept 20): As we have stepped into September and are preparing to enter into the Hebrew year 5781, one of the word pictures of that year is represented through the ox. Prophetically, an ox represents strength and the apostolic grace. In the midst of all that’s going on there will be a grace to build and advance. Remember, natural seasons don’t dictate the spiritual seasons.[5]

Brat: Thank you.  I take that as a complement.  I’m like an ox.

When Light Came In (14 Sept 20): The thing is, sooner didn’t exist. *We* barely existed then. We were surviving on fumes of existence, not sure what we were up against, or why we felt totally crazy.

Jennifer LeClaire: I can’t wait to see what the Lord does with this Millennial prophet laboring in the heart of Babylon. 

Psalm 145:4 One generation shall laud your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. (15 Sept 20): Years from now, when we reflect on our conduct during this historic time, let’s always be proud that, despite our challenges to do so, we stretched ourselves to help others!

Yehudah Glick (15 Sept 20): Blowing at the original Shofar Tower of The Temple Mount, Hulda gates and at the flags of the nations

Rick Joyner (15 Sept 20): We must acknowledge that we are at war. We need a “clear trumpet call” so that those who hear it will mobilize. We need to understand that we would not be living now if we were not called to be warriors in this ultimate battle. If we are not called to be in the physical battles unfolding, we are called to be warriors in more effective ways to influence the outcome. The pen really is mightier than the sword, but if we are not called to write we may be called to speak. If we are not called to speak, we are called to stand. To stand is one of the commands Jesus gave to those who live at the end of the age. Standing resolutely for what we believe can be one of the most powerful messages of all. (15 Sept 20): Indeed. We must all act. Now.

Psalm 145:5 On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.

Ascent rabbis: Surrounded by uncertainty and confusion, we can return to Him and ask to be reminded that, when we sit quietly knowing that He is in charge, our questions will be resolved and we will feel peace, certain that we are in His good hands. (15 Sept 20): In fact, along with the immense upheaval and displacement, we’ve been blessed:

When Light Came In (14 Sept 20): It was the trying to leave, the going back, the building resolve, the recognizing our weaknesses that helped power us through the impossibly hard process of getting free. (15 Sept 20): We’ve been granted new humility, new appreciation for our collective interdependence, and new recognition of our deeply personal and palpable responsibility to our Father in Heaven, Master of the World!

Psalm 145:6 The might of your awesome deeds shall be proclaimed, and I will declare your greatness.

Torrey Marcel Harper (15 Sept 20): “Get ready,” says the Lord. “I am coming to shake and awaken this great nation back to her purpose and destiny found in Me. This is an hour of grace, an hour to truly return to your first love in Me. I know this season has brought forth the unexpected, but I am sovereign and faithful to bring forth My purposes even in the midst of the unexpected. I am doing things out of the box and out the control of man’s times and presumptions. Get ready for a rude awakening that will lead to a great awakening! Watch Me work. I will have My inheritance in the earth and every promise that I’ve ordained shall come to pass.”

Psalm 145:7 They shall celebrate the fame of your abundant goodness, and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.

Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche (15 Sept 20): “I want to talk to you today about our blessed inheritance. We are heirs of an unbroken living Faith that was delivered to humanity by our Lord and our Savior—Jesus, the Anointed One.”

RevelationMedia, Pilgrim’s Progress (14 Sept 20): Soon, Christian is cleaned up and pointed back to the path to The Celestial City, though not without Help’s warning that the journey only gets harder. Determined to see his King, Christian continues on the straight path.

Ascent rabbis: What is so special about Teshuvah during the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur? At this time, there is a Divine force that supports our ability to make good decisions, to choose to be better than yesterday. Maybe we are not miraculously changed but we are given unusual strength, both for examining our thoughts, words and actions and acting upon our resolutions for the future. We return to G-d as our all powerful, all loving King and Father. 

Steve Shultz: God has not left us as orphans, but He’s come to us and told us what He is doing, what to expect next, and He’s told us how we must position ourselves before Him and pray.

Psalm 145:8 The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.


[1] Torrey Marcel Harper (15 Sept 20):

[2] Ascent rabbis:

[3] Pastor Steve Dittmar (15 Sept 20): Secret Place – Why Heal Our Land?; Vol. 16 – Issue 40 – 9/15/20

[4] Rick Joyner (15 Sept 20):

[5] Madeline James (14 Sept 20):

Ascent: To “Die” in Israel 14 Sept 20

14 Sep

Working Dates: Sunday, September 13, 2020 to Holy Cross Day, Monday, September 14, 2020

[14 pages]

Ascent of Safed: The Good of the Land “To Die in the Holy Land”

Helen Calder (13 Sept 20): Jesus interrupted Mary Magdalene’s reunion with Him with a brief set of instructions: “…Go find My brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father…” (John 20:17).

Molly Baskette (13 Sept 20): Joseph was ill-used by his brothers, and yet so much good came of it. He got to decide that his suffering was for a great-hearted and godly purpose, for his own good and the good of others. And his forgiveness was beautiful.

When Light Came In (12 Sept 20): What is your gut deciding?

Elijah List (11 Sept 20): Face it, you’re stuck.

Helen Calder (13 Sept 20): “Marching orders” are being sent to some who have been stuck, but it is time to move forward.[1]

Deepak Chopra: “A gut feeling is actually every cell in your body making a decision.”

Brat Prayer (in “Drive-By (Journal)” 05 Sept 20): …And Lord, put a seal of protection on this journal.  Don’t let anyone (or any spirit) hijack it for use tomorrow in their devotionals or sermons like they always do.  I need privacy to work out my salvation with fear and trembling out of AWE of You, God, and not the fear and trembling of dread that not even my thoughts in my journal can be private.  I need my life back.

Elijah List (12 Sept 20): why is this so complicated??

When Light Came In (10 Sept 20): When we first start noticing red flags, they seem like they’re everywhere.

Adrianna Bucci: Notice how your body feels when you ignore a red flag.  Is there an uneasiness you’re trying to push down because you want to see the best in everyone? Just notice it. Then see if you can allow yourself to feel it.

Joel Yount (12 Sept 20): Your Rejection Could Be Your Protection

Helen Calder (13 Sept 20): He is protecting us and His plans by hiding the fullness of His plans from the enemy for a season of time.

Brat: I get that, but when do the waters part so that we can move past the explanations and teachings and move on to the remnant that is welcoming?

Israel365 (13 Sept 20): That day Yehoshua made them hewers of wood and drawers of water—as they still are—for the community and for the mizbayach of Hashem, in the place that He would choose. ~ Joshua 9:27 (The Israel Bible™)

Brat: Translation, please.

Joshua 9:27 That day he made the Gibeonites woodcutters and water carriers for the assembly, to provide for the needs of the altar of the Lord at the place the Lord would choose. And that is what they are to this day.

Rick Fields (1984): Chop Wood Carry Water: A Guide to Finding Spiritual Fulfillment in Everyday Life 

Bill Yount (12 Sept 20): Prophetic Alert: “I Am Breaking the Age Barrier!”

Brat: We’ve been hearing this for years.

Joshua Medcalf (2015): Chop Wood Carry Water: How to Fall In Love With the Process of Becoming Great

Amazon: This book reads like a watered down version of the original Chop Wood Carry Water published 35 years ago by Rick Fields. Throwing in a fake “sensei” to espouse modern productivity axioms seems very contrived. Focusing on the process was explained much better in The Practicing Mind by Thomas Sterner.

Faith Marie Baczko: “However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.” 1 Corinthians 2:6 (Mar 13, 2019): When he got to the monastery he was told that each morning he had to chop wood for the monks fires and then carry water up to the monastery for ablutions and the kitchen. He attended prayers and meditation, but the teaching he was given was rather sparse. One day he was told to take some tea to the Abbot in his chambers.

Helen Calder (13 Sept 20): This reminds me of “sealed orders.” Sealed orders are top secret orders in a sealed envelope that are given into the care of a naval commander. The envelope contains instructions about the mission of the ship and crew! However, the commander can only open that message once the ship has traveled a certain distance away from the shore.

Brat (06 Sept 20): CLEARLY, my journal is still NOT private.  And God did not answer my prayer to get my life back.  God, how do I take it back, since You will not give it back?  These beastly behaviors show that they do not care no matter what I do or say or pray or surrender or charge or rebuke or confront or compromise or negotiate or clarify or ask others for help or DUCK when there’s INCOMING!  Nothing matters squat.  God?  I have put no other gods before You, but there still seem to be an awful lot of them blocking me.  Take Samson’s dry donkey skull and smite the thousand gods to bring down this false temple!

Joe Joe Dawson (11 Sept 20): Next Level: To get to your next level on your God assignment, you must go through a few tests. I will help you prepare and study. Hope you pass!

Sylvia Neusch (13 Sept 20): The compass, to me, represents God’s direction or leading in our lives. I feel that we are in a time where so many people are experiencing a feeling that they have lost their way. In many ways we are being tested, and unexpected situations and chaotic world events have left many feeling that their world has been turned upside down. [2]

Faith Marie Baczko: “But when we are judged, it is the Lord’s training so that we will not be condemned along with the world.” 1 Corinthians 11:32 TPT

Ascent of Safed: To Die in Israel

Helen Calder (13 Sept 20): Paul received abuse from the Jews when he was preaching the Gospel in Corinth. This opposition must have troubled him. “Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, ‘Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city'” (Acts 18:9-10, NKJV).

When Light Came In (10 Sept 20): We’re shell shocked from being shredded by coercion, control and manipulation. We vow never to be in that kind of relationship again. We learn the signs we missed then — a short temper, impatience, “white” lies, entitlement, possessiveness, double standards, belittling “jokes,” the way they talk about people, and so many others.

Helen Calder (13 Sept 20): He is testing and growing our faith. Faith steps forward in obedience when elements of mystery remain.

David Slavin: From the above it seems that there are three types of blemishes that are caused by leaving a body unburied overnight:

It blemishes the “Image of G‑d” [Tzelem] of that person

It prevents the rectification of reincarnation

It defiles and contaminates the land

Israel365 (08 Sept 20): A Holy Message That Reverberates to This Day ✡ “Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy.”

Brat prayer: Most Holy God, please honor my prayer and accept this meditation and sharing with the webmaster in Israel as a sweet sacrifice of death to self and to the praise and glory that You deserve.

David Slavin: There is a prohibition against leaving a deceased person overnight without burial in the land of Israel. One of the reasons for this is that it causes impurity to the Holy Land, as is written, “And do not defile your land” (Deut. 21 23).

Brat: Arc to Ezekiel 39 and that Arcs to “Stretched” 10 Sept 20 [[3]] and the parting of the Red Sea…:

Ezekiel 39:1 “Son of man, prophesy against Gog and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshek and Tubal. I will turn you around and drag you along. I will bring you from the far north [!] and send you against the mountains of Israel. 

Steve Shultz: Are you ready for new orders from Headquarters? That’s our heavenly Headquarters by the way!

Joe Joe Dawson (11 Sept 20): The Absalom test. You love them. Welcome them in your world and pull them up on your platform, then they try to take it. Not even knowing your true heart was to give it to them the whole time.

Donna Schaper (12 Sept 20): I don’t know who is going to tell Steve, but it’s not going to be me.

Ezekiel 39:Then I will strike your bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from your right hand. On the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and all your troops and the nations with you. I will give you as food to all kinds of carrion birds [!] and to the wild animals. You will fall in the open field, for I have spoken, declares the Sovereign Lord. I will send fire [!] on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coastlands [!], and they will know that I am the Lord.

CNN (in “Stretched” 10 Sept 20): California [!] has “fires [!] burning in the north [!] part of the state all the way down to the Mexican border, about 800 miles between the furthest distant fires, so we’re stretched across the landscape,” Cal Fire Chief Thom Porter told CNN. [4]

When Light Came In (10 Sept 20): The more we study red flags, the better our discernment becomes, and the faster we recognize character flaws that can become weeds, thorns and wildfires [!] in the relationship. This is a good thing.

Ezekiel 39:“‘I will make known my holy name among my people Israel. I will no longer let my holy name be profaned, and the nations will know that I the Lord am the Holy One in Israel. It is coming! It will surely take place, declares the Sovereign Lord. This is the day I have spoken of.

David Slavin: The depth behind this law is as follows. The spirit of impurity has no right to enter the land of Israel in the daytime, only at night. Even at night the only way that it has permission to enter is if there is a corpse on the ground. Yet if there is no corpse then the spirit of impurity has no right to enter the Land. Even to rest its feet [!] [figuratively] on the ground is prohibited. During the day, even if the land is full of corpses, spirit of impurity has absolutely no permission to enter.

Rabbi Shaul Leiter (in “Stretched” 10 Sept 20): The preparation is also connected to the type of revelation. On Shavuot, when we received the Torah from Above we became in a sense, like converts. We were transformed, but with only minimal effort of our own. Rosh Hashana, on the other hand, is all about the individual effort of teshuvah – returning to G-d, repentance, personal transformation – from below to Above. Therefore, the necessity of unity of the Jewish people is much greater. On RoshHashana we realize that even though there are heads and there are feet, the feet [!] cannot manage without the head and vice versa. We are one and only through this oneness can we successfully fulfill the mission of Rosh Hashana – making G-d the one King over us all.

Ezekiel 39:11 “‘On that day I will give Gog a burial place in Israel, in the valley of those who travel east of the Sea. It will block the way of travelers [!], because Gog and all his hordes will be buried there. So it will be called the Valley of Hamon Gog.

Israel365 (08 Sept 20): Yehoshua is told to remove his shoes because the place where he is standing is holy. This is reminiscent of the similar command given to Moshe while standing at the burning bush on the mountain of God, Mount Sinai (Exodus 3:5). But there is a critical difference. Unlike Sinai, which attained only temporary holiness, the place upon which Yehoshua is standing is eternally sacred. He is standing upon the ground of Eretz Yisrael. This generation is blessed that any person can come to visit the Holy Land and pray in it – and this was only strengthened by the recent peace treaty with the UAE. While travel [!] is still restricted today due to COVID-19, once the restrictions [!] are lifted we will once again see hundreds of thousands flock to Jerusalem from around the world to pray and connect with God.

Israel365 News (06 Sept 20): Covid Restrictions [!] Could Shut Down Temple Mount to Muslims

Helen Calder (13 Sept 20): You may have felt held back in some way, confined or restricted [!]. You have been enduring through crisis, but now the Lord is coming to you with a fresh word! “Beloved,” He says. “Come away with Me!”

Joe Joe Dawson (11 Sept 20): The Saul test. You serve a Man or ministry with all your heart, when God elevated you and promotes you, the so called father, gets jealous, because he never dealt with his insecurity and tries to take you out.

Dr. Francis Myles (in “Stretched” 10 Sept 20): Many Chinese and Ayurvedic medical practitioners equate chronic anger to poor liver [!] function. In fact, there are numerous examples, based on Chinese research, says the National Institutes of Health.

Journal from ten years ago: Bride’s Voice (Saturday, October 30, 2010): “… Ok.  It is what it is.  The institution does not and cannot see me in any role, but they see that I am called.  Roles are just surface things.  I KNOW that my calling goes WAY deeper than a role, and that God has been using me as a type of human liver [!] for spiritual things.  I also suspect that Fr David knows this, too, even though he is a political creature.  He does pray.  And his prayers are effective when his focus is on God and not on his own abilities and ego.  Maybe Fr David really does see I am the bride and the woman facing the dragon [!] from Revelation Chapter 12.  Maybe he does see it in his heart of hearts.  Right after my mystical marriage experience [05/14/2008], he said, “You’ve changed.  It’s like we are all 110 volts and you’re now spiritually at European 220 volts.  You’re super-charged!”  At that time he had been open and receptive to me and my metamorphosis until my voice got stronger and the repentance message got clearer and louder.  Each time he and the church tried to beat me down, I came back with a clearer message.  Maybe now that they have NOT given my calling a title that will allow God to blow in the Truth.  There is no institutional title for my calling, because there has never been a bride stepping out of the pages of the Book of Revelation before.  God hasn’t before now downloaded to another human being the riddles in the Book of Revelation revealing the Alpha and Omega and how God has been maturing His Church over the millennia. AND God unfolded the meaning of the Book to me over a two-month period.  That in itself is another miracle [!].  All the way until Easter 2010 Fr David kept droning, “We need a manifestation from God to prove your calling,” and then when God asked me to release [via email] Anchorites in History on 14 August 2010, [now renamed Anchored in Christ but still unpublished with no voice] Fr David stopped crying “manifestation” for God to prove Himself.  Then Fr D took a nosedive into extreme fear and dysfunctional silence.  Now after the discernment committee process is over he wiped his hands free of me, and pretended I could be silenced by taking vows through a token celebratory service of commitment to St Patrick’s, like I’m another service project of the Mad Attic or the day school.  But, then I don’t bring in any money, so that doesn’t really fit either.  I “just” pray.  And just like Jesus, my Husband, I have no physical place to pray.  “There’s no room at the inn.”  They want to receive the benefit of my praying, but won’t make a dry, well-lit, quiet place for me to anchor in prayer.  Just like my Husband, I have been rejected by the Pharisees, who had to put the “law” before loving God with their total being and putting it into loving action.  Just like Jesus said in Mark 9:13, “But I tell you, Elijah has come, and they have done to him everything they wished, just as it is written about him.” “They,” the institution, has worked their will upon me just as they did to Elijah, John the Baptist, and to Jesus.  It’s human beings who do the “Pete and repeat.”  We just loop over and over doing the same things in different generations.  It’s only by God’s grace that we learn something new so that God transforms the looping into Alpha and Omega. …”

Nathan Shaw: Miracles [!] are God’s specialty. Through them He brings deliverance to individuals and nations—destinies and outcomes are radically changed. God is looking for people of faith and vision. Galatians 3:5 makes it clear: God supplies the Spirit to us; He works miracles among us; and He does this, not by the works of the law, but by the hearing of faith. Believing in miracles is a gift from God being released to this generation. They will understand the times, the gift of miracles, and, their identity as mighty warriors. Threats may rage. Miracles will speak. History will be changed. It’s gonna be HUGE!

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (14 Sept 20): Rabbi Kleiman compared this to Elijah the Prophet being in solitude for forty days, culminating in a revelation of the “still small voice” in Mount Horeb (I Kings 19).[5]

Faith Marie Baczko: We are now at a Crossroads of History where we will most certainly be plunged into darkness unless God’s people rise up with the courage to fight! The stakes are high!  The Sons of God must arise…that is you and me! The dragon [!] is seeking to devour the birth and rise of God’s sons and daughters—We will only be victorious if we choose to stand on the principles written in Revelation 12:10-11B

“Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. 

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb

And by the word of their testimony,

And they did not love their lives to the death.”

When Light Came In (10 Sept 20): What’s *not* so good is getting desensitized to red flags because of how often we see them. It takes intention to continue to look for red flags 1 year, 2 years, 10 years later. This is where Adriana Bucci’s idea really comes in for me: checking in and noticing the sensations in our bodies. Where are we holding the stress, discomfort, tension or the urge to run away?

David Slavin: There exists yet a more difficult negative force to contend with, namely the grasp of the External Forces. The Torah is very particular about this, as is stated, “His body you shall not leave…for you shall surely bury him on that day…and you shall not contaminate your land” (ibid.). We learn from this, that relative to the extreme defilement of the External Forces, the deceased in Israel is nearly pure. This is what is meant in the Zohar, which states, “The spirit of contamination has no rule over the Holy place [Israel]” (Teruma 141a).

Ezekiel 39:12 “‘For seven months the Israelites will be burying them in order to cleanse the land. 13 All the people of the land will bury them, and the day I display my glory will be a memorable day for them, declares the Sovereign Lord. 

Nate Johnston (11 Sept 20): “They will be the brokers of heavens storehouse for this hour. They will be the ones who lead the church back into my domain and open up the forgotten storehouses of access and authority they have forgotten existed. They will take the empty-handed and hopeless into my house and put back hammers in the hands of reformers who had theirs stolen, songs back into the mouths of worshipers who were shut down, books and pens into the hands of the scribes, and restore the voice of the church where she has been silenced and voiceless. At first, it is going to feel foreign as they hear the sound of their voices rising again and seeing the powerful impact of their mantles upon darkness and injustice, but this is the awakening of my church in the revelation of who they are in me!”[6]

Ezekiel 39:14 People will be continually employed in cleansing the land. They will spread out across the land and, along with others, they will bury any bodies that are lying on the ground.

“‘After the seven months they will carry out a more detailed search. 15 As they go through the land, anyone who sees a human bone will leave a marker [!] beside it until the gravediggers bury it in the Valley of Hamon Gog, 16 near a town called Hamonah. And so they will cleanse the land.’

Helen Calder (13 Sept 20): Like Abraham setting out in obedience to God, our Father may give us a glimpse of landmarks [!] that lie ahead, but the whole of our guidance only unfolds as we journey in intimacy with Him.

Ezekiel 39:17 “Son of man, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Call out to every kind of bird [!] and all the wild animals: ‘Assemble and come together from all around to the sacrifice I am preparing for you, the great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel. There you will eat flesh and drink blood [!]. 18 You will eat the flesh of mighty men and drink the blood of the princes of the earth as if they were rams and lambs, goats and bulls—all of them fattened animals from Bashan. 

Faith Marie Baczko: This is the Cross in action. The Cross is the only weapon that defeated these forces and it is the only weapon that will continue to do so! The Cross is the only weapon the enemy understands, and the Blood [!] is the only thing that causes them to recoil [!] in fear! [7]

Donna Schaper (12 Sept 20): I hurt my ribs. For the first two weeks I slept in the same coil [!]. As the injury worsened, rather than improved, I continued the coil. Three weeks into the injury, I considered change. I rearranged the pillows and the coil. I slept all night.

Ezekiel 39:19 At the sacrifice I am preparing for you, you will eat fat till you are glutted and drink blood till you are drunk [!]. 20 At my table [!] you will eat your fill of horses and riders, mighty men and soldiers of every kind,’ declares the Sovereign Lord.

Revelation 18:3 For all the nations have drunk [!] the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”

Faith Marie Baczko: There must be more than cursory pleading of the Blood [!] in this season. The enemy will only be defeated by a life that lives and is characterized by the Blood—a life that no longer lives for themselves, their good name or their position, but for Christ, where Christ is evident and at the forefront! This is a new warfare we are entering and will be fought and won with wisdom—the wisdom of God!

Michael Van Vlymen (11 Sept 20): “And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, ‘Are You for us or for our adversaries?'” (Joshua 5:13 NKJV)

Israel365 (13 Sept 20): Since Joshua’s Arrival. Israel has Created Peace ✡ “That day Yehoshua made them hewers of wood and drawers of water”

Michael Van Vlymen (11 Sept 20): For a moment, Joshua seems to have lost sight of his true identity and purpose, but the angel quickly reminds him and Joshua changes his focus.[8]

Molly Baskette (13 Sept 20): He is not mentally ill, though he has struggled, like many of us at one time or another. He is a dark-skinned Black man with a diagnosis of autism, high-functioning – in fact, functioning on a higher plane than most.

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (14 Sept 20): “There is clearly a global awakening going on so there is a greater need for each person to get to know their own unique soul. This lockdown is an opportunity to escape the social noise and to turn the focus inward and upward.”

Israel365 (08 Sept 20): The captain of Hashem‘s host answered Yehoshua, “Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Yehoshua did so ~ Joshua 5:15 (The Israel Bible™)

Michael Van Vlymen (11 Sept 20): “So He said, ‘No, but as Commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.’ And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, ‘What does my Lord say to His servant?'” (Joshua 5:14 NKJV)

Jo (13 Sept 20): Red sun [!]

Revelation 19:17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun [!], who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper [!] of God, 18 so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.”

Jo (13 Sept 20): The red sun [!] rises again. Somehow the air feels/looks better maybe less toxic. 

Joe Joe Dawson (11 Sept 20): The hungry [!] will be filled and fed in this hour. Those that have oil will begin to separate themselves from those who do not. If you are hungry, and you are connected to a dry place, find a community of believers who can feed you! Don’t be afraid to let your hunger push you past the status quo and into a new alignment. The hungry will find like-minded people to run with in this season. Ministries that have fresh oil will attract spiritually hungry people. In this season, realignments will come and the new oil will begin to flow. Those that have been hungry for the real, authentic and raw things of God will experience encounters and outpouring from the Spirit of God like never before.

When Light Came In (10 Sept 20): Getting into the moment in our bodies keeps us alert instead of overwhelmed. It helps us focus on one thing at a time, instead of all the flags seeming to blur together.

Revelation 19:19 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. 20 But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 21 The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth [!] of the rider on the horse, and all the birds [!] gorged themselves on their flesh.

Donna Schaper (12 Sept 20): Somebody has to tell Steve.

Helen Calder (in “Out of the Mouth” [!] 11 Aug 20): It reminds me of “sealed orders”—top secret instructions, given into the care of a naval commander. This is a message in a sealed envelope, that contains information about the crew’s mission!
But that message can only be opened, once the ship has travelled a certain distance away from the shore.

Sylvia Neusch (13 Sept 20): “Living by Every Word That Comes From His Mouth” [!]

Brat: Now, Lana Vawser serves on the Australian Prophetic Council and endorses Sylvia Neusch, and Helen Calder serves on the same Council with Lana.  Nate and Christy Johnston are also in Australia with connections to Bethel Church in Redding, CA (and northern California up through Washington are ablaze in firestorms.)  Kris Vallotton is also at Bethel.  Steve Shultz with the Elijah List connects to everyone and Spirit Fuel acts as the bridge.  Not that any of this is evil-bad.  I’m just pointing out the connections.  Then makes sure to turn our collective story to their own advantage every day (even though I don’t publicly post every day… hmmm…, but they make sure to stoke the fires…).  Secret messages and tests?  No more manipulation?  More hmmm… The connections are like chariot spokes on a wheel.  They are not that difficult to spot. Maybe especially because I’m treated like I don’t exist.

Nathan Shaw: Peter and John and their companions went straight to prayer. They understood the cosmic battle taking place: “Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them, who by the mouth of Your servant David have said: ‘Why did the nations rage, and the people plot vain things? The kings of the earth took their stand, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against His Christ’” (Acts 4:24-26). They prayed boldly, “Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus” (Acts 4:29-30). Why did they pray this way? Because they understood the times, the gift of miracles, and, their identity as mighty warriors.

Exodus 14:28 The waters returned and covered the chariots [!] and the chariot drivers, the entire army of Pharaoh that had followed them into the sea; not one of them remained.

Brat: Have you ever noticed that chariot wheel spokes make several triangles coming together to a focal point?  This could also be understood as representative of “triangulation.”  Is this the reason for the crushing SILENCE?  It is painful.

Lillian Daniel (14 Sept 20): But it’s cruel to tell another person that they are not allowed to change their mind. It’s terrible to feel boxed in to a previous version of yourself.

David Slavin: If a deceased is left awaiting burial for twenty-four hours, including both day and night times, the limbs of the chariot [!] are weakened. This also prevents the work of the Holy One Blessed Be He from being accomplished. This could come about if the Holy One Blessed Be He had caused his death with the plan of immediately reincarnating him [for his benefit] on that very day. And so long as his body is not buried, his soul is prevented from ascending before the Holy One Blessed Be He [for judgement], and can not be placed into a new body for reincarnation, for reincarnation is not possible until the burial of the first body. Therefore, the more the body awaits burial, the more the soul is pained [!]. That is coupled by the forces of contamination attaching themselves to him, and defiling his body. Therefore it is incumbent upon us not to let a body go unburied for a night. For the forces of contamination abound at night and they fly around trying to find a body without a soul to inhabit and contaminate exceedingly.

Faith Marie Baczko: I have felt an urgency in my spirit that God is calling for a move of repentance in the Body of Christ; that He desires a cleansing of the heart of His House, from the things we have allowed to take precedence over the mandate and call on our lives, and the simplicity of service to our King. Repentance in humility has preceded every revival in history and will prepare us with the integrity, humility and character necessary to carry the weight of this next move of God. Doors are about to swing wide open for many who have been trained in obedience, persevered through the fire of training and count their lives as nothing in light of His Kingdom purposes.

David Slavin: Nonetheless the impurity from the deceased (and its laws), is no worse than [that of the External Forces outside Israel]. Rather. the grasp of the External Forces outside of Israel is dependent upon the corpses being left unburied overnight. For the night is the time for the powers of the External Forces and all other negative aspects [to flex themselves]. All they need is a vessel to enter, attach themselves and claim their stake. This extra contamination causes much evil to the deceased. It brings punishment [!] for the deceased, and in the heavens he is pestered about the presence of the extra contamination. Yet the mere defilement caused by death itself does not incur any punishment.

Ezekiel 39:21 “I will display my glory among the nations, and all the nations will see the punishment [!] I inflict and the hand I lay on them. 

Kris Vallotton (12 Sept 20): I’d like to remind you that He’s not looking for plastic perfect people; He’s looking for open-hearted, laid down lovers that worship Him in Spirit, with nothing hidden from Him.

David Slavin: From the following, the Zohar brings another proof that the External Forces don’t have any grasp in the Holy Land: [At night in the Holy Temple they didn’t offer any sacrifices, rather they would ignite [!] the remaining fats and innards of the sacrifices that were brought during the day.] The smoke of the burning remnants would ascend at an angle towards the North [!], where, which is the portal of the source of nourishment for the External Forces.

Faith Marie Baczko: We have been created to make known to principalities and powers the manifold wisdom of God!  God’s wisdom is represented in the Cross! The Cross is foolishness to the world, but it is the power of God to those who are saved, as it says in 1 Corinthians 1:18!  God is enlisting and assembling the mature into a cohesive power packed force, fused with the life force of the Trinity, and driven by the authority and determination of God.

Ezekiel 39:22 From that day forward the people of Israel will know that I am the Lord their God. 23 And the nations will know that the people of Israel went into exile for their sin, because they were unfaithful to me. So I hid my face from them and handed them over to their enemies, and they all fell by the sword. 24 I dealt with them according to their uncleanness and their offenses, and I hid my face from them.

Kris Vallotton (12 Sept 20): You may even be asking, “God, where are you?”

Prism Ministries (13 Sept 20): When God Seems Far Away[9]

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (14 Sept 20): “So many people today can’t handle being alone or in silence. We see that so many people came out of this and went a little crazy, even becoming destructive. For a person who believes in God, being alone is an opportunity since we are never really alone.”

David Slavin: Also, regarding the verse “His body you shall not leave hanging on the tree for you shall surely bury him on that day…and you shall not contaminate your land” (Deut. 21:23), the Zohar states:

Joe Joe Dawson (11 Sept 20): The Judas test. You walk with them, love them. Then tell sell you out for a little pocket change and a meaning less profit.

Prism Ministries (13 Sept 20): “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'” -Hebrews 13:5

Faith Marie Baczko: Paul lived the life of the Cross, he stated that he counted everything in this life as nothing in order to know Christ in His suffering and in the power of His resurrection His statement in Philippians 3:12-14 is one that we must now fully embrace as we press forward in the good fight of faith.

Prism Ministries (in “Stretched” 10 Sept 20): Today, avoid “selling out” [!] in your calling by putting Him first. We will experience so much peace and life by keeping Him at the center of our lives, fulfilling the purpose He gave us to do. [10]

Molly Baskette (13 Sept 20): Then Joseph said to his brothers, “Come closer to me.” And they came closer. He said, “I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold [!] into Egypt. And now do not be distressed, or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life.” – Genesis 45:4-5 (NRSV)

Brat: I sooooo relate!

Nate Johnston (in “Stretched” 10 Sept 20): “I have given them an anointing that will be like a clear clarion call [!] to the bride back to her first love and it will clear the air from all noise pollution and chasing vain desires and bring the hearts of my people back to me again.  Above all, my wild ones will offend the church out of her idolatry of her own brands and reputation and cause Her heart to return to me. My wild ones will usher in a move of repentance that will cause those who have veered off course to correct their path, the lukewarm to run to me, and those who have been chasing buildings and empires will forfeit them like crowns at my feet. They live for one thing and this is to point and lead people to me… to reveal me in the earth.”

Joe Joe Dawson (11 Sept 20): This new oil that will be poured out is not for the individuals that will receive it, it is for the body of Christ and the Kingdom of God! Those that are only thinking of themselves and those that have selfish ambition, this is not their season! This is an hour where God is releasing fresh anointing over those that have character, integrity, and humility. New oil and new wine will be poured out on people and ministries that have set their faces like flint to seek the Lord and pursue His presence with no ulterior motives.

David Slavin: These three are hinted at in the verse, “His body you shall not leave hanging on the tree for you shall surely bury [literally ‘bury bury’] him on that day, for a hanging corpse is a curse of G‑d and you shall not contaminate your Land…” (Deut. 21:23)

Kris Vallotton (12 Sept 20): Do you feel like you’re at your wit’s end, longing for something to change in your life?

Faith Marie Baczko: “…but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore, let us, as many as are mature, have this mind.”

Brat to Joe Joe Dawson (12 Sept 20): I know I’ve already shared “Stretched” in comment to these tests, but I’m still chewing on this.  I understand that we go through these three tests (and others) numerous times.  So have I. I’ve gone through three sets of three with the institutional Church, then with the company of prophets, and then with the rabbis.  And after each test I have always gotten more silence and chirping crickets.  Where did the buck finally stop with you where you actually got promoted beyond just the promise of it?  There has to be an Omega to complete the Alpha.  It has to come full circle and beyond; well beyond just Pete and Repeat (which is man-made.) We cannot promote ourselves.  And just leaving it in God’s hands to do it ALL holds no one accountable [!] and does not bring into account the gifts of the five-fold ministries.  Why would God set up the five-fold for us to work together if He expected to do it all Himself?  In another piece you talked about new oil for the remnant body which is not for the individuals that receive it, but for the Kingdom of God.

[SILENCE except for crickets chirping…]

David Slavin: The message that G‑d is conveying is that he who is buried can be buried a second time, for he can return in a second reincarnation if he is buried on that day. As above, the soul can’t be placed into a new body until the first one is buried. This is why the word “bury” is repeated in the verse.

Faith Marie Baczko: This is the Cross in action. The Cross is the only weapon that defeated these forces and it is the only weapon that will continue to do so! The Cross is the only weapon the enemy understands, and the Blood is the only thing that causes them to recoil in fear!

Molly Baskette (13 Sept 20): I told him how gravely [!] sorry I was that he had suffered. And he answered: “No – no – it all happened just like it was supposed to. It needed to happen for everything else to happen.”

David Slavin: The phrase “…for a hanging corpse is a curse of G‑d” conveys to us that a deceased who is not buried within 24 hours causes a weakening of the limbs of the chariot [i.e. the person] who was created in G‑d’s image. This is from the contamination. That is the curse of G‑d. The final part of the verse, “and you shall not contaminate your Land”, is best understood in its’ simple explanation.

Joe Joe Dawson (12 Sept 20 at 7:53 pm): People manipulate when the Holy Spirit is absent in a situation. Never let anyone manipulate you into doing something you don’t want to do!  God doesn’t manipulate!

Text from Sophia Valentina Buller (12 Sept 20 at 8:54 pm (an hour after that was posted)): Today was a good day.  Thank you for your prayers.  Right now I feel a shift out of nowhere; not sure what it is.

Brat to Joe Joe Dawson (13 Sept 20 at 8:46 am) Yesterday, I had asked, “Where did the buck finally stop with you where you actually got promoted beyond just the promise of it?”  I got more chirping crickets in the Silence.  Why did you not answer me?  Instead, you posted a poster on not letting anyone manipulate you into doing something you don’t want to do.

[More SILENCE except for crickets chirping after I posted that in the comment box …]

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (14 Sept 20): “The entire month of Elul is supposed to be for introspection on how to repair and prepare your soul. The idea is that there are some aspects of tshuva (repentance) that we can only accomplish by ourselves, in solitude. This imposed solitude might be a wake-up call from Hashem (God) to do even more introspection.”

Helen Calder (13 Sept 20): It wasn’t until after he had obeyed that initial command, and was on the journey, that the Lord appeared to Abram again and gave him further instructions.

Prism Ministries (13 Sept 20): How can we resolve this dilemma? Because of the sin of the world, we may feel far away from God, even if we’re not in direct rebellion. Desert times will come where we may feel abandoned. But it’s during these times when we learn to trust Him in spite of our feelings that we can reap the greatest reward. Still other times, we may venture off to places He never intended for us to go. We need to be humble enough to come back into His arms, and realize that it’s never too late to return to Him – much like the prodigal son who squandered his inheritance but returned home to his father who welcomed him with tears of joy and open arms. (Matthew 21:28-32)

Ezekiel 39:25 “Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will now restore the fortunes of Jacob and will have compassion on all the people of Israel, and I will be zealous for my holy name. 26 They will forget their shame and all the unfaithfulness they showed toward me when they lived in safety in their land with no one to make them afraid. 

Sylvia Neusch (in “Trumpets” 26 July 20): God is breathing fresh life and fire into His people to once again treasure His words to us. The “self made man or woman” has no place in the Kingdom of God. As His sons and daughters, we are markedly dependent on His words to us even more than bread that sustains us. Orphans have no inheritance in the word and orphans have no words communicated to them from a loving Father. God is not raising up orphans, but He is “bringing many sons to glory”. (from Heb. 2:10) 

Ezekiel 39:27 When I have brought them back from the nations and have gathered them from the countries of their enemies, I will be proved holy through them in the sight of many nations. 28 Then they will know that I am the Lord their God, for though I sent them into exile among the nations, I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind. 

Lillian Daniel (14 Sept 20): Renegotiating isn’t easy. But the heart of the gospel is this: everyone gets to grow and change. Discerning the will of God isn’t about doing whatever you want or making the other person do whatever you want. Discernment disrupts our best-laid plans.

Israel365 (13 Sept 20): The Gibeonites trick Yehoshua into believing they are not Canaanites. Therefore, Yehoshua makes a treaty with them. Even after learning the truth, the Children of Israel do not violate their word. However, the Gibeonites are required to serve them and Hashem’s altar. The Metzudat David, a classic commentary on the books of the Prophets and Writings written in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, explains that this means they are to support the soldiers of Israel during war and to labor in the Mishkan in Shilo, and later in the Beit Hamikdash in Yerushalayim. Their service in the Beit Hamikdash would be important, as it would become a focal point for both Jews and non-Jews in their service of the one God.

Lillian Daniel (14 Sept 20): “You want to sing songs from the 18th century? This family doesn’t have time for you to pursue your own amusement.”

Michael Van Vlymen (11 Sept 20): Staying in close relationship to the Lord keeps our focus correct.

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (14 Sept 20): When he goes in to make expiation in the Shrine, nobody else shall be in the Tent of Meeting until he comes out. When he has made expiation for himself and his household, and for the whole congregation of YisraelLeviticus 16:17

Ezekiel 39:29 I will no longer hide my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit on the people of Israel, declares the Sovereign Lord.”

Lillian Daniel (14 Sept 20): Prayer
When the next negotiating session begins, remind me “God is still speaking.” And not only to me. Amen.

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (14 Sept 20): “He was necessarily alone but he was, in his essence, connected to all of Israel,” Rabbi Ariel said. “There is a value to being alone, without distractions. For the Kohen Gadol, this was established by Torah mandate. Perhaps the lockdown on the holidays this year is like a mandate from heaven for each man to take upon himself a small measure of being like the Kohen Gadol.”


[1] Helen Calder (13 Sept 20):

[2] Sylvia Neusch (13 Sept 20):

[3] “Stretched” 10 Sept 20:

[4] CNN (09 Sept 20):

[5] Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz (14 Sept 20):

[6] Nate Johnston (11 Sept 20):

[7] Faith Marie Baczko:

[8] Michael Van Vlymen (11 Sept 20):

[9] Prism Ministries (13 Sept 20):

[10] Prism Ministries (11 Sept 20):